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Dr. Frederick Davis

  • Associate Professor, Finance

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Frederick Davis received his PhD from Queen's University and has been a professor at the John Molson School of Business since 2011. His research interests include mergers and acquisitions, insider trading, and other aspects of corporate finance. He has received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) as well as the Fonds de Recherche du Québec -Société et Culture (FRQSC), and he has published in the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, European Financial Management, the International Review of Financial Analysis, the International Journal of Managerial Finance, the Journal of Advertising Research, and other high-quality journals. He is currently teaching FINA 415 - Mergers and Acquisitions, which he enjoys very much.


1. Khadivar, H., Davis, F., and Walker, T., (2023), “Options trading prior to takeover rumors”, International Journal of Managerial Finance (A), Vol. 19, pp. 421 – 445.

2. Davis, F., Khadivar, H., and Walker, T., (2021), “Institutional trading in firms rumored to be takeover targets”, Journal of Corporate Finance (A*), Vol. 66, pp. 1 – 25.
3. Davis, F., Davis S., Sha, X., and Walker, T., (2021), “The impact of takeover anticipation on rival firms”, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting (A*), Vol. 49 Issue 7-, pp.  1264 – 1288.
4. Davis, S., and Davis F., (2021), “The effect of guerilla marketing on company share prices: An event study analysis”, Journal of Advertising Research (A), Vol. 61 Issue 3, pp. 346 – 361.
5. Davis, F., Walker, T., and Zhao, K., (2021), “The effect of securities class action lawsuits on mergers and acquisitions”, Global Finance Journal (A), Vol. 48.
6. Davis, F., Khadivar, H., Pukthuanthong, K., and Walker, T., (2021), “Insider trading in rumored takeover targets”, European Financial Management (A), Vol 27 Issue 3, pp. 490 - 527. 
7. Davis, F., Walker, T., and Zhou, L., (2018),“M&A deal initiation: The case of the unwelcome suitor”, International Journal of Managerial Finance (A), Vol. 14 Issue 4, pp. 433 - 461.
8. Betton, S., Davis, F., and Walker, T., (2018), “Rumor rationales: The impact of message justification on article credibility”, International Review of Financial Analysis (A), Vol. 58, pp. 271 - 287.
9. Davis, F., Taghipour, B., and Walker, T., (2017)," Insider trading surrounding securities class action litigation and settlement announcements", Managerial Finance (B), Vol. 43 Issue 1, pp. 124 – 140.

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