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Janis Timm-Bottos, PhD, ATR-BC, PT

  • Associate Professor, Art Therapy, Creative Arts Therapies
  • Provost Fellow for Community Engagement, Fine Arts

Research areas: community arts, art hives, inclusion/exclusion, community-university, community-base, belonging, citizen science, socially committed art practice, handmade, participatory action research, arts-based learning, qualitative methods, women, activism, social change, urban futures, storytelling, ethnocultural diversity, critical disability studies

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Associate Professor Janis Timm-Bottos is a board certified art therapist and an interdisciplinary scholar with a sustained research practice investigating the community art studio as a therapeutic site for individual, family and community healing. She is founder of ArtStreet, an art studio with Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless,  OFFCenter Community Arts Project, an arts-based public homeplace in downtown Albuquerque and "Kitchen Table Arts," which was housed in a thrift store in Nelson, BC and spawned "Children of the Seams" a youth collective that remakes fashion from discarded clothing. A presenter in both local and international venues, Janis advocates for the return of small, welcoming, free community art spaces located between neighbourhoods. Her current research and training site includes a storefront classroom in St. Henri, "La Ruche d'Art: Community Studio and Science Shop."  La Ruche or the art hive is open two days a week for the community to join together to make art. She and her students have launched a national network of art hives across Canada. Please see Janis is currently serving as the Provost's Fellow for Community Engagement and is committed to helping lead the university's new strategy: Embrace the City. One outcome of this initiative is to support Concordia's partnership with the Montreal Museum of Fine Art through facilitating a new downtown art hive at the museum.

Education and training

  • Ph.D. American Studies, 2005 Dissertation: "The Necessity of Public Home Place in Urban Revitalization" Dept. of American Studies, University of New Mexico
  • M.A.   Art Education/ Art Therapy, 1994 Dept. of Education, University of New Mexico
  • B.S. Physical Therapy, 1981 University of Maryland School of Medicine
  • A.A.  Allied Health, 1978 Essex Community College, Baltimore MD

Research activities

Researching Methods and Materials for Promoting Social Inclusion Through Public Science in the Art Hives Network: Strengthening Partnerships across Academic and Social Divides


Selected publications / Works of interest

Timm-Bottos, J. (2015). Art therapy inCanada: A Place-based Métissage. D.Gussak and M. Rosal (Eds.). TheWiley-Blackwell Handbook of Art Therapy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Pub.


Timm-Bottos,J. & Reilly, R.C. (2014). Learning in third spaces: Community art studio asstorefront university classroom. American Journal of Community Psychology,55 102-114. Special Issue on Community-Based Arts Initiatives: AdvancingTheory, Research, and Action. C. H. Stein and D. A. Faigin (Eds.) (DOI) 10.1007/s10464-014-9688-5


Timm-Bottos, J., & Reilly, R. C. (2015). Neighborhoodart hives: Engaging communities in teaching and learning. O. Delano-Oriaran, M.Parks, & S. Fondrie (Eds.), Service-learning and civic engagement: Asourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Timm-Bottos, J. (2012). La Ruche d’Art:Community art studios extending art therapies reach. Communique: L’ Association des Art-Therapeutes du Quebec. 20(2)9-12.


Timm-Bottos, J.  (2011). The Five and Dime: Developing aCommunity’s Access to Art-based Research. In H.Burt (Ed).  Art Therapy andPostmodernism: Creative Healing through a Prism London: Jessica Kingsley.


Timm-Bottos, J. (2011). Endangered Threads:Socially Committed Community Art Action. ArtTherapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association 28 (2).


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