Dr. Luis Amador Jimenez, P.Eng., PhD (Civil Engineering), M.A. (Economics), MBA (Public Contracts)
- Associate Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Pavement Engineering Road Asset Management Systems Road Safety and Highway Planning Land Use and Transport Modeling Trip Generation and Parking Rates Public Transportation Accessibility
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Short Biography
Dr. Luis Amador is the former Minister of Public Works and Transportation of Costa Rica (May 2022-March 2024), he is an Associate Professor, he joined Concordia in 2010. Former Undergraduate Curriculum Director (2013-2015) and Former Undergraduate Programs Director (2017-2022). He earned his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering at the University of New Brunswick in 2010, a Masters of Arts in Economics from Concordia University, a Masters in Business Administration in 2006 and two Bachelors; one in Civil Engineering (2002) and another one in Business Administration (1997) from Universidad Fidelitas in Costa Rica. Former Member of the Board of Directors of Costa Rica Roads Administration (CONAVI). Worked as Director of Engineering Services and Community Planning at the Urban Municipality of Kindersley in Saskatchewan, and as Director of Technical Studies for the Costa Rica Construction Association. He was a lecturer for about three years at Universidad Fidelitas (2002 to 2005). He also lectured at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) during fall 2008. His expertise is in the areas of Pavement Engineering and Transportation Asset Management. His professional experience also includes the development of Trip Generation and Parking Rates Analysis and Road Safety Management Systems for Qatar, the update of Guidelines and Procedures for Transportation Studies in Qatar and the massive data collection and analysis for the update of Qatar Transportation Master Plan. He was a PROMETEO researcher for the government of Ecuador. He is the author of the book "Civil Engineering System Analysis" (CRC press, 2016), and co-author of Asset Management Decision-Making for Infrastructure Systems (Springer 2022). Dr. Amador received the following awards:
- Nason Prize 2007-2008. University of New Brunswick. Best Paper in Transportation Policy Analysis. Sole Author.
- Best Young Professional Paper at the 2011 Conference of the Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Sole Author.
Teaching activities
- CIVI 471 - Highway and Pavement Design
- CIVI 341 - Civil Engineering Systems
- CIVI 6451 - Pavement Design
- BCEE 371 – Surveying
- CIVI 6401 – Transportation System Analysis
- CIVI 6461 - Pavement Management Systems
- CIVI 390 - Civil Engineering Design Project
- ENGR 301 - Engineering Management Principles and Economics
- BCEE 6001 - Graduate Seminar in Building and Civil Engineering
Supervised students
- Mr. Jawad Ta'amneh
- Mr. Zakariya Gadi
- Mrs. Zeinab Fathi
- Mr. Kamran Sha
Past students
- Mr. Amir Pooyan AFGHARI, MASc., Ph.D. Postdoct at TU Delft (Netherlands)
- Mr. Sharam (Mohammed) HEYDARI, MASc, PhD. Lecturer at Southampton University, UK
- Mr. Ahmadreza FAGHIH-IMANI, MASc
- Mr. Mohammed AL_DABBAGH, MASc
- Ms. Nagham MATOUT, MASc
- Ms. Mariam MEITE, MASc.
- Mr. Md Shohel AMIN, Ph.D., Lecturer at Conventry University and researcher at Aston University, UK.
- Mr. Mustafa ALDULAIMI, Ph.D.
- Mr. Christopher AQUILES, MASc.
- Mrs. Mahnush HEYDARI, MASc.
- Ms. Nathalie OUM. Ph.D.
- Mr. Soliman ABU SAMRA, Ph.D.
Supervised students awards
- Shohel AMIN, Runnerup 49th Canadian Transportation Research Forum 2014
- Shohel AMIN, Canada Steamship lines in Transportation Studies 2013
- Shohel AMIN, Canada Steamship lines in Transportation Studies 2013
- Shohel AMIN, Bourse Alain Lamoureux 2013
- Nathalie OUM, Bourse Hervé Aubin 2012
- Shohel AMIN, Runner-up Student Paper Award, TRANSLOG 2012
- Ahmadreza FAGHIH IMANI, Runner Up NARSC 2012
Research activities
- Pavement Engineering: Pervious Pavements, Chipsealed Roads, HMA, Airport Pavements, Low volume roads.
