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Bradley Nelson

Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Bradley Nelson

My current research focuses on the aesthetic representation and exploration of the cultural and political upheaval that accompanied developments in the sciences in early modern Spain and Europe. Titled ‘Estranged Epistemologies: Science and Culture in the Baroque and neoBaroque,’ and funded by a 3-year Insight grant from SSHRC, this project seeks to stage a number of theoretical and discursive encounters between contemporary and Baroque manifestations of Science Fiction. The primary goal is to understand the ways in which science and technology structure our cognitive and artistic relationship with the worlds around us. Primary sources include baroque authors such as Cervantes, Calderón de la Barca, and Zayas as well as contemporary figures such as Neal Stephenson, William Gibson, and Philip K. Dick.

View my current CV here.


  • 2000  Ph.D. in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics, Minnesota
  • 1995  MA in Hispanic Literatures, Minnesota
  • 1987  BS in Secondary Education and Spanish, St. Cloud State University
  • 1985  BA in English (Spanish minor), St. Johns University, Collegeville, MN

Research activities

Research Areas

My current research interests include: visual cultures of the Baroque and Neo-Baroque; aesthetic engagements and mediations of scientific innovations and discoveries in both theory and technology in early and late modernity; sexual violence and sex crimes in Baroque Spain; social pedagogy as it relates to the production and mediation of hate speech in early and late modern musical and theatrical performances; and cognitive approaches to cultural expressions of empathy and or compassion in early and late modernity.

Selected publications

Recent Publications



The Persistence ofPresence: Emblem and Ritual in Baroque Spain.Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2010. Print.


Edited volumes


Science Fiction inCervantes. Cervantes:Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. 40.2 (2021).


Co-edited with David Castillo. Writingin the End Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Co-editedwith David Castillo. Hispanic IssuesOnline 43 (2019).


Co-edited with Julio Baena. APolemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age ofInflationary Media, by David Castillo andWilliam Egginton. Hispanic Issues Debates8, 2017.


Co-edited with David Castillo. Spectatorshipand Topophilia in Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. HispanicIssues. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2011. Print.




When a Robot Decides to Dieand other stories. By Francisco García-González.Translation and Introduction by Bradley J. Nelson. Nashville: VanderbiltUniversity Press, 2021.


RefereedBook Chapters and Journal Articles


(in press) “The Persistence of Melancholy in Don Quixote and (post)Modernity: What Love Has to Do with It.” Essays in Honor of John J. Allen. Ed.Moisés Castillo. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2021.


“Introduction: Amy Williamsen and ScienceFiction: A Call to (Empathic) Action.” Special Cluster on Science Fiction inCervantes. Ed. B. Nelson. Cervantes:Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 40.2 (2021): 15-33.


 “Algorithmic Bias and thePastoral: Sexual Misrecognition in Light of Natural Knowledge.” Cluster on Science Fiction in Cervantes. Ed. B. Nelson. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Societyof America 40.2 (2021): 73-93.


Engaging Students on the #MeToo Movement: Framing Contemporary CrimeShows with Tirso and Zayas.” Tunes, TV, and Tweets: Teaching Early Modern Spanish LiteratureThrough Popular Culture, eds. Mindy Badía and Bonnie Gasior.Juan de la Cuesta, 2021: 87-105.


Nelson, B. J., & Venkatesh,V. “Manifestepour une pédagogie sociale par l’inclusivité réflexive. In D. Morin, S. Aounand S. Al-Baba Douaihy (eds.), Le nouvel âge des extrêmes? Lesdémocraties occidentales, la radicalisation et l’extrémisme violent.Montréal, Canada: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2021. 483-504.


Co-authored with Vivek Venkatesh and Jason Wallin. “Necrophilic Empathy:An Urgent Reading of Miguel de Cervantes’s LaNumancia.” Writing in the End ofTimes: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed. David Castilloand Brad Nelson. Hispanic Issues Online 23 (2019): 97-124.


Co-authored with David Castillo. “The Poetics and Politics ofApocalyptic and Dystopian Discourses.” Writingin the End of Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed.David Castillo and Brad Nelson. HispanicIssues Online 23 (2019): 97-124.1-15.


Religion and Sex Crimesin Baroque Spain: The Avemaria asAlibi in His Wife’s Executioner, byMaría de Zayas.Théologiques,Special Number on Praising and Cursing God ThroughMusic, ed. Éric Bellavance and Vivek Venkatesh. 26.1 (2018): 61-82.


“Free Will and Indeterminacy in Cervantes: From Molina toHeisenberg…and Beyond!” Cervantes37.2 (2017): 115-42.


Co-authored with JulioBaena. “Introduction: Reading Medialogies Reading Reality: Just Deserts.” A Polemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age ofInflationary Media, by David Castillo and William Egginton. Hispanic Issues Debates 8 (2017): 1-21. 



Bradley J. Nelson

Curriculum Vitae




2015-2021       AssociateDean, Academic Programs and Development

                        Schoolof Graduate Studies

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2013-2016       AssociateDean, Student Affairs and Postdoctoral Studies

                        Schoolof Graduate Studies

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2013-               Professorof Spanish

Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec


2012-13           GraduateProgram Director, The Individualized Program

School ofGraduate Studies

ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2005-12           Chair,Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2005-13           AssociateProfessor of Spanish

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2000-05           AssistantProfessor of Spanish

ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


1999-2000       Lecturerof Spanish

University ofMinnesota


1993-99           TeachingAssistant

Department of Spanish and Portuguese                                                          Universityof Minnesota


1987-93           HighSchool Spanish Teacher

The Alexander Dawson School, Lafayette, CO (1990-1993)

                        Cambridge-Isanti Senior High School,Cambridge, MN (1987-1990)




2000       Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics

                        Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota


1995                MAin Hispanic Literatures

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota


1987                BSin Secondary Education and Spanish (magna cum laude)

                        St.Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota


1985                BAin English (Spanish minor)

                        St.Johns University, Collegeville, Minnesota




· Associate Dean of AcademicPrograms and Development, SGS, 2015-




1.    Advise, analyze, and review allnew graduate curriculum proposals and revisions

2.    Chair the Graduate CurriculumCommittee (comprised of associate deans from the Faculties, supervisors andgraduate students)

3.    Advise on internationalagreements, including the co-tutelleprogram

4.    Liaise with program directors,faculty associate deans, and the Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning

5.    Oversee GradProSkills, theIndividualized Graduate Program, and the Graduate Certificate in UniversityTeaching


· Associate Dean of StudentAffairs and Postdoctoral Studies, SGS, 2013-16




1.    Interpret, apply, and reviseall university regulations and procedures pertaining to graduate studies andpostdoctoral employees

2.    Interpret and apply the Code ofConduct

3.    Oversee a staff of eightdirectors, officers, advisors, coordinators, and assistants

4.    Liaise with GPDs, Facultyassociate deans, Enrolment Services, Legal Counsel, the Ombuds Office, and theGraduate Students’ Association

5.    Chair the selection committeesfor Graduate Valedictorians, Governor General’s Gold Medal recipients, and DissertationAwards

6.    Policies and procedurespertaining to Post-doctoral faculty and researchers


· Graduate Program Director forthe Individualized Programs, SGS, 2012-13




1.    Admissions and other studentaffairs-related issues for Masters and PhD students, graduate awards, and allgraduate curriculum revisions for the program

2.    Chair the INDI Graduate StudiesCommittee, which evaluates and ranks applications, and allocates fundingpackages


· Department Chair, Classics,Modern Languages and Linguistics, 2005-2012 (sabbatical 2008-09)




1.    All pedagogical, curricular,personnel, and administrative matters for a large and diverse array of programs(1 MA, 4 major and 7 minor and certificate programs). With 35 FTF and 40 PTF,the department chair presides over the Department Tenure Committee, the DepartmentPersonnel Committee, and Part-time Hiring Committees for three different areas:Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Classics.





ExternalFunding and Awards


2018-23          PrincipalInvestigator, Social Sciences andHumanities Research Council of Canada:Estranged Epistemologies: Science and Culture in the Baroque and(Neo)Baroque.” ($50,000)


2018-19          Co-investigator,Global Affairs,Canada. “Development, Implementation andEvaluation of Capacity-Building Initiatives from the SOMEONE (Social MediaEducation Every Day) Initiative to Counter Terrorism and Violent Extremism withLebanese Stakeholders in Education, Public Policy and Social Service.” ($1.2M)


2017-19          Co-investigator,Ministry of Public Safety and EmergencyPreparedness. “Implementing Social Pedagogical Practices vie the SOMEONE(Social Media Every day) multimedia portal: Knowledge Mobilization and Transferof Evidence-Based Research into Communities, Scholastic, Popular Media andPublic Settings to Improve Resilience to Hate Speech and Radicalization that Leadsto Violent Extremism.” ($367,000)


2015-18          Co-applicant, The Research Council of Norway.“Integrating Science of Oceans, Physics and Education”: collaboration betweenresearchers from Bergen University, UC Berkeley, and Concordia University oninnovative pedagogies in science. (3,900,000 kroner; $610,000 CDN)


2011-15           Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada:

                        “Signsof the Times: Baroque Science Fiction” ($46,000)


2010                Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada Aid to

                        PublicationGrant ($8000)


2003-07           Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada: “Emblematic Moments in Literary Contexts: RitualStrategies and Myth Making in Golden Age Spain” ($33,500)


2003-07           Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Societéet la Culture : « Thèâtre Moderne, Restes Rituels: Le Rôle desPratiques Rituels dans ‘LaComedia Nueva’ » ($34,000)


1998                Program for Cultural Cooperation BetweenSpain’s Ministry of Culture and UnitedStates’ Universities ($1,850)


1991                National Endowment for the Humanities fellowshipfor summer workshop                                     onCamilo José Cela, Brigham Young University ($3,000)


1989                Fellowshipfor summer graduate study, SociedadEstatal del                                                           Quintocentenarioin collaboration with La fundación Ortegay Gasset and                                             TheUniversity of Minnesota Global Campus ($1,500)


1987                MinnesotaCoordinating Board for Higher Education ($5,000)







The Persistence ofPresence: Emblem and Ritual in Baroque Spain.Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2010. Print.


Edited volumes


Science Fiction inCervantes. Cervantes:Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. 40.2 (2021).


Co-edited with David Castillo. Writingin the End Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Co-editedwith David Castillo. Hispanic IssuesOnline 43 (2019).


Co-edited with Julio Baena. APolemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age ofInflationary Media, by David Castillo andWilliam Egginton. Hispanic Issues Debates8, 2017.


Co-edited with David Castillo. Spectatorshipand Topophilia in Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. HispanicIssues. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2011. Print.




When a Robot Decides to Dieand other stories. By Francisco García-González.Translation and Introduction by Bradley J. Nelson. Nashville: VanderbiltUniversity Press, 2021.






RefereedBook Chapters and Journal Articles



(submitted) “Aesthetics and the Staging ofSexual Violence in Cervantes and Lope.” ComediaPerformance, special number on Race, Gender, and Class. Ed. Erin Cowling,Esther Fernández, and Glenda Nieto-Cubas.


(submitted) “Grin and Bare It: Cormac McCarthyand Calderón de la Barca on the Aesthetics of Imperialism.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies.


(forthcoming) Review of Cervantes:Displacements, Inflections and Transcendence by E. Michael Gerli. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Societyof America.


