Jooseop Lim, PhD
- Associate Professor, Marketing
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Jooseop Lim is an Associate Professor of marketing at the John Molson School of Business, at Concordia University. His research interests include advertising and R&D effects on financial measures, dynamic price promotion effects, and demand forecasting in movie and game industries. He is also interested in the application of time series, hidden Markov, and finite mixture models. His research papers have been published in Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Psychometrika among other journals. He received a Ph.D. degree from University of California, Irvine, and Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Business Administration from Yonsei University in Korea.
PhD (University of California, Irvine)
Areas of expertise
- Advertising effects
- Econometric and statistical marketing models (Time series, Brand choice, Hidden markov, Finite mixture models)
- Internet marketing
- Pricing and sales promotion
Selected Refereed journal articles
Currim, Imran S., Jooseop Lim, and Yu Zhang (2017), “Commitment to MarketingSpending Under Pressures from Analysts’ Earnings Expectations: Does the StockMarket Punish or Reward It?” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Forthcoming.
Lim, Jooseop and Tieshan Li (2016), "The Optimal Advertising Allocation Rules for Sequentially Released Products: The Case of the Motion Picture Industry," Journal of Advertising Research, Forthcoming
Currim, Imran S., Jooseop Lim, and Yu Zhang (2016), “Commitment to Marketing Spending through Recessions: Better or Worse Stock Market Returns?” European Journal of Marketing, 50 (12), 2134-2161.
Oh,Hannah, Jongwan Bae, Imran S. Currim, Jooseop Lim, and Yu Zhang (2016), “Marketing Spending,Firm Visibility, and Asymmetric Stock Returns of Corporate SocialResponsibility Strengths and Concerns” European Journal of Marketing, 50 (5/6),838-862.
Hwang, Heungsun, Hye Won Suk, Yoshio Takane,Jang-Han Lee, and Jooseop Lim (2015),“Generalized Functional Extended Redundancy Analysis for Scalar Responses”, Psychometrika, 80 (1), 101-125
Currim, Imran S., Jooseop Lim, and JoungW. Kim (2012), “You Get What You Pay For: The Effect of Top Executives’ Compensation on Advertising and R&D Spending Decisions and Stock Market Return”, Journal of Marketing, vol 76 (5), 33-48.
Hwang, Heungsun, Hye Won Suk, Jang-Han Lee, D.S. Moskowitz, and Jooseop Lim (2012), “Functional Extended Redundancy Analysis”, Psychometrika, Vol 77 (3), 524-542.
Andrews, Rick L., Imran S. Currim, Peter S.H. Leeflang, and Jooseop Lim (2008), “Estimating the SCAN*PRO model of store sales: HB, FM, or just OLS?” International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol 25 (1), 22-33.
Currim, Imran S, Vijay Gurbaxani, James LaBell, and Jooseop Lim (2006), "Perceptual Structure of the Desired Functionality of Internet-based Health Information Systems," Health Care Management Science, 9, 151-170
Lim, Jooseop, Imran S. Currim, and Rick Andrews (2005), “Consumer Heterogeneity in the Longer-term Effects of Price Promotions”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 22(4), 441-457.
Participation activities
Selected Refereed conference presentations
Song, Byron, Jooseop Lim, and JeongBon Kim (2011), “The Impact of Brand Equity on Cost of Borrowing,” The 2011 International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, July 2011, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Choi, Pilsik and Jooseop Lim (2008), “Competition between a Multichannel Retailer and an Online Retailer in the DVD Rental Market,” Marketing Science Conference, June 2008, University of British Columbia.
Andrews, Rick L., Imran S. Currim, Peter S.H. Leeflang, and Jooseop Lim (2007), “Does allowance for heterogeneity in marketing mix effects between stores improve the performance of the SCAN*PRO model of store sales?”Marketing Dynamics Conference 2007, University of Groningen, Netherlands, Aug. 22-24 2007.
Kim, Stephen and Jooseop Lim (2006), “Capturing the Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary and Non-monetary Promotions,”Marketing Science Conference, University of Pittsburgh, June 2006.
Lim, Jooseop, Imran S. Currim, and Rick Andrews (2004), “Consumer Heterogeneity in the Long-term Effects of Price Promotions,” Time Series Modeling in Marketing Conference, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Sept. 2004.