- Pavement Performance Modeling
- Road Safety and Highway Planning including Roadway Lighting
- Land Use and Transport Modeling for Transportation Asset Management
- Road Management Systems: Soft-computing techniques for clustering homogeneous groups and learning treatment effectiveness
- Civil Infrastructure Management Systems: Spatial-Temporal Coordination of Activities and Re-optimization
- Optimization Techniques for Multi-objective Across-Assets Management Systems
- Bayesian Statistics and Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation for Reliability-based performance modeling (safety, deterioration, mobility, accessibility)
- R-studio applications for Transportation Management
- Multimodal Trip Generation
- Public transport accessibility
- Policy Analysis: Funding Civil Infrastructure, Infrastructure and Economic Development
- Incorporing Natural Hazard Vulnerability into Road Management Systems
Current grants and research contracts
- Principal Investigator, Trip Generation and Parking Rates, 2017-2020
- Principal Investigator ( 3 researchers), Road safety and lighting evaluation, Road Safety Research Program, FQRNT-MTQ-FRSQ, 127500$, 2012-2015
- Principal investigator on the Study of Land use and Transport modeling for Transportation Asset Management, Discovery Grant, NSERC, 115000$, 2012-2017
- Principal Investigator on the connection of Road Safety and Road management systems. Start-up, Concordia University, $50,000 (2010-2012)
- Principal Investigator. Infrastructure Management Systems for the Town of Kindersley, $20,000 (2011-2012)

Prioritization of M7R interventions in Costa Rica's Great Metro Area
Aldulaimi, M. and Amador Jimenez, L. 2015. A Method to Calibrate Roadway Lighting Warrants and Levels with Crash History. Scholars' Press. Germany
http://www.amazon.ca/Calibrate-Roadway-Lighting-Warrants-History/dp/363976871X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1447189467&sr=8-2&keywords=amador jimenez
Amador Jimenez, L. 2012. Pavement Deterioration Modeling: Capturing Uncertainty and practical applications. Paperback. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-3659157882. Germany.
http://www.amazon.ca/Pavement-Deterioration-Modeling-Esteban-Jimenez/dp/3659157880/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1447189467&sr=8-3&keywords=amador jimenez
Articles in refereed publications
Riahi Samani, R., and Amador-Jimenez, L 2023. Exploring road safety of pedestrians in proximity to public transit access points (bus stops and metro stations), a case study of Montreal, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 50, Number 6 |
Mukhtarli, K. Nikht-Baht, M and Amador Jimenez, L. 2022. Data-driven Homogeneous Pavement Groups - Soft Versus Hard Clustering. International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology (Springer Nature). Accepted for publication |
Mohammadi, A., Mazaheri, A., and Amador Jimenez, L. 2022. Simplified Method for Predicting Pavement Treatments Effectiveness, A case Study of Montreal Roads Network. (Accepted for publication) ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements |
ElSaid, F. Mazaheri, A. and Amador Jimenez, L. 2022. Estimating Layers’ Structural Coefficients for Flexible Pavements in Costa Rica Road’s Network Using Full Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach. (Accepted for Publication) International Journal of Pavement research and technology (Springer Nature) |
Mohammadi, A., and Amador, L. 2021. Decision-making methods to prioritize asset management plans for municipal infrastructure. Infrastructure Asset Management. Volume 8 Issue 1, March 2021, pp. 11-24 |
Abu Samra, S. Ahmed, M. and Amador, L. 2020. An Asset Management Framework for Integrated Municipal Infrastructure. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems. Vol 26, Issue 4. |
Mohammadi, A., Igwe,C., Amador, L. Nasiri, F. 2020. Applying Lean Construction Principles in Road Maintenance Projects. International Journal of Construction Management. |
Mohammadi, A. Amador, L. Nasiri, F. 2020. Reliable, Effective, and Sustainable Urban Railways: A Model for Optimal Planning and Asset Management. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Vol 146, Issue 6. |
