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José Antonio Giménez Micó, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Hispanic and Latin American Studies
Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
Secondary Positions:
Adjunct Professor, The U of Calgary (2000-2022)
Professeur associé, U. Laval (2011-2019)

Professor Emeritus / Professeur émérite / Catedrático emérito

José Antonio Giménez Micó, PhD

I received my Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the Université de Montréal in 1996 and did a postdoctoral research on Latin American literature at the University of Toronto in 1996-1997. From 1998 to 2000, I was Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary, where I hold an Adjunct Professorship.


I am the author of L’irruption des autres (2000), as well as of around 15 conference proceedings and 35 peer-reviewed chapters and articles in Spanish, French and English (on semiotics, hermeneutics, cultural studies; on Peruvian, Latin American, Latin-Canadian, West Indian, Spanish, and French literatures) in collective works and refereed academic publications from Canada, Chile, Cuba, France, Great Britain, Italy, Peru, Poland, Spain, and the United States, as Hispanic Issues, Versus. Quaderni di Studi Semiotici, Semiotic Inquiry, Multitudes, Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, Oralidad: para el rescate de la tradición oral de América Latina y el Caribe (published by UNESCO), and some others. I am a member of the Editorial Boards of Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, the Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and the Cahiers des imaginaires, and served as Vice-President (2003-2004, 2006-2007) and President of the Canadian Association of Hispanists (2004-2006).

In 2014,  I was honoured by the  Concordia Council on Student Life (CSSL)  with one  Outstanding Contribution Award,  thanks to the nomination made by the Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Association.

Retired since June 2022.


Postdoctoral research in Comparative Literature and Latin American Studies, University of Toronto (1996-1998);  SSHRC-funded

PhD in General and Comparative Literature, Université de Montréal (1992-1996);  SSHRC-funded *

MA in Hispanic Studies, Université de Montréal (1991-1992)
;  FQR (Fonds FQRSC)-funded *

BA in Hispanic Studies, Université de Montréal (1988-1991)
;  GRAL-funded


* Grants from FQR [Fonds FCAR] denied by Giménez Micó because of their incompatibility with two equivalent ones received from SSHRC. For a full account of awards, grants, scholarships and fellowships received by Giménez Micó,  please visit his CV

Research and teaching interests

Andean and Amazonian imaginaries (Peru)

Latin American cultural and literary studies

Comparative Literature

Interpretation Theory (Hermeneutics)

Argumentation Theory

Discourse Analysis

Research activities

Funding Sources

Grants (1990-2021)

Research group

GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine)

Current funded research grant

2019-2022. Connection Grant, SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), GRIPAL (Groupe de recherche sur les imaginaires politiques en Amérique latine), jointly with the Maestría de Estudios Culturales, Pontificia U. Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). Title of the project: "Violence, populisme et démocratie dans les Amériques."  Main researcher: Ricardo Peñafiel (Political Science, U. du Québec à Montréal). Co-researchers: Leila Celis (Sociology, U. du Québec à Montréal), Marie-Christine Doran (Political Science, U. of Ottawa), José Antonio Giménez Micó (Hispanic and Latin American Studies, Concordia U.), Martin Hébert (Anthropology, U. Laval), and Eduardo Restrepo (Anthropology and Cultural Studies, Pontificia U. Javeriana); several associate researchers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico.

Teaching activities

Retired since June 2022

Selected publications

Book (peer reviewed)

L'irruption des "autres." Analyse de trois fronts discursifs d'identité et de résistance: chicano, antillais et andin péruvien.  Montréal: Balzac-Le Griot, 2000, 258 pages. Grant from the Scholarly Publications Programme of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.


One book, one monograph, twenty-two refereed articles in learned journals, twelve refereed chapters in collective works, eighteen refereed and non-refereed articles in conference proceedings, one report on fieldwork, one opinion piece, one foreword of a book, four reviews, three translations, four proofreadings.

See a full list of publications here.

See a full list of publications available online here.

Articles (peer-reviewed)

"Actions multitudinaires et interpellations plébéiennes: un même combat?"  Revue Multitudes 56, Fall 2014, 203-211.

