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Harriet Hariclia Petrakos, PhD

  • Associate Professor, Education

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Hariclia Petrakos is a psychologist whose research and teaching interests centre on promoting resilient environments for individuals with differences. More specifically, she focuses on family relationships and well-being; parenting and children's development; diversity issues and cultural identity; transitions and inclusive practices for children and families; understanding and working with emotional and behaviour challenges.


PhD McGill University, 2000, Montreal, Canada(Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology)
MA  Concordia University, 1992, Montreal, Canada (Department of Education)
BA  Concordia University, 1986, Montreal, Canada (Department of Psychology)

Licensed Psychologist, Ordre de Psychologues, 2001, Montreal, Quebec (Canada)

Professional experience

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University 2006 to present

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, 2003-2006
Assistant Professor, LTA, Department of Education, Concordia University, 2002-2003

Psychologist, Lester B. Pearson School Board, 1999-2003, Family, School and Support Treatment Team

Clinical Internship, Jewish General Hospital, Department of Child Psychiatry, Montreal, Canada

School Psychology Internship, Lakeshore School Board, Montreal, Canada

Visiting Lecturer, Vanier College, 1993-1998


Petrakos, H. & Strike Schurman, J. (2014-2016). A child-family-school participatory action research to promote resilience against bullying in children with learning difficulties. Programme de Soutien a la Recherche et au Developpement en adaptation scolaire - Demande de subvention. Ministere de L'Education et Sport

Rousseau C., Benoit, M., Hechtman, L., Petrakos, H., Thombs, B. & Vasiliadis, H.-M. (2011-2013). Assessment of a Drama Workshop Program for Immigrant Adolescents. Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR. 

Co-applicant with Rousseau, C. (PI) (2009-2012). Écoles et santé mentale: Une articulation à repenser dans une société enTransformation. Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ). Programme de subvention a la recherche en sante et societe.

Co-applicant with Rousseau, C. (PI) (2006-2008). Écoles et santé mentale: Une articulation à repenser dans une société enTransformation. Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ). Programme de subvention a la recherche en Sante et Societe.

Courses taught

CHST 608 Field Observations
CHST 606 Qualitative Methods of Inquiry
CHST 600 Advanced Child Development
CHST 608 Early Childhood Settings
CHST 622 The Family
Educ 295/296 Practicum I: Pre-Kindergarten Internship and Seminar
Educ 264 Communication: Child, Parent, Teacher
Educ 297 Observation and Evaluation in Education
Educ 450 Teaching the Exceptional Child in the Inclusive Classroom

Selected publications

Fontil, L. & Petrakos, H. (2015). Transition to school for children with autism spectrum disorders: Are families getting enough support. Psychology in the Schools52(8), 773-788.

Beauregard, F., Petrakos, H., Dupont (2014). Family-school partnership: Practices of immigrants parents in Canada. The School Community Journal. 24(1), 177-210.

Lehrer, J. & Petrakos, H., & Venkatesh, V. (2014). Grade one students' out-of-school play and its relationship to school based academic, behaviour, and creativity outcomes. Early Education and Development, 25(3), 295-317.

Rousseau C., Beauregard C., Daignault K., Petrakos H., Thombs B.D, et al. (2014). A cluster randomized-controlled trial of a classroom-based drama workshop program to improve mental health outcomes among immigrant and refugee youth in special classes. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104704. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104704

Lehrer, J. & Petrakos, H., & Venkatesh, V. (2014). Grade one students' out-of-school play and its relationship to school based academic, behaviour, and creativity outcomes. Early Education and Development, 25(3), 295- 317.

Petrakos, H. & Lehrer, J. (2011). Parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of transitions practices in kindergartenIn Petrakos, H. (Ed.). Critical Issues on School Transition for Children and their Families [Special issue]. Exceptionality Education International, 21(2), 62-73.

Lehrer, J. & Petrakos, H. (2011). Parent and child perceptions of grade one children’s out of school play. In Petrakos, H. (Ed.) Critical Issues on School Transition for Children and their Families [Special issue]. Exceptionality Education International, 21(2), 74-92.

Petrakos, H. (Ed.) (2011). Introduction: Critical Issues on School Transition for Children and their Families [Special issue]. Exceptionality Education International. 21(2), 2–4.


Trépanier, N. S., Paré, M., Petrakos, H. & Drouin, C. (2008). A proposal for involving teachers in school integrated services in the province of Québec. The School Community Journal18(1), 105-122.

Heath, N., McLean-Heywood, D., Rousseau, C., Petrakos, H., Finn C. & Karagiannakis, A. * (2006). Turf and tension: psychiatric and inclusive communities servicing students referred for emotional and behavioural difficulties. International Journal of Inclusive Education 10, 335-346.

Howe, N., Petrakos, H., Rinaldi, C. & LeFebvre, R. L. (2005). “This is a bad dog you know,... ”: Constructing shared meanings during sibling pretend play. Child Development76, 783-794.

Heath, N. L., Petrakos, H., Finn, C. A., Karagiannakis,* A., McLean-Heywood, D. & Rousseau, C. (2004). Inclusion on the final frontier: A model for including children with emotional and behaviour disorders (E/BD) in Canada. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 8, 1-19.

Finn, C. A., Heath, N. L., Petrakos, H. & McLean-Heywood, D. (2003). A comparison of school service models for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 17, 61-68.

Howe, N., Rinaldi, C., Jennings, M. & Petrakos, H. (2002). “No! The lambs can stay out because they got cozies”: Constructive and destructive sibling conflict, pretend play and social understanding. Child Development, 73, 1460-1473.

Petrakos, H. (1998). [Review of the book Culture and the Child: A Guide for Professionals in Child Care and Development]. Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education. 7(2), 189-90.

Benenson, J., Morash, D.* & Petrakos, H. (1998). Gender differences in emotional closeness between preschool children and their mothers. Sex Roles, 38, 975-985.

Howe, N., Petrakos, H. & Rinaldi, C. (1998). “All the sheep are dead. He murdered them”: Sibling pretense, negotiation, internal state language and relationship quality. Child Development, 69, 182- 191.

Chambers, B., Howe, N. & Petrakos, H. (1997). The role of curriculum preparation in facilitating children's dramatic play and content knowledge. Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 6, 251-261.

Petrakos, H. & Howe, N. (1996). The influence of the physical design of the dramatic play center on children’s play. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 11, 63-77.

Howe, N., Petrakos, H.Chambers, B. & Moller, L. (1995). Teacher ratings and observations of children's play in dramatic play centers. International Play Journal, 3, 113-120.

Howe, N., Chambers, B., Moller, L. & Petrakos, H. (1993). The ecology of dramatic play centers and children's social and cognitive play. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 8, 235-251.

Book Contributions

Petrakos, H., *Bergmame, L. & *Charbonneau, S. (2013). Positive school transition practices and children’s transition to school. In Pour une école communautaire: des pratiques essentielles de collaboration en milieu scolaire / Toward a community school : essential practices for school-family-community collaboration, ed. N. Trépanier, Montreal: Editions Nouvelles.

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