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Megan Fitzgibbons

  • Acting Associate University Librarian, Research & Graduate Studies, Concordia University Library

Contact information

Research interests

Information literacy
AI literacy and learning with generative AI
Learning assessment
Learning related to equity, diversity, and inclusion
Education futures
Social science research methodologies


Refereed publications

Fitzgibbons, Megan & Lei, Chloe. (2024). What is ideal EDI learning for academic librarians? Discovering EDI learning stories through appreciative inquiry. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50(5), 102908. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2024.102908

Ishimura, Yusuke & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2023). How does web-based collaborative learning impact information literacy development? The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(1), 102614. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102614

Sputore, Alissa & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2017). Assessing “goodness”: A review of quality frameworks for Australian academic libraries. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 66(3), 207-230. doi: 10.1080/24750158.2017.1344794

Fitzgibbons, Megan, Kloda, Lorie, & Miller-Nesbitt, Andrea. (2017). Exploring the value of academic librarians' participation in journal clubs. College & Research Libraries, 78(16), 774-788. doi: 10.5860/crl.78.6.774 

Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2012). Teaching political science students to find and evaluate information in the social media flow (pp. 180-200). In Tatjana Takseva (Ed.), Social software and the evolution of user expertise. Hersey, PA: IGI Global.

Colosimo, April & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2012). Teaching, designing, and organizing: Concept mapping for librarians. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research 7(1). 

Lange, Jessica, Canuel, Robin, & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2011). Tailoring information literacy instruction and library services for continuing education. Journal of Information Literacy 5(2), 66-80. 

Fitzgibbons, Megan & Meert, Deborah. (2010). Are bibliographic management software search interfaces reliable?: A comparison between search results obtained using database interfaces and the EndNote online search function. Journal of Academic Librarianship 36(2), 144-150. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2010.01.005 

Shenton, Andrew K. & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2010). Making information literacy relevant. Library Review 59(3), 165-174. doi:10.1108/00242531011031151 

Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2008). Implications of hypertext theory for the reading, organization, and retrieval of information. Library Philosophy and Practice 2008 (March). 

Other publications

Howard, Roz & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2016). Librarian as partner: In and out of the library. In A. Mackenzie & L. Martin (Eds.), Developing digital scholarship: Emerging practices in academic libraries (pp. 43-60). London: Facet Publishing. 


Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2015). Journal clubs: Free and effective professional development for librarians. ACCESS, 29(4), 30–33.

Hinchcliff, Carole, Fitzgibbons, Megan & Davies, Claudia. (2014). Researching Australian, New Zealand and Papua New Guinean law. Legal Information Management 14(3), 193-201. doi: 10.1017/S1472669614000449

Fitzgibbons, Megan & Kelly, Kim. (2013). MOOCs as online professional development for law librarians. Australian Law Librarian 21(4), 245-252.

Shenton, Andrew K. & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2010). Just what is this thing we call “relevance”?: Engaging students in information literacy sessions. Feliciter 56(2), 76-78. 

Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2010). [Review of] JISC Academic Database Assessment Tool (ADAT). Public Services Quarterly 6(1), 22 - 24. doi:10.1080/15228950903517423 

Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2008). Crossing the border: NAFTA visas for information professionals. Library Worklife 5(2).

Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2008). Human resources management in the development of information commons in academic libraries. Student Library Journal 3

Acknowledged as a contributor in:
Slapcoff, M., Dobler, E., & Tovar, M. (Eds.). (2011). Using coursework to enhance students’ understanding of research/scholarship: A report from the Inquiry Network. Montreal: Teaching and Learning Services, McGill University. 


Conference session: “Generative AI as an intervention in the Information Search Process” at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) conference. Richmond, Canada, May 15-17, 2024.

Lightning talk: “Building instructional materials as structured data” at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) conference. Richmond, Canada, May 15-17, 2024. Co-authors: Francisco Berrizbeitia and Pamela Carson.

Conference session: “Applying principles of mindfulness and embodiment in library instruction to foster wellness” at the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians Annual Conference, virtual, 6-7 June 2022.

Conference session: “Information literacy transformations: Using a web-based tool to facilitate and capture collaborative learning in a semester-long course” at the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, virtual and Athens, Greece, 24-27 May 2022. With Yusuke Ishimura.

Conference session: “Sustaining the Open Educational Resources (OER) commons through a systems ecology lens” for the Information Environmentalism Conference. Fremantle, Australia, February 2-5, 2016.

Conference session: “Collaborative learning: Bridging evidence and practice through journal clubs” at the 8th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP8) Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 6-9 July 2015. With Lorie Kloda and Andrea Miller-Nesbitt.

