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l Giuliana Cucinelli

  • Associate Professor, Education

Contact information


Dr. Giuliana Cucinelli is an Associate Professor in the Educational Technology Program in the Department of Education at Concordia University. Her research-creation program focuses on the social, cultural and educational impacts of technology.

Currently she is a principal investigator on a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant and a Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), Établissement de nouveaux professeurs grant which examines digital device practices and policy in K-12 schools in Quebec and Ontario. She is also a PI on a Concordia funded research-creation project Virtual Reality and Empathy Education: Understanding Cultural, Gender and Ethnic Difference in the Workplace.

Furthermore, she is a co-applicant on 
ACT: Ageing, Communication, Technologies, a multi-methodological research project that brings together researchers and institutional and community partners to address the transformation of the experiences of ageing with the proliferation of new forms of mediated communications in networked societies. The project is funded by a SSHRC Partnership Grant, with Dr. Kim Sawchuk as Director and Principal Investigator.

Before joining Concordia, Cucinelli was a FRQSC Postdoctoral Research Associate for the Comparative Media Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge), with research affiliations to their Open Documentary Lab, the Center for Civic Media, and the Youth and Media Project in the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and a Postdoctoral Research Affiliate for the Mobilities Lab in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University.


  • Postdoc, Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013-14)
  • Postdoc, Mobile Media Lab, Concordia University (2011-13)
  • Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University (2007-2010)
  • BA, Communication Studies (Specialization)/Education (Minor), Concordia University (1999-2003)

Teaching activities

Courses Taught

  • Educational Gaming and Modelling (ETEC 637)
  • Introduction to Digital Media in Education (ETEC 665)
  • Designing and Developing Interactive InstructionInteractive Instruction (ETEC 669)
  • Learning Theories (ETEC 613)
  • SocialTechnologiesandtheSocioculturalAspectsofLearning (ETEC 662)


Representative Research-Creation Projects

Cucinelli, G. (2022). Happy Medium.
Kinetic typography podcasts series with K–12 teachers in Québec. Funded by Sciences and Humanities Research Council,
Insight Development Grant.

Project website:

Cucinelli, G. (2018) Look@Me.
Educational game about social media for K-12 schools. Funded by
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), Établissement de nouveaux professeurs.
Project website:

Cucinelli, G. (2018) WIM: What is Interactive Media?
Podcast series on interactive documentaries. Funded by the Mobile Media Lab.

Project website:

Cucinelli, G. (2018) Virtual Reality Meets Empathy

Podcast series focusing on the potential and limitations of integrating virtual reality for empathy education in the workplace environment. Funded by OVPRGS Individual SEED grant and by Petro-Canada Young Innovators Award.

Project website:

Cucinelli, G. (2018) Virtual Reality Meets Empathy

Virtual reality experience focusing on the potential and limitations of integrating virtual reality for empathy education in the workplace environment. Funded by OVPRGS Individual SEED grant and by Petro-Canada Young Innovators Award.

Project website:

Cucinelli, G. (2016) Define Privacy

Interactive documentary about privacy in the lives of young people. Funded by Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC), Établissement de nouveaux professeurs. Project website:


Cucinelli, G., & Sawchuk, K. (2015) AddressKnown/AdresseConnue

Interactive documentary with intergenerational portraits of Park Extension citizens actively involved in shaping the community. Funded by Hexagram-CIAM (2013); GRAND-NCE (2013). Project website:

Conference Presentations

  • Cucinelli, G. (2015, March). Global Knowledge Through Media and Art Engagement. Accepted at the annual meeting of South by Southwest Education Conference and Festival (SXSWedu). Austin, TX.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2014, October). MAKE: Media, Art, Media, Engaged. Understanding Media Now: Navigating Surveillance, Social Media and Marketing. Association for Media Literacy. Toronto, ON.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2014, March). Learning with Digital and Participatory Maps. Presented at the annual meeting of South by Southwest Education Conference and Festival (SXSWedu). Austin, TX.
  • Cucinelli, G., Smith, K., & Shade, L. (2013, November). Privacy and social media: Critical digital pedagogy for youth and teacher education. Presented at the annual meeting of the Union for Democratic Communications Conference. San Francisco, CA.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2013, November). Hybridity and interactivity in digital media pedagogy. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Digital Media and Arts Association Conference. Laguna Beach, CA.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2013, October). Teacher education, digital/social media, and media design for a critical and participatory classroom. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership Conference. Valletta, Malta.

Current Projects

Principal Investigator

  • (2015-2016). Virtual Reality and Empathy Education: Understanding Cultural, Gender and Ethnic Difference in the Workplace. Funded by Concordia University Office of the VP, Research & Graduate Studies SEED program.
  • (2013-2016). Civic Media Engagement and Transformative Actions: Youth, Teachers, Digital Media Sociability, and Privacy. Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC), Établissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs.
  • (2012-2015). AddressKnown/AdresseConnue: Interactive and Inter-generational documentary about local community activism in Montreal’s Parc Extension neighbourhood. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), GRAND Networks of Centres of Excellence Program, & Hexagram-CIAM.



Representative Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Cucinelli, G., Grenier, L., & Sawchuk, K. (co-Ed.) (2013). Mobile media. WI: Journal of Mobile Media. 6(3).
  • Cucinelli, G., & Pickup, D. (2008). The Don of hockey: Making comments and offers we can’t refuse. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education. 12(3), 33-42.
  • Cucinelli, G., & Hoechsmann, M. (2007). My name is Borat: Narcissism in the age of viral communication. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education. 7(1), 91-101.
Book Chapters

  • Cucinelli, G. (2013). Joe Kincheloe and critical action research. In D. Coghlan & M. Bryon-Miller (Eds.), Encyclopedia of action research. New York, NY: Sage Publications.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2011). Remixed and mashed: Understanding the remix and digital mashup culture. In M. Hoechsmann & S. Poyntz (Eds.), Media literacy: A critical introduction (pp.123-140). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2009). Mobiles and digital outlets: Hand held obsessions. In M. Kehler, S. Steinberg, & L. Cornish (Eds.),Encyclopedia of boy culture (pp. 425-430). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2007). Croc this! Articulating young feminine identity through Lacoste. In D. Macedo & S. Steinberg (Eds.), Media literacy: a reader (pp.514-521). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publications.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2007). Sk8R gurl: Mobile technology and young girls. In C. Mitchell & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl culture: An encyclopedia (pp.537-538). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Cucinelli, G. (2007). Pretty pink technology and the RAZR. In C. Mitchell & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Girl culture: An encyclopedia(pp.221-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Book Reviews

  • Cucinelli, G. (2014). [Review of the book Out of the Basement: Youth Cultural Production in Practice and in Policy, by M. Campell]. Canadian Journal of Communication

  • Cucinelli, G. (forthcoming). Digital Youth Praxis. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publications

Professional Memberships

  • AOIR — Association of Internet Researchers (2013 to present)
  • UDC — Union for Democratic Communications (2013 to present)
  • CCLA — Canadian Civil Liberties Association (2013 to present)
  • Pan-American Mobilities Network and the Cosmobilities Network (2012 to present)
  • Hexagram, Centre for Research-Creation in Media Arts (2011 to present)
  • CSSE — Canadian Society for the Study of Education (2010 to present)
  • CCA — Canadian Communication Association (2009 to present)
  • AERA — American Educational Research Association (2007 to present)

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