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Dr. Christopher A. Ross, PhD

  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Marketing

status: Retired

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BSc (Management Studies) University of the West Indies, MBA, PhD, Ivey Business School (University of Western Ontario now Western University)

Dr. Ross, a former Associate Dean, and Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Administration, (now the John Molson School of Business), Concordia University, is a full-time Professor in the Marketing Department, John Molson School of Business. He has also been Vice-President and President of the Concordia University Faculty Association.

His research interests include all aspects of small business and entrepreneurship, especially entrepreneurship in minority communities. He has published in various journals including the Journal of Small Business Management, International Small Business Journal, the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship and the Journal of Macromarketing. His work has also appeared in books of readings and conference proceedings. He has been the recipient of Best Paper awards from the Journal of Macromarketing, the Canadian Consortium of Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.  Dr. Ross is an active case writer and his cases have appeared in numerous case books, proceedings and university catalogues including those of IVEY and Harvard Business Schools.

His teaching interests are Marketing Strategy and Marketing Management.  He has taught in these areas at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. At the graduate level his teaching experience includes Executive MBA programs at both Concordia and the University of the West Indies and at the MBA level at Concordia and Tianjin University, China.  He has also been active in Executive Development Programs in the Caribbean and in Montreal. He has been Director of the Executive Development Program at the University of the West Indies (Mona,Jamaica), Director of the Joint PhD Program in Administration (Concordia, HEC, McGill UQAM) and external examiner for the University of the West Indies in their EMBA (Jamaica) and MSc (Trinidad) programs, and for the University of Technology (Jamaica) in the undergraduate and MBA programs.

He is an active consultant and has consulted with community groups and private sector organizations in both Canada and the Caribbean. He is a former member and Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Centre Local de Développement, les 3 Monts,(Town of Mont Royal, Outremont and Westmount) an organization that promotes the development of small businesses.

Dr. Ross retired from Concordia University in June 2017 and is now Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Marketing Department.  He continues to write and publish business cases in marketing and business ownership. 

Areas of Expertise

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Business Case Writing
  • Business Case Teaching

Teaching activities

Courses Taught

Joint Phd Program in Administration
Doctoral Seminar in Marketing Theory (joint teaching) Admin 830
EMBA & MBA Programs
Marketing Management, EMBA 613
        International Business, EMBA 641
        Marketing Management, GIIM 619
        Marketing Management (Mark 641)
        Strategic Marketing Planning (MBA 672)
        Environment of World Business (Mark 680)
        International Marketing
Diploma in Institutional Administration, Concordia University
        Not-for-Profit Marketing
B.Comm, Concordia University
Marketing Management (Mark 350)
        Sales Management (Mark 454)
        Environment of World Business (Mark 462)
        International Marketing (Mark 465)
        Strategic Marketing Planning (Mark 495)

In addition to teaching at Concordia University he has taught in Tianjin (China), Jamaica (University of the West Indies) and Trinidad (University of the West Indies).  He has also been the Graduate and Undergraduate external examiner for the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados, and the University of Technology in Jamaica. He has also been the examiner (internal and external) for several MSc and PhD theses.

His teaching style is discussion oriented via the use of business cases. 


Selected Refereed Journal Articles

Ross, Christopher. "" International Journal of Case Method Research and Application," Volume xxvi, No. 3, Sept. 2014.

Ross, Christopher, and Dyer, Linda. “Seeking Advice in a Dynamic and Complex Business Environment: Impact on the Success of Small Firms,” Journal of Development Entrepreneurship, Vol. 13, No. 2. June 2008.

Ross, Christopher, and Dyer, Linda. “Advising the Small Business Owner,” International Small Business Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2007.

Ross, Christopher, and Dyer, Linda. “Customer Communication and the Small Ethnic Firm,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. Vol. 8, No. 1, April 2003.

Ross, Christopher, and Dyer, Linda. “Ethnic Enterprises and Their Clientele,” Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 38, No 2, April, 2000.