Mohammadi, A. Amador, L. Nasiri, F. 2020. A Multi-Criteria Assessment of the Passengers’ Level of Comfort in Urban Railway Rolling Stock. Sustainable Cities and Society. Under Production. |
Hwangbo, W., Amador-Jimenez, L., Kachua, S. Mohammadi, A. 2019. Title: A Value-based Optimization for Cross-Asset Maintenance in a Municipality. Accepted for Publication at Infrastructure Asset Management. |
Amador-Jimenez, L., Mohammadi, A., Abu-Samra S., Magsoudi, R. 2019. Resilient Storm Pipes: A multi-stage decision support system. Accepted for Publication in |
ElSaid, F., Amador-Jimenez, L. and Alecsandru, C. 2019. Incorporating Bicycling Demand into Pavement Management Systems for Convenient Bikeway Networks. Accepted for publication, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. [IF 0.869] |
Mohammadi, A, and Amador, L. 2018. Optimizing transit maintenance and rehabilitation to support Human Development and Sustainability: A case study of Costa Rica’s railroad network. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Accepted. [IF 1.97] |
Mohammadi, A., Amador, L. Nasiri, F. 2018. Review of Asset Management for Metro Systems: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Transport Reviews, (Accepted for Publication). [IF 6.648] |
Amin, M.S.R., Tamima, U. and Amador, L. 2018. Towards Resilient Roads to Storm-Surge Flooding: Case Study of Bangladesh. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Accepted. [IF 1.83] |
Mohammadi, A., Elsaid, F., Amador, L. 2017. Optimising public transport for reducing employment barriers and fighting poverty. Journal of sustainable development and planning. Accepted, [IF 0.23]. |
Amin, M.S.R., Tamima, U. and Amador, L. 2017. Understanding air pollution from Induced Traffic during and after the Construction of a new highway: Case study of Highway 25 in Montreal. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Volume 2017 |
Shahraki, H.S., Alecsandru, C., Maghsoudi, R. and Amador, L. 2017 An efficient soft-computing-based calibration method for microscopic simulation models. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security. In press. [I.F.=0.68]. |
Amador-Jimenez, L.E. and Serrano, L. 2017. Pavement Management: A service-based optimal allocation of road’s interventions. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Vol 12 No. 6, pp:1 – 11. [I.F. 0.35]. |
Nabavi, M.*, Saunier, N, Miranda-Moreno, L., and Amador, L. 2016. Effects of Road Lighting on Bicycle and Pedestrian Accident Frequency: Case Study in Montreal. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, No 2555 pp: 86-94. [IF=0.556]. |
Amin, M.S.R., and Amador, L.E. 2016. Backpropagation Neural Network to estimate pavement performance: dealing with measurement errors. Road Materials and Pavement Design [I.F. 1.401]. |
Amin, M.S.R. and Amador-Jimenez, L.E. 2016. Pavement Management with dynamic traffic and artificial neural network: A Case Study of Montreal. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2016, 43(3): 241-251 [I.F. 0.591]. |
Zareie, A., Amin, M.S.R., and Amador, L.E. 2016. Thornthwaite Moisture Index Modeling to Estimate the Implication of Climate Change on Pavement Deterioration. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering. Vol 142 (4) [I.F. 0.7] |
Amin, M.S.R., and Amador, L.E. 2015. Travel demand modeling to simulate traffic loads for pavement deterioration curves: dealing with aggregate data at urban and regional scales. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol 42 (12), pp: 1049-1062 [I.F. 0.7]. |
Amador Jimenez, L. and Afghari, A. 2015. Road Safety and Pavement Management a case study of Tanzania. Volume 10, pp.132-140. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. [IF 1.6] |
Amin, M.S.R., and Amador, L.E. 2014. The Multi-criteria based Pavement Management System for Regional Road Network of Atlantic Provinces of Canada. International Journal of Pavements, Volume 13 Number 1-2-3 January-May-September 2014. |
