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Emre Erkmen, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering

Research areas: Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Method, Mesh-free Methods, Extended Finite Element Method, Multi-scale Analysis, Nonlinear Structural Mechanics, Thin-walled and Composite Structures, Structural Stability and Dynamics.

Contact information


Dr. Erkmen has received his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in 1999 and M.A.Sc degree in Structural Engineering in 2001 both from Istanbul Technical University. He has received his Ph.D. degree in Structural Engineering in 2006 from University of Ottawa. He has worked as a Research Associate from 2007 until 2010 at University of New South Wales. From 2010 to 2018, he has worked at University of Technology Sydney as a Lecturer and later as a Senior Lecturer. He has joined the Department of Building Civil and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University as an Assistant Professor in 2019.

Research activities

Dr. Erkmen's research interest is in the area of computational mechanics with particular emphasis on the analysis of structures including buildings, bridges and pipelines. The goal of his research is to develop efficient and accurate numerical methods, theories and principles to predict the structural behavior under various conditions concerned with large deformations, time-dependent and nonlinear material behavior, dynamic effects and collapse.


Selected Journal Publications

Latifaghili, A., Bybordiani, M., Erkmen, R.E., Dias-da-Costa, D. (2022) "A Unified Approach for Crack Propagation and Stiff Interface Problems with Polygonal Enriched Finite Elements”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.123: 1432-1455.

Norouzi, E., Li, B., Erkmen, R.E. (2022) "Modelling Equivalent Elastic Properties of Imperfectly Bonded Soil-rock Mixtures using an XFEM-based Computational Homogenization”, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol144.

Erkmen, R.E. (2022) "Elastic Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Beams Including Web Distortion”, Thin-walled Structures, Vol.170.

Erkmen, R.E., Dias-da-Costa, D. (2021) "Stabilization of the Extended Finite Element Method for Stiff Embedded Interfaces and Inclusions”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.122: 7378-7408.

Le, V.A., Zobeiry, N., Erkmen, R.E., Malek, S. (2021) "Buckling Behaviour of Laminated Viscoelastic Composites under Axial Load”, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 159.

Erkmen, R.E. Niki V., Afnani, A. (2021) "Shear Deformable Hybrid Finite Element Formulation for Lateral-torsional Buckling Analysis of Composite Thin-walled Members”, Canadian Journal of Civil EngineeringVol.48:1026-1036.

Erkmen, R.E. Malek S., Ayranci, C. (2020) "An X-FEM based Computational Homogenization Framework for Thermal Conductivity Evaluation of Composites with Imperfectly bonded Inclusions”, Engineering Research Express, Vol. 2.

Nguyen, T., Erkmen, R.E., Sanchez, L. Li, J (2020) "Stiffness Degradation of Concrete due to ASR – A Computational Homogenization Approach”, ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 117.

Sarikaya, A., Erkmen, R.E. (2019) "A Plastic-damage Model for Concrete under Compression”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences Vol. 150: 584-593.

Erkmen, R.E., Gottgens. (2018) "A Shell Element for Buckling Analysis ofThin-walled Composite Laminated Members”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics Vol. 18.

Nguyen, V.V., Li, J., Erkmen, R.E., Alamdari, M.M., and Dackermann, U. (2018) "FRF Sensitivity-based Damage Identification Using Linkage Modelling for Limited Sensor Arrays”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics Vol. 18.

Niki V. and Erkmen, R.E. and (2017) "Shear Deformable Hybrid Finite Element Formulation for Buckling Analysis of Composite Columns”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.45: 279-288.

Erkmen, R.E. and Afnani, A. (2017) "Iterative Global-local Approach to consider the Local effects in Dynamic Analysis of Beams”, Coupled Systems Mechanics Vol. 6: 501-522.

Afnani, A., Erkmen, R.E. and Niki V. (2017) “An Efficient Formulation for Thin-walled Beams Curved in-plan”, International Journal of Steel Structures Vol. 17: 1-16.

Erkmen, R.E., and Saleh, A. (2017) "Iterative Global-local Approach to Consider the Effects of Local Elasto-plastic Deformations in the Analysis of Thin-walled Members”,  International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Vol. 15: 143-173.

Erkmen, R.E., Gowripalan, N. and Sirivivatnanon, V. (2017) "Elasto-plastic Damage Modelling of Beams and Columns with Mechanical Degradation”,  Computers and Concrete Vol. 19:315-323.

