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Don De Guerre, PhD

  • Associate Professor and Acting Graduate Program Director (HSI), Applied Human Sciences

Contact information


After a distinguished international career as a consultant and manager working in the private, public service, and non-profit sectors, Dr. de Guerre came to Concordia in August 1999 soon after receiving his Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems in June 1999. His major area of interest is the development of participative governance and organization and the further development of open systems theory. He teaches graduates and undergraduates in the domains of human systems intervention and action research, consulting process and skills, organizational leadership and small group development. He is contributing to action research as a new paradigm for knowledge creation from practice. He is a Director of The Fred Emery Institute, an Associate of the Alliance for Capitalizing on Change, a past Research Fellow at the Centre for Governance, University of Ottawa, and a Research Fellow at the Canadian Institute for Research and Education in Human Systems.


1999 - Ph.D. Human and Organisation Systems, The Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA
1994 - M.A. Organisation Development, The Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA
1978 - M.Ed. Adult Education, University of Toronto, ON
1970 - B.A. Physical & Health Education (Honours). University of Western Ontario, ON

Research interests

Mental Health in the Workplace
Participative Democracy
Sustainable Organizations and Communities

Teaching activities


AHSC 470 
Basic Human Relations Laboratory
AHSC 610 
Group Process Intervention
AHSC 675 Introduction to Open Systems Theory
AHSC 698 
Master's Project

Research activities

Research grants

Community Search Conference: Eastern Townships English Speaking Community.  Canadian Heritage. Awarded April, 2008

The Future of Crime Prevention through Social Development.  The City of Winnipeg.  Awarded July, 2008.

Following up Community Strategic Planning: Sustaining Democratic Action Groups.  Centre for Human Relations and Community Studies and Canadian Heritage.  Awarded April, 2009.

Creating a New Care Delivery Model for Health Care. Tufts University and Medical Center.  Not funded October 2009.


Recent publications

de Guerre, D. W., Fauteux, N., and Trull, A. S. (2009). The Organizational Conditions for Creativity and Innovation: can we apply them to the making of creative communities?  In Liedes, O.  & Lappalainen, U. (Eds.) The Creative Economy and Beyond Conference Proceedings: 232 - 247. Helsinki: Creative Industries Finland.

de Guerre, D. W. and Trull, A. S. (2009). Participative Democracy in Municipal Governance in Daly, Katherine, Schugurensky, Daniel, and Lopes, Krista (Eds.) Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participative Democracy: 695-705. Toronto: Transformative Learning Centre, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.


de Guerre, D. W., Emery, M., Aughton, P., and Trull, Andrew. (2008). Structure Underlies Other Organizational Determinants of Mental Health: Recent Results Confirm Early Sociotechnical Systems Research. Systemic Practice and Action Research 21(8): 359-379.

Trull, A., de Guerre, D.W., Seguin, D., & Pace, A. (2009). Managing politics and navigating change: Participative democracy in municipal governance. Centre for Human Relations & Community Studies. Montreal:  Concordia University.


de Guerre, D. W., Emery, M., Aughton, P., and Trull, A.S. (2008). Mental Health In The Workplace: Recent Results From a Canadian and Australian Study. International Academy of Open Systems Theory; Reprinted at

de Guerre, D. W. and Emery, M. (2008). Modern Forms of Laissez-Faire Organization. International Academy of Open Systems Theory Reprinted at

Participation activities

Recent conference presentations

de Guerre, D.W. (2010). Open Systems Theory and Participative Design. Invited Presentation,  STS Discovery Lab: Decision Accelerator. New Hampshire. May 14 – 16, 2010.


de Guerre, D. W.,  Seguin, D., Meunier, A., Trull, A.S., Garber, R., Holt, C. (2010). Eastern Townships Community Search Conference. QUESCREN Conference 643 at Le Congres de l’ACFAS, University of Montreal, Montreal. May 10 – 11, 2010.

de Guerre, D.W. (2010). Metaphors for Change. Invited Presentation, University of the Streets Café, Montreal. March 3, 2010

de Guerre, D.W. (2009).  The Change Management Process:  An OST Perspective. Invited Lecture, DOD Quebec, Montreal. June 17, 2009.

de Guerre, D.W. and Mohr, B. (2009).  Creating the Care Delivery Model of the Future : Designing and Accelerating New Ways of Working.  Invited Presentation. Tufts Medical Center. August 6, 2009. Boston.


de Guerre, D. W., Fauteux, N., and Trull, A. S. (2009). The Organizational Conditions for Creativity and Innovation: can we apply them to the making of creative communities? The Creative Economy and Beyond Conference Presentations, Helsinki. September 9 —10, 2009

de Guerre, D. W. and Trull, A. S. (2008). Participative Democracy in Municipal Governance. Learning Democracy by Doing: Alternative Practices in Citizenship Learning and Participative Democracy, Transformative Learning Centre, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. October 2008. Toronto

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