(forthcoming) “From Irony to Collective Action: A ProgressiveReading of Reality Literacy.” A PolemicalCompanion to What Would Cervantes Do? by David Castillo and WilliamEgginton. Ed. Brian Phillips and Stephen Hessel. Hispanic Issues On-line Debates.


(forthcoming) “Art and Free Will in Early and Late Modernity: CaseStudies of Extreme (self) Manipulation and Resistance.” On Extremity: Sounds, Images, Words & Experiences. Ed. NelsonVaras-Díaz, Niall Scott, and Bryan Bardine. Lexington Press.


(in press) “The Persistence of Melancholy in Don Quixote and (post)Modernity: What Love Has to Do with It.” Essays in Honor of John J. Allen. Ed.Moisés Castillo. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2021.


“Introduction: Amy Williamsen and ScienceFiction: A Call to (Empathic) Action.” Special Cluster on Science Fiction inCervantes. Ed. B. Nelson. Cervantes:Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 40.2 (2021): 15-33.


 “Algorithmic Bias and thePastoral: Sexual Misrecognition in Light of Natural Knowledge.” Cluster on Science Fiction in Cervantes. Ed. B. Nelson. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Societyof America 40.2 (2021): 73-93.


Engaging Students on the #MeToo Movement: Framing Contemporary CrimeShows with Tirso and Zayas.” Tunes, TV, and Tweets: Teaching Early Modern Spanish LiteratureThrough Popular Culture, eds. Mindy Badía and Bonnie Gasior.Juan de la Cuesta, 2021: 87-105.


Nelson, B. J., & Venkatesh,V. “Manifestepour une pédagogie sociale par l’inclusivité réflexive. In D. Morin, S. Aounand S. Al-Baba Douaihy (eds.), Le nouvel âge des extrêmes? Lesdémocraties occidentales, la radicalisation et l’extrémisme violent.Montréal, Canada: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2021. 483-504.


Co-authored with Vivek Venkatesh and Jason Wallin. “NecrophilicEmpathy: An Urgent Reading of Miguel de Cervantes’s La Numancia.” Writing in theEnd of Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed. DavidCastillo and Brad Nelson. Hispanic IssuesOnline 23 (2019): 97-124.


Co-authored with David Castillo. “The Poetics and Politics ofApocalyptic and Dystopian Discourses.” Writingin the End of Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed.David Castillo and Brad Nelson. HispanicIssues Online 23 (2019): 97-124.1-15.


Religion and SexCrimes in Baroque Spain: The Avemariaas Alibi in His Wife’s Executioner,by María de Zayas.” Théologiques,Special Number on Praising and Cursing God ThroughMusic, ed. Éric Bellavance and Vivek Venkatesh. 26.1 (2018): 61-82.


“Free Will and Indeterminacy in Cervantes: From Molina toHeisenberg…and Beyond!” Cervantes37.2 (2017): 115-42.


Co-authored with JulioBaena. “Introduction: Reading Medialogies Reading Reality: Just Deserts.” A Polemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age ofInflationary Media, by David Castillo and William Egginton. Hispanic Issues Debates 8 (2017): 1-21.


Calderón’s Aurora en Copacabana: A Scandalous Reading.” Religious and Secular Theater in Golden Age Spain: Essays inHonor of Donald T. Dietz. Ed. Susan Paun de García and Donald R. Larson.New York: Peter Lang, 2017. 217-30.


“Baroque Science Fiction: AProposal.” Revista Canadiense de EstudiosHispánicos. Special number Nuevasaproximaciones al canon hispánico de la temprana modernidad. Ed. RaquelTrilla and Ranka Minic-Vidovic. 41.1 (2016): 193-214.


Co-authored with VivekVenkatesh, Jason Wallin and Jeffrey Podoshen, et al. “Individual and communal factorsimpacting the spread and reception of online hate speech in the black metalscene: Theoretical and methodological implications.” In Metal Music and Community, ed. Nelson Varas and Niall WilliamRichard Scott. Lexington Press, 2016. 127-50.


“Poet or Pimp? Theatricality and Sex Crimes in Lope de Vega and Cervantes.” ¿Promete el autor segunda parte? Cuatrocientos años de una promesacervantina. Eds. Antonio Cortijo Ocaña and Francisco Layna Ranz. eHumanista Cervantes 4 (2015): 178-95.


“ThePerformance of Justice: Good-Natured Rule Breaking in Calderón’s El alcalde de Zalamea.” La razón de estado en las letras del Siglo de Oro. Ed. Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda. eHumanista 31 (2015):411-25.


 “Eventos ocasionales: La cienciamedia y la ficción en Los trabajos dePersiles y Sigismunda.” Comentarios aCervantes. Actasselectas del VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas. Ed.Emilio Martínez Mata and María Fernández Ferreiro. Asturias: Fundación MaríaCristina Masaveu Peterson, 2015. 1039-51.


“1581: Emblematics, Mathematics, and Melancholia.” Emblematica: AnInterdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies 21 (2014): 135-60.


Elmachismo y la identidad gay en Noche deRonda.” Identidad y Diáspora: El Teatro de Pedro R. Monge Rafuls. Ed. Elena M.Martínez and Francisco Soto. Valencia: Aduana Vieja, 2014. 285-302.[Abridged reprint and translation of “Pedro Monge-Rafuls and Mapping thePost?Modern Subject in Latino Theater.” Gestos:Teoría y Práctica del Teatro Hispánico 24 (1997): 135-48.]


“Knowledge, Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s La Gitanilla.” Romance Quarterly (special issue on Cervantes’s Novelas Ejemplares. Ed. Moisés R.Castillo) 61.2 (2014): 125-37.


“Zayas Unchained: A Perverse God or Theological Kitsch?” Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin AmericanCultures. Eds. Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini. HispanicIssues Online 15 (2014): 42-59.


“Perverse Currency.” (Re)Reading Graciánin a Self-Made World. Hispanic Issues On Line Debates 4 (Fall 2012): 3541.


“Afterword.” Poiesis andModernity in the Old and New Worlds. Eds. Anthony J. Cascardi and LeahMiddlebrook. Nashville: U of Vanderbilt P, 2012. 291-302.


Co-authored with David R. Castillo “Introduction: Modern Scenes /Modern Sceneries.” Spectacle andTopophilia: Reading Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. Eds. B.Nelson and D. Castillo. Nashville: U of Vanderbilt P, December, 2011. ix-xxx.


“Signs of the Times: Emblems of Baroque Science Fiction.” Spectatorship and Topophilia in Early Modernand Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. Eds. B. Nelson and D. Castillo. HispanicIssues. Nashville: U of Vanderbilt P, December, 2011. 65-90.


“The Aesthetics ofRape, and the Rape of Aesthetics.” Hispanic Literatures and the Question ofa Liberal Education. Ed. Luis Martín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini.Hispanic Issues Online 8 (Fall 2011): 62–80.


 “The Gift of Art and OtherTrojan Horses of Modernity: Calderón’s Laaurora en Copacabana.” La violencia en el mundo hispánico en elSiglo de Oro. Eds. JuanManuel Escudero and Victoriano Roncero. Biblioteca Filológico Hispana 117.Madrid: Visor, 2010. 151-63.


“Philology and the Emblem.”Recovering Philology. Philology and ItsHistories. Ed. Sean Gurd. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press,2010. 107-26.


Co-authored with Nadia Altschul “Philology and Transatlantic Disconnections.”Estudios hispánicos: Perspectivasinternacionales. Eds. LuisMartín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini. Hispanic Issues On-Line 2 (2007): 55-64.


“Sor Juana’s Neptuno alegórico:An Inquiry into Baroque Strategies of Hegemonic Redemption and Dissolution.” Crosscurrents: Transatlantic Approaches toEarly Modern Spanish and Spanish-American Theater. Ed. Mindy Badía andBonnie Gasior. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2006. 104-23.


“Tasteful Machinery: Baltasar Gracián and the Organized Body ofTaste.” Reason and Its Others in EarlyModern Times (Spain/Italy 1500s-1700s). Ed. David R. Castillo and MassimoLollini. Hispanic Issues. Nashville:Vanderbilt UP, 2006. 79-100.


“Capes and Swords: Teaching the Theatricality of Golden Age poetry.”Caliope (special issue on teaching poetry,in honor of Elias Rivers. Ed. Edward Friedman) 11.2 (2005): 111-24.


“From Hieroglyphic Presence to Emblematic Sign: the RitualMotivation of Bias in the Auto Sacramental.” Hispanic Baroques: Reading Cultures in Context. Ed. NicholasSpadaccini and Luis Martín-Estudillo. HispanicIssues 31. Nashville: Vanderbilt U P: 2005. 107-36.


“Icons of Honor: Cervantes, Lope, and the Staging of Blind Faith.”“Special Number on Cervantes’s Theater and Theatricality in Cervantes.” Bulletin of the Comediantes 56.2 (2004):413-442.


Lostrabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: Una crítica cervantina de la alegoresisemblemática.” Cervantes 24.2 (2004): 43-69.


“The Marriage of Art and Honor: Anamorphosis and Control inCalderón’s La dama duende.” Bulletin of the Comediantes 54.2 (2002):407-42.


“Emblematic Representation and Guided Culture in Baroque Spain: Juande Horozco y Covarrubias.”  Culture and the State in Spain: 1550-1850.Ed. Tom Lewis and Francisco Sánchez. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 1999. 157-95.


El Alcalde de Zalamea:Pedro Crespo’s Marvelous Game of Emblematic Wit.”  Bulletinof the Comediantes 50, No. 1 (1998): 35-57.


“Dialogism and the Sonnet: Silence, Reading and the Ethics ofKnowledge in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” Romance Languages Annual X(1998): 744-50.


Co-authored with Moisés Castillo “The Political-theological Programof Antonio Vieira in the Context of Baroque Guided Culture.” Romance Languages Annual IX (1998):429-37.


“Pedro Monge-Rafuls and Mapping the Post?modern Subject in LatinoTheater.” GESTOS: Teoría y Práctica del Teatro Hispánico  24(1997): 135-48.


“Gongora's Soledades: Portrait of the Subject.” Romance Languages Annual VIII(1996): 608-14.


“Juridical Deterritorialization and Institutional Power Struggles inthe Discovery of America.” Romance Languages Annual VII (1995): 566-72.


Publications in Acts or Conference proceedings


LaAurora en Iwo Jima: Calderón, Eastwood y los límites del imperialismoespectacular.” Córdoba: Cauce decivilizaciones: Las Actas del XXVIII Asamblea General de ALDEEU, celebrado enCórdoba en julio de 2008. Ed. Juan Fernández Jiménez and Guadalupe R.Alvear Madrid. Erie, PA: ALDEEU, 2011. 149-58.


“El Neptunoalegórico de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: una investigación de lasestrategias barrocas de redención y disolución hegemónicas.” Las Actas de la XXIII Asamblea General deALDEEU, celebrada en Jaén en julio de 2003. Ed. Juan Fernández Jiménez,Jesús López-Peláez Casellas y Encarnación Medina Arjona. Jaén, Spain:Universidad de Jaén, 2006. 193-200.


“El consumo de ficciones deliciosas: Unacrítica del mercado cultural en María de Zayas.” Congreso abierto: Publicación en la red de las actas del 42 Congreso dela ACH, 2006.


“La emblemática como marco teórico-críticoen los estudios trans-atlánticos.” Congresoabierto: Publicación en la red de las actas del 40 Congreso de la ACH, 2004.


