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Melissa Rivosecchi

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Teaching & Research Librarian, Social Sciences , Concordia University Library

Contact information


Research and Professional Interests

  • Experiential learning
  • Traditional crafting in makerspaces
  • Evidence synthesis
  • Educational technology


Graduate Diploma in Instructional Technology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec: 2021.

Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS), Specialization in Librarianship, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec: 2015.

Bachelor of Arts (BA) with Distinction, Specialization Human Environment, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec: 2013.


Winn, D., Rivosecchi, M., Bjerke, J., & Groenendyk, M. (2017). MTL 2.0: A report on the social media usage and user engagement of the “Big Four” academic libraries in Montréal. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43, 297-304.

Winn, D., Groenendyk, M., & Rivosecchi, M. (2015). Like, comment, retweet: Understanding student social media preferences. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 10(2), 1-14.

Rivosecchi, M. (2014). Social media in an academic library: One piece of the puzzleCLA Feliciter, 60(4), 45-46.


Forzani, E. E., Slomp, D. H., Corrigan, J. A., & Rivosecchi, M. (2023, December 1). Examining equity-oriented framing in digital literacies assessment: A review of the past twenty-two years of research [Roundtable]. Literacy Research Association (LRA) 2023 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Brousseau, H., Ivan, L., & Rivosecchi, M. (2023). Breaking boundaries with VR: Enhancing learning experiences for fine arts students. Paper presented at the 88th IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC), 21st-25th August, 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Rivosecchi, M., MacHattie, A., & Owais, M. (2023, June 12). Getting back to basics: Connecting through notebook making [Workshop]. 2023 SALTISE Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

MacHattie, A. & Rivosecchi, M. (2023, May 26). Crafty (re)Connections in the Makerspace: Exploring the potential of traditional crafts for teaching digital competencies and fostering social experiences [Conference presentation]. 90th Annual ABQLA Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Rivosecchi, M. (2019, May 24). Alt-text unite: Making a difference through inclusive social media strategies [Conference presentation]. 87th Annual ABQLA Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Rivosecchi, M. (2019, January). Assessing accessibility: Examining Canadian academic library social media communications [Poster presentation]Ontario Library Association (OLA) Superconference, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Rivosecchi, M. (2018, February). Career tips for new graduates: One McGill grad's path to academic librarianship [Conference presentation]. InfoNexus, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Rivosecchi, M., & Kung, J. (2016, April). Reimagining instructional design to engage finance students [Poster presentation]. Concordia Libraries Research Forum, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Groenendyk, M., Winn, D., Polk, S., Rivosecchi, M., & Bjerke, J. (2015, May 7). Friend, Follow, Comment: An Analysis of Social Media Use by Academic Libraries in Montréal [Conference presentation]. 83rd Annual ABQLA conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

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