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Luo He, PhD

  • Associate Professor, Accountancy

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Dr. Luo He received her PhD in Accounting from Queen's University. She also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Wake Forest University (USA) and a Bachelor of Economics degree from Sichuan University (China). Her research interests include financial reporting quality and corporate governance, the effect of regulation on financial reporting, voluntary disclosure, and corporate social responsibility. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, European Accounting Review, Emerging Markets Review, and Accounting Perspectives. Her research has received funds from both provincial (FQRSC) and national (SSHRC) research funding agencies. She has taught Accounting Theory, Financial Reporting I & II, and Introductory Financial Accounting at John Molson School of Business.


PhD (Queen's University)

Areas of expertise

  • Financial reporting quality and corporate governance
  • The effect of regulation on financial reporting
  • Voluntary disclosure
  • Corporate social responsibility

Publications & Research Grants

Chourou, L., He, L., & Zhong, L. 2020. Does Religiosity Enhance the Quality of Management Earnings Forecasts? Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 47 (78), 910948.

Ben Amar, W., He, L., Li, T., & Magnan, M. 2019. The Corrosive Effect of Offshore Financial Centers on Multinational Firms’ Disclosure Strategy. European Accounting Review, 28 (3), 483–512.

Guo, M., He, L., & Zhong, L. 2018. Business Groups and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Review, 37, 83–97.

He, L., & Thornton, D. 2013. The Impact of Disclosures of Internal Control Weaknesses and Remediations on Investors’ Perceptions of Earnings Quality. Accounting Perspectives, 12 (2), 101–139.

He, L., Labelle, R., Piot, C., & Thornton, D. 2009. Board Monitoring, Audit Committee Effectiveness, and Financial Reporting Quality: Review and Synthesis of Empirical Evidence. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, 1 (2).  (Top-Ten Download List of “All Time Top Papers” on SSRN for Forensic Accounting eJournal, 2018; authors ranked in the Top 10% of Authors on SSRN by downloads, 2017–2019.)

He, L., Labelle, R., Piot, C., & Thornton, D. 2006. Gouvernance et qualité de l’information financière, Deuxième partie (Governance and Financial Reporting Quality, Part Two). Gestion, revue internationale de gestion, 30 (4), 27−32.

He, L., Labelle, R., Piot, C., & Thornton, D. 2005. Gouvernance et qualité de l’information financière, Première partie (Governance and Financial Reporting Quality, Part One). Gestion, revue internationale de gestion, 30 (3), 28−40.

Research Grants:

Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC), sole applicant – Établissement de Nouveaux Professeurs-Chercheurs, $36,247, for 20122016.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, co-applicant (principal investigator: Daniel Thornton, Queen’s University), $70,160, for 20112015.

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