Gada Mahrouse, PhD
- Associate Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
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Gada Mahrouse is an AssociateProfessor at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute at Concordia University in Montreal. She holdsa doctorate in Sociology and Equity studies from the University of Toronto. Hermonograph, Conflicted commitments: Race, privilege andpower in transnational solidarity activism (McGill Queens University Press, 2014) exploredanti-racist challenges to transnational direct-action solidaritymovements. Some of her recent work hasbeen published in journals including Studies in Social justice; ACME: An International Journal ofCritical Geographies; and REFUGE: Canada’s Journal on Refugees.
She is a co-founder andadvisory committee member of the first Critical Refugee and Migration studies network in Canada. She has developed anti-racistfeminist praxis-based curricula on mobility justice. She iscommitted to community-driven approaches to research and has a longstandingpartnership with Projet accompagnementsolidarité Colombie, an anti-colonial and feminist collectivethat develops innovative and accessible pedagogical materials onenvironmental and migration justice.
Hercurrent research explores the complex relationships between tourism, forcedmigration and state border practices.
PhD Department of Sociology and Equity Studies, O.I.S.E. University of Toronto
MA Education, University of Ottawa
BA Education, University of Ottawa
BA English Literature, Concordia University
Research interests
Critical whiteness studies
Women of colour and critical race feminisms
Social justice pedagogies.
Recent research projects/grants
2024 [P.I.] $59,952 SSHRC Insight Grant "Race, refugees and representations in Canadian popular arts and alternative media"
2023 [Co-Applicant] $24,999 SSHRC Connection Grant: "CTS-NA: Making and Unmaking World(s) with Tourism - Construire et déconstruire des mondes avec le tourisme"
2023 [Collaborator] $50,000 SSHRC Connections grant (Outreach category) to translate to French and adapt to open access "Introduction to Forced Migration handbook." McGill-Queen’s University Press. C. Clark-Kazack, Garnier, P.I.s
2023 [P.I.] $13,210 SSHRC Connection Grant: “Community-driven feminist research: Symposium and summer institute”
2022 [Collaborator] $161,080 SSHRC. "Race, Gender and Diversity Initiative: Refugee States." T. Phu and E. Lee, P.I.s.
2021 [P.I.] $86,224 Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur. Fonds des services aux collectivités, "Relier les points: Jeunes enaction pour la justice environnementale et migratoire." (in partnership with Projet accomponiement solidarite Colombie)
2020 [P.I.] , $6,000 MITACS Research Training Award- "Profiling young influential and inspiring Black, Indigenous, and Women of colour in Quebec"
2020 [Co-Applicant] $13,778 SSHRC Connection Grant: “Other empires: Interrogating the imperial conditions of refugee constitution within local colonial contexts” [P.I. Anh Ngo, Wilfred Laurier University]
2020 [P.I] $18,232 SSHRC Connection Grant “Departures, encounters, and arrivals: Feminist approaches to migration and mobility justice” Summer Institute.
2020 [Co-applicant] $24,999 SSHRC Connection grant: “Justice, pouvoir et mobilité: à la recherche de la rencontre éthique en tourisme / Critical tourism studies North America III” [P.I Dominic Lapointe UQAM]
Selected publications
Mahrouse, G. (2014). Conflicted commitments: Race, privilege and power in transnational solidarity activism. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Journal articles
Mahrouse, G. (2011). “Feel good tourism: The ethical option for socially-conscious Westerners”. Special theme issue: Gender, Power and Transcultural Relations, ACME: A International E-Journal of Critical Geographies, pp. 372-391
Mahrouse, G. (2010). “’Reasonable accommodation’ debates in Quebec: The limits of participation and dialogue”. Race and Class, vol. 52 (1), pp. 85-96.
Mahrouse, G. (2009). “The compelling story of the white/western activist in the war zone: Examining race, neutrality and exceptionalism in citizen journalism”. Canadian Journal of Communications, vol. 34, pp. 659-674.
Mahrouse, G. (2009). “Transnational activism/humanitarianism as a racialized ‘politics of life’: The Christian Peacemaker Team kidnapping in Iraq.” Citizenship Studies. Vol. 13, No. 4., pp.311-331.
Mahrouse, G. (2008). “Race-ethical transnational activists with cameras: Mediators of compassion.” International Journal of Cultural Studies. Vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 87-105.
Book chapters
Mahrouse, G. (2010). “Questioning efforts that seek to ‘do-good’: Insights from transnational solidarity activism and socially responsible tourism.” In The States of Race:. Razack, S. Smith, M. and Thobani, S. (Eds.) Between The Lines Press, pp. 169-190.