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M. Ayaz Naseem, PhD

  • Professor, Education

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Dr. Naseem holds a Ph.D. in comparative and international education from McGill University. His research interests include peace education, social media, feminist theory and philosophy, decolonial theory, post-structuralism, pluralism, and democratic and citizenship education. Dr. Naseem has also taught at the Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan in the departments of International Relations and Defense & Strategic Studies.

Dr. Naseem holds the prestigious Georg Arnhold Research Professorship on Educating for Sustainable Peace (2013-14) at the Georg Eckert Institute in Braunschweig, Germany. He also the co-chairs the Peace Education Special Interest Group of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES).


PhD, Comparative and International Education, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
MPhil, International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
MSc, International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
BA, Political Science, Economics (1983), University of the Punjab

Professional experience

Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal. Since 2017

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal. Since June 2009

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal. May 2004 - May 2009

Sessional Instructor, Department of Integrated Studies, McGill University 2002

Assistant Professor of Defense & Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. January 1994 to
September 1999

Lecturer in International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. January 1987 to January 1994

Honors and awards

Georg Arnhold Research Professor, (2013-2014), Georg-Eckert-Institut fur Internationale Schulbuchforschung, Braunschweig, Germany. (Value: Euro 39,000)

Post-doctoral Fellowship (2005-2007), Le Fonds Québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC). Paulo Freire Institute, University of California at Los Angeles ($60,000)

Dean's Honor List, Faculty of Education, McGill University, Montreal. 2004

Doctoral Fellowship (2002-2004). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). $35,000

Doctoral Research Award (2002-2003) International Development Research Center (IDRC). $ 20,000

McGill Major Doctoral Fellowship (2002-2003). McGill University, Montreal, Canada. ($10,000) Not Availed

Ford Foundation-ACDIS Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. January-May, 1992. US$ 10,000

Graduate Merit Scholarship, Quaid-i-Azam University. September 1984 to December 1985

Service to academic community

Symposium Chair, First Georg Arnhold Symposium on Social Media as a Space for Peace Education (July 2014-2020)

Co-Chair, peace Education Special Interest Group, Comparative and International Education Society, 2011-2014

Member, Comparative and International Education Society Conference Advisory Committee, 2010-11

Member, Comparative and International Education Society Ad hoc committee on Development of Comparative Scholarship, 2010-2011

Program Chair, Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies at the CSSE Conference, Montreal May 2010

Conference Chair, International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media. Montreal, August 2010

External Promotion Reviewer, Agha Khan Educational Foundation

External Doctoral Dissertation Examiner: Department of Integrated Studies in Education, OISE, University of Toronto, Australian, National University, McGill University, Aga Khan University-Institute of Educational Development, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Qurtaba University of Science and Information Technology, Pakistan, Lahore College University, University of Peshawar, Pakistan

Funded projects

Naseem, M. A.  & Arshad-Ayaz, A. Creating learningagainst radicalization. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council SSHRCConnection Grant ($ 41,000; Role: PI).


Arshad-Ayaz, A. & Naseem,M. A.  Perspectives of Canadian youthon extremism and counter-radicalization education. Social Sciences &Humanities Research Council SSHRC Insight Grant, ($106,130: Role Co-Applicant).


Carr, P., Thesee, G., Arshad-Ayaz, A., Naseem, M. A. Social Media, Citizenship Participation andEducation. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council SSHRC InsightGrant. 2017-2021 ($235,949: Role Co-applicant).


Abrami, P. et al., Naseem, M. A., Using educationaltechnology to develop essential educational competencies in Sub-Saharan Africa.Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council SSHRC Partnership Grant.($2,500,000: Role Co-applicant).

Naseem, M. A. Blogosphere and Facebook as educational spaces for sustainable peace. Georg Arnhold Research Professor Grant, Georg Eckert Institute, Germany (Role: Principal Investigator). Euro, 39,000

Naseem, M. A., Arshad-Ayaz, A. Rosemarie Schade, Erin Manning, James Grant, Peter Stoet, & Peter Graham, Educating for Environmental Sustainability: Need for multi-disciplinarity, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia University. 2012-13

Stober, G., Naseem, M. A., Ghosh, R & Nair, G. Exacerbating Conflicts - Promoting Peace? The Role of Social Science Textbooks in South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka). Funded by Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. 2008-12. Euro 37,500

Construction of the 'Other' in Curricula and Textbooks: A Post-structuralist Analysis of Nationalist Identities in India and Pakistan. Funded by SSHRC Standard Research Grant. 2006-09. C$ 145,569

Undemocratic texts: The role of school curricula and textbooks in construction of Democratic Citizenship in Pakistan. Funded by FQRSC research grant. 2006-09. C$ 39, 498

Education, Citizenship and Democracy in a Developing Society: A Case Study of Pakistan. Funded by Concordia University General Research Fund. 2006-07. C$ 15,000

Selected publications


Naseem, M. A.& Arshad-Ayaz, A. (Eds.) (Under Contract for publication in Spring 2020). Peace 2.0: Social Media as Space for Sustainable Peace Education, Palgrave-Macmillan.


Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. (Eds.) (2016). Representation of minorities in Curricula, Textbooks and educational Media: Comparative Perspectives. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers

Naseem, M. A. (2010). Education and gendered citizenship in Pakistan. New York: Palgrave-McMillan. Finalist, Jackie Kirk Award for outstanding book, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)

Hyslop-Margison, E. J. & Naseem, M. A. (2007). Scientism and education: Empirical research as neo-liberal ideology. Dordrect, the Netherlands: Springer Publishing. Winner of American Education Studies Association Critics Choice Award 2008

Naseem, M. A. (1989). (Ed.) International Relations: A New Perspective. Lahore: Progressive Publishers

Naseem, M. A. (1988). Pak-Soviet Relations: 1947-1965. Lahore: Progressive Publishers

Invited GuestEditor

Naseem, M. A.,Arshad-Ayaz, A., Duckworth, C., Savard, M*. (2016). Teaching about extremism,terror and trauma: Policy, pedagogy, curricula. Special issue of Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (Universityof British Columbia/University of Alberta), Spring.


Naseem, M. A. andStöber, G. (2014). Textbooks,Identity Politics and Conflict Lines in South Asia, special issue of Journalof Educational Media, Memory and Society (JEMMS) 6 (2) (2014).

Refereed Publications

Naseem, M. A. (2019). History and its discontents: The masterhistorical narratives and agency in Pakistan’s textbooks. In S. Lässig, M.Repoussi, L. Cajani (Eds.), HistoryEducation under Fire. New York: Palgrave McMillan.


Naseem, M. A. (Forthcoming 2019). We the people: Peace educationalpotential of social media: Multilogues of National Self-regeneration inPakistani Blogosphere. In M. A. Naseem and A. Arshad-Ayaz (Eds.). Peace 2.0: Social Media as a Space forSustainable Peace Education, Palgrave-Macmillan. (Refereed)


Naseem, M.A., Arshad-Ayaz, A.  (Forthcoming 2019). Peace 2.0: Socialmedia as space for peace education: An introduction. In M. A. Naseem and A. Arshad-Ayaz (Eds.). Peace 2.0: Social Media as a Space forSustainable Peace Education, Palgrave-Macmillan.


Naseem, M. A., Arshad-Ayaz, A., Doyle, S.* (2017). Social media asa space for peace education: Conceptual contours and evidence from the Muslimworld. Research in Comparative and InternationalEducation. Spring.


Naseem, M. A., Savard*, M. (2017). Challenging the PotentialConsequences of Pakistani Textbooks: Radicalization or Peacebuilding. Historyfor Peace, A Seagull Journal. Fall.


Arshad-Ayaz, A., Naseem, M. A. (2017). Creating ‘invited’ spaces for counterradicalization and counter-extremism education. Diaspora, Indigenous,and Minority Education. Spring.


Naseem, M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2016). One voice or many: Asurvey of feminist theorization. Journalof gender and social issues. Spring/Summer.


Naseem, M. A. Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2016) What kind of pedagogy do we need to addressextremism and terror? Journal ofContemporary Issues in Education, Vol 11, No. 1, Spring, pp. 6-18.


Naseem, M. A., Arshad-Ayaz, A., Duckworth, C., Savard* (2016).Teaching about extremism, terror and trauma: Policy, pedagogy, curricula:Introduction.  Special issue of Journal of contemporary issues in education.Vol 11, No. 1, Spring, pp.1-5.


Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2016).Knowledge imperialism: Education and domination in the neo-liberal era. In K.Gray and H. Bashir (Eds.), Eastward Bound: The politics, economics, and pedagogy ofWestern higher education in Asia and the Middle East. Lanham: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield.


Naseem, M. A. (2015). Reimagining peace,reimagining education: Peace educational potential of social media. Journal of Education in Muslim Society. Vol. 2 No. 1 June 2015 page. 1-11


Naseem, M. A. (2014). Deconstructing Militarismin Pakistani Textbooks, JEMMS 6 (2), pp.10-24.


Naseem, M. A. and Stöber, G. (2014). Textbooks,Identity Politics and Conflict Lines in South Asia, JEMMS 6 (2), pp. 1-9.