Book reviews


Marr, Alexander, Raphaël Garrod, José Ramón Marcaida, and Richard J.Oosterhoff. Logodaedalus: Word Histories of Ingenuity in EarlyModern Europe. Pittsburgh: UPittsburgh P, 2019. Caliope: Journalof the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. 25.2 (2020):256-60.


García González, Francisco. Asesino en serio. La Santa Crítica, July 25, 2019.


García Santo-Tomás, Enrique. La musa refractada. Literatura y óptica enla España del Barroco. Madrid; Frankfurt: Iberoamericana; Vervuert, 2015. MLN 131.2 (2016): 553-55.


Simerka, Barbara. Knowing Subjects: Cognitive Cultural Studies and Early Modern SpanishLiterature. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2013. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 92.8 (2015): 843-45.


Mayers, Kathryn M. Visions of Empire in Colonial Spanish American Ekphrastic Writing.Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2012. Caliope:Journal for the Society of Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 19.1(2014): 226-28.


Beusterien, John. Canines in Cervantes and Velázquez: An Animal Studies Reading of EarlyModern Spain. London: Ashgate, 2013. Bulletinof Hispanic Studies 91.6 (2014): 680-81.


Schmidt, Rachel. Forms of Modernity: Don Quixoteand Modern Theories of the Novel. Toronto: U Toronto P, 2011. La revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos37.2 (2013): 413-16.


Vivar, Francisco. La Numancia de Cervantes y lamemoria de un mito. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2004.Bulletin of the Comediantes 60.1(2008): 153-54.


Cañadas, Ivan. Public Theaterin Golden Age Madrid and Tudor-Stuart London. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate, 2005.Journal of British Studies, IncorporatingAlbion 46 (January 2007): 169-70.


Garcés, María Antonia. Cervantesin Algiers: A Captive’s Tale. ComparativeLiterature Studies 43.4 (2006): 544-48.


Egginton, William. How theWorld Became a Stage. MLN: Modern Language Notes 118.5 (2003): 1327-29.


Jara, René. Los pliegues del silencio. Narrativa en el fin del milenio. Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana48(1998): 251-53.


Policy publications


“We Need an Outcomes-Based Approach toDoctoral Education.” University AffairsFebruary 16, 2021.


Conference presentations



July, 2021 “Aesthetics and the Staging ofSexual Violence in Cervantes and Lope.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater Annual Conference.


April, 2021 “The Persistence of Melancholyin Don Quixote: What Love Has to Dowith It.” Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference (remotely on Zoom).


April, 2021 “An Outcomes-Based Approach toPhD Programs.” Annual Meeting of the NortheasternAssociation of Graduate Schools (remotely on Zoom).


January, 2021 “The Persistence ofMelancholy in Don Quixote: Now What?”Modern Language Association (remotelyon Zoom).


October, 2020 “Francisco García Gonzálezand the Myth of the Endless Revolution.” VIInternational Conference on Myth Criticism: Myth and Science Fiction,Madrid (held remotely on Zoom).


February, 2020  Engaging Studentson the #MeToo Movement: Framing Contemporary Crime Shows with Tirso and Zayas.” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.


(By invitation)February, 2020 “Cervantesand Science: Where Fiction and Middle Science Joust in Early Modernity.” Symposium in honor of John Jay Allen.University of Kentucky.


October, 2019 “Sor Juana’sPrimero Sueño as a Critique of Scholastic Utopianism; or Early         Modern Science Fiction and Its Limits.”Society for Renaissance and BaroquePoetry.            Irvine, CA.


February, 2019 Religion and Sex Crimes in Baroque Spain: The Avemaria as Alibi in His Wife’s Executioner, by María deZayas.” Arizona Center for Medieval and RenaissanceStudies.


(By invitation) January, 2019 “Doing‘Relevance’: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives.” Modern Language Association, Chicago, IL.


September, 2018 “Neoliberalism and Social Necrophilia: A RecentAdaptation of Cervantes’s La Numancia.” 2018 North American Cervantes Society of AmericaConference, Calgary, Alberta.


July, 2018 “Supporting InternationalStudent Enrollment.” Council of GraduateSchools, Chicago, IL.


April, 2018 “Breaking Silos: Knowledge Mobilization andPublic Engagement in a World of Alternative Facts, Climate Change Skeptics, andMedia Information Bubbles.” Northeastern Association of Graduate School,Montreal.


(By invitation) February, 2108 “CognitiveApproaches to Cultural Studies: Problems in Empathy.” Concordia Centre forCognitive Science.


February, 2018 “Emblem Books and Medialogies: ScientificObfuscation in the First Age of Inflationary Media.” The 24th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Scottsdale, AZ.


November, 2017 With VivekVenkatesh, “Necrophilic Empathy in Cervantes’ La Numancia.”ApocalypticImagination in Early Modern Spain, ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal.


October, 2017 “Poetry and Necrophilia:Reading Cervantes’s La Numanciathrough Anachronism.” Society forRenaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Sevilla, Spain.


(by invitation) October, 2017 “EmblemBooks and Medialogies: Scientific Obfuscation in the First Age of InflationaryMedia.” Transforming Books, McGillUniversity.


June, 2017 With Amy Williamsen “Entreficción y ciencia: Hacia una lectura cuántica del Persiles.” Cervantes en elSeptentrión: Tromso, Norway.


(By invitation) April, 2017 “MasterPrograms: Two Architectural Models.” NortheasternAssociation of Graduate Schools, New York, NY.


(By invitation) March, 2017 “Trends in InterdisciplinaryGraduate Education.” Graduate Student Symposium, Department of Education,Concordia University.


(By invitation) February, 2017 “TheTheology of/and Sex Crimes in María de Zayas.” California State University,Long Beach, Long Beach, CA.


(By invitation) November, 2016 “ACervantine Approach to Science Fiction.” Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities at Vanderbilt University,Nashville, TN.


(By invitation) November, 2016 “BaroqueScience Fiction: A Cervantine Proposal.” York University, Toronto, ON.


October, 2016 “The Theology of SexualViolence in María de Zayas.” Gemela(Estudios sobre la mujer en España y Latinoamérica), San Juan, Puerto Rico.


(By invitation) January, 2016 “Grimposium,West Side Gory: Panel discussion on sexual violence and misogyny in the BlackMetal Music Scene featuring musicians, journalists, and academics,” aQuariusrecOrds, San Francisco, CA.


(By invitation) January, 2016 “Grimposium,West Side Gory: Improvisational Reading on Sexual Violence and Misogyny,”aQuarius recOrds, San Francisco, CA.


October, 2015 “Poet or Pimp? Theatricalityand Sex Crimes in Lope de Vega and Cervantes.” “Quixotic Disciplines,” a seminarorganized by Jesús Velasco, at Columbia University, New York, New York.


October, 2015 “Best Practices in IndustryPartnerships.” Canadian Association ofPostdoctoral Administrators, University of Calgary.


September, 2015 In collaboration withVivek Venkatesh: “Spectacles of hate speech: Anexemplary approach to transgressions in black metal.” From My Cold Dead Hand: Cervantes and the Public Humanities in theTwenty-first Century, a Pointed Conversation, Concordia University,Montreal.


July, 2015 “The Theatrical Representationof Sex Crimes in Lope de Vega and Cervantes.” ALDEEU, Segovia, Spain.


(Invited Keynote Address) March 2015“Quantum Solace: Apocalyptic Accommodations in Early and Late Modernity.”Graduate Student Symposium at SUNY Buffalo, Department of Romance Languages.


March 2015 “The Performance of Justice inCalderón’s El alcalde de Zalamea.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater,El Paso, TX.


April, 2014 “Knowledge,Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s LaGitanilla.The Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington, KY.


April, 2014 “1581: Mathematics, Emblematics, and Melancholia.The Renaissance Society ofAmerica, New York, NY.


April 2013 “Theatrical Emblems and theEmbodiment of Time: The Case of Occasion.”The Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference,Lexington, KY.


April 2013 “A Quantum Approach to Don Quijote.” The Renaissance Society of America, San Diego, CA.


November 2012 “1581: Mathematics,Emblematics, and Melancholia.” EarlyModern Projects Research Group. Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) June 2012 “La ciencia y elsueño en Calderón.” Ometeca: XII Sesiónde trabajo sobre las relaciones entre las humanidades y las ciencias en elmundo hispánico, Madrid, Spain.


June, 2012 “La ciencia y la ficción: Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda.” VIII Congreso Internacion de la Asociaciónde Cervantistas, Oviedo, Spain.


April, 2012 “Cervantes, Gracián, and theEmbodied Subject.” Kentucky ForeignLanguage Conference, Lexington, KY.


March, 2012 “Free Will and Theatricality:Calderón’s La vida es sueño.” Association of HispanicClassical Theater, El Paso, TX.


March, 2011 “Dressing for the Occasion:Cervantes and the Virgin Mary.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


May, 2010 “Signs of the Times: Emblems ofBaroque Science Fiction.” AsociaciónCanadiense de Hispanistas, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.


April, 2010 “The Writer Who Played with Fire: A Millenial Approachto María de Zayas.” Northeast ModernLanguage Association, Montreal, QC.


March, 2009 “Suzerains of the Earth: The Dramatization of ColonialEncounters.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


July, 2008 “El don del arte y otrosregalos griegos de la modernidad.” ALDEEU, Córdoba, Spain.


June, 2008 “The Gift of Art and other Trojan Horses of Modernity: Laaurora en Copacabana.” Violence in GoldenAge Theatre, sponsored by the HispanicBaroque Project, Stratford, ON.


(by invitation) March, 2008  Materialismo cultural y la inscripción de laautoría en María de Zayas.” Centro deRecursos del Español, Université de Montreal. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) February, 2008 “SpectatorSpots in Marginal Spaces: The Replication of Identity in Calderón’s La Aurora en Copacabana.” McGill University. Montreal, QC.


March, 2007 “Philological Performances: Pedro Crespo as LiterarySubject.” Association of HispanicClassical Theater, El Paso, TX.


November, 2006  “From Presence to Transcendence: Golden Age Philology and the Resistanceto Theory.” Recovering Philology. Philology and Its Histories, an international symposium sponsored by SSHRC andConcordia University. Montreal, QC.


May, 2006 “El consumo de ficcionesdeliciosas: Una crítica del mercado cultural en María de Zayas.” XLII Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense deHispanistas. York University, Toronto.


November, 2005 “Las semillas del colonialismo: una figuraevangélica, desde Cortés a Lope de Vega.” SpanishProgram Lecture Series, 2005-06. Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


July, 2005 “La otredad de la violenciaestatal en Lope de Vega y Miguel de Cervantes.” XXIII Asamblea Generalde ALDEEU, celebrada en Burgos, July 2005. Burgos, Spain.


May, 2005 Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: Ocasión y fortuna en la frontera.XLI Congreso Asociación Canadiense deHispanistas.London, Ontario.


May, 2005 “Cervantes in theBoondocks: The Morisco as Witness for thePersecution.” Dis/locac/tión: WRITING EXILE/MIGRANCY /NOMADISM/BORDERCROSSING. Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) April, 2005  “TheEnd of an American Story: Lope de Vega’s Emblems of indios.” North East ModernLanguage Association, Boston-Cambridge, MA.


March, 2005 “Percepción y cegueraimperiales: visiones teatrales y novelescas de Lope de Vega y Miguel deCervantes.” Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


March, 2005 “Blindness and Imperial Insight in Lope and Cervantes.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


May, 2004 “La emblemática como marcoteórico-crítico en los estudios trans-atlánticos.” Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


October, 2003 “Icons of Honor: CompetingTheories of Icons and Images in Cervantes’s Elretablo de la maravillas.” Mid-America Conference of Hispanic Literatures. Boulder, CO.