"Del mutismo 'subalterno' a la interpelación de la multitud ´plebeya'."
  Revista Cronopio 49, March 2014.

Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar and José Antonio Giménez Micó (co-eds.).  "Introducción. ¿Comprender la violencia?"  Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 34.1, Fall 2009, 1-8.  Monograph on "Imaginarios de la violencia".

"Olvidar o no olvidar la violencia: ¿ésa es la cuestión?"  Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 34.1,  Fall 2009, 165-181.

"Rojo, amarillo y verde de Alejandro Saravia: Entretejiendo un imaginario planetario en los albores del siglo XXI."  Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revue canadienne d’études latino-américaines et des Caraïbes 33.66, Fall 2008, pp. 171-198.

"Estudios hispánicos canadienses: estableciendo vínculos intramuros y extramuros."  Hispanic Issues Online 2: "Estudios hispánicos: perspectivas internacionales," Fall 2007, pp. 89-94. Web publication.

"El camino de Damasco pasa por la Amazonía. Crónica de una conversión anunciada."  Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada 15-17, 2004-2006, pp. 59-67.

"Los imaginarios de la violencia en La hora azul."  Boletín del Instituto Riva-Agüero 32,  2005, pp. 289-298.

"Escrituras y oralidades. Una dinámica histórica de tensión, interferencias y apropiaciones mutuas."  Oralidad: para el rescate de la tradición oral de América Latina y el Caribe 12,  2003, pp. 42-46.

Tous sangs mêlés de José María Arguedas. La modernité, un projet in-amorcé?"  Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackicko  XLV 1-2, 2003, special issue on La modernité: théories et pratiques II, Wladimir Krysinski, ed., pp. 167-189.

"The Deterritorialization of Knowledge in El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo."  Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 26.1-2, Fall 2001-Winter 2002, pp. 83-105.

"Presentación."  Estudios hispánicos en la Red. Número monográfico sobre la inscripción de la oralidad en las culturas latinoamericanas  2002. Web publication.

"Escrituras y oralidades. Una dinámica histórica de tensión, interferencias y apropiaciones mutuas."  Estudios hispánicos en la Red. Número monográfico sobre la inscripción de la oralidad en las culturas latinoamericanas  2002. Web publication.

"Babélicas voces del presente chimbotano, imprecisos ecos del pasado de Comala."  Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 22.2, Winter 1998, pp. 343-57.

"Intertexte, interculture, interidentité. Essayer de comprendre le néo/post-colonial à travers l'intertexte pré-colonial."  
Versus 77-78,  1997, pp. 99-120.

"José María Arguedas y la modernidad."  Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 20.2,  Winter 1996, pp. 241-65.

"La Biografía de un cimarrón et le discours calibanesque."  Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 21.41,  1996, pp. 31-57.

"Lorca: teatro posible e imposible."  Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 20.3,  1995, pp. 351-64.

"À la recherche des limites perdues de l'interprétation."  Semiotic Inquiry 15.1-2,  Spring 1995, pp. 91-120.

"Le Récit en direct chez Cortázar et Beckett: Ces personnages qui lisent/se font lire l'histoire de leur propre devenir."  Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 21.4, December 1994, pp. 597-612.

"Diversas conexiones entre Celestina y Elicia."  Celestinesca 18.1,  Spring 1994, pp. 35-50.

Todas las sangres de José María Arguedas. Síntomas de una reordenación de la hegemonía discursiva." Lenguas, literaturas, sociedades 4, 1993, pp. 93-102.

Book Chapters (peer reviewed)

"Occupying the Isle; or, Which Monster--and Which Island--Are We Talking About?"  In Hispanic Issues Online 15, Spring 2014. Monograph on Writing Monsters: Essays on Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Adriana Gordillo and Nicholas Spadaccini, eds. pp. 78-98.

"Del mutismo ‘subalterno’ a la interpelación de la multitud ‘plebeya’." In
Este que ves, engaño colorido... Literaturas, culturas y espacios alternos en América Latina, Chiara Bolognese, Fernanda Bustamante and Mauricio Zabalgoitia (eds.). Barcelona: Icaria, 2012, pp. 181-194.