Amin, M.S.R., Zareie, A. and Amador-Jimenez, L. 2014. Climate change modeling and the weather-related road accidents in Canada. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol.32 pp.171-183 [IF=1.626] |
Amin, M. S. R., Amador, L. 2014. “Discussion on Road Infrastructure Management Practices”. International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management, Vol 1, Issue 3. |
Nabavi, M., Saunier, N, Miranda-Moreno, L., and Amador, L. 2014. A method for road lighting audit and safety screening. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, No.2458. pp.27-36. [IF=0.482] |
Amador Jimenez, L. and Willis, C. 2013. Demonstrating a Correlation between the Maturity of Road Safety Practices and Road Safety Incidents. Traffic Injury prevention. [IF.1.75] |
Amin, M.S.R. and Amador Jimenez, L. 2013. Integration of Alternating Heuristic Algorithm and Geographic Information System for Optimal Allocation of Open Spaces. In press, International Journal of the Constructed Environment. |
Faghih-Imani, A. and Amador Jimenez, L. 2013. Towards a sustainable Pavement Management: Incorporation of Environmental Impacts of Pavement Treatments into a performance-based optimization”. Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. [IF=0.482] |
Heydari, S., Miranda-Moreno. L, and Amador-Jimenez, L. 2013. Full Bayes Methods for Road safety studies: Does Prior Specification Matter?. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. [IF=0.482] |
Amador Jimenez, L. and Afghari, A. 2012. Non-monetized multi-objective decision making for road management. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Vol 14, Issue 7. pp. 686-696 [IF 0.402]. |
Heydari, M.* and Amador Jimenez, L. 2012. Comparing Full Bayesian likelihoods to predict road collisions and prioritize improvements. Journal of Civil Engineering and Science. [On line] http://www.academicpub.org/jces/paperInfo.aspx?PaperID=1539 |
Amador-Jimenez, L and Amin, M.S.R.* 2012. Simulating Freight-traffic between Atlantic Canada and Quebec to support pavement management on New Brunswick’s regional highways. Journal of Infrastructure Systems of the American Society of Civil Engineers. [IF 0.7] |
Amin, M.S.R.*, and Amador Jimenez, L. 2012. Who Makes the Inevitable Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Urban Uses at the Peripheries of a Megacity?". International Journal of the Constructed Environment, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 95-110. |
Amador-Jimenez, L. and Willis, C ξ. 2012. Demonstrating a correlation between infrastructure and national development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. Volume 19, Issue 3, 2012. [IF.0.518] |
Amador, L. and Mrawira, Dξ. 2012. Pavement Deterioration: Bayesian Regression in Pavement Deterioration Modeling: Revisiting the AASHTO Road Test Ruth Depth Model. Infraestructura Vial, LANAMME. November 2012, No. 25. |
Amador, L. and Magnuson, Sξ. 2011. “Adjacency Modeling for the Coordination of Investments in Infrastructure Asset Management: Case Study of the Town of Kindersley”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. No. 2246, pp. 8-15. [IF:0.482] |
Amador-Jimenez, L. and Mrawira, D ξ. 2011. “Capturing Variability in Pavement Performance Models from Sufficient Time-Series Predictors: A Case Study of the New Brunswick Road Network”. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.38, No 2, pp. 210-220. [IF: 0.472] |
Amador-Jimenez, L. and Mrawira, Dξ. 2011. “Reliability-based initial pavement performance deterioration modeling”. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. Vol. 12, No.2, pp. 177-186. [IF 0.402] |
Amador-Jimenez, L. and Mrawira, D ξ. 2009. “Roads Performance Modeling & Management System from two condition data points: case study of Costa Rica”. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineering, Vol. 135, No.2, pp: 999-1007 [IF: 0.460] |
Conference Proceedings
1. Maghsoudi, R. and Amador, L. 2016. Capacity-Based Optimal Allocation ofStorm Pipe Replacements: Considering Effects of Climate Change and Urbanization.To be presented at the 93th Annualmeeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,Washington, DC.