October, 2003 “A Dog’s Eye View of Human Desire or, Baroque Love’s aBitch: Miguel de Cervantes meets Alejandro González Iñárritu.” CMLL Interdisciplinary Film Conference,Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) September,2003 “The Ritual Motivation of Bias: Emblems and the Other in the Auto Sacramental.” Freedom and Containment: Symposium on Baroque Literature and Culture.University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.


July, 2003 “‘El Neptuno alegórico’ de SorJuana Inés de la Cruz: La alegoresis emblemática versus le performance de la interpretación historiográfica.” ALDEEU. Universidad de Jaén, Spain.


May, 2003 “Teatralidad y alegoría en el Neptuno Alegórico de Sor Juana Inés dela Cruz.” XXXIX Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas.Halifax, Nova Scotia.


(by invitation) March, 2003 “Sor Juana’s Neptuno alegórico: An Inquiry into Baroque Strategies of HegemonicRedemption and Dissolution.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


September, 2002 “Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: Una crítica cervantina de laalegoresis emblemática.” VI Congreso Internacional de Emblemática.The Society for Emblem Studies, La Coruña, Spain.


March, 2002 “The AutoSacramental and the Fabrication of Hypostasis: Calderón’s El gran mercado del mundo in Light ofEmblematic Aesthetics.” Association ofHispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


April, 2001 “Juan de Borja’s Empresasmorales: Meditative Confusion, Emblematics, and Ideology.” University of Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference. Lexington, KY.


March, 2001 “The Marriage of Art and Honor: Anamorphosis and Controlin Calderón’s La dama duende.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater,El Paso, TX.


April, 2000 “Cervantes’s Materialist Aesthetics: Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda.” University of Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference. Lexington, KY.


April, 1999 “El arte nuevo de hacer emblemas: The Repositioning ofItalian Hieroglyphic and Emblematic Discourse in Counter Reformation Spain.” American Association for Italian StudiesConference Symposium. University of Oregon. Eugene, OR.


November, 1998 “The New Art of Making Emblems: The Creation ofVirtual Communities, Past and Present.” GraduateDoctoral Dissertation Fellows Symposium Series. University of Minnesota.Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1998 “Dialogism and the Sonnet: Silence and the Ethics ofKnowledge in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” PurdueConference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.West Lafayette, IN.


(by invitation) April, 1997  “RoundTable Discussion.” The State of the U. S.Latino Theater: Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Puerto Rican, and OtherHispanic Voices of the Diaspora. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1997 (with Moisés Castillo) “The Theological-politicalProgram of Antonio Vieira in the Context of Baroque Guided Culture.” Purdue Conference on Romance Languages,Literatures and Film. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN.


February, 1997 (with Moisés Castillo) “The Oblique Gaze in Don Quixote: an Example of the Burla inPastoral Love.” LA CHISPA. TulaneUniversity. New Orleans, LA.


November, 1996 (with Moisés Castillo) “The Oblique Gaze in Don Quixote: A Study of the ‘burla’ inMaritornesque and Pastoral Love.”1996MMLA Conference Symposium. Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1996 “Gongora’s Soledades:Portrait of the Subject.” PurdueConference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.West Lafayette, IN.


January, 1996 “Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Towards an Understandingof the Subject of Representation in the Baroque.” Works in Progress Lecture Series. Department of Spanish andPortuguese, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1995 “Juridical Deterritorialization and InstitutionalPower Struggles in the Discovery of America.” Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. PurdueUniversity. West Lafayette, IN.


October, 1995 “El Imbunche: Sewing-up the Holes in Time in JoséDonoso’s El obsceno pájaro de la noche.The Anthropology of Change. AnInterdisciplinary Conference. Stanford University. Stanford, CA.





2018                “Learningto Hate: Pluralism in an Era of Echo Chambers.” Concordia University’s InterdisciplinarySummer Institute. Week-long graduate seminar for graduate students. Co-curatedwith Vivek Venkatesh.



2017                “ApocalypticImagination in Early Modern Spain.” Shifra Armon, Fulbright Canada ResearchChair, Jennifer Faucher, PhD student at Concordia, Brad Nelson and VivekVenkatesh, Concordia University.


2015                “From MyCold Dead Hand: Cervantes and the Public Humanities in the Twenty-First Century,”a one-day symposium with Julio Baena (U Colorado), David R. Castillo (SUNYBuffalo), Moisés Castillo (U Kentucky), William Egginton (Johns Hopkins U), andVivek Venkatesh (Concordia U). Concordia University, September, 2015.


2015                Dr. Amy Williamsen, University of North Carolina, Greensborough,“Critical                    Complications:Engendering Empathy in Cervantes.” Concordia University, 2015.


2015                Dr. Edward Friedman, VanderbiltUniversity, “Forever Young? Don Quixote at                             400 Years.”Concordia University, 2014.


2014                Dr. LauraVidler, US Military Academy, “ThePoetics of Performance Reconstruction: Reviving and Revising the Comedia.”Concordia University, 2014.


2014                Dr. BruceBurningham, Illinois State University, “Performance Cognition and the OralTradition.” Concordia University, 2014.


2013                Dr.Maria Fionda, University of Mississippi, “Executive Function and Second

LanguageProcessing of Morphosyntax.” Concordia University, 2013.


2011                Dr.William Childers, Brooklyn College at the CUNY Graduate Center, “The

                        Moriscosand ‘Race’—Exploring the Roots of Modern Racism in Sixteenth-

                        CenturySpain.” Concordia University, 2012.


2004                Dr. CarmenMoreno-Nuño, Wesleyan University, “The Spanish War: Traces of Trauma.” ConcordiaUniversity, 2003.


2004                Dr. MoisésR. Castillo, Trinity College, “Indios en escena: La representación del amerindio en el teatro delSiglo de Oro.” Concordia University, 2003.


2001                David R.Castillo, SUNY Buffalo, “Jews, Bastards, Usual Suspects, Social Symptoms:Cervantes’ Retablo and Zizek’s Theoryof Ideology.” Concordia University, 2002.



Graduate Supervision


2018                MAThesis Committee, Lisa Vanden Berghe, Concordia U (History). The Needles Excellency: John Taylor inPerspective.

2016-              PhD Thesis Supervisor, Jennifer Faucher, Concordia U.“The Picaresque and Promoting Being.”

2016                PhDThesis Committee, Abelardo León, Concordia U. “Social Change and SexualDiversity in Times of Emerging Neoliberalism in Chile.”

2015                MA ThesisSupervisor, James Buchanan, Concordia U. “La representación del moro en Las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X,El Sabio: un precursor a la “maurofilia” de Historia del Abencerraje y lahermosa Jarifa.”


2013                PhD ThesisCommittee, Philomène Longpré, Concordia U “Matrix of Sensations: A MultisensoryApproach to Responsive Video Membranes.”


2010                MA Thesis External Examiner, Martine Gagnon,Concordia U. “Golden Age Spain Wearing English Clothes:James Mabbe, Renaissance Translator of Spanish Prose Literature.”


2009                PhD External Examiner, Susana Artal, Laval University.“Francisco de Quevedo y François Rabelais : Imágenesdeshumanizantes y representación literaria del cuerpo.”


Honours Supervision


2010/2 La representación del otro en Las Cantigasde Alfonso X, James Buchanan


2007/4 Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda,Raquel Dulevich


2007/4 Sor Juana’s Los empeños de una casa,Yazmet Madariaga


2007/4 El carnaval en Cervantes, GiovannaGarcía


2007/4 Lazarillo de Tormes, Marilou Bolduc


2006/2 La pícara Justina, Jennifer Faucher


2006/2 El Inca Garcilaso, Pablo Salinas


2002/2 FromDesengaño to Romanticism: A Study of Don Juan, Sharon Richards


2002/2 Cervantesand the Subject of Desire, Maria Fionda


2002/4 Dialogism, Language andIdeologies of National Identity, Spain 1492-1945, Giuliano Muñoz




Concordia University (2000-present)


2017-18           SPAN310                   Conquest and Empire: Spanish Literature fromthe 12th to                                                              the17th Centuries


2016-17           SPAN411                   Freedom and Containment in Spanish Golden Age Prose


2014-15           SPAN498-                 Don Quijote

ENGL 398                  Don Quixote


2013-14           SPAN406/643            Cognitive Approaches to Spanish Medieval Lit.


2012-13           SPAN412                   Spanish Golden Age Poetry and Theater


2011-12           SPAN411                   Freedom and Containment in Golden Age Prose

                        SPAN642                   Topics in Critical Thinking and Theory: Baroque Science                                                                Fiction


2010-11           SPAN601                   Research Methods and Discourse Analysis

                        SPAN 498-

                        ENGL398                  Don Quijote


2009-10           SPAN310/2                Survey of Spanish Literature I

                        SPAN 406/2                From Orality to Literacy in Medieval Iberia


2007-08           SPAN310/2 A            Survey of Spanish Literature I

                        SPAN411/4 AA         Golden Age Prose


2006-2007       SPAN303/2 AA         Intro. to Critical Reading                  

                        SPAN498/4 –

                        ENGL398/4 AA        Imperial Fictions: Don Quijote


2005-2006       SPAN472/2 AA         Colonial Writing

                        SPAN 406/4 AA         Medieval Literature


2004-2005       SPAN303/2/AA Critical Reading                  

                        SPAN320/2/A             Survey of Hisp-American Lit 1          

                        SPAN412/4/AA         GoldenAge Poetry and Theater        

                        SPAN303/4/A   Critical Reading                  


2003-2004       SPAN310/2/AA         Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN498N/4/AA      TransatlanticTheater                        

                        SPAN411/4/AA         GoldenAge Prose                              

                        *Courseremission due to FQRSC award


2002-2003       SPAN310/2/AA         Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN310/2/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN498                   Pedagogical Approaches                   

                        SPAN461/4/AA         Historyof Spanish Language            

                        SPAN406/4/AA         MedievalLiterature                           


2001-2002       SPAN310/2/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature I                                                                       SPAN365/2/A            Intro. SpanishCulture and Civ.       

                        SPAN412/4/AA         GoldenAge Poetry and Theater        

                        SPAN461/4/A            Historyof Spanish Language            


2000-2001       SPAN310/2/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN411/2/AA         GoldenAge Prose                              

                        SPAN311/4/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature II         

                        SPAN461/4/A            Historyof Spanish Language





ExternalAcademic Service


· Executive Committee(affiliate), Council of Graduate Schools(2018-19)


· President, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (2017-18)


· Executive Committee, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools(2013-)


· Evaluator of manuscripts forUniversity of North Carolina Press (2016-)


· Evaluator of manuscripts forUniversity of Toronto Press (2014-)


· Member/Evaluator on thePublications Committee for SSHRC’s Awardsto Scholarly Publications Program, as an expert in Hispanic Studies (2013-)


The primaryresponsibility of this committee is to assess publication grants for theawarding of ASPP funds. On occasion, members also suggest appropriate externalreviewers for submitted manuscripts and recommend scholars as potential membersof the Publications Committee.


· Member of the editorial boardfor Hispanic Issues (2005- ) and The Bulletin of the Comediantes (2009- ).


· External reviewer for promotionto full professor: United States Military Academy.


