Photo: Cassandra Cacheiro
Hélène Brousseau
Pronouns: She/Her
Not a thesis supervisor
- Digital Media and Visual Resources Librarian, Concordia University Library
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Selected Publications
Brousseau, H., Hébert, J., & Lachance, J. (2024). Open Access in the Field of Contemporary Art: Examining Challenges and Opportunities Through the e-artexte Thematic Repository. Art Documentation,43(1), https://doi.org/10.1086/733018.
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Brousseau, H., Caussy, P., Mayhew, G., Miller, S., & Kelly-Rhéaume, P. (2024). Beyond the exhibition: The crucial role of the art library. Vie des arts, 274, 44-49.
Brousseau, H. & L’Heureux, I. (2023). Réflexions sur la campagne de contribution des Ateliers Wiki x arts actuels (2019-2022). Vie des arts, 68(270), 39–41. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/101963ac
Brousseau, H. & Hébert J. (2023). Off the Grid: Exploring the Human Networks inUnderground Art Making and Collection Building. In J. Camlot, M. Langford,& L. M. Morra. (Eds.), Collection Thinking: Within and WithoutLibraries, Archives and Museums (pp. 257-273). Routledge. https://doi-org.lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/10.4324/9781003282303
Brousseau, H.,& Lafontaine, E. (2019). L’espace numérique pour décloisonner les pratiquesartistiques et l’accès à la culture. Vie des arts, 255. https://viedesarts.com/dossiers/laccessibilite-des-arts-en-region/lespace-numerique-pour-decloisonner-les-pratiques-artistiques-et-favoriser-lacces-a-la-culture/
Forest, D., Bastien, F., Legault-Venne, A., Brousseau,H., and Lacombe, O. (2017).Les mots de la campagne: La fouille de textes appliquée à l’étude de lacommunication électorale. In P.-M. Daigneault & F. Pétry (Eds.), L’analyse textuelle des idées, du discourset des pratiques politiques (pp. 97–120). Presses de l’Université Laval. https://www.pulaval.com/libreacces/9782763731988.pdf
Professional Activities
Member, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA),
· Member of the Audiovisual and Multimedia (AVMS) Section Standing Committee (mandate 2023-2027)
· Appointed member of the Accessibility Metadata Network, representing the AVMS Section
Member, Art Libraries Association of North America (ARLIS/NA) and local Montreal, Ottawa, Québec Chapter (MOQ)