Jean-Philippe Gouin, PhD
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Professor, Psychology
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PhD (The Ohio State University)Biography
Research interests
Current studies examine:
-The moderating role of dyadic coping in the association between spousal control behaviour and changes in diet and physical activity among cohabiting couples. Funded by SSHRC.
-The impact of a couples-based lifestyle intervention on healthy eating, physical activity, and dyadic coping among older adults. Funded by the Institut de Gériatrie de Montréal and the PERFORM Centre.
-The impact of cognitive-behavioural treatment on stress-related insomnia. Funded by CIHR.
Representative Publications
*Caldwell, W., da Estrela, C., MacNeil, S., Gouin,J.-P. (2019). Association between romantic partners’ brooding rumination and negative marital exchanges is moderated by respiratory sinus arrhythmia: An actor-partner interdependence model. Journal of Family Psychology.
*Gouin, J.P. Caldwell, W., MacNeil, S., Roddick, C. (2018). Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Reactivity Moderates Within-Person Associations of Daily Capitalization with Positive Affect and Relationship Quality. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1-22.
*Gouin,J.P., Zhou, Q.Q., Booij, L., Boivin M., Côté, S.M.,Hébert, M., I. Ouellet-Morin, M. Szyf, M., Tremblay, R.E., Turecki,G., and Vitaro, F. (2017). Associations among oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) DNA methylation in adulthood, exposure to early life adversity, and childhood trajectories of anxiousness. Scientific Reports. 7 (1): 7446.
*MacNeil, S., Deschenes, S., Caldwell, W., Brouillard,M., Dang-Vu, T.T., & Gouin, JP. (2017). High-Frequency Heart Rate Variability Reactivity and Trait Worry Interact to Predict The Development of Sleep Disturbances in Response to a Naturalistic Stressor. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 51(6): 912-924.
*Gouin, J.P., Scarcello, S., da Estrela, C. Paquin,C., & Barker, E.T. (2016). Dyadic Coping and Inflammation in the Contextof Chronic Stress. Health Psychology, 35(10), 1081-1084.
*Gouin, J.P.,Zhou, B., & Fitzpatrick, S. (2015). Social Integration Prospectively Predicts Changes in Heart Rate Variability Among Individuals Undergoing Migration Stress. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 49(2), 230-238.
*Gouin, J.P., Deschenes, S., & Dugas, M. (2014). Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia during Worry Forecasts Stress-Related Increases in Psychological Distress. Stress, 17(15), 416-422.
*Kiecolt-Glaser, J.K., Gouin, J.P., Glaser, R., Malarkey, W.B., Pang, N. (2011). Childhood Adversity Heightens the Impact of Later-Life Caregiving Stress on Telomere Length and Inflammation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 73(1), 16-22.
*Gouin, J.P., Carter, C.S., Pournajafi-Nazarloo, H., Glaser, R., Malarkey, W.,Loving, T., Stowell, J., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. (2010). Marital Behavior, Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Wound Healing. Psychoneuroendocrinology.35(7):1082-1090