"Préface. Patior ergo sum: l’insoutenable pesanteur de l’inacceptable."  In  Cahier des imaginaires 7.10, monograph on “Souffrance et politique,”   José Antonio Giménez Micó and Martin Hébert (dirs.), Montréal: GRIPAL, December 2012, pp. 9-13.

"Bagua 2010. Des ‘victimes’ résolues à ne plus l’être?" In 
L'interpellation plébéienne en Amérique latine, André Corten, dir., Ricardo Peñafiel, coll. Paris/Montréal: Karthala/P. de l’U. du Québec, 2012, pp. 223-239.

"Olvidar o no olvidar la violencia: ¿ésa es la cuestión?"  In  Sasachakuy tiempo: Memoria y pervivencia,   Mark Cox, ed. Lima: Pasacalle, 2010, pp. 145-158.

"Pérou: oublier ou ne pas oublier, un dilemme insensé?" In La violence dans l’imaginaire latino-américain, André Corten, dir., Anne-Élizabeth Côté, coll. Paris/Montréal: Karthala/P. de l’U. du Québec, 2008, pp. 195-202.

"Oublier ou ne plus oublier: au-delà de la ‘mémoire salvatrice’?" In La violence dans l’imaginaire latino-américain, André Corten, dir., Anne-Élizabeth Côté, coll. Paris/Montréal: Karthala/P. de l’U. du Québec, 2008, pp. 329-336.

"Latin-Americanizing Canada." In
Canadian Cultural Exchange/Échanges culturels au Canada, Norman Cheadle and Lucien Pelletier, eds. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2007, pp. 103-121.

The Foxes by José María Arguedas: A Death Warrant for Peru’s Modern National Project." Chapter 5 of Spanish and Empire, Hispanic Issues, vol. 34, N. Echávez-Solano and K. C. Dworkin y Méndez, eds. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2007, pp. 96-117.

"L'intertexte précolonial et la transculture postcoloniale." In Citer l'autre, Marie-Dominique Popelard and Anthony Wall, eds. Paris: PU de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2005, pp. 25-39.

"Orality and Literature in the Peruvian Andean Zone." Chapter 48 of the first volume (out of three) of the
Oxford Comparative History of Latin American Literary Cultures, Mario J. Valdés and Djelal Kadir, eds. New York: Oxford UP. 2004, pp. 471-482.

"Caliban in Aztlan: From the Emergence of Chicano Discourse to the Plural Constitution of New Solidarities." Chapter 12 of
National Identities and Sociopolitical Changes in Latin America, Hispanic Issues, vol. 23, Antonio Gómez-Moriana and Mercedes F. Durán-Cogan, eds. New York and London: Routledge, 2001, pp. 320-351.

Editorial work

Member of the Editorial Boards of the  Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,  the  Cahiers des imaginaires,  and  Entrehojas: Revista de Estudios Hispánicos.

Co-director (with Martin Hébert, U. Laval) of the  Cahier des imaginaires 7.10, monograph on "Souffrance et politique" (December 2012).

Co-editor (with Ulises Juan Zevallos-Aguilar, Ohio State U.) of the  Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 34.1, monograph on "Imaginarios de la violencia" (Fall 2009).

        See all the editorial work here.

Conference participations and lectures

Concordia Council on Student Life (CSSL) Outstanding Contribution Award, 2014

Contribution Award

"Toni, as he prefers to be called, has distinguished himself with a large and outstanding teaching commitment in Hispanic Studies. He has gone above and beyond what is required of him to ensure success in academic student life, proven being an exceptionally reliable, resourceful and dedicated professor not only for Concordia graduate and undergraduate students but also for many former Concordia students in their pursuit of a PhD degree. The Hispanic Studies Graduate Students Association has always counted on him when an advisor is needed.

Professor Giménez Micó's outstanding qualities make him a worthy and deserving person to receive this year's Concordia Outstanding Contribution Award."

"Toni Giménez Micó receives outstanding contribution award."  Concordia NewsApril 3, 2014

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