· External reviewer for promotionto tenure: Kansas State University; Portland State University; University ofMelbourne; Syracuse University


· Responsable de domain for 80thCongress of ACFAS, 2012.


·  Submissions evaluator for Cervantes,Renaissance Quarterly, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos,Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Modern Philology, Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies, Publicationsfor the Modern Language Association, Revistade Estudios Hispánicos, Théologiques,Journal of Cultural Economy, and RethinkingMarxism.


· Research Grant Assessor for SSHRC, 2004-.


· Assistant Editor, Bulletin of the Comediantes, 2002-09.


· Assistant Editor, Hispanic Issues, 1998-2002.


OtherInternal Service Activities


· University Academic PlanningCommittee, 2010-12


· University Senate, 2010-12


· Faculty of Arts and ScienceSteering Committee for Faculty Council, 2007-12.


· Department Representative onFaculty of Arts and Science Faculty Council, 2005-12.


· Advisory Search Committee forthe Principal of the School of CanadianIrish Studies, 2009.


· Member of the Advisory Boardfor Concordia Centre for the InterdisciplinaryStudy of Society and Culture (CISSC), 2007-09.


· Adhoc Committee on the Futureof the Department of Education, 2007.


· Advisory Search Committee forthe Director of the Concordia Centre for theInterdisciplinary Study of Society and Culture, 2006-07.


· Facilitating Alliances, Partnerships and Internationalization: Strategic Planning Committee, 2006-07.


· CMLL Department CurriculumCommittee (Chair), 2004-05.


· CMLL Academic PlanningCommittee, 2003-04.


· CMLL Self Appraisal Committee,2002-03.


· Implementation Committee forthe Concordia Centre for the Humanities,2002-03 (CISSC).


· Department Hiring Committee forSpanish, 2000-03.


· Curriculum Committee forSpanish Section, 2000-05.


· Graduate Student Representativeto Candidate Search Committee, 1994-96, U Minnesota.


· Representative to the Councilof Graduate Students, 1996-97, U Minnesota.


· Graduate Student Representativeto the Faculty, 1994-95.




· Volunteer Coach for Notre Damede Grace Minor Hockey Association, 2005-16.


Bradley J. Nelson

Curriculum Vitae




2015-2021       AssociateDean, Academic Programs and Development

                        Schoolof Graduate Studies

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2013-2016       AssociateDean, Student Affairs and Postdoctoral Studies

                        Schoolof Graduate Studies

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2013-               Professorof Spanish

Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec


2012-13           GraduateProgram Director, The Individualized Program

School ofGraduate Studies

ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2005-12           Chair,Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2005-13           AssociateProfessor of Spanish

                        ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


2000-05           AssistantProfessor of Spanish

ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal, Quebec


1999-2000       Lecturerof Spanish

University ofMinnesota


1993-99           TeachingAssistant

Department of Spanish and Portuguese                                                          Universityof Minnesota


1987-93           HighSchool Spanish Teacher

The Alexander Dawson School, Lafayette, CO (1990-1993)

                        Cambridge-Isanti Senior High School,Cambridge, MN (1987-1990)




2000       Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics

                        Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota


1995                MAin Hispanic Literatures

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota


1987                BSin Secondary Education and Spanish (magna cum laude)

                        St.Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota


1985                BAin English (Spanish minor)

                        St.Johns University, Collegeville, Minnesota




· Associate Dean of AcademicPrograms and Development, SGS, 2015-




1.    Advise, analyze, and review allnew graduate curriculum proposals and revisions

2.    Chair the Graduate CurriculumCommittee (comprised of associate deans from the Faculties, supervisors andgraduate students)

3.    Advise on internationalagreements, including the co-tutelleprogram

4.    Liaise with program directors,faculty associate deans, and the Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning

5.    Oversee GradProSkills, theIndividualized Graduate Program, and the Graduate Certificate in UniversityTeaching


· Associate Dean of StudentAffairs and Postdoctoral Studies, SGS, 2013-16




1.    Interpret, apply, and reviseall university regulations and procedures pertaining to graduate studies andpostdoctoral employees

2.    Interpret and apply the Code ofConduct

3.    Oversee a staff of eightdirectors, officers, advisors, coordinators, and assistants

4.    Liaise with GPDs, Facultyassociate deans, Enrolment Services, Legal Counsel, the Ombuds Office, and theGraduate Students’ Association

5.    Chair the selection committeesfor Graduate Valedictorians, Governor General’s Gold Medal recipients, and DissertationAwards

6.    Policies and procedurespertaining to Post-doctoral faculty and researchers


· Graduate Program Director forthe Individualized Programs, SGS, 2012-13




1.    Admissions and other studentaffairs-related issues for Masters and PhD students, graduate awards, and allgraduate curriculum revisions for the program

2.    Chair the INDI Graduate StudiesCommittee, which evaluates and ranks applications, and allocates fundingpackages


· Department Chair, Classics,Modern Languages and Linguistics, 2005-2012 (sabbatical 2008-09)




1.    All pedagogical, curricular,personnel, and administrative matters for a large and diverse array of programs(1 MA, 4 major and 7 minor and certificate programs). With 35 FTF and 40 PTF,the department chair presides over the Department Tenure Committee, the DepartmentPersonnel Committee, and Part-time Hiring Committees for three different areas:Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Classics.





ExternalFunding and Awards


2018-23          PrincipalInvestigator, Social Sciences andHumanities Research Council of Canada:Estranged Epistemologies: Science and Culture in the Baroque and(Neo)Baroque.” ($50,000)


2018-19          Co-investigator,Global Affairs,Canada. “Development, Implementation andEvaluation of Capacity-Building Initiatives from the SOMEONE (Social MediaEducation Every Day) Initiative to Counter Terrorism and Violent Extremism withLebanese Stakeholders in Education, Public Policy and Social Service.” ($1.2M)


2017-19          Co-investigator,Ministry of Public Safety and EmergencyPreparedness. “Implementing Social Pedagogical Practices vie the SOMEONE(Social Media Every day) multimedia portal: Knowledge Mobilization and Transferof Evidence-Based Research into Communities, Scholastic, Popular Media andPublic Settings to Improve Resilience to Hate Speech and Radicalization that Leadsto Violent Extremism.” ($367,000)


2015-18          Co-applicant, The Research Council of Norway.“Integrating Science of Oceans, Physics and Education”: collaboration betweenresearchers from Bergen University, UC Berkeley, and Concordia University oninnovative pedagogies in science. (3,900,000 kroner; $610,000 CDN)


2011-15           Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada:

                        “Signsof the Times: Baroque Science Fiction” ($46,000)


2010                Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada Aid to

                        PublicationGrant ($8000)


2003-07           Social Sciences and Humanities ResearchCouncil of Canada: “Emblematic Moments in Literary Contexts: RitualStrategies and Myth Making in Golden Age Spain” ($33,500)


2003-07           Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Societéet la Culture : « Thèâtre Moderne, Restes Rituels: Le Rôle desPratiques Rituels dans ‘LaComedia Nueva’ » ($34,000)


1998                Program for Cultural Cooperation BetweenSpain’s Ministry of Culture and UnitedStates’ Universities ($1,850)


1991                National Endowment for the Humanities fellowshipfor summer workshop                                     onCamilo José Cela, Brigham Young University ($3,000)


1989                Fellowshipfor summer graduate study, SociedadEstatal del                                                           Quintocentenarioin collaboration with La fundación Ortegay Gasset and                                             TheUniversity of Minnesota Global Campus ($1,500)


1987                MinnesotaCoordinating Board for Higher Education ($5,000)







The Persistence ofPresence: Emblem and Ritual in Baroque Spain.Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2010. Print.


Edited volumes


Science Fiction inCervantes. Cervantes:Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. 40.2 (2021).


Co-edited with David Castillo. Writingin the End Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Co-editedwith David Castillo. Hispanic IssuesOnline 43 (2019).


Co-edited with Julio Baena. APolemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age ofInflationary Media, by David Castillo andWilliam Egginton. Hispanic Issues Debates8, 2017.


Co-edited with David Castillo. Spectatorshipand Topophilia in Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. HispanicIssues. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2011. Print.




When a Robot Decides to Dieand other stories. By Francisco García-González.Translation and Introduction by Bradley J. Nelson. Nashville: VanderbiltUniversity Press, 2021.






RefereedBook Chapters and Journal Articles



(submitted) “Aesthetics and the Staging ofSexual Violence in Cervantes and Lope.” ComediaPerformance, special number on Race, Gender, and Class. Ed. Erin Cowling,Esther Fernández, and Glenda Nieto-Cubas.


(submitted) “Grin and Bare It: Cormac McCarthyand Calderón de la Barca on the Aesthetics of Imperialism.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies.


(forthcoming) Review of Cervantes:Displacements, Inflections and Transcendence by E. Michael Gerli. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Societyof America.


(forthcoming) “From Irony to Collective Action: A ProgressiveReading of Reality Literacy.” A PolemicalCompanion to What Would Cervantes Do? by David Castillo and WilliamEgginton. Ed. Brian Phillips and Stephen Hessel. Hispanic Issues On-line Debates.


(forthcoming) “Art and Free Will in Early and Late Modernity: CaseStudies of Extreme (self) Manipulation and Resistance.” On Extremity: Sounds, Images, Words & Experiences. Ed. NelsonVaras-Díaz, Niall Scott, and Bryan Bardine. Lexington Press.


(in press) “The Persistence of Melancholy in Don Quixote and (post)Modernity: What Love Has to Do with It.” Essays in Honor of John J. Allen. Ed.Moisés Castillo. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2021.


“Introduction: Amy Williamsen and ScienceFiction: A Call to (Empathic) Action.” Special Cluster on Science Fiction inCervantes. Ed. B. Nelson. Cervantes:Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 40.2 (2021): 15-33.


 “Algorithmic Bias and thePastoral: Sexual Misrecognition in Light of Natural Knowledge.” Cluster on Science Fiction in Cervantes. Ed. B. Nelson. Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Societyof America 40.2 (2021): 73-93.


Engaging Students on the #MeToo Movement: Framing Contemporary CrimeShows with Tirso and Zayas.” Tunes, TV, and Tweets: Teaching Early Modern Spanish LiteratureThrough Popular Culture, eds. Mindy Badía and Bonnie Gasior.Juan de la Cuesta, 2021: 87-105.


Nelson, B. J., & Venkatesh,V. “Manifestepour une pédagogie sociale par l’inclusivité réflexive. In D. Morin, S. Aounand S. Al-Baba Douaihy (eds.), Le nouvel âge des extrêmes? Lesdémocraties occidentales, la radicalisation et l’extrémisme violent.Montréal, Canada: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2021. 483-504.


Co-authored with Vivek Venkatesh and Jason Wallin. “NecrophilicEmpathy: An Urgent Reading of Miguel de Cervantes’s La Numancia.” Writing in theEnd of Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed. DavidCastillo and Brad Nelson. Hispanic IssuesOnline 23 (2019): 97-124.


Co-authored with David Castillo. “The Poetics and Politics ofApocalyptic and Dystopian Discourses.” Writingin the End of Times: Apocalyptic Imagination in the Hispanic World. Ed.David Castillo and Brad Nelson. HispanicIssues Online 23 (2019): 97-124.1-15.


Religion and SexCrimes in Baroque Spain: The Avemariaas Alibi in His Wife’s Executioner,by María de Zayas.” Théologiques,Special Number on Praising and Cursing God ThroughMusic, ed. Éric Bellavance and Vivek Venkatesh. 26.1 (2018): 61-82.


