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Laurence Garneau

Pronouns: she/her

Not a thesis supervisor

Research areas: Early Renaissance Art and Architecture; Early Modern Art and Architecture; Cosmology, Astrology and Epistemology; Art Matters and Image Agencies; Feminist Theories and Represented Women; Historiography; Italian Painting

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Dr. Laurence Garneau (she/her) specializes in Early Renaissance Padua, the Veneto region’s political context, and image agencies. Her research on astrological frescoes in Italian public buildings from the 14th to the 18th centuries adopts an anthropological, historiographical, feminist and materialist approach. This work has been presented at conferences across Canada and Europe. It has also received funding support from Fonds de Recherche du Québec and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

For the past few years, she has been an instructor in the Art History Department at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Additionally, she has participated in various educational initiatives at universities and art galleries, including the Galerie de l’UQAM, the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, and the Salle Alfred-Pellan. This experience has shaped her teaching methodology, fostering a hands-on approach that emphasizes engagement with artistic artifacts.

Teaching activities

Courses taught

ARTH 263: Aspects of the History of Print - European Woodcut and Engraving, 1470-1550

ARTH 364: Studies in Renaissance Art and Architecture

ARTH 365: Studies in 17th-18th Century Art and Architecture

ARTH 498: Special Topics in the History of Art and Architecture - Archeoastronomy and Celestial Phenomena

ARTH 300: Methods in Art History

ARTH 362: Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture

ARTH 391: Art and Its Changing Contexts: Nature, Science and Politics (1000-1800)


PhD thesis

Garneau, L. (2024). Les pouvoirs politiques du cycle astrologique de Padoue (XIVe-XVe siècles) [Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal]. Archipel.

Participation activities

Lectures and Residencies

« Une prière des cieux » : La matière picturale du cycle astrologique de Padoue (It.). June 29, 2023, Trento University, Italy. "Arte e scienza. Medialità e materialità" Spring School.

Les zodiaques et la construction des identités de genre au XVe siècle. Les chevaliers et les jeunes femmes du cycle astrologique de Padoue. April 14, 2023, McGill University, Montreal. Nouveaux Modernes Seminar.

Façonner des identités de genre : Le travail des hommes et des femmes dans le cycle astrologique de Padoue (XVe siècle). September 30, 2022, Archives nationales du Québec à Montréal. GRHS Study Day.

Rubens and his Wives. November 9, 2019, Toronto University. "Rubens" Study Day.

Médier les espaces par le temps : Le calendrier astrologique du Palazzo della Ragione (Padoue). July 8, 2019, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris. "Time" Annual Symposium, International Medieval Society (IMS-Paris).

Martyre de la foi conjugale. May 29, 2019, Université du Québec à Montréal. "Thémis en procès : justice et sentiment d’injustice aux XVIe-XVIIIe siècle " Symposium, CIREM.

‘God is in the Details’: A Teardrop in the Astrological cycle at Palazzo della Ragione. November 15, 2018, Warburg Institute, London. "Mnemonic Waves" Student Symposium.

Research Residency. November 17 to December 21, 2018, Cini Foundation, Venice. 

L’arbre dans le cycle astrologique au Palazzo della Ragione (Padoue, It.). March 15, 2017, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Hypotheses series.

Critique d’une histoire de l’art pour une apologie du détail. March 11, 2016, McGill University, Montreal. Nouveaux Modernes Seminar.

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