Naseem, M. A. (2013).  Perspectivasconceituais sobre o multiculturalismo e a educação multicultural: Umainvestigação do campo. Visão Global,Joaçaba, v. 15, n. 1-2, p. 23-36, jan./dez.


Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2012). Education and Democracyunder Neo-liberal Knowledge Imperialism. In Ali A. Abdi and Paul R.Carr. (Eds.). Educating for democraticconsciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. Netherlands: Peter LangPublishing, pp. 151-166.


Naseem, M. A. (2011). Conceptualthinking on multiculturalism and diversity in Canada: A survey. In Diversityand Education for Liberation: realities, possibilities and problems. Canadian Issues: A Publication of theAssociation for Canadian Studies, Special Edition. Pp.9-15.


Naseem,M. A. & Ghosh, R. (2010). Construction of the ‘Other’ in History Textbooks in Indiaand Pakistan. In G. Pampanini, F. Adly, D. Napier (Eds.) Interculturalism,society and education. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers, Pp.37-44.


Naseem, M. A. (2009). Construction ofMilitaristic identities in Pakistani textbooks. In Stephen M. Lyon, and Iain R. Edgar, (Eds).  Shapinga nation: An examination of Education in Pakistan. Karachi: OxfordUniversity Press, pp. 148-157.


Barakett,J. and Naseem, M. A. (2008).Multicultural, anti-racist education and black feminist pedagogy. In C.Levine-Resky (Ed.), Canadian Perspectiveson the Sociology of Education. London, New York: Oxford University Press,pp. 69-80.


Hyslop-Margison& Naseem, M. A. (2007). CareerEducation as Humanization: A Freirean Approach to Lifelong Learning. Alberta Journal of Education. Vol. 54,#1, pp. 347-358.


Hyslop-Margison,E. & Naseem, M.A. (2007).Philosophy of education and the contested nature of empirical research: Arejoinder to D. C. Phillips. Philosophyof Education. Pp. 310-318.


Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A.(2007). The Market, the Nation and the School: EFA in times of Globalizationand Nationalism. In A. Wiesman and D. Baker (Eds.), Education for All: Global Promises, National Challenges (Volume 8in the International Perspectives on Education and Society Series). Amsterdam,Boston: Elsevier Science, Ltd. Pp. 73-108.


Naseem, M. A. & Hyslop-Margison (2006). Nussbaum’s Concept ofCosmopolitanism: Practical Possibility or Academic Delusion? Paideusis. # 2. pp. 51-60.


Naseem, M. A. (2006). The Soldier and the Seductress: APost-structuralist Analysis of Gendered Citizenship through Inclusion in andExclusion from Language and Social Studies Textbooks in Pakistan. International Journal of InclusiveEducation. vol. 10, nos. 4&5, July-September. Pp. 449-468.


Ghosh, R. & Naseem, M. A. (2003). Education is thatwhich Liberates: Education Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore. Journal of Post Colonial Education.Volume 2, #1; 87-100.


Naseem, M. A. (1995). Promoting the Development of aCulture of Peace and Devising Innovative Methods for Early Prevention andPeaceful Management of Conflicts: A view from Pakistan. In The Culture of Peacein Central South Asia. Rawalpindi: UNESCO/Friends pp. 1-14.


Mazari, S. M., & Naseem, M. A., (1990). Development ofDefense and Strategic Studies as an Academic Discipline in Pakistan. In S.H.Hashmi (Ed.). The State of SocialSciences in Pakistan. Islamabad: Quaid-i-Azam University. Pp. 218-228. 2001e-edition available at:


Naseem, M. A. (1989). Dominant Anglo-SaxonEpistemological Tradition: A Critique. Journalof European Studies. Vol. 4 & 5, Nos. 1 & 2. Pp. 1-15.


Naseem, M. A. (1989). The Afghan episode: A study in Soviet threatperception. Journal of Central AsianStudies, #24, 1989, pp. 65-78.


Naseem, M. A. (1988). US as a Factor in Pak-SovietRelations”, Journal of American Studies.Vol. VI, No. 1, 1988.

Chapters in Books (reviewed by volume editors)

Naseem, M.A., Arshad-Ayaz, A. and Rodriguez J. R. (2016).Representation of minorities in Textbooks: Comparative internationalperspectives. In M. A. Naseem, A. Arshad-Ayaz, J. Rodriguez Rodriguez, (Eds.) Representation of minorities Textbooks:International Comparative Perspectives. Santiago de Compostella: Universadadede Santiago de Compostella, pp. 7-12.


