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Dale Stack, PhD

  • Professor, Psychology

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PhD (Queen's University)

Research interests

My research program focuses on the development and trajectories of children at low and high risk for developmental problems and psychopathology, and on infant development (typical and at-risk). Parenting, parent-child relationship, quality of interactions, and developmental outcomes in several groups of at-risk dyads, including a sample crossing two generations, are being studied.  

Foci in ongoing studies include: (1) intergenerational transfer of psychosocial risk; (2) long-term outcomes of childhood aggression and social withdrawal; (3) the development of very low birth weight preterm infants, (4) early health and development, risk and protective factors; (5) parent-infant social interactions and infants' socio-emotional development.  

I am also involved in studies examining the roles of touch and gesture, modality, non-verbal communication and context in parent-infant interactions.   Specific research projects are funded by SSHRC, FQRSC and CIHR.

Selected publications

Stack, D.M., Serbin, L.A., & Schwartzman, A.E. (2005).   Girls' aggression across the life course: Longterm outcomes and intergenerational risk.   In D. Peplar, K. Madsen, C. Webster, & K. Levene (Eds.), Development and treatment of girlhood aggression.   NJ: Erlbaum.

Serbin, L.A., Cooperman, J.M., Peters, P.L., Lehoux, P.M. , Stack, D.M., & Schwartzman, A.E. (1998). Intergenerational transfer of   psycho-social risk in women with childhood histories of aggression,withdrawal, or aggression and withdrawal.   Developmental Psychology , 34 , 1246-1262.

Stack, D.M. (2004).   Touching during mother-infant interactions.   In T.M. Field (Ed .). Touch and massage in early child development (pp. 49-81).   Johnson and Johnson Pediatric Institute, L.L.C.

Stack, D.M., & Arnold, S.L. (1998).   Changes in mothers' touch and hand gestures influence infant behavior during face-to-face interchanges.   Infant Behavior and Development , 21 (3), 451-468.

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