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Jayne Malenfant

  • Assistant Professor, Education

Research areas: Youth homelessness, school-based homelessness prevention, anarchist education, community-based research, youth participatory action research, lived experience scholarship

Contact information


Office: FG 6-219
514-848-2424 x 4041

Courses taught

Fall 2021

  • EDUC 230: Philosophy of Education

  • ESTU 644/ADIP 544: School & Society

  • ESTU 645: Curriculum Studies


Select Publications

Malenfant, Jayne & Smith, Charlotte. (2021). Creating Conditions for Lived and Living Experience to Transform Research. Parity 34(6): 31-33.      


Leblanc, Caroline & Malenfant, Jayne. (2021). L’Implication des personnes ayant un vécu ensituation   d’itinérance en recherche : un moyen de changement social. In Grimard, C., Côté, P.B., Macdonald, S.A. (Eds.) L’itinérance en bref: mieux comprendre le passage à la rue. Montréal : Université de Montréal.                                                                                          

Malenfant, Jayne. (2020). Fieldnotes and Lived Experiences of Housing Precarity: Co-Creating Transparent Research Practices for Social Change. In Burkholder, Casey & Thompson, Jennifer A. (Eds.) Fieldnotes in QualitativeEducation and Social Science Research: Approaches, Practices and Ethical Considerations. New York: Routledge.


Malenfant, Jayne, Nichols, Naomi, & Schwan, Kaitlin. (2019). Chasing Funding to “Eat Our Own Tail”: The Invisible Emotional Work of Making Social Change. ANSERJ: Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research 10(2): 40-54.


Malenfant, Jayne. (2019). Cultivating anarchist praxis: reflections on an outdoor, anarchist free skool in Tio’tia:ke/Montréal. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education 30(2): 11-14.


Strong-Wilson, Teresa, Malenfant, JayneHasebeludt, E., Irwin, R., Johnston, I., Leggo, C., Ng-A-Fook, N., Oberg, A., Smits, H.. (2019). Provoking Curriculum (Studies): Intellectual

Interpolations. In Strong-Wilson, T., Ehret, C., Lewkowich, D., & Chang-Kredl, S. (Eds.) Provoking Curriculum Encounters: New Engagements with the Curriculum Theory Archive. Routledge.


Malenfant, Jayne (2018) Anarchist Youth in Rural Canada: Technology, Resistance, and the Navigation of Space. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures 10(2): 126-152.

Public Academic Writing

Preventing Youth Homelessness in the Canadian Education System: Young People Speak Out. Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Press.

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