Arshad-Ayaz, A. & Naseem, M. A. (2016). Motherhood as acounter-hegemonic reading of citizenship and agency. In A. Abdi & L. Shutz(Eds.). Decolonizing Global Citizenship Education. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: SensePublishers, pp. 81-04


Ghosh,R., Naseem, M. A., Vijh, A. (2012). Tagore and education: Gazing beyondthe colonial cage. In A. Abdi (Ed.). Decolonizingphilosophies of education. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers, pp.59-71.


Naseem, M. A. (2009). Allah, America and the army: Impact of the USinvolvement in South Asia on Pakistan’s educational policy. In N. Sobe (Ed.), By the Dawn's Early Light: Americanpost-conflict educational reconstruction from the Spanish-American War to Iraq.New York: Palgrave-McMillan, pp. 208-228.


Ghosh, R., Abdi, A. A. & Naseem, M. A. (2008). Identity incolonial and postcolonial contexts: select discussions and analyses. In A. Abdi& G. Richardson (Eds.), Decolonizingdemocratic education: trans-disciplinary dialogues. Rotterdam, Netherlands:Sense Publishers, pp. 57-66.


Abdi, A. & Naseem, M. A. (2008). Globalization asan educational framework of convergence: globalizing the local and localizingthe global. In A. Abdi & G. Richardson (Eds.), Decolonizing democratic education: trans-disciplinary dialogues.Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, pp. 97-106.


Naseem, M. A. (2008). Peace-Educational Value of the World WideWeb: Dialogue and Confidence Building in the Cyber Space; an Analysis ofChowk.Com. In J. Lin, E. Brantmeier and C. Bruhn (Eds.), Transforming Education for Peace. Greenwich CT: Information AgePublishing, 185-202.


Naseem, M. A. (2006). DeconstructingMilitaristic Identities in Language and Social Studies Textbooks in South Asia:The Case of Pakistan. In Éric Bruillard, Bente Aamotsbakken, Susanne V. Knudsenand Mike Horsley (Eds.). Caught in theWeb or Lost in the Textbook? Paris: Jouve, STEF, IARTEM, IUFM deBasse-Normandie. Pp. 179-186.


Naseem, M. A. (2004). State, education, and citizenship discourses,and the construction of gendered identities in Pakistan. In P. Ninnes & S.Mehta (eds.) Re-Imagining the Discourse:Post Foundational Ideas for Comparative Education. London: Routeledge. Pp.85-106.


Naseem, M. A. (1989). Pakistan’s Security Predicament and ForeignPolicy Options. In M.A. Naseem (Ed.) International Relations: A NewPerspective. Lahore: Progressive Publishers, pp. 109-143.


Selected presentations

Recent keynote addresses and invited presentations

Arshad-Ayaz,A. & Naseem, M. A. Engineering and HumanitarianInterventions learning from the failures. Humanitarian Engineering workshop2019. University of Groningen, The Netherlands. May 14, 2019.

Naseem, M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Creating actionablecounter radicalization and counter-extremism education. Canada Research Chairin Race, Inequalities, and Global Change, University of British Columbia.November 14, 2018. 

Naseem, M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Countering ViolentExtremism and the Role of Education: Reclaiming ‘spaces’ for creating learningagainst radicalization. Invited address NOVA Southeastern University, Miami,Fl. February 17, 2018.

Naseem, M. A. Reclaiming ‘spaces’ for creating learningagainst radicalization: Creating praxis between theory and practice. Invitedlecture, Gadjah Mada University, Yogjakarta, Indonesia,October 23, 2017.

Naseem, M. A. Peace Education through Social Media, Invited lecture, State IslamicUniversity Sunan Kalijaga, Yogjakarta, Indonesia, October 23, 2017.

Naseem, M. A. Making Education in the 21stcentury relevant to the local needs in the Muslim world: Setting up a dialoguebetween the dominant and the marginalized knowledge systems. Aaddress at thePlenary Panel at the 3rd International Conference on Education inMuslim Societies, October 24-26, 2017, Universitas Islamic Negri, Jakarta,Indonesia.

Naseem, M. A. Critical thinking and Counter-radicalizationEducation: Thinking from the outside. Plenary address, Institute for criticalpedagogy and transformative leadership, October 6, 2017, Turin, Italy.

Naseem, M. A. Shadows of Knowledge/Knowledge of Shadows:Decolonizing Plato’s Parable of the Cave. Presented at theKeynote Panel 2015 Graduate Student Conference in Philosophyof Education, McGill University.

Naseem, M. A. Peace 2.0: Social Media as a Space for PeaceEducation. Plenary Address presented to the First Georg Arnhold Symposium onEducating for Sustainable Peace, Braunschweig, Germany, July 29, 2014.