Authored IVEY Business School Cases (also available in Harvard Catalogue)

Montreal Community Contact: What will Happen After Me? June 2022, 9 pages. #W27022 with Linda Dyer

The University of the East Coast: Crisis Management,
August 2019, 4 pages #9B19C025 with Linda Dyer

Pathfinder Career System Inc.: Designing a Growth and Financing Strategy, September 2018, 15 pages, #9B18M171

PromenAid Handrail: Managing Growth,
June 2018, 11 pages. #9B18A043

L'itineraire Community Group Inc.: Future Directions
, November 2017, 15 pages. #9B17A003.

The Montreal Stars, April 2014, 17 pages. #9B13A043. (With Dave McKenzie)

Lassonde Industries versus Olivia's Oasis Inc, November 2013, 7 pages. #9B13A029.

CCM Hockey: The Re-Launch of the U Pro Skate, November 2011, 18 pages. #9B11A038.

First Class Trading Corporation, October 2011, 13 pages. #9B11A037.

Princessa Beauty Products, October 2010, 14 pages. #9B10A018

Chantale and Clinton Call For Service, July 2009, 8 pages. #9B09A005

Selected Book Chapters

“Chantale and Clinton Call For Service,” in Clow, Kenneth  E.  and Donald Baack, eds. (2011), Cases in Marketing Management, Sage Publications, pp. 4-10.(Reprint of Ivey Case #9B09A005). Lead Chapter.

“Tyndale Treasures Community Store,” in MacKenzie, Herb, ed. Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, Prentice Hall, 2010 pp. 273-287 (With Dave McKenzie) (Also in 5th edition 2014, pp. 185-184).

“W.H. Plastics,” in Mackenzie, Herb, (2010) “Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, Prentice Hall. 293-306 (Also in 5th edition, 2014, pp. 270-283).

Social Marketing: An Approach to Third World Development," in Parsons, Elizabeth, Pauline Maclaran and Mark Tadajewski, eds. (2008). Nonprofit Marketing, Vol 3, Key Debates and Contemporary Issues in Nonprofit Marketing, Sage Publications, pp 231-245. (With Carole Duhaime and Ron Mctavish). A Reprint.

“MNDesign,” in MacKenzie,Herb, ed. Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, 2008, Prentice Hall. pp. 163-177. (WithAndrei Craciun) (Reprint).

“Everline,” in MacKenzie, Herb, ed ContemporaryCanadian Marketing Cases, 2008, Prentice   Hall.pp. 228-244. (With Andrei Craciun) (Reprint).

“EthnicBusiness Owners and Their Advisors: the Effects of Common Ethnicity,” in Dana,Leo-Paul ed., Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007. pp. 117-131. (With Linda Dyer).

Steinhouse Knitting Mills (Canada)Ltd,” MacKenzie, Herb, ContemporaryCanadian Marketing Cases, 2004, 2006, 2008, Prentice Hall. AND in Yannopoulos, Peter, Marketing Strategy, Nelson, Canada,2006. (With Mark Haber) (Reprint).

“Artventure: Children’s Creative Art and Party Center,” in Solomon, Michael R., Judith L.Zaichkowsky and Rosemary Polegato. (2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) ConsumerBehaviour: Buying, Having and Being. Prentice-Hall, pp 631-643 AND in McDougall, Gordon and Charles BWeinberg (2003). Canadian Marketing Cases, Pearson Education CanadaInc., pp 179-191 AND in MacKenzie,Herb, Contemporary Canadian MarketingCases, 2nd edition, 2004, Prentice Hall, (With Mark Haber) (Reprint).

Participation activities

Refereed Conference Presentations

"The Montreal Stars" Case Track Proceedings, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Alberta, June 8th-11th, 2013. (with Dave McKenzie).

"CCM Hockey: The Re-Launch of U Pro Skate" Case Track Proceedings, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, July 2nd-5th, 2011.

Ross, Christopher. "First Class Trading Corporation: A Strategic Plan," Case Track Proceedings, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, May 22nd-25th, 2010.

Ross, Christopher, and McKenzie, Dave. "Tyndale Treasures Community Store," Case Track Proceedings, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 24-27, 2008.

Ross, Christopher, and Craciun, Andrei. "MN Design," Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, MacKenzie, Herb, 2007.

Ross, Christopher, and Craciun, Andrei. "MN Design," Case Track Proceedings, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta, May 2006.