“Free Will and Indeterminacy in Cervantes: From Molina toHeisenberg…and Beyond!” Cervantes37.2 (2017): 115-42.


Co-authored with JulioBaena. “Introduction: Reading Medialogies Reading Reality: Just Deserts.” A Polemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age ofInflationary Media, by David Castillo and William Egginton. Hispanic Issues Debates 8 (2017): 1-21.


Calderón’s Aurora en Copacabana: A Scandalous Reading.” Religious and Secular Theater in Golden Age Spain: Essays inHonor of Donald T. Dietz. Ed. Susan Paun de García and Donald R. Larson.New York: Peter Lang, 2017. 217-30.


“Baroque Science Fiction: AProposal.” Revista Canadiense de EstudiosHispánicos. Special number Nuevasaproximaciones al canon hispánico de la temprana modernidad. Ed. RaquelTrilla and Ranka Minic-Vidovic. 41.1 (2016): 193-214.


Co-authored with VivekVenkatesh, Jason Wallin and Jeffrey Podoshen, et al. “Individual and communal factorsimpacting the spread and reception of online hate speech in the black metalscene: Theoretical and methodological implications.” In Metal Music and Community, ed. Nelson Varas and Niall WilliamRichard Scott. Lexington Press, 2016. 127-50.


“Poet or Pimp? Theatricality and Sex Crimes in Lope de Vega and Cervantes.” ¿Promete el autor segunda parte? Cuatrocientos años de una promesacervantina. Eds. Antonio Cortijo Ocaña and Francisco Layna Ranz. eHumanista Cervantes 4 (2015): 178-95.


“ThePerformance of Justice: Good-Natured Rule Breaking in Calderón’s El alcalde de Zalamea.” La razón de estado en las letras del Siglo de Oro. Ed. Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda. eHumanista 31 (2015):411-25.


 “Eventos ocasionales: La cienciamedia y la ficción en Los trabajos dePersiles y Sigismunda.” Comentarios aCervantes. Actasselectas del VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas. Ed.Emilio Martínez Mata and María Fernández Ferreiro. Asturias: Fundación MaríaCristina Masaveu Peterson, 2015. 1039-51.


“1581: Emblematics, Mathematics, and Melancholia.” Emblematica: AnInterdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies 21 (2014): 135-60.


Elmachismo y la identidad gay en Noche deRonda.” Identidad y Diáspora: El Teatro de Pedro R. Monge Rafuls. Ed. Elena M.Martínez and Francisco Soto. Valencia: Aduana Vieja, 2014. 285-302.[Abridged reprint and translation of “Pedro Monge-Rafuls and Mapping thePost?Modern Subject in Latino Theater.” Gestos:Teoría y Práctica del Teatro Hispánico 24 (1997): 135-48.]


“Knowledge, Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s La Gitanilla.” Romance Quarterly (special issue on Cervantes’s Novelas Ejemplares. Ed. Moisés R.Castillo) 61.2 (2014): 125-37.


“Zayas Unchained: A Perverse God or Theological Kitsch?” Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin AmericanCultures. Eds. Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini. HispanicIssues Online 15 (2014): 42-59.


“Perverse Currency.” (Re)Reading Graciánin a Self-Made World. Hispanic Issues On Line Debates 4 (Fall 2012): 3541.


“Afterword.” Poiesis andModernity in the Old and New Worlds. Eds. Anthony J. Cascardi and LeahMiddlebrook. Nashville: U of Vanderbilt P, 2012. 291-302.


Co-authored with David R. Castillo “Introduction: Modern Scenes /Modern Sceneries.” Spectacle andTopophilia: Reading Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. Eds. B.Nelson and D. Castillo. Nashville: U of Vanderbilt P, December, 2011. ix-xxx.


“Signs of the Times: Emblems of Baroque Science Fiction.” Spectatorship and Topophilia in Early Modernand Postmodern Hispanic Cultures. Eds. B. Nelson and D. Castillo. HispanicIssues. Nashville: U of Vanderbilt P, December, 2011. 65-90.


“The Aesthetics ofRape, and the Rape of Aesthetics.” Hispanic Literatures and the Question ofa Liberal Education. Ed. Luis Martín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini.Hispanic Issues Online 8 (Fall 2011): 62–80.


 “The Gift of Art and OtherTrojan Horses of Modernity: Calderón’s Laaurora en Copacabana.” La violencia en el mundo hispánico en elSiglo de Oro. Eds. JuanManuel Escudero and Victoriano Roncero. Biblioteca Filológico Hispana 117.Madrid: Visor, 2010. 151-63.


“Philology and the Emblem.”Recovering Philology. Philology and ItsHistories. Ed. Sean Gurd. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press,2010. 107-26.


Co-authored with Nadia Altschul “Philology and Transatlantic Disconnections.”Estudios hispánicos: Perspectivasinternacionales. Eds. LuisMartín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini. Hispanic Issues On-Line 2 (2007): 55-64.


“Sor Juana’s Neptuno alegórico:An Inquiry into Baroque Strategies of Hegemonic Redemption and Dissolution.” Crosscurrents: Transatlantic Approaches toEarly Modern Spanish and Spanish-American Theater. Ed. Mindy Badía andBonnie Gasior. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2006. 104-23.


“Tasteful Machinery: Baltasar Gracián and the Organized Body ofTaste.” Reason and Its Others in EarlyModern Times (Spain/Italy 1500s-1700s). Ed. David R. Castillo and MassimoLollini. Hispanic Issues. Nashville:Vanderbilt UP, 2006. 79-100.


“Capes and Swords: Teaching the Theatricality of Golden Age poetry.”Caliope (special issue on teaching poetry,in honor of Elias Rivers. Ed. Edward Friedman) 11.2 (2005): 111-24.


“From Hieroglyphic Presence to Emblematic Sign: the RitualMotivation of Bias in the Auto Sacramental.” Hispanic Baroques: Reading Cultures in Context. Ed. NicholasSpadaccini and Luis Martín-Estudillo. HispanicIssues 31. Nashville: Vanderbilt U P: 2005. 107-36.


“Icons of Honor: Cervantes, Lope, and the Staging of Blind Faith.”“Special Number on Cervantes’s Theater and Theatricality in Cervantes.” Bulletin of the Comediantes 56.2 (2004):413-442.


Lostrabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: Una crítica cervantina de la alegoresisemblemática.” Cervantes 24.2 (2004): 43-69.


“The Marriage of Art and Honor: Anamorphosis and Control inCalderón’s La dama duende.” Bulletin of the Comediantes 54.2 (2002):407-42.


“Emblematic Representation and Guided Culture in Baroque Spain: Juande Horozco y Covarrubias.”  Culture and the State in Spain: 1550-1850.Ed. Tom Lewis and Francisco Sánchez. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 1999. 157-95.


El Alcalde de Zalamea:Pedro Crespo’s Marvelous Game of Emblematic Wit.”  Bulletinof the Comediantes 50, No. 1 (1998): 35-57.


“Dialogism and the Sonnet: Silence, Reading and the Ethics ofKnowledge in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” Romance Languages Annual X(1998): 744-50.


Co-authored with Moisés Castillo “The Political-theological Programof Antonio Vieira in the Context of Baroque Guided Culture.” Romance Languages Annual IX (1998):429-37.


“Pedro Monge-Rafuls and Mapping the Post?modern Subject in LatinoTheater.” GESTOS: Teoría y Práctica del Teatro Hispánico  24(1997): 135-48.


“Gongora's Soledades: Portrait of the Subject.” Romance Languages Annual VIII(1996): 608-14.


“Juridical Deterritorialization and Institutional Power Struggles inthe Discovery of America.” Romance Languages Annual VII (1995): 566-72.


Publications in Acts or Conference proceedings


LaAurora en Iwo Jima: Calderón, Eastwood y los límites del imperialismoespectacular.” Córdoba: Cauce decivilizaciones: Las Actas del XXVIII Asamblea General de ALDEEU, celebrado enCórdoba en julio de 2008. Ed. Juan Fernández Jiménez and Guadalupe R.Alvear Madrid. Erie, PA: ALDEEU, 2011. 149-58.


“El Neptunoalegórico de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: una investigación de lasestrategias barrocas de redención y disolución hegemónicas.” Las Actas de la XXIII Asamblea General deALDEEU, celebrada en Jaén en julio de 2003. Ed. Juan Fernández Jiménez,Jesús López-Peláez Casellas y Encarnación Medina Arjona. Jaén, Spain:Universidad de Jaén, 2006. 193-200.


“El consumo de ficciones deliciosas: Unacrítica del mercado cultural en María de Zayas.” Congreso abierto: Publicación en la red de las actas del 42 Congreso dela ACH, 2006.


“La emblemática como marco teórico-críticoen los estudios trans-atlánticos.” Congresoabierto: Publicación en la red de las actas del 40 Congreso de la ACH, 2004.


Book reviews


Marr, Alexander, Raphaël Garrod, José Ramón Marcaida, and Richard J.Oosterhoff. Logodaedalus: Word Histories of Ingenuity in EarlyModern Europe. Pittsburgh: UPittsburgh P, 2019. Caliope: Journalof the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. 25.2 (2020):256-60.


García González, Francisco. Asesino en serio. La Santa Crítica, July 25, 2019.


García Santo-Tomás, Enrique. La musa refractada. Literatura y óptica enla España del Barroco. Madrid; Frankfurt: Iberoamericana; Vervuert, 2015. MLN 131.2 (2016): 553-55.


Simerka, Barbara. Knowing Subjects: Cognitive Cultural Studies and Early Modern SpanishLiterature. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2013. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 92.8 (2015): 843-45.


Mayers, Kathryn M. Visions of Empire in Colonial Spanish American Ekphrastic Writing.Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2012. Caliope:Journal for the Society of Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 19.1(2014): 226-28.


Beusterien, John. Canines in Cervantes and Velázquez: An Animal Studies Reading of EarlyModern Spain. London: Ashgate, 2013. Bulletinof Hispanic Studies 91.6 (2014): 680-81.


Schmidt, Rachel. Forms of Modernity: Don Quixoteand Modern Theories of the Novel. Toronto: U Toronto P, 2011. La revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos37.2 (2013): 413-16.


Vivar, Francisco. La Numancia de Cervantes y lamemoria de un mito. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2004.Bulletin of the Comediantes 60.1(2008): 153-54.


Cañadas, Ivan. Public Theaterin Golden Age Madrid and Tudor-Stuart London. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate, 2005.Journal of British Studies, IncorporatingAlbion 46 (January 2007): 169-70.


Garcés, María Antonia. Cervantesin Algiers: A Captive’s Tale. ComparativeLiterature Studies 43.4 (2006): 544-48.


Egginton, William. How theWorld Became a Stage. MLN: Modern Language Notes 118.5 (2003): 1327-29.


Jara, René. Los pliegues del silencio. Narrativa en el fin del milenio. Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana48(1998): 251-53.


Policy publications


“We Need an Outcomes-Based Approach toDoctoral Education.” University AffairsFebruary 16, 2021.


Conference presentations



July, 2021 “Aesthetics and the Staging ofSexual Violence in Cervantes and Lope.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater Annual Conference.


April, 2021 “The Persistence of Melancholyin Don Quixote: What Love Has to Dowith It.” Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference (remotely on Zoom).


April, 2021 “An Outcomes-Based Approach toPhD Programs.” Annual Meeting of the NortheasternAssociation of Graduate Schools (remotely on Zoom).