Naseem, M. A. Word and the World: Actors-Discourses-Practice in textbook analysis. Keynote Address to the International Summer School, Georg Eckert Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, September 23, 2013

Naseem, M. A. Education, identity and violence: Textual sources of development and conflict: A case study of Pakistan. Keynote Address to the South American Chapter of the International Association of Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IARTEM), Curitiba, August 29-31, 2012

Naseem, M. A. Post-structuralist methodologies for textual analysis: Critical Discourse Analysis. International Summer School, Georg Eckert Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, September 24, 2013

Naseem, M. A. Social media, multivocality and regeneration of national and community identities: Blogosphere and Facebook as educational spaces for peace education. Georg Eckert Institute Colloquium, Braunschweig, Germany, August 7, 2013

Naseem, M. A. Education and gendered citizenship in Pakistan: A post-colonial investigation. Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison. September 23, 2010

Naseem, M. A. Peace, Democratization and Reconciliation in Textbooks and Educational Media. Keynote address to the annual meeting of the International Association of Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IARTEM), Tønsberg, Norway, September 7, 2007

Conference presentations

Naseem, M. A. Decolonizing the ‘subject’ inqualitative research: Doing qualitative educational research from decolonialperspectives. Paper accepted for presentation at the 11th TheQualitative Report Conference, NOVA Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale,FL. January 2019.

Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A.Education beyond the Human:Nature, machine, and the human in the Kenyan Curricular Reform. Paper acceptedfor presentation at Comparative and International Education Society Conference,Miami, Fl. March 2019.

Arshad-Ayaz, A.& Naseem, M. A., Posthumanism, are we there yet? Howrelevant is the concept to develop anti-extremism education? Paper accepted forpresentation at Comparative and International Education Society Conference,Miami, Fl. March 2019.

Naseem,M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. Can educational technology act as a bridge betweendifferent educational and societal milieus in the overall context of transferof knowledge and skills? Accepted for presentation at 2019 WEFLA Conference.Holguin, Cuba, April 24-26, 2019.

Arshad-Ayaz, A.& Naseem, M. A., Perspectives of Canadian youth on extremism andcounter-radicalization education. Paper presented at the 2019 World Congress of Comparative Education SocietiesConference. Mexico, May 20-24, 2019.

Naseem,M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. Educational technology for the future: Bringing outthe voices of key stakeholders in Kenya. Accepted for presentation at the 2019World Congress of Comparative Education Societies Conference. Mexico, May20-24, 2019.

Naseem,M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Creating educational spaces for praxis andrelationality. Paper accepted for presentation at Oceania Comparative andInternational Education Society, Wellington, New Zealand. November 21, 2018.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. & Naseem, M. A. Relational Futures for apeaceful, prosperous world. Paper accepted for presentation at OceaniaComparative and International Education Society, Wellington, New Zealand.November 21, 2018.

Naseem,M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Historical, political and societal relationalitiesin Kenyan educational and curriculum reform. Paper accepted for presentation atOceania Comparative and International Education Society, Wellington, NewZealand. November 21, 2018.

Naseem,M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Promise of education for counter radicalization andcounter-extremism education. Comparative Education Society of Europe, Nicosia,Cyprus, May 29-June 01, 2018.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. & Naseem, M. A. The age of uncertainty: Silencingthe knowledge of the ‘other’ and unmaking of identities in the contemporarymoment. Comparative Education Society of Europe, Nicosia, Cyprus, May29-June 01, 2018.

Naseem,M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Creating pedagogical deliverables for counter-radicalizationeducation. Paper presented at the 2018 WEFLA Conference, Holguin, Cuba, April2018.

Naseem,M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Epistemo-spatial dimension of peace education:Creating learning against radicalization in reclaimed peace education spaces.Paper presented at the Highlighted Session of the Peace Education SIG,Comparative and International Education Conference, Mexico City, March 2018

Arshad-Ayaz, A. & Naseem, M. A. Counter-extremism andcounter-radicalization education: Learning from the South. Paper presented atthe Comparative and International Education Conference, Mexico City, March 2018

Naseem,M. A. and Arshad-Ayaz, A., Glocalizing Humanitarianism: bringing in localknowledges in conversation with the global knowledge on humanitarianism.Presented at the Liberal Arts International Conference, Texas A&MUniversity, Doha Qatar, February 2018

Arshad-Ayaz, A., Naseem,M. A., Maitra, S., Gupta T. Pedagogical Potential of Documentary and SocialMedia in Creating Conditions for Critical Pedagogy. XLV Annual Conference ofthe Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Toronto, May 27-June 1,2017. 

