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Eleni Panagiotarakou, PhD

  • Part-Time Professor, Political Science
  • Part-Time Professor, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability

Research areas: Ancient Greek Philosophy; Ethics of Species Extinction; Philosophy of Space Exploration.

Contact information



PhD: Concordia University (2009)

Research Interests

My primary research interest is Ancient Political and Moral Philosophy (Plato, Aristophanes). My secondary research interests are Philosophy of Space Exploration and the ethics of species extinctions. 

In 2023, I received the  President’s Excellence in Teaching Awards (PETA) Award for Excellence in Teaching (PT) for, among other things, my strong mentorship of Concordia students. This includes helping students present their work at academic conferences, publishing their work, and obtaining internships via an extensive network of academic, governmental (e.g., Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) and private shareholders (e.g., Enuf Canada) 

In addition to my teaching, I also serve as  Chair of Research Professional Development at CUPFA (Concordia University Part-Time Association). My duties include managing a $325,000 budget, identifying internal and external funding opportunities, creating and strengthening internal and external collaborations with funding organizations, and processing, administering, and monitoring research contracts. Noteworthy projects include the “SEDS CAN-RGX Reduced Gravity Flight” and the design of a CPR Assistance Device (the latter two within the context of Space Concordia). 

Teaching activities


ENV3101: Legal Context of Environmental Issues

FEM 3104: Feminism, Justice and the Law 

COMS 324: Communication Analysis of the Environment

COMS 422: Perspectives on the Information Society 

LOYC 220: The Contemporary World

LOYC 240/POLI 208 Global Environmental Issues and Ecological Justice (eCourse)

PHIL 235: Biomedical Ethics (eCourse)

PHIL 241: Philosophy of Human Rights

PHIL 255: Philosophy of Leisure

PHIL 260: Presocratics and Plato

PHIL 261: Aristotle and Hellenistic Philosophy 

PHIL 275: From Modern to Postmodern: Philosophical Thought and Cultural Critique 

PHIL 342: Political Philosophy

POLI 204: Introduction to Canadian Politics

POLI 206: Introduction to Western Political Theory

POLI 214: Human Rights: An Overview

POLI 345: Contemporary Political Philosophy

POLI 364: Hellenistic, Roman & Medieval Political Philosophy

POLI 368: Media, Technology and Politics

POL 338: International Law and Human Rights

POLI 384: Fundamentals in Political Theory

POLI 388: Human Rights and International Justice

POLI 426: Nietzsche

RELI 312: Justice and Social Conflict in a Globalized World

SSDB 220: Introduction to Theories of Sexuality

WSDB 490: Feminist Ethics


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2020. “On the problem of astronomy and popular prejudices: The case of ancient astronomers and NASA funding” Humanities andSocial Sciences Communications, 7 (75):1-8.

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2020. “Who Loves Rats? A Renewed Plea for the Managed Relocations of Endangered Species.” Ethics and the Environment, 25 (1): 51-68. 

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2019. "Rational Actors? Hippias and Aristogeiton",
Schole 13 (1): 19-31.

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2016. Who Loves Mosquitoes? Care Ethics, Theory of Obligation, and Endangered Species, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6): 1057-1070. 

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2015. “Anti-War Rhetoric and Gendered Agricultural Rites: The Ritual Logic for the Megarian Piglets and Amphitheos in Aristophanes’ Acharnians”, Logeion: A Journal of Ancient Theatre 5 (1): 161-182.

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2014. “Leo Strauss and Aristophanes”, Idealistic Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 44 (2&3):179-192.
Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2014.“Right to Place: A Political Theory of Animal Rights in Harmony with Environmental and Ecological Principles,” Les ateliers de l’ Ethique 9 (3):114-139.

Book Chapters

Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2021. “Who Loves Rats? A Renewed Plea for the Managed Relocations of Endangered Species.” In Climate Crisis and Sustainable Creaturely Care: Integrated Theology, Governance  and Justice. (ed) Christina Nellist, pp. 313-330. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (previously published in the journal Ethics and the Environment)


Panagiotarakou, Eleni. 2016. “Agonal Conflict and Space Exploration.” In The Ethics of Space: Exploration, Colonization and Justification, edited by Tony Milligan and Jim Schwartz, 47-60.  London: Springer International Publishing

Conference Proceedings

Panagiotaraku, Eleni. 2001. “Contemporary Native Architecture in Two James Bay Cree Communities.” In Proceedings New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society, edited by Cathleen McAnnemy, 30:45-64. Farmington, Maine: The University of Maine at Farmington.

Book Reviews & Review Essays

Leo Strauss on the Border of Judaism, Philosophy, and History (2015) by Jeffrey A. Bernstein. Political Theory, Volume 45, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 277-280.

Nietzsche's Therapeutic Teaching: For Individuals and Culture (2013) by Horst Hutter and Eli Friedland (eds) International Philosophical Quarterly,Volume 56, No. 3, Issue 223, September 2016, pp. 5-8.

Second Nature: Rethinking the Natural through Politics (2013) by Crina Archer, Laura Ephraim and Lida Maxwell (eds) Canadian Journal of Political Science, Volume 32, No. 2, 2015, pp. 437-443.

The Political Theory of Aristophanes: Explorations in Poetic Wisdom (2014) by Jeremy J. Mhire and Bryan-Paul Frost (eds) Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought, Volume 32, No 2, 2015, pp. 437-443.

Feminist Criminology (2013) by Claire M. Renzetti. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Volume 56, No. 4, 2014.

    Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder (2012) by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Philosophy Now, July/August 2013, 40-41.

