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Dr. Jisun Yu, PhD

  • Associate Professor, Management

Research areas: Firm internationlization, Mulinational Corporations, Corporate Political Activities, Corruption, Social Evaluation

Contact information


Jisun Yu joined the John Molson School of Business in 2007. She received her Ph.D. degree in Strategic Management and Organization from the University of Minnesota (2007). She received her MBA degree from Carnegie Mellon University (2002) and her BA degree in Anthropology from Seoul National University (1997). Her research has focused on the issues pertinent to firm internationalization.    

Her current research interests include: 

  • social evaluations involving negative events in international business contexts (e.g., MNE's engagement in corruption)

  • internationalization processes of professional services

  • a role of information technology in MNEs' global operation.  

Her work has been published in Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, Business & Society, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Production and Operations Management. She has also been awarded external research grants including Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant and Fonds de Recherché sur la Societe et la Culture (FQRSC).


PhD (University of Minnesota)

Teaching activities

MSCA 647

GraduateSeminar in Strategic Management in the Global Context (MSc)


Management of Multinational Corporations 

Comm401 Strategy and Competition

MSCA 657

 Organizations and Strategy


Refereed Journal Articles

YU, J., LEE, K., HAN, K., CANTOR, D. E. (2024). How do national cultural differences affect cross-border acquisitions? Cultural dimensions, learning from supply chain partners, and post-acquisition performance. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming.

LEE, S.-H., YU, J., KIM, J. (2024) Regulatory actions and reputation spillovers: Investor reactions to foreign corrupt practices act violations. Journal of International Business Studies. Forthcoming. [Equal contribution of the authorship]

JEONG, Y. C., YU, J., RYU, W. (2024). Connecting cross-border market participants: The information intermediary role of international analysts in global capital markets. Journal of Management Studies. 61(6), 2035-2569.

YU, J., LEE, S. (2021). Bending the rules or changing them? MNE responses to institutional challenges in transition economies. Business & Society. 60(3), 727-763.

YU, J., LEE, S., HAN, K. (2015). FDI motives, market governance, and ownership choice of MNEs: A study of Malaysia and Thailand from an incomplete contracting perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of

Management, 32 (2), 335-362.  

YU, J., KIM, S. S. (2013). Understanding liability of foreignness in an Asian business context: A study of the Korean asset management industry.  Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30 (4), 1191-1217.


YU, J., ZAHEER, S. (2010). Building a process model of local adaptation of practices: A study of Six Sigma implementation in Korean and US firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 41 (3), 475- 499.  

YU, J., ENGLEMAN, R., VAN DE VEN, A. H. (2005). The integration journey: An attention-based view of the merger and acquisition integration process. Organization Studies, 26 (10), 1502-1528.

Participation activities

Conference Presentations

YU, J., LEE, S.-H., KIM, J. (2024) (Forthcoming). Within-industry reputation spillovers among MNEs

after a negative event: The role of multiple categorization and industry-specific country reputation.

Strategic Management Society, Istanbul.

LEE, S.-H., YU, J., KIM, J. (2023). Regulatory actions and reputation spillovers: Investor reactions to

foreign corrupt practices act violations. Academy of International Business Conference, Warsaw.

YU, J., HAN, K., LIU, C., MITHAS, S. (2022). Firm-specific advantages, global expansion and

production costs: The role of information technology in global operations of multinational enterprises.

Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Copenhagen.

KIM, J., YU, J., LEE, S.-H. (2020). Online conference due to COVID: Spillover effects of market

penalties for foreign corrupt practices: understanding different regulatory events as intermediary

signals. Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting.

JEONG, Y.-C., YU, J. (2018). Professionals as a carrier of globalization: The role of security analysts in

financial globalization. Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

YU, J., JUNG, Y. (2017). The firm as a culture change agent: A reinterpretation of corporate community

engagement. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Copenhagan.

KWAK, J., YU, J., SHIN, I. (2016). An institutional approach to reference group selection of foreign

entrants in the least developed countries. Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim,


YU, J. (2015). Managing institutional challenges in MNEs: penalty of home country institutional

imprinting in corporate political activities. Academy of International Business (AIB) US-North East

Frontier Conference, Boston, MA.

YU, J., HAN, K., MITHAS, S. (2013). Does IT matter to firm internationalization? Theory and evidence.

Conference on Information Systems, Milan.

YU, J., LEE, S. (2012). Managing the geographic space of MNEs operation: Distance, non-contractible

investments and MNEs' ownership choice. JIBS Special Issue Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

YU, J., LEE, S., HAN, K. (2011). Ownership level and value creation in FDI: An incomplete contracts

theory perspective. Academy of Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Nagoya.

YU, J. (2008). Toward an understanding of managing local adaptation of practices (Honorable

Mention). Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 2008 Annual Conference, Halifax, NS.

YU, J. (2006). One size does NOT fit all: Toward an understanding of local adaptation in cross-border

practice transfers. Academy of International Business 2006 Annual Conference, Beijing.

YU, J., ENGLEMAN, R., VAN DE VEN, A. H. (2004). Deliberate and emergent patterns of top

management’s attention during the integration journey. Academy of Management 2004 Annual Meeting,

New Orleans, LA.

YU, J., ENGLEMAN, R., VAN DE VEN, A. H. (2004). Explaining organization change process through top management’s attention. Academy of Management 2004 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

ENGLEMAN, R., VAN DE VEN, A. H., YU, J. (2003). The influence of healthcare management

research on organization theorizing. Academy of Management 2003 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

External Funding

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)Insight Grant ($139,040), 2016-2018, Co-Applicant with Kunsoo Han.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)Insight Development Grant ($46,780), 2016-2017, Co-Applicant with Young-ChulJeong.

The SSHRC Seed Fund 4A funds($6,500). John Molson School of Business,Concordia University, 2014-2015;2016-2017.

Fonds de recherche sur la société etla culture: établissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs (FQRSC) ($39,136),2011-2014.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): StandardResearch Grant ($15,210), 2011-2012.

Past President's Research Award ($5000), AdministrativeSciences Association of Canada (ASAC), 2010. 

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