Naseem, M. A.,Arshad-Ayaz, A., Issues concerning diversity, immigration, integration andsettlement: Limitations of current frameworks. Paper presented at the 19thNational Metropolis Conference, Looking Forward: Migration and mobility in 2017and beyond, Montreal, March 16-18, 2017.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Naseem,M. A. Creating ‘invited’spaces for counter radicalization and counter-extremism education. Paperpresented at the Religious Education SIG Highlighted Panel at the 60th AnnualConference of the Comparative and International Education Society. Atlanta,March 6-10, 2017.

Naseem, M. A.,Arshad-Ayaz, A., problematizing extremism and radicalization in“claimed-created” educational spaces. Paper presented at the Peace EducationSIG Highlighted Panel at the 60th Annual Conference of the Comparative andInternational Education Society. Atlanta, March 6-10, 2017.

Naseem, M. A. Rapporteur:    Education for Social Justice: When, With Whom,and With What Implications? Roundtable for the Human Rights SIG. 60thAnnual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society.Atlanta, March 6-10, 2017.

Naseem, M. A. Education and exacerbation/prevention ofconflict: The role of curricula, pedagogy and textbooks. Paper presented atCSSE conference, Calgary, May 2016.

Naseem, M. A.Textbooks and Curricula as Sites for Peace Education. Paper presented at the59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society.Vancouver, March, 2016.

Naseem, M. A.Critical deconstructions of Islamophobia. Annual Congress of Institute ofcritical pedagogy and transformative leadership, Cadiz. Spain, November, 2015.

Naseem, M. A.Decolonizing epistemic spaces: Bringing in global knowledges and voices inGlobal Citizenship Education. Paper presented at the CGCER conference on GlobalCitizenship, Edmonton, October 2015.

Naseem, M. A.National security state and construction of the other in social mediaenvironment in Canada. Paper presented at the seventh Canadian Studies Seminarof Conferencia cientifica Internacional, Holguin, Cuba, April 27-29, 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A., Naseem,M. A. Social media and civic participation: Exploring the impact of socialnetworking on youth’s civic engagement. Paper presented at the 11th Technology,Knowledge and Society Conference, University of California at Berkeley, March2015.

Naseem, M. A. Is education the solution or theproblem in ‘in-conflict’ societies? Paper presented at the annual meeting ofthe Comparative and International Education Society, Washington DC, March 2015.

Naseem, M. A. Blogosphere asan Educational Space for Peace. Paper presented at the First Georg ArnholdSymposium on Educating for Sustainable Peace, Braunschweig, Germany, July 30,2014.


Naseem, M. A. Religiopoly and the constructions of the religious ‘other’ in educationaldiscourses in the global South. Paper presented at the VW Stiftung InterdisciplinarySymposium on ‘Religious Other’. Hannover, Germany, June 2014.

Naseem, M. A. Educating for EnvironmentalSustainability: An Ecosophic View from Canada. Paper presented at the CanadianStudies Seminar at the WEFLA Conference, Holguin, Cuba, April 23-25, 2014.

*Savard, M. & Naseem, M. A. Reunitingformer girl soldiers with their communities through critical peace education. Paperpresented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International EducationSociety, Toronto, March 2014.


*Savard, M. & Naseem, M. A. “Navigating the Minefield of Child SoldierResearch. Paper presented at Children, Youth, and Security: Intersections ofResearch and Practice Graduate Student Research Symposium, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS, March 6-8, 2014.


Naseem, M. A. An autoethnographic account of thejourney to the culture of peace. Paper presented at the annual meetingof the Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, March 2014.


Naseem, M. A. Philosophy and Ecology: Case for anEcosophic Framework for Environmental Sustainability. Paper presented at the NortheasternRegional Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, November1 & 2, 2013, UMass Amherst.


Naseem, M. A. Conflictsensitive indicators for the educational sector in conflict and post-conflictenvironments. WCCES, June 24-28, 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Naseem, M. A.Word and the World: Actors-Discourses-Practices in textbook analysis. Keynote Address to the InternationalSummer School, Georg Eckert Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, September 23,2013.

Naseem, M. A. Post-structuralist methodologies for textual analysis: CriticalDiscourse Analysis. International Summer School, Georg Eckert Institute,Braunschweig, Germany, September 24, 2013.

Naseem, M. A. Social media,multivocality and regeneration of national and community identities:Blogosphere and Facebook as educational spaces for peace education. GeorgEckert Institute Colloquium, Braunschweig, Germany, August 7, 2013.

Naseem, M. A. Education, identity and violence: Textual sources ofdevelopment and conflict: A case study of Pakistan. Keynote Address to the South American Chapter of the InternationalAssociation of Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IARTEM), Curitiba,August 29-31, 2012.


Naseem, M. A. Education and gendered citizenship in Pakistan: Apost-colonial investigation. Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin,Madison. September 23, 2010.