Erkmen, R.E., Mohareb, M. and Afnani, A. (2017)  "Multi-scale Overlapping Domain Decomposition to Consider Elasto-plastic Local  Buckling Effects in the Analysis of Pipes”,  International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics Vol. 17:1-28.

Erkmen, R.E., Saleh, A. and Afnani, A. (2016)  “Incorporating Local Effects in the Predictor Step of the Iterative Global-local Analysis of Beams”,  International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Vol. 14:455-477.

Afnani, A. and Erkmen, R.E. (2016) “Iterative Global-local Procedure for the Analysis of Composite Thin-walled Laminates”, Steel and Composite Structures; Vol. 20:693-718.

Erkmen, R.E. (2015) “Multiple-point Constraint Applications for the Finite Element Analysis of Shear Deformable Composite Beams - Variational Multiscale Approach to Enforce Full Composite Action”, Computers & Structures ; Vol. 149:17-30

Erkmen, R.E. Bradford M.A., Crews, K. (2014) "Treatment of Locking Behaviour for Displacement-based Finite Element Analysis of Composite Beams”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics; Vol. 51:163-180

Erkmen, R.E. (2014) “Alleviation of Parasitic Slip in Finite Element Analysis of Composite Beams”, Computers & Structures ; Vol. 135:10-19

Erkmen, R.E. (2014) “Shear Deformable Hybrid Finite-element Formulation for Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Members”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design; Vol. 82:32-45

Liu X., Bradford, M.A. and Erkmen, R.E. (2013) “Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Beams Curved in-Plan”, Engineering Structures; Vol. 57:484-492

Erkmen, R.E. (2013) “Bridging Multi-scale Approach to Consider the Effects of Local Deformations in the Analysis of Thin-walled Members”, Computational Mechanics; Vol. 52:65-79

Liu X., Bradford, M.A. and Erkmen, R.E. (2013)“Time-Dependent Response of Spatially-Curved Steel-Concrete Composite Members: 1. Computational modelling”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE; Vol. 139 (12)

Liu X., Bradford, M.A. and Erkmen, R.E. (2013) “Time-Dependent Response of Spatially-Curved Steel-Concrete Composite Members: 2. Curved beam experimental modelling”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE; Vol. 139 (12)

Erkmen, R.E. and Saleh A. (2012) “Eccentricity Effects in the Finite Element Analysis of Composite Beams”, Advances in Engineering Software; Vol. 52: 55-59

Liu X., Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2012)“Creep and Shrinkage Analysis of Curved Composite Beams with Partial Interaction”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; Vol. 58: 57-68

Erkmen, R.E., Bradford, M.A. and Crews, K. (2012) “Variational Multi-scale Approach to Enforce Perfect Bond in Multiple-Point Constraint Application when Forming Composite Beams”, Computational Mechanics; Vol. 449:617-628

Erkmen, R.E. and Attard, M.M. (2011) “Lateral-torsional Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Beams including Shear and Pre-buckling Deformation Effects”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; Vol. 53: 918-925

Erkmen, R.E. and Attard, M.M. (2011) “Displacement-based Finite Element Formulations for Material Non-linear Analysis of Composite Beams and Treatment of Locking behaviour”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design; Vol. 47: 1293-1305

Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2011) “Coupling of Finite Element and Meshfree Methods for Locking-free Analysis of Shear-deformable Beams and Plates”, Engineering Computations; Vol. 28: 1003-1027

Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2011) “Non-linear Inelastic Dynamic Analysis of I-beams Curved in-Plan”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE; Vol. 137: 1373-1380

Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2011) “Non-linear Quasi-viscoelastic Behavior of Composite Beams Curved in-Plan”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE; Vol. 137: 238-247

Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2011) “Treatment of Slip-locking for Displacement-based Finite Element Analysis of Composite Beam-columns”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering; Vol. 85: 805-826

Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2011) “Time-dependent Creep and Shrinkage Analysis of Composite Beams Curved in-Plan”, Computers &Structures ; Vol. 89(1-2): 67-77

Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. (2010) “Elimination of Slip-locking in Composite Beam-column Analysis by using the Element-free Galerkin Method”, Computational Mechanics; Vol. 46: 911-924

Erkmen, R. E., Mohareb, M. and Bradford, M.A. (2009) “Complementary Energy based Formulation for Torsional Buckling of Columns”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE; Vol. 135(12): 1420-1426

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. (2009) “Non-linear Elastic Analysis of Composite Beams Curved in-Plan”, Engineering Structures; Vol.31(7): 1613-1624

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. (2009) “Non-linear Elasto-dynamic Analysis of I-beams Curved in-Plan”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics; Vol. 9(2): 213-241