"Everline,"Case Track Proceedings, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 2005. (With Andrei Craciun). Reprinted in MacKenzie, Herb, Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, 2007, Prentice Hall.

"Seeking Marketplace Information and Advice: The Practices of Small Business Owners," Proceeding of the 21st Annual Conference, Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Regina, Saskatchewan, Nov., 2004. (With Linda Dyer).

"Learning From Experience in the Small Business: Potential Pitfalls in the Process," Proceedings, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Quebec, June, 2004. (With Linda Dyer).

"Small Businesses and Their Perception of Government Agencies as Sources of Advice," Proceedings, Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 20th Annual Conference, Victoria, B.C., Nov. 2003. (With Linda Dyer).

"Advising the Small Business Client," Proceedings, Canadian Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 20th Annual Conference, Victoria B.C., Nov. 2003 (with Linda Dyer) Awarded Best Theoretical Paper.

"The Role of Business-Support Professionals in the Success of Small Enterprises," Proceedings, Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 19th Annual Conference, Halifax, N.S., Nov. 14th-16th, 2002. (With Linda Dyer).

"Buzz and Ethnic Small Businesses," Proceedings, Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 19th Annual Conference, Halifax, N.S. Nov 14th -16th, 2002 (with Linda Dyer).

"Steinhouse Knitting Mills (Canada) Ltd," Proceedings, ASAC 29th Annual Conference, May 26th-May29th, 2001. London, Ontario. (With Mark Haber) - Reprinted in (1)MacKenzie, Herb, Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, 2004, 2006, 2008, Prentice Hall.(2)In Yannopoulos, Peter, Marketing Strategy, Nelson, Canada, 2006.

"Growth and Ethnic Enterprises," Proceedings, ASAC 29th Annual Conference, May 26th-29th, 2001, London, Ontario. (With Linda Dyer) Best Paper Award.

"Artventure: Children's Creative Art and Party Center," Proceedings of ASAC-IFSAM Conference, July 8 - 12, 2000, Montreal. (With Mark Haber). -Reprinted in (1) Solomon, Michael R., Judith L. Zaichkowsky and Rosemary Polegato. (2002, 2006, 2008) Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having and Being. Prentice-Hall, pp 631-643. (2) In McDougall, Gordon and Charles B Weinberg (2003). Canadian Marketing Cases, Pearson Education Canada Inc., pp 179-191. (3) In MacKenzie, Herb, Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, 2nd edition, 2004, Prentice Hall.

"Entrepreneurs' Advice-Seeking Networks: Some Inter-Ethnic Comparisons," Proceedings of ASAC-IFSAM Conference, July 8th-12th, 2000, Montreal. (With Linda Dyer).

Faculty Workshops

" Case Writing Techniques and Approaches," John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, November 2016.
"Case Writing Techniques and Approaches," John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, March 2014.
"Case Writing Techniques and Approaches," St George's University, Grenada, January 2014.
Case Writing Techniques and Approaches," University of Technology, Jamaica, May 2011.
Case Writing Techniques and Approaches," University of Technology, Jamaica, December  2010.
Case Writing Techniques and Approaches," Reims Management School, France, May 2010.

Event Participation

"Goldline Curling," Vanier BDC Case Challenge, Montreal, Quebec, Feb.,2017

"Evaluating Student Class Participation During Case Discussions," Plenary Session, WACRA, 32nd International Conference, June 28th-July 2nd, 2015, Odense, Denmark.

Evaluating Students Written Case Analyses,” Plenary Session, WACRA 31stInternational Conference, July 5th – 11th, 2014,Istanbul, Turkey.

“Gaining a Competitive Edge through Entrepreneurship and InternationalMarketing,” St. George’s University, Grenada, W.I., Invited Lecture, January,2014.

“The Future of Marketing: Making Today’s DreamsTomorrow’s Possibilities” 30th Annual Marketing Seminar, TheUniversity of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica, April 7th, 2011.

“Brand Jamaica–Myth or Reality,” Keynote Speaker, 24th Annual Marketing Seminar,The University of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica, April 13th, 2005.

 “Globalization: Marketing Panacea or Nightmare?” Lloyd E. Edwards Memorial Lecture, TheUniversity of Technology, Kingston, Jamaica. April 11th 2005.

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