Naseem, M. A. Conceptual foundations of understanding diversity and multiculturalism in Canada. Paper presented at the Canadian Studies Seminar at the WEFLA Conference, Holguin, Cuba, April 22-25, 2013

Naseem, M. A. Social media and the 'quality' of education: Blogosphere and Facebook as educational spaces for peace education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, New Orleans, March 10-15, 2013

Naseem, M. A. Social media as an educational space: A discourse analysis of social justice and self-regeneration multilogues in Pakistani blogosphere. Paper presented at IARTEM Regional Conference, Curitiba, Brazil, August 29-31, 2012

Naseem, M. A. Education, peace, and development: Conflict-sensitive indicators for the educational sector in conflict and post-conflict. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 22-27, 2012

Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. Peace and Development: Education, Conflict and Development in Conflict and Post-conflict Societies. Paper presented at American educational research Association (AERA). Vancouver, April 2012

Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. Feminist Pedagogies for gender and women's studies courses in the Muslim/Arab World. Paper accepted for presentation at the Inaugural Conference of the UAE Gender and Women's Studies Consortium. American University in Sharjah, Sharjah, March 7 - 9, 2012

Naseem, M. A. Many faces of sustainability: An ecosophic view on environmental Sustainability. Paper presented at the Balance-Unbalance Conference. Concordia University, Montreal, November, 3-4, 2011

Naseem, M. A. Defining 'quality' in quality of education. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Fredericton, NB. May 28-June 1, 2011

Naseem, M. A. Blogosphere as civic-educational space: National self- regeneration in Pakistan's blogosphere. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Montreal, May 2011

Naseem, M. A. (August 2010). Textual Basis of Geo-Strategic Policy: The US involvement in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Paper presented at the IARTEM Mini Conference. Concordia University, Montreal. (August 2010)

Naseem, M. A. (August 2010). Constructions of Conflict and Peace in School Textbooks. Paper presented at the IARTEM Mini Conference. Concordia University, Montreal. (August 2010)

Zuberi, A. & Naseem, M. A. (August 2010). Construction of Peace in/through Educational Media. Paper presented at the IARTEM Mini Conference. Concordia University, Montreal. (August 2010)

Naseem, M. A. (March 2010). Construction of Militarism in Social Studies and Language Textbooks Pakistan. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Chicago, March 2010)

Naseem, M. A. (September 2009). Critical Discourse Analysis As A Methodological Framework For Textbook Analysis. Paper presented at the International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media. Santiago de Compostella, Spain

Naseem, M. A. (March 2009). Educational Discourse and the Construction of Democratic Citizenship in Pakistan. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Charleston, SC, March 2009

Naseem, M. A. (December 2008). Implications of the Reasonable Accommodation Report on Education. International Colloquium on Multicultural Education. December 3rd and December 4th, 2008. McGill University, Montreal

Naseem, M. A. (December 2008). Peace Education through Popular Culture and Media. Paper accepted for presentation at the First International Conference on Popular Culture and Education in Asia, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 11-13 December

Naseem, M. A. (2008 May). Breaking new grounds: Critical discourse analysis as a methodological framework for textbook analysis. Address delivered at Georg-Eckert-Institut Für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, Braunschweig, Germany

Naseem, M. A. (2008 May). New Spaces for Dialogue and Multilogue: Cyberspace and the Construction of Peace between Pakistan and India. Pakistan Workshop, Lake District, England

Naseem, M. A. (2008 April). The Consequences of the Reasonable Accommodation Debate in Quebec on Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms. II International Seminar On Canadian Studies: Canada: Education, Identity And Culture. Universidad De Holguin "Oscar Lucero Moya" Canadian Studies Centre, Cuba

Naseem, M. A. (2008 March). Undemocratic texts: The role of school curricula and textbooks in construction of democratic citizenship in Pakistan: Preliminary observations and analysis. Paper accepted for presentation at the AERA Meeting. New York, March 2008

Naseem, M. A. & Ghosh, R. (2008 March). Textbooks and Curricula as Sites for Peace Education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). New York, March 2008

Naseem, M. A. (2007, September). Texts of War/Texts of Peace: Dismantling Violence and Constructing Peace and Democracy in Textbooks and Curricula. Keynote address at the Ninth International Conference on Textbooks and Educational Media September 5-8, 2007, Tønsberg, Norway

Naseem, M. A. and Ghosh, R. (2007) Construction of the 'Other' in History Textbooks in India and Pakistan. Paper approved for presentation in Thematic Group 6: Transition, conflict, and Post-conflict Societies, at the World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, Sarajevo, September 3-7, 2007