2. Nabavi, M.,Saunier, N., Miranda-Moreno, L., Bruneau, N., Amador, L. 2016. Effects of Road Lighting onBicycle and Pedestrian Accident Frequency: A Case Study in Montréal. To bepresented at the 93th Annual meeting of theTransportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
4. Aldulaimi, M. andAmador Jimenez. 2016. A method to calibrate roadway lighting warrants. To be presented at the 93th Annual meeting of the Transportation ResearchBoard of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
5. Amador, L., and Matout, N. 2015. A low Cost method to develop an initialpavement management system. 93th Annualmeeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,Washington, DC.
6. Amador, L., and Matout, N. 2015. A low Cost solution to estimatepavement roughness condition. 92th Annualmeeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies,Washington, DC.
7. Amin, M. S. R.*, Amador, L. 2014. A Performance-BasedPavement Management System for the Road Network of Montreal City – a ConceptualFramework. 12th International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP)conference on Asphalt Pavements, June 1–5, 2014, Raleigh, North Carolina
8. Amin, M. S. R.*, Amador, L. 2013. Spatio-temporal modeling of the impact of climatechange on road accidents - A Case Study of New Brunswick. Federal Committee onStatistical Research Conference, November 4 – 6, Washington D.C., USA.
9. Amin,M. S. R.*,Amador, L. 2013. A Multi-Criteria Pavement ManagementSystem for the Rural Road Network of Bangladesh. CSCE 2013 General Conference,May 29 – June 1, Montreal.
10. Amin, M.S.R.*, Alecsandru, C.ξ and Amador-Jiménez, L. 2013. Micro-simulationof gap acceptance by turning vehicles at a signalized intersection in auniversity campus. 48th CTRF Annual Conference, Canadian TransportationResearch Forum. Halifax,June 2013.
11. Amin, M.S.R.*, Amador, L., Reimer, W. ξ and Tamima, U. ξ 2013.Prediction of inter-provincial trade flow traffic to supportmulticriteria pavement management. 48th CTRF Annual Conference, CanadianTransportation Research Forum. Halifax,June 2013.
12. Foomani, M.G.*, Amador,L., and Khodabakhshi,A.H.* 2013. Multi-objective speedoptimization for heavy good vehicles in interrupted transportation networks.48th CTRF Annual Conference, Canadian Transportation Research Forum. Halifax, June 2013.
13. Amin, M.S.R.*,Alecsandru, C. ξ andAmador-Jimenez, L. 2013. The impact of bicycle path on theroad user's decision at an in-campus signalized intersection.Proceedings of the CMRSC-XXIII, 23rd CanadianMultidisciplinary Road Safety Conference. Montreal,May, 2013
14. Sayyadi, G.*, Amin, MSR.* and AmadorJimenez, L. A Multivariate Analysis of Road Safety Accident Index. Proceedingsof the CMRSC-XXIII, 23rd CanadianMultidisciplinary Road Safety Conference. Montreal,May, 2013
15. Amador Jimenez, L.and Faghih-Imani, A.* 2013. From strategic optimization to tactical plans:coordinating treatments on road infrastructure. 91th Annual meeting of theTransportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
16. Amin, M.S.R.* and AmadorJimenez, L. 2012. Spatial Analysis of Sustainable Urban Development Indicatorsfor Montreal City. Third International Conference ofthe Constructed Environment. Vancouver, BC.
17. Rodrigues, J.D.*, Chaverri, J. ξ and Amador, L. 2012. Strategic Pavement Management: Costa Rica’scase study. International Conference on ManagementSciences 2012, Dubai, UAE.
18. Willis C. ξ, and Amador Jimenez, L. 2012. A maturity approach forbusiness climate from a global perspective. InternationalConference on Management Sciences 2012, Dubai, UAE.
19. Amin, M.S.R.* and AmadorJimenez, L. 2012. How much forest is Required to Absorb Interprovincial Truck Flow inducedGHG emissions?. 4thTRANSLOG (Transportation and Logistics) Conference, Burlington, ON
20. Amin, M.S.R.* andAmador-Jimenez, L. 2012. Carbon footprintof induced Traffic from highway 25 extension project. 59th Annual North AmericanMeetings of the Regional Science Association International. Ottawa, ON.
