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Denise Michelle Brend, PSW, PhD

  • Assistant Professor (LTA), Applied Human Sciences

Research areas: trauma-informed care; secondary traumatic stress (vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue); moral distress; the helping relationship; residential child welfare; complex trauma; interpersonal trauma

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Dr. Denise Michelle Brend is passionate about identifying and mitigating the ways in which exposure to potentially traumatic experiences can impact helping relationships as well as individuals and communities. In a postdoctoral fellowship at the Université de Sherbrooke, Denise worked on the study Implantation et évaluation modèle Attachement, Régulation et Compétences auprès d'enfants de 6 à12 ans, a project that engaged social innovation to bring trauma-informed care to residential treatment centres for children and youth.


Denise’s doctoral dissertation examined workplace social support among intimate partner violence social workers and was completed at the McGill University School of Social Work with the support of an FQRSC doctoral scholarship and the Research Training Programme of the International Psychoanalytical Association (London, U.K.), in which Denise is a Research Fellow.


Denise has been a course and field instructor at the McGill School of Social Work and Dawson College and has completed Dawson’s New School teacher trainee program. With over a decade of experience as a psychotherapist, social worker, clinical supervisor, clinical trainer, and facilitator of learning, Denise places high value on teaching/learning relationships by striving to incite and foster cultures of shared learning.


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