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Dr. Cara Singh

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Professor, Education

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Dr. Cara Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Early Childhood and Elementary Education (ECEE) program in the Department of Education, at Concordia University. 

Cara holds an M. Ed. (2013) in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development from the University of Toronto (OISE), where she focused on anti-oppressive and holistic education, and social justice issues in mathematics education. Her M.Ed. spurred her interest in how emotions can either facilitate or constrain learning. She went on to obtain an MA (2017) and PhD (2023) in Educational Psychology from McGill University. Her MA and doctoral research explores how elementary students’ individual and group-level metacognitive experiences impact their socially shared regulation of learning while engaged in a collaborative learning contexts. Her research serves to inform best practices in education by considering the pedagogical practices and task facets that promote positive emotions and learning regulation and mediate negative affect. 

Beyond teaching at the university level, Cara held a career as an elementary school teacher and has taught various subjects, including mathematics, language arts, social sciences, and French second language in the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia. She also continues to work as an independent curriculum consultant at the elementary and university level. 


Ph.D. Educational Psychology, McGill University

M.A. Educational Psychology, McGill University

M. Ed. Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development, OISE, University of Toronto

B. A. Specialization Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Concordia University

Research activities



Singh, C.A., & Muis, K. R. (2024). An integrated model of socially shared regulation of learning: The role of metacognition, affect and motivation. Educational Psychologist, 1-18.


Singh, C. A., (2022). Big Dreamers: Beyond February Toolkit for Teachers (elementary). Montreal: Akilah Newton Projects Inc. 


Smith, J., Paquin, S., St‐Amand, J., Singh, C., Moreau, D., Bergeron, J., & Leroux, M. (2022). A remediation measure as an alternative to grade retention: A study on achievement motivation. Psychology in the Schools.


Singh, C. A., & Muis, K. R. (2021). The role of social emotions and co-regulation of learning during complex mathematics problem solving. In P. Metallidou and D. Moraitou (Eds.), Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research across the Life Span - A Tribute to Anastasia Efklides. Netherlands: Springer.


Di Leo, I., Muis, K. R., Singh, C. A., & Psaradellis, C. (2019). Curiosity… Confusion? Frustration! The role and sequencing of emotions during mathematics problem solving. Contemporary Educational Psychology58, 121-137.


Muis, K. R., Chevrier, M., & Singh, C. A. (2018). The role of epistemic emotions in personal epistemology and self-regulated learning. Educational Psychologist, 1-20.


Muis, K. R., & Singh, C. A. (2018). The three facets of epistemic thinking in self-regulated learning. In D. Schunk & J. Greene (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulated learning and performance. NY: Routledge.




Singh, C. A., & Muis, K. R. (Accepted, June 2024). Exploring the role of relatedness and emotions in socially shared regulation of learningAccepted for a round table session at the 5th Relation-Centered Education NetworkConference, Trondheim, Norway. 


Singh, C. A., Muis, K. R., Di Leo, I., Losenno, K., & Vivian, J. (June, 2019). The antecedents and consequences of social emotions during complex math problem solving. Poster was presented at the bi-annual Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition convention, Cape Cod, MA. 


Singh, C. A., Muis, K. R., Di Leo, I., Losenno, K., & Vivian, J. (August, 2018). The role of social emotions and co-regulation of learning during complex mathematics problem solving. Poster was presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. 


Singh, C. A. (April, 2018). Setting up to cooperate: a start-up guide to cooperative learning. Workshop presented to pre-service teachers in the senior elementary internship at Concordia university. Montreal, QC.

Losenno, K. M., Muis, K. R., Munzar, B., Psaradellis, C., Singh, C. A., Vivian, J. A., Di Leo, I., & Perry, N. E. (April, 2018). The roles of self-regulated learning and emotion regulation during mathematics problem solving. Poster presented at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, NY. 1-36.


Munzar, B., Muis, K. R., Losenno, K. M., Vivian, J. A., Psaradellis, C., Singh, C. A., & Di Leo, I. (April, 2018). The antecedents and consequences of emotions during mathematics problem solving. Paper presented in a symposium at the 2018 American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, NY. 1-36.


Muis, K. R., Singh, C. A., & Di Leo, I. (May, 2016). Motivating the unmotivated: Strategies for teachers. Workshop presented to the Vanguard School of Quebec faculty. Montreal, QC. 

Tsuda, A., Muis, & K. R., & Singh, C. A. (August, 2017). The anti-vaccination debate: A cross-cultural exploration of emotions and epistemic thinking. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. 1-34.


Di Leo, I., Muis, K. R., & Singh, C. A. (April, 2017). The sequencing of epistemic and achievement emotions during mathematics problem-solving. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. 1-35.


Chevrier, M., Muis, K. R., Trevors, G., Psaradellis, C., Di Leo I., & Singh, C. (August, 2016). Epistemic emotions mediate relations between epistemic beliefs and learning strategies. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO. 1-40.


Singh, C. A. (December, 2015). The cost of ignoring teacher emotion. Paper presented at the annual Foundations of Learning Sciences conference at McGill University, Montreal, QC. 1-7.






Hosted/interview by Greene, J. (October 21, 2024). APA Division 15 Emerging research in Educational Psychology: An integrated model of socially shared regulation of learning: The role of metacognition, affect and motivation (Singh, C. A., & Muis, K. R.)

Teaching activities

Courses taught:
EDUC 222
EDUC 297
EDUC 400
EDUC 395
EDUC 493
EDUC 495
EDUC 496

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