Erkmen, R. E. and Mohareb, M. (2008) “Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Open Members – A Complementary Energy Variational Principle”, Thin-Walled Structures; Vol. 46(6): 602-617

Erkmen, R. E. and Mohareb, M. (2008) “Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Open Members – A Finite Element Formulation”, Thin-Walled Structures; Vol. 46(6): 618-636

Erkmen, R. E. and Mohareb, M. (2006) “Torsion Analysis of Thin-walled Beams including Shear deformation Effects”, Thin-Walled Structures; Vol. 44(10): 1096-1108

Erkmen, R. E. and Mohareb, M. (2006) “Non-orthogonal Solution for Thin-walled Beams I: Finite Element Formulation”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, special issue on steel research; Vol. 33(4): 421-439

Erkmen, R. E. and Mohareb, M. (2006) “Non-orthogonal Solution for Thin-walled Beams II: Applications and Modelling Considerations”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, special issue on steel research; Vol. 33(4):440-450


Selected Conference Publications

Erkmen, R.E., Ozkan, I. (2022) "An Evaluation of Distortional Thin-walled Beam Formulations for Elastic Buckling Analysis of Highway Bridge Girders”, 11th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, July 2022. 

Erkmen, R.E., Dias-da-Costa, D. (2022) "Alleviation of the Oscillatory Tractions in the Extended Finite Element Method”Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Annual Conference, May 2022. 

Erkmen, R.E. (2022) "Thin-walled Beam Formulations with Cross-sectional Deformation”, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Annual Conference, May 2022. 

Norouzi, E., Li B., Erkmen, R.E. (2022) “Numerical Homogenization of Anisotropic Static Elastic Properties of Soft Mudrocks”, ASCE Geo-Congress.

Soliman, A., Hafeez, G., Erkmen, R.E., Ganesan, R., Ouf, M., Hammad, A., Eicker U., Moselhi, O. (2022) "Innovative Construction Material Technologies for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure”, Materials Today: Proceedings.

Norouzi, E., Li B., Erkmen, R.E. (2021) “Computational Homogenization to Identify Elastic Properties of Soil-rock Mixtures at Normal and Freezing Temperatures”, 55th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. 

Delir, S., Erkmen, R.E., Tirca, L. (2021) “Shell Analysis of Frames Considering Low-cycle Fatigue within the Continuum-damage-plasticity Framework”, Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, May 2021.

Al-Maadhidi, Z., Erkmen, R.E. (2021) “Analysis of Retrofitted Concrete Columns using 3D Elasto-plastic Damage Modelling”, Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, May 2021.

Delpasand, M., Erkmen, R.E., Ganesan, R. (2021) “A Damage-detection Procedure using Spectral Element Method”, Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, May 2021.

Erkmen, R.E., Moradpoor, H., Bhowmick, A. (2021) “Effect of using Alternative Stress-strain Definitions on the Buckling Load Predictions of Thin-walled Members”, Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, May 2021.

Erkmen, R.E., Sarikaya, A., *Arat, O., Galal, K. (2021) “Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls using Elastoplastic Damage Modelling”, Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering Annual Conference, May 2021. 

Nguyen, T., Erkmen, R.E., Sanchez, L. Li, J (2020) “A Probabilistic Homogenization Approach for the Computation of Stiffness Degradation in ASR-affected Concrete”, The 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2020.

Sarikaya, A., Erkmen, R.E., Gowripalan, N., and Sirivivatnanon, V. “A plastic-damage Model for Concrete Affected by Alkali-silica Reaction”, The 16thInternational Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2020.

Sarikaya, A., Erkmen, R.E., Gowripalan, N., Sirivivatnanon, V., and South W. “A plastic-damage Model for Concrete under Cyclic Loads”, Concrete Institute of Australia, Biennial National Conference, Sydney, Australia, September 2019.

Le, A., Zobeiry, N., Erkmen, R.E., and Malek, S. “Buckling Analysis of Multilayered Beams with Soft and Rigid Interfaces”, The 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019.

Nguyen, V.V., Li, J. and Erkmen, R.E.,. “Numerical Investigation of a Linkage Modelling Technique for Damage Identification Using FRF-Based Model Updating”, The 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Brisbane, Australia, December 2017.

Erkmen, R.E., Gowripalan, N. and Sirivivatnanon, V. “Elasto-plastic Membrane Modelling of ASR affected Reinforced Concrete Beams”,  Advances in Concrete Materials and Structures, Adelaide, Australia, October 2017.

