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Dr. Kaspar Schattke

  • Lecturer Assistant Professor, Management

Research areas: Implicit Motives, Motive Congruence, Flow-Experience, Achievement Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation, Social Media, Self-Determination Theory, Open Innovation

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Doctor of Philosophy (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Diplom-Psychologe (University of Potsdam, Germany)

Areas of Expertise

Achievement versus Intrinsic Motivation
Congruence Between Implicit and Explicit Motives
Implicit Motives and Flow-Experience
Leadership and Motivation Training
Motivation for Open Innovation
Motivation for supporting charitable causes promoted via Social Media


Kaspar Schattke studied psychology at the University of Potsdam in Germany and the University of Sussex at Brighton in England. After his graduation as “Diplom-Psychologe” (equivalent to Bachelor and Master in psychology), he started a doctoral program at TUM School of Management, Technische Universität München (Germany) where he also worked as a junior lecturer. At the same time, he became a certified management trainer and consultant and started giving “leadership-by-motivation”trainings for salesmen, entrepreneurs, and theatre management executives. In July 2011, he graduated as “Doktor der Philosophie” (Dr. phil.). Subsequently, he completed a two-year post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Marylène Gagné and Dr. Stéphane Brutus at the John Molson School of Business.
Dr. Schattke’s research interests focus on different types of motivation, such as achievement and intrinsic motivation and their interplay. He is also interested in the congruence of implicit and explicit motive systems related to flow experience, open innovation, and performance. He completed several research visits at McGill University (Canada) supported by the Centre
de Coopération Universitaire Franco-Bavarois and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He received a publication prize from TUM Graduate School for his paper on the developmental antecedents of motive congruence (Schattke, Koestner, & Kehr, 2011).
Since August 2013, Dr. Schattke has been working as Lecturer Assistant Professor at John Molson School of Business where he teaches courses about contemporary business thinking as well as leadership and motivation. Moreover, he is an instructor at the John Molson Executive Centre. Dr. Schattke’s current research projects focus on the distinction between intrinsic and achievement motivation, on antecedents and consequences of motive congruence as well as on motivation for supporting charitable causes promoted via social media .
 In 2010, Kaspar Schattke co-organized the 2nd Munich Symposium on Motivation (MSM), a small and distinguished
biannual international workshop, which brings together international researchers who work on different aspects of motivation. Dr. Schattke is currently the Secretary-Archivist of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM).


Peer reviewed journal articles

Schattke, K., Brandstätter, V., Taylor, G., & Kehr, H. M. (in press). Wahrgenommene Leistungsanreize moderieren den positiven Einfluss von Leistungsmotiv-Kongruenz auf das Flow-Erleben beim Hallenklettern. [Perceived achievement incentives moderate the positive impact of achievement motive congruence on flow experience in indoor wall climbing.] Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie.

Schattke, K.
, Brandstätter, V., Taylor, G., & Kehr, H. M. (in press). Flow on the rocks: Motive-incentive congruence enhances flow. International Journal of Sport Psychology.

Ferguson, R. J., Gutberg, J.,
Schattke, K., Paulin, M., & Jost, N. (in press). Self-Determination Theory, Social Media and Support for Charitable Causes: An In-Depth Analysis of Millennial’s Autonomous Motivation. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Paulin, M., Ferguson, R. J.,
Schattke, K., & Jost, N. (in press). Millennials, social media and support for charitable causes: The paradox of gender differences. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing.

Taylor, G., Jungert, T., Mageau, G. A.,
Schattke, K., Dedic, H., Rosenfield, S., & Koestner, R. (2014). A self-determination theory approach to predicting school achievement over time: the unique role of intrinsic motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39(4), 342–358. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2014.08.002  

Jungert, T., Koestner, R., Houlfort, N., &
Schattke, K. (2013). Distinguishing source of autonomy support in relation to workers' motivation and self-efficacy. The Journal of Social Psychology, 153(6), 651–666. doi:10.1080/00224545.2013.806292 

Schattke, K., Seeliger, J., Schiepe-Tiska, A., & Kehr, H. M. (2012). Activity-related incentives as motivators in open innovation communities. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations. 2(1), 21–34. doi: 10.4018/jkbo.2012010102 

Schattke, K., Koestner, R., & Kehr, H. M. (2011). Childhood correlates of adult levels of incongruence between implicit and explicit motives. Motivation and Emotion, 35, 306–316. doi:10.1007/s11031-010-9182-9   

Book Chapter

Schattke, K. & Kehr, H. M (2009). Motivation zur Open Innovation [Motivation in open innovation]. In A. Zerfaß & K. M. Möslein (Hrsg.), Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement – Strategien im Zeitalter der Open-Innovation. (pp. 121-140). Wiesbaden, Germany: Gabler.

Peer-reviewed conference papers

Seclected Conference Contributions

Jost, N., Paulin, M., Ferguson, R. J., & Schattke, K. (2014, August). Millennials' social behaviors within a social media context – Gender differences count. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, PA.

Jost, N., Paulin, M., Ferguson, R. J., & Schattke, K. (2014, June). Gender differences among Millennials with regard to the marketing of charitable causes through social networks. Paper presented at the 14th conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Valencia, Spain.

Paulin, M., Ferguson, R. J., Jost, N., & Schattke, K. (2014, June). Self-determination theory and its application in the autonomy supportive context of the Web 2.0. Paper presented at the 14th conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Valencia, Spain.

Ferguson, R. J., Paulin, M., Jost, N., Fallu, & J.-M. Schattke, K. (2013, August). Millennials, social media, moral identity and support for social causes: Do gender differences count? Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Orlando, FL.

Gagné, M., Schattke, K., & Locke, E. (2012, August). Is intrinsic motivation distinct from achievement motivation? Paper presented at the 72ndAnnual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Boston, MA.

Seeliger, J., Schattke, K., Schiepe, A., & Kehr, H. M. (2011, June). Quality assessment of corporate visions. Paper presented at the 11th conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Tallinn, Estonia.

Teaching activities

Current courses

Contemporary Business Thinking (COMM210)
The Dynamics of Leadership and Motivation (MANA447, GDBA595L)
Undergraduate Research Project Supervisor (CUSRA)
PSE Workshop (Teaching Winter's scoring manual for the Picture Story Exercise)

Popular Scientific Contributions

Media Appearances

Schattke, K. (2012, March 14). Wie kann man durch Kopf, Bauch und Hand die optimale Motivation fördern? [How can we foster motivation using Head, Heart and Hand?] Professional Expert Group Motivation in the German Speakers Association (GSA). Audio conference (in German).

Schattke, K. (2011). Motivation mit Kopf, Bauch, Hand – und wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis [Motivation with head, heart, and hand – and scientific insight]. Coaching Magazin 4(4), 18-21.

Schattke, K. (2010). Was ist Flow-Erleben und wie kann man es fördern? [What is flow experience and how can we foster it?] ZT Zukunft Training, 1(1), 36–39.

Schattke, K. (2008, June 19). Deutschland bangt [Germany trembles] [Television broadcast]. ZDF.

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