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Dianne Cmor

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Associate University Librarian, Teaching & Learning, Library, Concordia University Library

Contact information



Master of Arts (English Literature), York University, 1996

Master of Library and Information Studies, McGill University, 1995

Bachelor of Arts, Honours (English Literature), Trent University, 1990

Research/Professional Interests

Information and digital literacy

User experience & student experience

Artificial intelligence in higher education

Scholarly communication

Library assessment and impact

Selected Publications

Chalifour, J., and D. Cmor. “Crowing About Confidence: Technological Self-Efficacy in Academic Libraries”. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, vol. 15, no. 2, Dec. 2020, pp. 1-6,

Stuart, J. & Cmor, D. (2020). Constructing and critiquing learning pyramids in a university makerspace. In J. Hicks & J. Long (Eds.), Makerspaces for adults: Best practices and great projects (pp.29-34). Rowman & Littlefield.

Cmor, D. (2016). Strategies for sustainable services in academic libraries. Library Management, 37(6/7), 298-307.


Cmor, D. & Li, X.(2012). Beyond boolean, towards thinking: discovery systems and information literacy. Library Management, 33(8/9),450-457.


Wong,S. H. R., & Cmor, D. (2011). Measuring association between library instruction and graduation GPA. College & Research Libraries, 72, 464-473.


Cmor, D. (2010). Academic reference librarians – getting by with a little help from our (special, public, school, law and medical librarian) friends. Library Management, 31(8/9), 610-620.


Cmor, D., Chan A.,& Kong T. (2010). Course-integrated learning outcomes for library database searching: three assessment points on the path of evidence. Evidence Based Library & Information Practice Journal, 5(1), 64-81.


Chan, C. & Cmor,D. (2009). Blogging toward information literacy:engaging students and facilitating peer learning. Reference Services Review, 37(4), 395-407.


Cmor, D. (2009). Campus priorities and information literacy in higher education: a case study. Library Management, 30(8/9), 627-642.


Cmor, D. & Marshall, V. (2006, May). Librarian class attendance:methods, outcomes and opportunities. Proceedingsof the 27th International Association of Technological University Libraries, Portugal, 27, n. pag.

Selected Presentations

Cmor, D. (2015, May 22). Digital/Print Environments: Implications for Teaching, Learning and Research in Higher Education. (Invited speaker). Kuopio5 Conference, Kuopio, Finland.


Choy,F.C. & Cmor, D. (2014, June 3). Open Access in Singapore – Drivers and Trends, Players and Progress. (Invited speaker). COASP Asia Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.


Cmor, D. (2014, May 29). R/Evolutionary Opportunities for Subject Librarians. (Invited speaker). Office of Academic Resources Conference 2014, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.


Cmor, D. and Chia, YB. (2013, October 19). Making Professional Development “Sticky”. Library 2013 Conference, Online.


Sidorko, P. & Cmor, D. (2012, August 13). Does Generation Google REALLY need us? IFLA 2012 Conference, Helsinki, Finland.


Cmor, D. (2012, August 9). Fostering an Information Literacy Culture (Train the trainer workshop). IFLA 2012 Satellite Meeting, Tampere, Finland.


Cmor, D. (2011, March 24). Are Knowledge Workers “Knowledgeable”? Information Literacy as Organizational Asset. (Invited speaker). Online Information Asia-Pacific Conference,Hong Kong.


Cmor, D. & Lee, P. (2011, February 25). Common(s) shift / unique slant. JULAC Libraries Forum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


Cmor, D. (2010, October 6). Academic Reference Services in an Expanding Resource Universe. (Invited speaker). Ninth Nordic Resource Sharing, Reference and Collection Development Conference, Hanasaari Cultural Centre, Espoo, Finland.


Cmor, D. (2009, February 13). CILOSIL (colossal) Change? Course Integrated Learning Outcomes Supporting Information Literacy. JULAC Libraries Forum, Hong Kong.


Cmor, D., Lee, P., & Wong R. (2008, June 3). A ‘Disciplined’ Approach to Promoting eBooks to Faculty. Emerging Paradigms for eBook Acquisition and Use Conference, Hong Kong.


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