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Jack Kornblatt, PhD

  • Assistant Professor Emeritus, Biology

Research areas: Protein biochemistry

Contact information



PhD (Cincinnati)

Teaching activities

JA Kornblatt no longer teaches.

Selected publications

Two forms of acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase in yeast. II Intracellular location and relationship to growthJack A. Kornblatt and H. Rudney (1971) J. Biol. Chem. 246, 4424-4430

The conformational states of cytochrome oxidase in the mitochondrion Jack A. Kornblatt and G.R. Williams (1975) Can. J. Biochem. 53, 467-471

A non-traditional role for water in the cytochrome c oxidase reaction Jack A. Kornblatt and G. Hui Bon Hoa (1990) Biochemistry 29, 9370-9376

Cytochrome c oxidase: the presumptive channel holds at least four water molecules. Jack A. Kornblatt and Mary Judith Kornblatt (1992) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1099, 182-184

The water channel of cytochrome c oxidase: inferences from inhibitor studies. Jack A Kornblatt (1998) Biophys. J. 75, 3127-3134

Understanding the fluorescence changes of human plasminogen when it binds the phyiological mimetic ligand, 6-aminohexanoate: A synthesis Jack A Kornblatt (2000) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1481: 1-10

The interaction of canine plasminogen with Streptococcus pyogenes enolase: they bind to one another but what is the nature of the structures involved? Kornblatt MJ(1), Kornblatt JA, Hancock MA.(2011) PLoS One. 2011;6(12):e28481. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028481. Epub 2011 Dec 9

eIF4E3 acts as a tumour suppressor by utilizing an atypical mode of methyl-7-guanosine cap recognition Michael J. Osborne,1 Laurent Volpon,1 Jack A. Kornblatt,2 Biljana Culjkovic-Kraljcic,1 Aurélie Baguet,1,3 and Katherine L.B.Borden1 (2013) PNAS 110, 3877-3882

The interaction of streptococcal enolase with canine plasminogen: the role of surfaces in complex formation. Balhara V1, Deshmukh SS2, Kálmán L2, Kornblatt JA. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 10;9(2):e88395. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088395.

67. tRNA increases the affinity of glutamyl tRNA synthasefor its inhibitor glutamyl sulfamoyl-adenosine, an analog of the aminoacylationreaction intermediate glutamyl-AMP: mechanistic and evolutionary implications.

Sébastien P. Blais, Jack A. Kornblatt, Xavier Barbeau,Guillaume Bonnaure, Patrick Lagüe, Robert Chênevert, Jacques Lapointe

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0121043  

68. A multilaboratory comparison of calibrationaccuracy and the performance of external references in analyticalultracentrifugation.

Zhao H, Ghirlando R, Alfonso C, Arisaka F, Attali I, Bain DL, Bakhtina MM, Becker DF, Bedwell GJ, Bekdemir A, Besong TM, Birck C, Brautigam CA, Brennerman W, Byron O, Bzowska A, Chaires JB, Chaton CT, Cölfen H, Connaghan KD, Crowley KA, Curth U, Daviter T, Dean WL, Díez AI, Ebel C, Eckert DM, Eisele LE, Eisenstein E, England P, Escalante C, Fagan JA, FairmanR, Finn RM, Fischle W, de la Torre JG, Gor J, Gustafsson H, Hall D, Harding SE, Cifre JG, Herr AB, Howell EE, Isaac RS, Jao SC, Jose D, Kim SJ, Kokona B, Kornblatt JA, Kosek D, Krayukhina E, YPERLINK""Krzizike D, Kusznir EA,YPERLINK""Kwon H, Larson A, Laue TM, Le Roy A, Leech AP, Lilie H, Luger K, Luque-Ortega JR, Ma J, May CA, Maynard EL, Modrak-Wojcik A, Mok YF, Mücke N, Nagel-Steger L, Narlikar GJ, Noda M, Nourse A, Obsil T, Park CK, Park JK, Pawelek PD, Perdue EE, Perkins SJ, Perugini MA, Peterson CL, Peverelli MG, Piszczek G, Prag G, PreveligePE, Raynal BD, Rezabkova L, Richter K, Ringel AE, Rosenberg R, Rowe AJ, Rufer AC, Scott DJ, Seravalli JG, Solovyova AS, Song R, Staunton D, Stoddard C, Stott K, Strauss HM, Streicher WW, Sumida JP, Swygert SG, Szczepanowski RH, Tessmer I, Toth RT 4th, Tripathy A, Uchiyama S, Uebel SF, Unzai S, Gruber AV, von Hippel PH, Wandrey C, Wang SH, Weitzel SE, Wielgus-Kutrowska B, Wolberger C, Wolff M, Wright E, Wu YS, Wubben JM, Schuck P.

PLoS One. 2015 Apr 10;10(4):e0121043. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121043.eCollection 2015.

Kornblatt JA, Quiros V, Kornblatt MJ(2015) The Energetics of Streptococcal Enolase Octamer Formation: TheQuantitative Contributions of the Last Eight Amino Acids at theCarboxy-Terminus. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135754. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0135754

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