21. Faghih-Imani, A.* and Amador Jimenez,L. 2012. Spatial Temporal Coordination ofMaintenance and Rehabilitation Works in Transportation Asset Management. 59thAnnual North AmericanMeetings of the Regional Science Association International. Ottawa, ON.
22. Amin, M.S.R.* and Amador Jimenez, L. 2012. Simulation of land use change and building construction of new roadinfrastructure. 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science AssociationInternational, Ottawa, ON
23. Amin, M.S.R.*, Alecsandru, C. ξ and AmadorJimenez, L. 2012. Calibration of identical behavior of differentvehicles for gap acceptance at a signalized intersection before and afterbicycle lane construction. 59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International,Ottawa, ON
24. Amin, M.S.R.*, Oum, N.* andAmador. 2012. Qui gere le marché de l’habitation de Montreal?. Presented at the 80th Congres of the AssociationFrancophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Montreal.
25. Amador-Jimenez.2012. Integral Infrastructure Management: Measuring Economic and PerformanceBenefits of Trade-Off Analysis. Presented at the 9th National Conference on Transportation AssetManagement. San Diego, CA
26. Amador-Jimenez, L, and Afghari, A.* 2012. Lifecycle Optimization and Tradeoff Analysis amongcompeting objectives for a road corridor. 91stAnnual meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
27. Amin, M.S.R.* andAmador-Jimenez, L. 2011. Who makesinevitable conversion of the agricultural lands into urban uses at theperipheries of a Megacity?. Presented at the Second InternationalConference of the Constructed Environment. Chicago,U.S.
28. Amin, M.S.R.* and Amador-Jimenez, L. 2011. Land use and transport modeling to supporttransportation asset management: case study of the new Brunswick road networkand it`s regional interactions. Presented in the joint 58th North AmericaRegional Science Conference and Second Conference of the Regional Science ofthe Americas.Miami, FL.
29. Amador-Jimenez, L. and Mrawira, D ξ. 2011. “Bayesian Regression in Deterioration Modeling:Revisiting the AASHO RoadTest Rut Depth Model”. Proceedings of the 90th Annual Congress ofthe Transportation Research Board. Washington D.C.
30. Amador-Jimenez, L.2011. Relating Land Use and Transport modeling with transportation assetmanagement. Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the Transportation and Development Institute of the AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers. Chicago, U.S.
31. Mrawira, Dξ. Kachua, S.ξ, andAmador-Jimenez, L. 2010. “Across Asset Trade-off Analysis and Framework forAdjacency Consideration in Long-term Planning for Transportation AssetManagement”. 89th Annual Meeting of the TransportationResearch Board Washington. D.C.
32. Amador-Jimenez, L.2009. “Multilevel Bayesian AccidentPrediction Modeling for Multi-objective Road Management Systems”. Proceedings of the XV Ibero-Latin American AsphaltPavement Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.
33. Mrawira D.ξ, Amador-Jimenez, L. 2009. “Cross-Assets Trade-off Analysis: Why Are We StillTalking About It?".Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Washington. D.C.
34. Mrawira D.ξ, Amador-Jimenez, L. 2008. “Breaking the Silos in Asset Management:Comprehensive Optimization in Long-Term Planning over multiple asset types”. Proceedings of the 3rd European Pavement and Asset Management Conference.Lisbon,Portugal.
35. Amador-Jimenez, L.,Mrawira D.ξ 2008. “AssetPerformance Modelling: What to do when you only have two condition data points”. Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Washington. D.C.
36. Mrawira D.ξ, MacNaughton J.ξ, &Amador-Jimenez, L. 2008. “Pushing the frontier of Asset Management: usingtrade-off analysis across asset-types to support agency’s budget exercise”. Proceedings of the 7th InternationalConference on Managing Public Assets. CalgaryAlberta.
Participation activities
Guess Speaker
3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering, 2014, Technical University of Manabi, Ecuador
Canadian Seminar on Transportation. Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2013.
Roads Seminar 2013. Technical University of Machala. Ecuador