January, 2021 “The Persistence ofMelancholy in Don Quixote: Now What?”Modern Language Association (remotelyon Zoom).


October, 2020 “Francisco García Gonzálezand the Myth of the Endless Revolution.” VIInternational Conference on Myth Criticism: Myth and Science Fiction,Madrid (held remotely on Zoom).


February, 2020  Engaging Studentson the #MeToo Movement: Framing Contemporary Crime Shows with Tirso and Zayas.” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.


(By invitation)February, 2020 “Cervantesand Science: Where Fiction and Middle Science Joust in Early Modernity.” Symposium in honor of John Jay Allen.University of Kentucky.


October, 2019 “Sor Juana’sPrimero Sueño as a Critique of Scholastic Utopianism; or Early         Modern Science Fiction and Its Limits.”Society for Renaissance and BaroquePoetry.            Irvine, CA.


February, 2019 Religion and Sex Crimes in Baroque Spain: The Avemaria as Alibi in His Wife’s Executioner, by María deZayas.” Arizona Center for Medieval and RenaissanceStudies.


(By invitation) January, 2019 “Doing‘Relevance’: Medieval and Early Modern Perspectives.” Modern Language Association, Chicago, IL.


September, 2018 “Neoliberalism and Social Necrophilia: A RecentAdaptation of Cervantes’s La Numancia.” 2018 North American Cervantes Society of AmericaConference, Calgary, Alberta.


July, 2018 “Supporting InternationalStudent Enrollment.” Council of GraduateSchools, Chicago, IL.


April, 2018 “Breaking Silos: Knowledge Mobilization andPublic Engagement in a World of Alternative Facts, Climate Change Skeptics, andMedia Information Bubbles.” Northeastern Association of Graduate School,Montreal.


(By invitation) February, 2108 “CognitiveApproaches to Cultural Studies: Problems in Empathy.” Concordia Centre forCognitive Science.


February, 2018 “Emblem Books and Medialogies: ScientificObfuscation in the First Age of Inflationary Media.” The 24th Annual Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Scottsdale, AZ.


November, 2017 With VivekVenkatesh, “Necrophilic Empathy in Cervantes’ La Numancia.”ApocalypticImagination in Early Modern Spain, ConcordiaUniversity, Montreal.


October, 2017 “Poetry and Necrophilia:Reading Cervantes’s La Numanciathrough Anachronism.” Society forRenaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, Sevilla, Spain.


(by invitation) October, 2017 “EmblemBooks and Medialogies: Scientific Obfuscation in the First Age of InflationaryMedia.” Transforming Books, McGillUniversity.


June, 2017 With Amy Williamsen “Entreficción y ciencia: Hacia una lectura cuántica del Persiles.” Cervantes en elSeptentrión: Tromso, Norway.


(By invitation) April, 2017 “MasterPrograms: Two Architectural Models.” NortheasternAssociation of Graduate Schools, New York, NY.


(By invitation) March, 2017 “Trends in InterdisciplinaryGraduate Education.” Graduate Student Symposium, Department of Education,Concordia University.


(By invitation) February, 2017 “TheTheology of/and Sex Crimes in María de Zayas.” California State University,Long Beach, Long Beach, CA.


(By invitation) November, 2016 “ACervantine Approach to Science Fiction.” Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities at Vanderbilt University,Nashville, TN.


(By invitation) November, 2016 “BaroqueScience Fiction: A Cervantine Proposal.” York University, Toronto, ON.


October, 2016 “The Theology of SexualViolence in María de Zayas.” Gemela(Estudios sobre la mujer en España y Latinoamérica), San Juan, Puerto Rico.


(By invitation) January, 2016 “Grimposium,West Side Gory: Panel discussion on sexual violence and misogyny in the BlackMetal Music Scene featuring musicians, journalists, and academics,” aQuariusrecOrds, San Francisco, CA.


(By invitation) January, 2016 “Grimposium,West Side Gory: Improvisational Reading on Sexual Violence and Misogyny,”aQuarius recOrds, San Francisco, CA.


October, 2015 “Poet or Pimp? Theatricalityand Sex Crimes in Lope de Vega and Cervantes.” “Quixotic Disciplines,” a seminarorganized by Jesús Velasco, at Columbia University, New York, New York.


October, 2015 “Best Practices in IndustryPartnerships.” Canadian Association ofPostdoctoral Administrators, University of Calgary.


September, 2015 In collaboration withVivek Venkatesh: “Spectacles of hate speech: Anexemplary approach to transgressions in black metal.” From My Cold Dead Hand: Cervantes and the Public Humanities in theTwenty-first Century, a Pointed Conversation, Concordia University,Montreal.


July, 2015 “The Theatrical Representationof Sex Crimes in Lope de Vega and Cervantes.” ALDEEU, Segovia, Spain.


(Invited Keynote Address) March 2015“Quantum Solace: Apocalyptic Accommodations in Early and Late Modernity.”Graduate Student Symposium at SUNY Buffalo, Department of Romance Languages.


March 2015 “The Performance of Justice inCalderón’s El alcalde de Zalamea.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater,El Paso, TX.


April, 2014 “Knowledge,Fiction, and the Other in Cervantes’s LaGitanilla.The Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, Lexington, KY.


April, 2014 “1581: Mathematics, Emblematics, and Melancholia.The Renaissance Society ofAmerica, New York, NY.


April 2013 “Theatrical Emblems and theEmbodiment of Time: The Case of Occasion.”The Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference,Lexington, KY.


April 2013 “A Quantum Approach to Don Quijote.” The Renaissance Society of America, San Diego, CA.


November 2012 “1581: Mathematics,Emblematics, and Melancholia.” EarlyModern Projects Research Group. Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) June 2012 “La ciencia y elsueño en Calderón.” Ometeca: XII Sesiónde trabajo sobre las relaciones entre las humanidades y las ciencias en elmundo hispánico, Madrid, Spain.


June, 2012 “La ciencia y la ficción: Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda.” VIII Congreso Internacion de la Asociaciónde Cervantistas, Oviedo, Spain.


April, 2012 “Cervantes, Gracián, and theEmbodied Subject.” Kentucky ForeignLanguage Conference, Lexington, KY.


March, 2012 “Free Will and Theatricality:Calderón’s La vida es sueño.” Association of HispanicClassical Theater, El Paso, TX.


March, 2011 “Dressing for the Occasion:Cervantes and the Virgin Mary.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


May, 2010 “Signs of the Times: Emblems ofBaroque Science Fiction.” AsociaciónCanadiense de Hispanistas, Concordia University, Montreal, QC.


April, 2010 “The Writer Who Played with Fire: A Millenial Approachto María de Zayas.” Northeast ModernLanguage Association, Montreal, QC.


March, 2009 “Suzerains of the Earth: The Dramatization of ColonialEncounters.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


July, 2008 “El don del arte y otrosregalos griegos de la modernidad.” ALDEEU, Córdoba, Spain.


June, 2008 “The Gift of Art and other Trojan Horses of Modernity: Laaurora en Copacabana.” Violence in GoldenAge Theatre, sponsored by the HispanicBaroque Project, Stratford, ON.


(by invitation) March, 2008  Materialismo cultural y la inscripción de laautoría en María de Zayas.” Centro deRecursos del Español, Université de Montreal. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) February, 2008 “SpectatorSpots in Marginal Spaces: The Replication of Identity in Calderón’s La Aurora en Copacabana.” McGill University. Montreal, QC.


March, 2007 “Philological Performances: Pedro Crespo as LiterarySubject.” Association of HispanicClassical Theater, El Paso, TX.


November, 2006  “From Presence to Transcendence: Golden Age Philology and the Resistanceto Theory.” Recovering Philology. Philology and Its Histories, an international symposium sponsored by SSHRC andConcordia University. Montreal, QC.


May, 2006 “El consumo de ficcionesdeliciosas: Una crítica del mercado cultural en María de Zayas.” XLII Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense deHispanistas. York University, Toronto.


November, 2005 “Las semillas del colonialismo: una figuraevangélica, desde Cortés a Lope de Vega.” SpanishProgram Lecture Series, 2005-06. Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


July, 2005 “La otredad de la violenciaestatal en Lope de Vega y Miguel de Cervantes.” XXIII Asamblea Generalde ALDEEU, celebrada en Burgos, July 2005. Burgos, Spain.


May, 2005 Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: Ocasión y fortuna en la frontera.XLI Congreso Asociación Canadiense deHispanistas.London, Ontario.


May, 2005 “Cervantes in theBoondocks: The Morisco as Witness for thePersecution.” Dis/locac/tión: WRITING EXILE/MIGRANCY /NOMADISM/BORDERCROSSING. Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) April, 2005  “TheEnd of an American Story: Lope de Vega’s Emblems of indios.” North East ModernLanguage Association, Boston-Cambridge, MA.


March, 2005 “Percepción y cegueraimperiales: visiones teatrales y novelescas de Lope de Vega y Miguel deCervantes.” Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


March, 2005 “Blindness and Imperial Insight in Lope and Cervantes.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


May, 2004 “La emblemática como marcoteórico-crítico en los estudios trans-atlánticos.” Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


October, 2003 “Icons of Honor: CompetingTheories of Icons and Images in Cervantes’s Elretablo de la maravillas.” Mid-America Conference of Hispanic Literatures. Boulder, CO.


October, 2003 “A Dog’s Eye View of Human Desire or, Baroque Love’s aBitch: Miguel de Cervantes meets Alejandro González Iñárritu.” CMLL Interdisciplinary Film Conference,Concordia University. Montreal, QC.


(by invitation) September,2003 “The Ritual Motivation of Bias: Emblems and the Other in the Auto Sacramental.” Freedom and Containment: Symposium on Baroque Literature and Culture.University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.


July, 2003 “‘El Neptuno alegórico’ de SorJuana Inés de la Cruz: La alegoresis emblemática versus le performance de la interpretación historiográfica.” ALDEEU. Universidad de Jaén, Spain.


May, 2003 “Teatralidad y alegoría en el Neptuno Alegórico de Sor Juana Inés dela Cruz.” XXXIX Congreso de la Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas.Halifax, Nova Scotia.


(by invitation) March, 2003 “Sor Juana’s Neptuno alegórico: An Inquiry into Baroque Strategies of HegemonicRedemption and Dissolution.” Associationof Hispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


September, 2002 “Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda: Una crítica cervantina de laalegoresis emblemática.” VI Congreso Internacional de Emblemática.The Society for Emblem Studies, La Coruña, Spain.


March, 2002 “The AutoSacramental and the Fabrication of Hypostasis: Calderón’s El gran mercado del mundo in Light ofEmblematic Aesthetics.” Association ofHispanic Classical Theater, El Paso, TX.


April, 2001 “Juan de Borja’s Empresasmorales: Meditative Confusion, Emblematics, and Ideology.” University of Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference. Lexington, KY.


March, 2001 “The Marriage of Art and Honor: Anamorphosis and Controlin Calderón’s La dama duende.” Association of Hispanic Classical Theater,El Paso, TX.


April, 2000 “Cervantes’s Materialist Aesthetics: Los Trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda.” University of Kentucky Foreign LanguageConference. Lexington, KY.


April, 1999 “El arte nuevo de hacer emblemas: The Repositioning ofItalian Hieroglyphic and Emblematic Discourse in Counter Reformation Spain.” American Association for Italian StudiesConference Symposium. University of Oregon. Eugene, OR.