Conference session: “Exploring the value of journal club participation using a hermeneutic dialectic process” at the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, Paris, France, 26-29 May 2015. With Lorie Kloda and Andrea Miller-Nesbitt.

Conference session: “Sparking motivation: Integrated approaches to teaching research and digital literacy skills” for Teaching and Learning Forum 2015 - Teaching and Learning Uncapped. Perth, Australia, January 29-30, 2015. With Gina Sjepcevich and Roz Howard.

Conference session: “Viva la *evolution: The online Communication and Research Skills unit at UWA” for Teaching and Learning Forum 2015 - Teaching and Learning Uncapped. Perth, Australia, January 29-30, 2015. With Siri Barrett-Lennard, Roz Howard, and Gina Sjepcevich.

Conference session: “Communicating copyright: Librarians’ support for a Massive Open Online Course” for the Australian Library and Information Association (Western Australia) Symposium. Perth, Australia, June 28, 2014. With Chloe Allen.

Workshop: “New librarians, global connections: The world is your oyster” for the New Professionals Special Interest Group & Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Annual World Library and Information Congress. Singapore, August 17-23, 2013.

Conference session: “Blurring boundaries to spark motivation: Collaborative approaches to teaching research skills” at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, Montreal, Canada, 19-22 June 2012. 

Webcast session: “Study skills for success: Extending librarians’ impact with continuing education students” at the Association of College and Research Libraries Spring Virtual Institute, 18-19 April 2012. With Jessica Lange and Robin Canuel. 

Lightning round session: « Techniques de pédagogie active dans les cours d’anglais langue seconde » [“Techniques for active learning in English-as-a-second-language courses”] at the 3e Demi-journée d’échanges à l’intention des bibliothécaires et techniciens et techniciennes en documentation impliqués dans la formation documentaire. Montreal, Canada, August 25, 2011. [In French] Organized by a working group of the Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec.

Conference session: “A framework for green: Applying the Environment Managements Systems cycle in libraries” at the Canadian Library Association Annual National Conference. Halifax, Canada, May 25-28, 2011. With Yusuke Ishimura.

Invited session panelist: “Getting on (tenure) track: New professionals and academic librarianship” at the Canadian Library Association Annual National Conference. Halifax, Canada, May 25-28, 2011.

Conference session: “Diverse learners, diverse services: Reaching out to continuing education students and instructors” at the LOEX Annual Conference, Fort Worth, USA, 5-7 May 2011. With Jessica Lange and Robin Canuel. 

Conference session: “Concept mapping: Meaningful learning in the classroom” at the McGill University Teaching and Technology Fair. Montreal, Canada, May 4, 2011. With April Colosimo.

Workshop: “IL in the future: Tailoring services for continuing education learners” at the Librarians’ Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), London, England, 18-20 April 2011. With Robin Canuel and Jessica Lange. 

Pre-conference workshop (3 hours): “Mapping it out: Communicating complex ideas with concept maps” at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, Anaheim, USA, 12-15 October 2010. With April Colosimo and Eja Kliphuis. 

Conference session: “Concept mapping: Fun for librarians” at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) conference. Hamilton, Canada, 12-14 May 2010. With April Colosimo. 

Lightning round session / poster: “Connecting the dots: Aligning information literacy instruction to course learning outcomes through concept mapping” at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference. Denver, USA, 3-6 November 2009. 

Conference paper: “Reference as teaching: Breaking barriers for international students” at A Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends. Denver, USA, 4-6 August 2008. With Yusuke Ishimura.


Charbonneau, Olivier, Berrizbeitia, Francisco, Chalifour, Joshua, & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2024). Concordia University Applied AI Institute: Collaborations with Industry Program. GabyTM Says // GabyTM Dit: Experimenting with generative AI for library reference.

GabyTM Says // GabyTM Dit: Experimenting with generative AI for library reference. Fitzgibbons, Megan, Berrizbeitia, Francisco, Chalifour, Joshua, & Charbonneau, Olivier. (2023). Concordia Library Research Grant. GabyTM Says // GabyTM Dit: Experimenting with generative AI for library reference.

Fitzgibbons, Megan, & Lei, Chloe. (2021). Concordia Library Research Grant. Uncovering academic librarians' transformative learning experiences related to equity, diversity, and inclusion using appreciative inquiry.

Lei, Chloe, & Fitzgibbons, Megan. (2021).Canadian Association of Research Libraries Research in Librarianship GrantUncovering academic librarians' transformative learning experiences related to equity, diversity, and inclusion using appreciative inquiry.

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