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Lois Baron, PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Education

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A native Montrealer, Dr. Baron has been at Concordia University since 1976. She also has held Visiting Scholar posts at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of California at Los Angeles and Florida International University.

Dr. Baron attained her Ph.D. in Applied Psychology from the University of Toronto (the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education). She is both an Educational Psychologist and Sport Psychology Educator. She has pursued two lines of research over the span of her career--children and technology and most recently, physical activity, health and well-being. Her present research focuses on children's attributions for success in physical education classes and motivations for Active Living in different contexts. Dr. Baron has also looked at the anxiety-reducing and mood-enhancing properties of more alternative movement forms (e.g., Tai Chi Chuan).

Her research has always been carried out with practical application in mind. For example, how do children's feelings for success in school-related physical education correspond to the types of activities that are provided in formal physical education classes? Or, how can we motivate individuals across the lifespan to become more physically active?

As a Sport Psychology Education, Dr. Baron not only teaches courses in the area, but also consults with athletes.


University of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), Ph.D, Applied Psychology, 1978
Michigan State University, M.A., Educational Psychology, 1971
McGill University, B.A., Major Psychology, 1970

Professional experience

Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, 2001
Associate Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, 1981-2001
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, 1976 - 1981
Visiting Scholar, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Florida International University, 1995
Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Los Angeles, 1990
Visiting Scholar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 1982-1983
Founding Member, Center for Research in Human Develoment, Department ofPsychology, Concordia University, 1981 -1984
Instructor, Department of Psychology, John Abbott College, Ste. Anne deBellevue, Quebec, 1975 - 1976

Research interests and current projects

Motives for Active Living: The thrust of this research is to investigate what factors motivate individuals to be physically active in different contexts (e.g., home, community, work, "on the way"). The theoretical basis for this work is that of Robert Vallerand's Multi-dimensional Model of Motivation and Deci & Ryan's Self-determination Theory. The main goal of the research is to examine the relationships between psychological mediators (e.g., competence), levels of motivation (e.g., intrinsic motivation) and physical activity behavior.

Courses taught

Advanced Child Development (CHST 600)
Child Studies Graduate Seminar (CHST 603)
Special Topics in Physical Activity, Health and Well-being and children (CHST 675)
Child Studies Internship (CHST 693)
Theoretical Perspectives on Children and Technology (CHST 616)
Enhancing Performance in Sport and Exercise (EDUC/AHSC 398P)
Physical Activity, Health and Well-being and Children (EDUC 406)
Child Development I (EDUC 211)
The T.V. Child (EDUC 405)
Practicuum II - Classroom Interaction Dynamics (EDUC 371)

Selected publications

Baron, L. & Faubert, C. (2005). The role of Tai Chi Chuan in reducing state anxiety and enhancing mood of children with special needs. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 9(2), 120-133. (refereed)

Baron, L., & Downey, P. (under review). Children's perceptions of success and fun in physical education.

Baron, L., & Downey, P. (2003). Are we providing children with opportunities for success in primary physical education programmes? Paper presented at the meeting of the Societe Quebecoise de Recerche en Psychologie, Montreal, Canada.

Downey, P., & Baron, L. (2002). Children's self perceptions in varied content experiences in physical education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Tucson, Arizona.

Baron, L. (1998). Tai Chi practice in the elementary classroom. The Canadian Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education, 6, 341-352.

Baron, L. (1997). The effects of cooperative training and ability-grouping in a microcomputer learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 13(3), 285-304.

Baron, L. (1997). Efficacy of movement training for children with learning difficulties. In R. Lidor & M. Bar-Eli (Eds.). International Society of Sport Psychology IX World Congress of Sport Psychology: Part I. Innovations in sport psychology: Linking theory and practicee (pp. 103-106). Israel: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Baron, L., D'Amico, M., Sissons, M.E., & Peters, P. (1995). Attributions, group size, and exposure time as predictors of elementary children’s performance on a microcomputer task. Computers in Human Behavior, 12, 145-157.

D'Amico, M., Baron, L., & Sissons, M.E., (1995). Gender differences in attributions about microcomputer learning in elementary school. Sex Roles, 33(5/6), 353-385.

Nathan, R., & Baron, L. (1995). The effect of gender, program type and content on elementary children's software preferences. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 27(3), 348-360.

Baron, L. (1993, June). The psychological effects of introducing Tai Chi as an alternative physical activity for young children. In S. Serpa, J. Alves, V. Ferreira, & A. Paula-Brito (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Sport Psychology (pp. 524-527). Lisbon, Portugal: International Society of Sport Psychology.

Baron, L., & Abrami, P. (1992). Microcomputer learning with a tutorial program--manipulating group size and exposure time. Journal of Computing in Childhood Education, 3 (3/4), 231-245.

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