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Ms Johanne Larue

  • Part-time Faculty (Film Studies and Film Production), Cinema

status: On sabbatical until September 2018

Contact information


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Johanne Larue has been a part-time Film Studies Instructor at Concordia University since 1986, where she has taught, among other courses, Film Aesthetics, Film Directors, Montage Aesthetics, Cinéma Québécois, a seminar on Film Adaptation and Intertextuality, and Introduction to Film Producing. Larue is also a special guest lecturer in other schools such as L'École de l'Humour and INIS. Over the years, she has worked extensively as a film script and editing consultant, film critic, and editor for Séquences film magazine, Médiafilm and other publications and collective books. She served as Project Leader for SODEC (Features and Documentary, Regular and Independent programs) between 2002 and 2007, was Creative Head at Radio-Canada (Features and Prime-Time series) from 2007 to 2013 and Creative Producer at Attraction Images where she oversaw the development of several features and prime time series such as PIEDS NUS DANS L'AUBE, NOUS SOMMES LES AUTRES, FATALE-STATION, NITRO RUSH, LE SIÈGE and the upcoming 14 JOURS, 12 NUITS. Since November 2016, she has held the position of Directrice Générale of the Direction Générale du cinéma et de la production télévisuelle at SODEC.


  • BFA, Specialization in Film Studies (Concordia University, 1984)
  • Major in Film Production (Concordia Univeristy, 1985)
  • Scolarité de maîtrise, Études cinématographiques (Université de Montréal, 1996)
  • PhD graduate studies, Humanities (Concordia University, 1999)

Areas of expertise

Film aesthetics, screenwriting, creative producing in film and prime time televisions series, Cinéma Québécois, editing.

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