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Hamid Shirdastian

  • Part-time professor, Marketing

Research areas: Big data analytics, Brand sentiment, Retailing performance, Location-based advertising, New product development, Sharing economy, Cloud marketing

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MB 9.405, everyday by appointment.


Hamid Shirdastian is a part-time faculty member at the JMSB, Concordia University. He is a Ph.D. candidate of Business Administration (Marketing specialization) and a big data analytics researcher in marketing. He investigates how the immense amount of real-time and retrospective data can contribute to marketing theories and practices. His goal is to identify different approaches and conditions under which the well-being of consumers, brands, and society at large are aligned. He intends to draw his research questions from everyday life observations. Given the applied nature of digital marketing, he believes that academic research in the field of digital marketing should have implications for real challenges that marketers and consumers are facing in the big data era.

As an instructor, he thinks his job has five pillars: to help students find their own strong motives to learn, to suggest appropriate questions for inquiry and practice, to promote an inclusive learning community within the class, to provide guidance and feedback, and to commit continues improvement. To this end, his learner-centric teaching philosophy focus on engagement, innovation, and impact which are the three core elements of AACSB standards as well.

Hamid's work has been published in the International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Business Environment, among others. He has also presented his research at the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Science, American Marketing Association, and RBIRS conferences. Hamid has also served as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Information Management, and Journal of Consumer Behaviour, and recognized as an outstanding reviewer for the first two journals. Additionally, he has reviewed papers for the conferences of AMA, AMS, RBIRS, and ASAC. He holds an undergraduate degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and MBA from Iran.

Teaching activities





1. Developing a Marketing and Communications Plan for Kiwanis Club Lakeshore, QC, Canada
2. Developing a Marketing and Communications Plan for Pacem School, Vermont, USA
3. Market Study for Qitaf, Palestine as a client of the Trade facilitation office (TFO), Canada
4. Developing a marketing and communications plan for Giant Steps School, Montreal, Canada


Refereed journal article

Shirdastian, H., Laroche, M., Richard, M. O. (2019). Using big data analytics to study brand authenticity sentiments: The case of Starbucks on Twitter. International Journal of Information Management, 48, 291-307. (IF=8.21), Available online at: 

Fazli, S., Shirdastian, H., Laroche, M. (2015).  Effective Factors of Successful Cloud Marketing Adoption by SMEs: The Case of Iran. International Journal of Business Environment, 7(4), 415-434.

Shirdastian, H., Fazli, S. (2014). Brand Marketing of "Made in X" Based on a Hybrid Model Combining the DEMATEL and the ANP, Case Study: the "Made in Iran" Brand. International Journal of Scientific Management and Development, 5(2), 141-148.

Shirdastian, H., Towhidi, N., Allahkaram, S. R., Cheraghi, M. S. (2013). Comparing the Ranking of Cobalt Coating Microstructures, Produced by Direct Current through Experimental Studies and the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 5(1), 1-5.

Refereed conference proceedings

Shirdastian, H.*, Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., Richard, MO. (To be presented, July 2021). Destination-Based Advertising: the Role of Destination Congruity. The 23rd Academy of Marketing Science World Conference, Virtual.

Shirdastian, H. *, Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., Richard, MO. (To be presented, Feb 2021). Destination-Based Advertising: Altering Planned Behaviors. American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference 2021, Virtual.

Shirdastian, H. *, Bartikowski, B., Laroche, M., (Nov 2019). How Can Uber Alter the Destinations? The 11th Annual Graduate Research Exposition, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. (Awarded Runner-Up Prize)

Li, B., Shirdastian, H. *, Laroche, M. (June 2019). Forecasting the Impact of Product- Harm Events on Firm Value by Leveraging Negative Word of Mouth. The 41st Annual Marketing Science Conference, University of Rome Tre, Italy.

Shirdastian, H. *, Laroche, M. (Sep 2017). Product Development Based on User Generated Contents: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. The 12th Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montreal, QC.

Shirdastian, H. *, Laroche, M., Richard, MO. (May 2017). Identifying Brand Sentiment through Analytics. 45th Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, San Diego, CA.
Shirdastian, H. *, Laroche, M. (May 2016). Motivations of Shopping Channel Preference and Purchase Intention: the Moderating Role of Involvement. The 44th Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Orlando, FL.

Working topics

Destination-Based Advertising

Designing Mobile Apps for Location-based Advertising

From Reviews to Service Descriptions

From Nightmare to Dream: Product Recalls Communication

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