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Juergen Rilling

  • Professor, Associate Chair, Software Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Research areas: Software engineering, software evolution, global software ecosystems, mining software repositories, knowledge modeling, Internet of Things, machine learning

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Research areas

The Internet is evolving rapidlytowards– a Web of Things also known as Web 3.0, with machines talking to othermachines to deal with much of the daily routine work, leaving humans to providethe inspiration and intuition all in a global context. While many domains(e.g., manufacturing, home automation) have started to make the Web 3.0 anintegrated part of their future solution space, the software engineeringcommunity has yet to embrace this move.


The research program introduces AmbientSoftware Engineering as a cross-disciplinary approach, which integratesglobal and local knowledge resources to move software engineering as a domainof discourse a step closer towards adopting this Web 3.0 and its underlying useof Semantic Web core technologies. For the software engineering domain, thisWeb 3.0 will provide a novel infrastructure that promotes sharing of knowledgeand analysis results, while at the same time, promoting the development andreuse of new smart services to support typical programming and softwareevolution tasks through these newly created information hubs (things).


Expertise: Software Evolution, Global Source Code Analysis,Knowledge Modeling, Web 3.0, Mining Software Repositories, Empirical Software Engineering

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