November, 1998 “The New Art of Making Emblems: The Creation ofVirtual Communities, Past and Present.” GraduateDoctoral Dissertation Fellows Symposium Series. University of Minnesota.Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1998 “Dialogism and the Sonnet: Silence and the Ethics ofKnowledge in Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” PurdueConference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.West Lafayette, IN.


(by invitation) April, 1997  “RoundTable Discussion.” The State of the U. S.Latino Theater: Mexican-American, Cuban-American, Puerto Rican, and OtherHispanic Voices of the Diaspora. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1997 (with Moisés Castillo) “The Theological-politicalProgram of Antonio Vieira in the Context of Baroque Guided Culture.” Purdue Conference on Romance Languages,Literatures and Film. Purdue University. West Lafayette, IN.


February, 1997 (with Moisés Castillo) “The Oblique Gaze in Don Quixote: an Example of the Burla inPastoral Love.” LA CHISPA. TulaneUniversity. New Orleans, LA.


November, 1996 (with Moisés Castillo) “The Oblique Gaze in Don Quixote: A Study of the ‘burla’ inMaritornesque and Pastoral Love.”1996MMLA Conference Symposium. Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1996 “Gongora’s Soledades:Portrait of the Subject.” PurdueConference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.West Lafayette, IN.


January, 1996 “Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Towards an Understandingof the Subject of Representation in the Baroque.” Works in Progress Lecture Series. Department of Spanish andPortuguese, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, MN.


October, 1995 “Juridical Deterritorialization and InstitutionalPower Struggles in the Discovery of America.” Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. PurdueUniversity. West Lafayette, IN.


October, 1995 “El Imbunche: Sewing-up the Holes in Time in JoséDonoso’s El obsceno pájaro de la noche.The Anthropology of Change. AnInterdisciplinary Conference. Stanford University. Stanford, CA.





2018                “Learningto Hate: Pluralism in an Era of Echo Chambers.” Concordia University’s InterdisciplinarySummer Institute. Week-long graduate seminar for graduate students. Co-curatedwith Vivek Venkatesh.



2017                “ApocalypticImagination in Early Modern Spain.” Shifra Armon, Fulbright Canada ResearchChair, Jennifer Faucher, PhD student at Concordia, Brad Nelson and VivekVenkatesh, Concordia University.


2015                “From MyCold Dead Hand: Cervantes and the Public Humanities in the Twenty-First Century,”a one-day symposium with Julio Baena (U Colorado), David R. Castillo (SUNYBuffalo), Moisés Castillo (U Kentucky), William Egginton (Johns Hopkins U), andVivek Venkatesh (Concordia U). Concordia University, September, 2015.


2015                Dr. Amy Williamsen, University of North Carolina, Greensborough,“Critical                    Complications:Engendering Empathy in Cervantes.” Concordia University, 2015.


2015                Dr. Edward Friedman, VanderbiltUniversity, “Forever Young? Don Quixote at                             400 Years.”Concordia University, 2014.


2014                Dr. LauraVidler, US Military Academy, “ThePoetics of Performance Reconstruction: Reviving and Revising the Comedia.”Concordia University, 2014.


2014                Dr. BruceBurningham, Illinois State University, “Performance Cognition and the OralTradition.” Concordia University, 2014.


2013                Dr.Maria Fionda, University of Mississippi, “Executive Function and Second

LanguageProcessing of Morphosyntax.” Concordia University, 2013.


2011                Dr.William Childers, Brooklyn College at the CUNY Graduate Center, “The

                        Moriscosand ‘Race’—Exploring the Roots of Modern Racism in Sixteenth-

                        CenturySpain.” Concordia University, 2012.


2004                Dr. CarmenMoreno-Nuño, Wesleyan University, “The Spanish War: Traces of Trauma.” ConcordiaUniversity, 2003.


2004                Dr. MoisésR. Castillo, Trinity College, “Indios en escena: La representación del amerindio en el teatro delSiglo de Oro.” Concordia University, 2003.


2001                David R.Castillo, SUNY Buffalo, “Jews, Bastards, Usual Suspects, Social Symptoms:Cervantes’ Retablo and Zizek’s Theoryof Ideology.” Concordia University, 2002.



Graduate Supervision


2018                MAThesis Committee, Lisa Vanden Berghe, Concordia U (History). The Needles Excellency: John Taylor inPerspective.

2016-              PhD Thesis Supervisor, Jennifer Faucher, Concordia U.“The Picaresque and Promoting Being.”

2016                PhDThesis Committee, Abelardo León, Concordia U. “Social Change and SexualDiversity in Times of Emerging Neoliberalism in Chile.”

2015                MA ThesisSupervisor, James Buchanan, Concordia U. “La representación del moro en Las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X,El Sabio: un precursor a la “maurofilia” de Historia del Abencerraje y lahermosa Jarifa.”


2013                PhD ThesisCommittee, Philomène Longpré, Concordia U “Matrix of Sensations: A MultisensoryApproach to Responsive Video Membranes.”


2010                MA Thesis External Examiner, Martine Gagnon,Concordia U. “Golden Age Spain Wearing English Clothes:James Mabbe, Renaissance Translator of Spanish Prose Literature.”


2009                PhD External Examiner, Susana Artal, Laval University.“Francisco de Quevedo y François Rabelais : Imágenesdeshumanizantes y representación literaria del cuerpo.”


Honours Supervision


2010/2 La representación del otro en Las Cantigasde Alfonso X, James Buchanan


2007/4 Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda,Raquel Dulevich


2007/4 Sor Juana’s Los empeños de una casa,Yazmet Madariaga


2007/4 El carnaval en Cervantes, GiovannaGarcía


2007/4 Lazarillo de Tormes, Marilou Bolduc


2006/2 La pícara Justina, Jennifer Faucher


2006/2 El Inca Garcilaso, Pablo Salinas


2002/2 FromDesengaño to Romanticism: A Study of Don Juan, Sharon Richards


2002/2 Cervantesand the Subject of Desire, Maria Fionda


2002/4 Dialogism, Language andIdeologies of National Identity, Spain 1492-1945, Giuliano Muñoz




Concordia University (2000-present)


2017-18           SPAN310                   Conquest and Empire: Spanish Literature fromthe 12th to                                                              the17th Centuries


2016-17           SPAN411                   Freedom and Containment in Spanish Golden Age Prose


2014-15           SPAN498-                 Don Quijote

ENGL 398                  Don Quixote


2013-14           SPAN406/643            Cognitive Approaches to Spanish Medieval Lit.


2012-13           SPAN412                   Spanish Golden Age Poetry and Theater


2011-12           SPAN411                   Freedom and Containment in Golden Age Prose

                        SPAN642                   Topics in Critical Thinking and Theory: Baroque Science                                                                Fiction


2010-11           SPAN601                   Research Methods and Discourse Analysis

                        SPAN 498-

                        ENGL398                  Don Quijote


2009-10           SPAN310/2                Survey of Spanish Literature I

                        SPAN 406/2                From Orality to Literacy in Medieval Iberia


2007-08           SPAN310/2 A            Survey of Spanish Literature I

                        SPAN411/4 AA         Golden Age Prose


2006-2007       SPAN303/2 AA         Intro. to Critical Reading                  

                        SPAN498/4 –

                        ENGL398/4 AA        Imperial Fictions: Don Quijote


2005-2006       SPAN472/2 AA         Colonial Writing

                        SPAN 406/4 AA         Medieval Literature


2004-2005       SPAN303/2/AA Critical Reading                  

                        SPAN320/2/A             Survey of Hisp-American Lit 1          

                        SPAN412/4/AA         GoldenAge Poetry and Theater        

                        SPAN303/4/A   Critical Reading                  


2003-2004       SPAN310/2/AA         Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN498N/4/AA      TransatlanticTheater                        

                        SPAN411/4/AA         GoldenAge Prose                              

                        *Courseremission due to FQRSC award


2002-2003       SPAN310/2/AA         Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN310/2/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN498                   Pedagogical Approaches                   

                        SPAN461/4/AA         Historyof Spanish Language            

                        SPAN406/4/AA         MedievalLiterature                           


2001-2002       SPAN310/2/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature I                                                                       SPAN365/2/A            Intro. SpanishCulture and Civ.       

                        SPAN412/4/AA         GoldenAge Poetry and Theater        

                        SPAN461/4/A            Historyof Spanish Language            


2000-2001       SPAN310/2/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature I           

                        SPAN411/2/AA         GoldenAge Prose                              

                        SPAN311/4/A            Surveyof Spanish Literature II         

                        SPAN461/4/A            Historyof Spanish Language





ExternalAcademic Service


· Executive Committee(affiliate), Council of Graduate Schools(2018-19)


· President, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (2017-18)


· Executive Committee, Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools(2013-)


· Evaluator of manuscripts forUniversity of North Carolina Press (2016-)


· Evaluator of manuscripts forUniversity of Toronto Press (2014-)


· Member/Evaluator on thePublications Committee for SSHRC’s Awardsto Scholarly Publications Program, as an expert in Hispanic Studies (2013-)


The primaryresponsibility of this committee is to assess publication grants for theawarding of ASPP funds. On occasion, members also suggest appropriate externalreviewers for submitted manuscripts and recommend scholars as potential membersof the Publications Committee.


· Member of the editorial boardfor Hispanic Issues (2005- ) and The Bulletin of the Comediantes (2009- ).


· External reviewer for promotionto full professor: United States Military Academy.


· External reviewer for promotionto tenure: Kansas State University; Portland State University; University ofMelbourne; Syracuse University


· Responsable de domain for 80thCongress of ACFAS, 2012.


·  Submissions evaluator for Cervantes,Renaissance Quarterly, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos,Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Modern Philology, Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies, Publicationsfor the Modern Language Association, Revistade Estudios Hispánicos, Théologiques,Journal of Cultural Economy, and RethinkingMarxism.


· Research Grant Assessor for SSHRC, 2004-.


· Assistant Editor, Bulletin of the Comediantes, 2002-09.


· Assistant Editor, Hispanic Issues, 1998-2002.


OtherInternal Service Activities


· University Academic PlanningCommittee, 2010-12


· University Senate, 2010-12


· Faculty of Arts and ScienceSteering Committee for Faculty Council, 2007-12.


· Department Representative onFaculty of Arts and Science Faculty Council, 2005-12.


· Advisory Search Committee forthe Principal of the School of CanadianIrish Studies, 2009.


· Member of the Advisory Boardfor Concordia Centre for the InterdisciplinaryStudy of Society and Culture (CISSC), 2007-09.


· Adhoc Committee on the Futureof the Department of Education, 2007.


· Advisory Search Committee forthe Director of the Concordia Centre for theInterdisciplinary Study of Society and Culture, 2006-07.


· Facilitating Alliances, Partnerships and Internationalization: Strategic Planning Committee, 2006-07.


· CMLL Department CurriculumCommittee (Chair), 2004-05.


· CMLL Academic PlanningCommittee, 2003-04.


· CMLL Self Appraisal Committee,2002-03.


· Implementation Committee forthe Concordia Centre for the Humanities,2002-03 (CISSC).


· Department Hiring Committee forSpanish, 2000-03.


· Curriculum Committee forSpanish Section, 2000-05.


· Graduate Student Representativeto Candidate Search Committee, 1994-96, U Minnesota.


· Representative to the Councilof Graduate Students, 1996-97, U Minnesota.


· Graduate Student Representativeto the Faculty, 1994-95.




· Volunteer Coach for Notre Damede Grace Minor Hockey Association, 2005-16.

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