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Laura Collins, PhD

  • Associate Professor, Education

Research areas: Applied Linguistics, Bilingualism, Language Acquisition, Methodology, Psycholinguistics, Second Language Learning

Contact information


Laura Collins is an applied linguist whose research interests include:  input and acquisition (with a focus on classroom input); second language pedagogy and language learning (with a focus on pedagogical grammar); cross-linguistic influence among bilingual and multilingual speakers; and the relationship between the distribution of instructional time and language learning outcomes.  Her research is informed by several years of language teaching, both domestically and overseas, to children, adolescents, and adults.
She is the 2nd VP of the American Association for Applied Linguistics ( ) and the Chair of the Advisory Board of IRIS, a digital repository of instruments for second language research ( ).


PhD in Humanities, Concordia University
MEd, Second Language Teaching/Didactique des langues secondes, University of Ottawa
BEd, Specialized in Second Language Teaching, University of Toronto
BA in History, York University, Toronto

Research interests and current projects

The pedagogical use of speech technologies to extend the reach of the second language classroom (with Walcir Cardoso) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant.

Documenting the emergence and development of second language grammatical features throughout a school program (with Philippa Bell, Emma Marsden, and Teresa Hernandez Gonzalez). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Development Grant.

Courses taught

TESL 341 Language Acquisition
TESL 331 Grammar for Teachers
TESL 231 Modern English Grammar
TESL 433 Practicum
TESL Pedagogy (currently TESL 326/TESL 426)

APLI 604 The Grammars of English (currently Applied Language Studies)
APLI 616 Pedagogical Grammar
APLI 621 Issues in Second Language Acquisition
APLI 634 Cross-linguistic influence
Classroom-based SLA Research (Special Topics)

Research activities

  • Applied Linguistics

Selected publications

Ruivivir, J., & Collins, L. (in press). The effects of foreign accent on perceptions of standard grammar: A pilot study. TESOL Quarterly.

Dault,C., & Collins, L. (2016). L’utilisationdes langues connues des apprenants en classe de français langue seconde. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 72(4),504-529.

Collins, L., & Marsden, E. (2016). Cognitive perspectives onclassroom language learning. In G. Hall(Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching (pp. 281-284).London: Routledge.

Collins, L., & Muñoz, C. (2016). The foreign language classroom:Current perspectives and future considerations. The Modern Language Journal, 100(1), 133-147.

Foote,J., Trofimovich, P., Collins, L.,& Soler Urzúa, F. (2016). Pronunciation teaching practices incommunicative second language classes. TheLanguage Learning Journal, 44, 181-196.

Bell, P.,Trofimovich, P., & Collins, L. (2015). Kick the ball or kicked the ball? Perception of the past morpheme –ed by second language learners. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 71, 26-51.

Collins, L., & White, J.(2014, December). The quantity and quality of language practice in typical interactive pair/group tasks. TESL Canada Journal, 31 (Special Issue 8), 37-67.

Edwards, R., & Collins, L. (2013). Modelling second language vocabulary learning. In S. Jarvis and M. Daller (eds). Vocabulary knowledge: Human ratings and automated measures (pp. 157-184). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dytynyshyn, N., & Collins, L. (2012). Culture and interculturality in the adult ESL context in urban Quebec: A case study. TESL Canada, 30(1), 45-68.

Collins, L. (2012).Form-focused instruction. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Carol Chapelle (Ed). (pp. 2187-2190),Wiley Blackwell.

Tromfimovich, P., Collins, L.,Cardoso, W., White, J., & Horst, M. (2012). A frequency-based approach toL2 phonological learning: Teacher input and student output in an intensive ESL context. TESOL Quarterly, 46(1),176-186.

Collins, L., & White, J. (2012). Closing the gap: Intensity andproficiency. In C. Muñoz (ed). Intensiveexposure in second language learning.(pp. 45-65). Bristol, UK; MultilingualMatters.

Collins, L., White, J., Trofimovich, P., Cardoso, W., & Horst, M.(2012). When comprehensible input isn’t comprehensive input:  An analysis of instructional input inintensive EFL. In C. Muñoz (ed). Intensiveexposure in second language learning. (pp. 65-87). Bristol, UK;  Multilingual Matters.

Collins,L., & White, J. (2011). An intensive look at intensity and language learning. TESOL Quarterly, 45(1), 106-133

Edwards,R., & Collins, L. (2011). Lexical frequency profiles and Zipf's Law. Language Learning. 61(1), 1-30.

Collins,L., & Dagenais, D. (2010). The changing scene for publishing in applied linguistics journals: perspective from The Canadian Modern Language Review. The Modern Language Journal, 94(4), 638-640.

Llama, R.,Cardoso, W., & Collins, L. (2010). The influence of language distance and language status on the acquisition of L3 phonology. International Journal of Multilingualism, 7(1), 39-57.

Collins, L., & Ellis, N. (Eds.) (2009). Input and second language construction learning:  Frequency, form, and function. Special Issue of The Modern Language Journal, 93.

Collins, L., Trofimovich, P., White, J., Cardoso, W., & Horst, M. (2009). Some input on the easy/difficult grammar question. The Modern Language Journal, 93, 336-353.

Ellis, N., & Collins, L. (2009). Input and second language acquisition:  The roles of frequency, form, and function. The Modern Language Journal, 93, 329-355.

Bell, P., & Collins, L. (2009). "It's vocabulary"/It's gender":  Learner awareness and incidental learning. Language Awareness, 18, 277-293

Lyster, R., Collins, L., & Ballinger, S. (2009). Learning each other’s language:  A bilingual reading project. Language Awareness, 18, 366-383.

Izquierdo, J., & Collins, L. (2008). The facilitative role of L1 influence in L2 tense-aspect marking:  A comparison of Hispanophone and Anglophone learners of French. The Modern Language Journal, 92(3), 349-367.

Springer, S., & Collins, L. (2008). Interacting inside and outside of the language classroom. Language Teaching Research, (1), 39-60.

Collins, L. (2007). L1 differences and L2 similarities: Teaching verb tenses in English. English Language Teaching Journal , 61(4), 295-303.

White, J., Munoz, C., & Collins, L. (2007). The His/Her Challenge: Making progress in a “regular” second language program.Language Awareness, 16(4), 278-299.

Horst, M., & Collins, L. (2006). From ‘faible’ to strong:  How does their vocabulary grow? The Canadian Modern Language Review, 63(1), 83-106.

Collins, L. (2005). Accessing second language learners' understanding of temporal morphology. Language Awareness, 14, 207-220.

Collins,L. (2004). The particulars on universals: A comparison of the acquisition oftense-aspect morphology among Japanese- and French-speaking learners ofEnglish. The Canadian Modern LanguageReview, 61(2), 251-274.

Collins, L. (2002). Theroles of L1 influence and lexical aspect in the acquisition of temporalmorphology. Language Learning, 52,43-94.

Collins, L., Halter, R.H.,Lightbown, P.M., Spada, N. (1999). Time and the distribution of time in secondlanguage instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 33(4),655-680.
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