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Dr. Carlo Pagano

  • Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Research areas: Number theory: arithmetic statistics, arithmetic dynamics, rational points and sphere packings

Contact information


Office hours: Tuesday 16:00-17:30


Short bio

I did my Bachelor and Master in Rome, completed a PhD in Leiden under the direction of Hendrik Lenstra and then spent two years at the MPIM (Bonn) as a postdoc, one additional year at MPIM as guest funded by the University of Glasgow, then one year in Glasgow as a postdoc and I moved here at Concordia in August 2022. 

My research focuses on questions regarding the statistical laws of arithmetic objects, the study of the arithmetic of iteration of polynomials and more recently I am thinking also about questions related to rational points on varieties and packing problems. 

For a gentle introduction to one of my works you can look here 

Teaching activities

Teaching 2022/2023

In the fall I am teaching an introductory course in Linear Algebra, Math 204. In the Winter 2023 I will teach a course on (qualitative and quantitative) aspects of the inverse Galois problem, and multi-variable calculus. 


Publication list

For an updated publication list please visit the relevant section of my webpage:

A summary of my work for the general public

My joint work with Peter Koymans, settling Stevenhagen's conjecture on the negative Pell equation, has appeared on Quanta magazine:

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