Hyslop-Margison, E.J. and Naseem, M. A. Philosophy of Education and the Contested Nature of Empirical Research: A Rejoinder to D. C. Phillips. Philosophy of Education Society, Atlanta, Georgia, March 15-19, 2007

Naseem, M. A. (2007, March). De-Constructing War: Peace Education in Textbooks and Curricula. Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, February 25- March 1, 2007

Naseem, M. A. (2006, March). Re-imagining the 'subject': Doing comparative education research from feminist, post-structuralist and critical ethnography perspectives. Paper approved for presentation at the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Hawaii, March 14-18, 2006

Naseem, M. A. (2006, January). God in the Classroom: Who Should Foot the Bill? Economics of Religious Education in a Multicultural Society. Interfaith Dialogue. Initiatives and Contributions from the Academy: Building Bridges Together. Symposium 2: Education and Religion: Responding to the Conflict. Concordia University, Montreal, January 17, 2006

Naseem, M. A. (2005, October). Deconstructing Militaristic Identities in language and social studies textbooks in South Asia: the Case of Pakistan. Paper presented at Eighth international conference on learning and educational media. Caen, France, 26-29 October 2005

Naseem, M. A. (2005, April). Curriculum, Identity and Citizenship: A Post-structuralist Analysis of Constitution of Gendered Subjects in Pakistan's Educational Discourse. Paper approved for presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Montreal, Canada. April 11-15, 2005

Naseem, M. A. (2004, November). Is Post-structuralist ethnography possible? Paper presented at 3rd Annual EGSS Conference, McGill University, Montreal. November 5-7, 2004

Naseem, M. A. and Abdi, A. (2004, October). Globalization as an educational framework of convergence: globalizing the local and localizing the global. Presented at the 12th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES). Havana, Cuba. October 25-29, 2004

Naseem, M. A. (2004, July). The Soldier and the Seductress: A Post-structuralist Analysis of Gendered Citizenship through Inclusion in and Exclusion from Language and Social Studies Textbooks in Pakistan. Paper presented at the Faculty of Education Research Colloquium on Inclusive Education Policy - International Snapshots, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. July 18-21, 2004

Naseem, M. A. (2003, November). Poststructuralist Feminism as Methodology presented at 2nd Annual EGSS Conference, McGill University, Montreal. November 7-8, 2003

Naseem, M. A. (2003, March). Education and Citizenship Discourses and Gendered Identities in Pakistan. Presented in the panel on "Re-Imagining the Discourse: Post Foundational Ideas for Comparative Education". 46th Annual Meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Orlando, Florida. March 6-9, 2002

Naseem, M. A. (2003, March). Globalization without Marginalization: Nussbaum's Conceptualization of Cosmopolitan Education and World Citizens. Presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Orlando, Florida. March 6-9, 2002

Naseem, M. A. (2002, May). De (constructing) Boundaries in South Asia: Dialogue and Confidence building in the Cyber Space; An analysis of two South Asian Websites. Paper presented at Canadian Asian Studies Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, May 28-30, 2002

Naseem, M. A. (2001, November). Cosmopolitanism and Solidarity: Implications of Nussbaum and Rorty's Philosophy for Multicultural Education. Paper presented at the 1st EGSS Annual Conference, Faculty of Education, McGill University, Montreal. November 3-5, 2001

Naseem, M. A. (2001, May). The State, Education and Construction of Gendered Identities in Pakistan. Canadian Asian Studies Association, South Asia Council Conference, Université Laval Quebec City, Quebec. May 25-27, 2001

Ghosh, R., & Naseem, M. A. (2001, April). Equity & Peace. AERA Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA. April 10, 2001

Naseem, M. A. (2001, March). Education, Citizenship and Identities in Pakistan. 45th Annual meeting of Comparative and International Education Society, Washington DC. March 17-19, 2001

Naseem, M. A. (1996, September). International Seminar on Arms Control and Disarmament, A Project of the United Nations NGO on Disarmament, Williamsburg PA and New York, USA. September 12-25, 1996

Naseem, M. A. (1995, November). Culture of Peace in Central South Asia. Arranged by Friends and UNESCO. Rawalpindi, November 20-22, 1995

Naseem, M. A. (1994, October). Promoting NPT Review Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. October 1994

Naseem, M. A. (1993, May). Security, Technology and Arms Control, Sponsored by the Ford Foundation, King's College, London and the Alton Jones Foundation Washington D.C. Bhurban, Pakistan. May 21-30, 1993

Naseem, M. A. (1990, July). Third World Security and Regional Conflict in 1990s. Sponsored by IISS, London and Arms Control Association, Washington D.C. Bellagio, Italy July 1990

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