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Ivan Kantor, PhD

Thesis supervisor Unavailable

  • Assistant Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering

Research areas: Industrial symbiosis, circular economy, energy, optimization, energy systems, process systems engineering, process integration, energy efficiency, industry, life-cycle thinking, life-cycle assessment

Contact information

Teaching activities

Current courses

ENGR-371 Probability and Statistics in Engineering
CHME-6911 Special Topics in Chemical Engineering: Introduction to Life-Cycle Assessment
CHME-6091 Statistics for chemical engineers
CHME-6041 Process control for chemical engineering

Previous courses

ChE-459 Process development at EPFL, Switzerland
ENV-510 Life-cycle assessment of energy systems at EPFL, Switzerland

Research activities


My research activities use optimization to generate solutions for complex problems in energy systems. We are developing methods to provide meaningful ways to transition to more efficient industrial production, process integration, and circular economy. Life-cycle assessment principles are leveraged to understand environmental impacts.


Selected journal publications

Shafiee Roudbari E, Menon RP, Kantor I, Eicker U. Toward Positive Energy Districts by Urban–Industrial Energy Exchange. Designs. 2023 Jun;7(3):73.

Santecchia A, Kantor I, Castro-Amoedo R, Maréchal F. Industrial Flexibility as Demand Side Response for Electrical Grid Stability. Frontiers in Energy Research. 2022;10.

Granacher J, Kantor ID, Maréchal F. Increasing Superstructure Optimization Capacity Through Self-Learning Surrogate Models. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering. 2021;3:58. 

Weickgenannt A, Kantor I, Maréchal F, Schiffmann J. On the Application of Small-Scale Turbines in Industrial Steam Networks. Energies. 2021 Jan;14(11):3149.

Kantor I, Robineau J-L, Bütün H, Maréchal F. A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Optimizing Multi-Scale Material and Energy Integration. Front. Energy Res. 2020; 8.

Bütün H, Kantor I, Maréchal F. An Optimisation Approach for Long-Term Industrial Investment Planning. Energies. 2019; 12(21):4076.

Bütün H, Kantor I, Maréchal F. Incorporating Location Aspects in Process Integration Methodology. Energies. 2019;12(17):3338.

Suciu R, Kantor I, Bütün H, Maréchal F. Geographically Parameterized Residential Sector Energy and Service Profile. Front. Energy Res. 2019; 7. 

Kermani M, Kantor ID, Maréchal F. Optimal Design of Heat-Integrated Water Allocation Networks. Energies 2019; 12(11):2174

Suciu R, Stadler P, Kantor I, Girardin L, Maréchal F. Systematic Integration of Energy-Optimal Buildings With District Networks. Energies. 2019; 12(15):2945.

Kermani M, Kantor ID, Wallerand AS, Granacher J, Ensinas AV, Maréchal F. A Holistic Methodology for Optimizing Industrial Resource Efficiency. Energies. 2019; 12(7):1315.

Bertrand ASJ-M, Mian A, Kantor I, Aggoune R, Maréchal F. Regional waste heat valorisation: a mixed integer linear programming method for energy service companies. Energy 2019; (167) 454-468

Wallerand AS, Kermani M, Kantor I, Maréchal F. Optimal heat pump integration in industrial processes. Applied Energy 2018; (219) 68–92. 

Bütün H, Kantor I, Maréchal F. A heat integration method with multiple heat exchange interfaces. Energy 2018 (152) 476–88. 

Kermani M, Wallerand AS, Kantor ID, Maréchal F. Generic superstructure synthesis of organic Rankine cycles for waste heat recovery in industrial processes. Applied Energy 2018; (212) 1203-1225

Kantor I, Rowlands IH, Parker P. Aggregated and Disaggregated Correlations of Household Electricity Consumption with Time-of-Use Shifting and Conservation. Energy and Buildings 2017 (139) 326-339

Wallerand AS, Kermani M, Voillat R, Kantor I, Maréchal F. Optimal design of solar-assisted industrial processes considering heat pumping: Case study of a dairy. Renewable Energy 2017 (128) 565-585
Li X, Wang N, Wang L, Kantor ID, Robineau J-LS, Yang Y, Maréchal F. A data-driven model for the air-cooling condenser of thermal power plants based on data reconciliation and support vector regression. Applied Thermal Engineering 2018; (129) 1496-1507

Kantor I, Rowlands IH, Parker P, Lazowski B. Economic Feasibility of Residential Electricity Storage Systems in Ontario, Canada Considering Two Policy Scenarios. Energy and Buildings 2015 (86) 222 – 232

Kantor I, Betancourt A, Elkamel A, Fowler MW, Almansoori A. Generalized Mixed-integer Nonlinear Programming Modeling of Eco-industrial Networks to Reduce Cost and Emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production 2015; (99) 160-176

Kantor I, Elkamel A, Fowler MW. Optimization of Material and Energy Exchange in an Eco-park Network Considering Three Fuel Sources. Int J Advanced Operations Management 2014; 6(4), 285 – 308 

Kantor I, Fowler MW, Elkamel A. Optimized production of hydrogen in an eco-park network accounting for life-cycle emissions and profit.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012; 37(6), 5347 – 5359

Kantor I, Fowler MW, Hajimiragha A, Elkamel A. Air quality and environmental impacts of alternative vehicle technologies in Ontario, Canada.  International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2010; 35 (10), 5145-5153

Book chapters

Kantor I, Pouransari N, Maréchal F. Chapter 16: A Perspective on Process Integration in Resource Efficiency of Processing Plants: Monitoring and Improvement edited by Stefan Krämer and Sebastian Engell. John Wiley & Sons (2018)

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