    Articles in Popular Literature

    Παναγιωταρακου, Ελενη. 2003. «Πολιτικά και Συμπεθεριά»: 2003. Γενεαλογικό Δέντρο Κυριακούλη Μαυρομιχάλη» Μάνη 10: 30-35.

    Παναγιωταρακου, Ελενη. 2004. «Ένας Μανιάτης Δαίδαλος: Βασίλειος Η. Χαλουλάκος» Μάνη 14:16-19.


    Philip Holt and Eleni Panagiotarakou, “Trump supporters need to pay heed to ancient history,” The Hamilton Spectator, February 8, 2019.

    2.“Blame the ugly tradition of zoos for Harambe the gorilla’s killing,” South China Morning Post, June 3, 2016, 
    3.“Greeks Offer Another Lesson in Democracy,” The National Post, July 2, A10 2015 [the same op-ed appeared at The Gazette]  
    4.“A Camel's Nose: The Demise of the Asian Houbara Bustard in Pakistan by Arab Falconers,” Jerusalem Post, May 15, 2014, 
    5.“On Agricultural Goddesses, Women, and Genetically Modified Seeds,” The Feminist Wire, September 29, 2013,   
    6.“Wield Shame with Care, Prank Callers,” The Globe and Mail, December 13, 2012, A19,  [Same op-ed appeared at Couriel– Journal, December 12, 2012, A8.]  


    “Dammed Rivers” Sunday @ 6 Mag: Magazine for the Literary Arts,  July 2014

    Participation activities

    Invited Talks

    Justitium:Wildlife Humanitarian Interventions in the Anthropocene,”  The Ethics of Eating Animals Conference. Oxford Centre of Animal Ethics. St. Stephen's House, Oxford University, UK. July 25, 2016

    “Indigenous Feminism and Restorative Justice,” State University of New York, Plattsburgh, NY. October 15, 2015.

    Conference Papers

    “Convention on Biological Diversity”. COP 15, United Nations. December 3-19, 2022. Montreal, Canada [Attendance only].

    “Academic Labor and Inter-Generational Dialogue in the American Continent in the Post-Covid Era”. COCAL XIV. Queretaro, Mexico. August 4-7, 2022 [Attendance Only]

    Political Education in Aristophanes' Acharnians”. 20th Annual International Conference on Politics and International Studies, Athens, Greece. June 13-16, 2022.

    "The Democratic Paideia of Aristophanes' Acharnians”. Seventh Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy, Syracuse, Italy. Exedra Mediterranean Center. May 30-June 2, 2022. 

    "Aristotle’s Theory of Virtuous Leisure, War and Space Exploration,” World Congress in Philosophy: The Philosophy of Aristotle, Athens, Greece. July 10-15, 2016

    “Political Justice,Peace and Sustainable Agriculture in Aristophanes’ Acharnians,” New York State Political Science Association Conference, State University of New York,  Plattsburgh, NY.  April 10-11, 2015.

    “Martha Nussbaum’s Dicaiopolis:Reexamining Aristophanes’ Acharnians” New England Political Science Association, Portland, ME, USA. May 3-4, 2013.

    Conferences / Workshops

    University of Calgary “The Long Road to Equity in Higher Education: Hope, Challenges, and Action” CAPDHHE National Conference, October 11-13, 2023. Calgary, AB. Canada

    Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) “A Seat at the Table: A Strong Voice for Better Working Conditions for Contract Academic Staff” October 20-21, 2023. Ottawa, ON. Canada

    Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)  6th CAUT Equity Conference”  February 10-11, 2023. Ottawa. Canada.


    Public Outreach

    Television Interviews

    "The Ethics of Public Humiliation"  CTV News National Television. Interview by Jenifer Burkes, December 13, 2012.

    Radio Interviews

    «Πώς να ζήσουμε σε έναν κόσμο που δεν καταλαβαίνουμε»  MikeFM Radio. Interview by Marie Daperis-Griffiths, April 01, 2013

    Newspaper Interviews

    "Finding the Value in Disorder" Concordia Now. Interview by Tom Peacock, March 27, 2013.

     "Are you Related to Plato?" Athens News.  Interview by DamianMac Con Uladh, April 11, 2012.

    Department and University Service

    Member, Faculty Liaison Indigenous Reconciliation Circle, Champlain College, 2020

    Member, Teaching Evaluation Committee, Concordia University, 2020

    Member, Student Learning Experience Committee, Concordia University, 2020

    Member, Open Access Committee, Concordia University, 2018.

    Member, Institutional Repository Committee, Bishop’s University, 2017.

    Member, Academic Committee, Hellenic Scholarship Foundation, 2015. 

    Member, Academic Hearing Panels,Concordia University, 2004-2007. 

    Seminar organizer and Master of Ceremonies; Guest seminar by Ariel Rubenstein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) "Modeling Bounded Rationality" February 24,2014, Dept. of Political Science, Concordia University

    Conference Co-Organizer and Master of Ceremonies; Guest lecture by Nassim Nicholas Taleb "How to Live in a World we Don’t Understand” April 02, 2013, Concordia University.



    Editorial Boards

    Member, Politeia: International Interdisciplinary Philosophy Review (Athens, Greece) 



    Journal of the American Philosophical Association

    Ethics and the Environment


    Manuscript Reviewer(Books)

    JFD Editions Inc. (Montreal, QC)

    Oxford University Press (Oxford UK)

    Routledge Inc. (Oxfordshire, UK)

    Rowman & Littlefield  Publishing (Lanham, MD, USA)


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