Erkmen, R.E., and Afnani, A. “Multi-scale Overlapping Domain Decomposition to Consider Local Effects in the Analysis of Pipes”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, December 2015.

Afnani, A., Niki, V. and Erkmen, R.E.,. “A Finite Element Formulation for the Analysis of Horizontally Curved Thin-walled Members”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, Texas, USA, November 2015.

Erkmen, R.E., Afnani, A., and Niki, V. “Stiffness Update Procedure for Iterative Global-local Analysis of Columns”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, Texas, USA, November 2015.

Moshiri, F., Gardner, A., Erkmen, R.E., Jarman, R., Khabbaz, H. “Enhancing Industry Exposure, Discovery-based and Cooperative Learning in Mechanics of Solids”, Proceedings of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, December 2014.

Erkmen, R.E., Afnani A. “Bridging Multiscale Method to Consider the Effects of Local Deformations in the Analysis of Composite Thin-walled Members”, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014

Erkmen, R.E., Niki V. “Shear-deformable Hybrid Finite Element Formulation for Buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Members”, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain, July 2014

Erkmen, R.E. “Multiscale Overlapping Domain Decomposition to Consider Local Deformations in the Analysis of Thin-walled Members”, 1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Australia, Sydney, October 2013

Erkmen, R.E. “Elimination of Slip-locking in Composite Beam Analysis by using a Meshfree Method”, 5th International Conference on the Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, South Africa, Cape Town, September 2013

Erkmen, R.E. “Multiscale Nonlinear Elastic Analysis of Thin-walled Members Including Local Effects”, 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Australia, Sydney, December2012

Erkmen, R.E. “Variational Multiscale Approach to Recover Perfect Bond in the Finite Element Analysis of Composite Beams”, 11th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2012

Liu X., Erkmen, R.E. and Bradford, M.A. “Creep and Shrinkage Analysis of Curved Composite Beams Including the Effects of Partial Interaction”, 11th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2012

Bradford MA, Liu X, Erkmen R.E. “Spatially-curved Composite Beams: Numerical Analysis and Experimental Results”, 7th International Conference on Computational Analysis of Shell and Spatial Structures, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2012

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. “Locking-free Analysis of Shear-deformable Beams by Coupling Finite Element and Meshfree Methods”, 13th international Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Crete, Greece, September 2011

Erkmen, R.E., Bradford, M.A. and Crews, K. “Treatment of Locking Behaviour for Displacement-based Finite Element Analysis of Composite Beams”, Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Seoul, Korea, September 2011

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. “Computational Modeling of Beams Curved in-plan”, 10th international Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, September 2010

Erkmen, R. E., Bradford, M.A. “Locking-free Finite Element Formulation for Steel-concrete Composite Members”, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, Australia, July 2010

Erkmen, R. E., Cimilli, S. and Gilbert, I. “Models for Inelastic Analysis of FRP Reinforced Concrete Members”, 24th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Sydney, Australia, September 2009

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. “In-plane analysis of arches by using element-free Galerkin method”, 12th international Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Madeira, Portugal, September 2009

Erkmen, R. E., Bradford M.A. and Mohareb, M. “A Complementary Energy-based Formulation for Torsional Buckling Analysis of Columns”, 20th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, December 2008

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. “A Plastic-hinge Model for the Elasto-plastic Analysis of I-beams Curved in-Plan”, 20th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, December 2008

Erkmen, R. E. and Mohareb, M. “Non-orthogonal Solution for Thin-walled Members-Generalized Expression for Stresses”, 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 2006

Mohareb, M., Nowzartash, F. and Erkmen, R. E. “Torsion Analysis of Wide-flange Beams including Shear-deformation Effects”, 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 2006


Book Chapter

Erkmen, R. E. and Bradford, M.A. Moving Load Analysis of Composite Beams Curved in-Plan. Chapter 8 of Trends in Civil and Structural Engineering Computation, BHV Topping et al.(eds). Kippen, UK: Saxe-Coburg, 2009, 169-186.

Teaching activities

Dr. Erkmen teaches courses that cover the areas of computational and continuum mechanics, structural stability and dynamics, variational methods, numerical techniques and mathematics.

Courses at Concordia University 
ENGR 7501 Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Mechanics.
BCEE 451/ENGR 6511 Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis of Structures
ENGR 233 Applied Advanced Calculus
BCEE 231 Structured Programming for Building and Civil Engineers.
ENCS 6001 Elements of Engineering Math
BCEE 455/ENGR 6581 Introduction to Structural Dynamics.
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