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Mohammad Bitar, PhD

  • Scholar in residence, Finance

Research areas: Ethical Banking, Corporate Social Responsibility, Capital Structure, Corporate Governance, and Mergers and Acquisitions

Contact information

Teaching activities

Fall 2017–Present, instructor for: Management of International Financial Institutions to undergraduate students (John Molson School of Business)

Fall 2017–Present, instructor for: Analysis of Markets to undergraduate students (John Molson School of Business)

Winter 2016–Present, instructor for: Prudential Regulation of International Banking System to Master 2 students (Lebanese University)

Summer 2015–Present, instructor for: Economics of Banking Industry to Master 2 students (Lebanese University)

Spring 2015, instructor for: Introduction to Financial Markets to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Spring 2015, instructor for: Financial Economics to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Spring 2015, instructor for: Financial Analysis to undergraduate    students(Grenoble Alps University)

Winter 2014–Spring 2015, instructor for: Macroeconomics, Finance and  Monetary Economics to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Fall 2014, instructor for: Investment Choices to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Fall 2014, instructor for: Financial Diagnostics to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Fall 2013–Fall 2014, instructor for: Financial Management to Master 1 students (Grenoble Alps University)

Fall 2013, instructor for: Advanced Excel to Master 1 students(Grenoble Alps University)

Fall 2013, instructor for: Fundamentals of the International Banking System to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Fall 2013, instructor for: Financial Mathematics to undergraduate students (Grenoble Alps University)

Research activities

Invited Scholar (Feb. 20 – Mar. 3, 2017), Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Prospective Economiques (LAPE), Limoges University, Limoges, France. Conducting research on bank capital structure andinstitutional environment

Invited Professor, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon (Feb. 6 – Feb. 18, 2017). Conducting research on the effect of culture on bank performance in the MENA region

Invited Scholar (Nov. 2016), International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance (IRCCF), HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada. Conducting a comparative study on the effect of BCP on the stability of Commercial and Islamic banks

Invited Scholar, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées à la Gestion (CERAG), Grenoble Alps University, Grenoble, France (Jul. 1 – Sep. 30, 2016). Conducting research on culture andbank risk and profitability

Invited Professor, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon (Feb. 15 – Mar. 11, 2016). Conducting research on the impact of capital on bank risk and performance in the MENA region

Invited Professor, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon (Jun. 8 – Jun. 14, 2015). Conducting research on the drivers of Islamic banks’ growth in MENA region.

Invited Scholar, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montréal,Canada (Jan. – Jul. 2014). Tasksperformed include conducting several research projects in collaboration withProfessor Thomas Walker



Bitar, M., Hassan, M.K., Walker, T. (2017). Political systems and the financial   soundness of Islamic banks, Journal of Financial Stability 31, 18–44

Bitar, M., Ben Naceur,S., Ayadi, R., Walker, T. (2017). Basel compliance and   financial stability: Evidence from Islamic banksIMF Working Paper 161

Bitar, M., Madiès, P., Taramasco, O., (2017). Comparing Islamic and conventional banks’financial strength: A multivariate approach, Economic Systems 41, 215–235 [most downloaded paper on journal website]

Bitar,M., Madiès, P. (2016). Les banques islamiques sont-elles si islamiques que cela ? Revue d’Économie Financière 125, 287–312

Bitar, M., Benlemlih, M., Saad, W. (2016). Bank risk and performance in the MENA region: The importance of capital requirements, Economic Systems 40, 398–421

 Bitar, M., Benlemlih, M. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and investment efficiency, Journal of Business Ethics, 1–25,


Bitar,M., Madiès, P. (2013). Les spécificitésdes banques islamiques et les accords de Bâle III. Revue d’Économie Financière 111, 293–310



 Bitar, M., Pukthuanthong, K., Walker, T. (2017). The effect of bank capital on risk and performance: evidence from OECD countries, Revise and Resubmit

Bitar,M., Peillex, J. (2017) Comment les exigences de fonds propres règlementaires influencent-elles la performance desbanques islamiques? Revise and Resubmit

Bitar, M., Pukthuanthong, K., Walker, T. (2017). When more is less: The effect of holding higher capital and liquidity on the efficiency of Islamic banks, Revise and Resubmit

Bitar, M. (2017). The determinants of Islamic bank capital decisions, Revise and Resubmit

Participation activities


Bitar, M., Ben Naceur,S., Ayadi, R., Walker, T. (2017). Basel compliance and financialStability: Evidence from Islamic banks:

o   Paris FinancialManagement Conference (PFMC), 18–20 Dec., 2017, Paris, France (to be presented)

o   International Rome Conference on Money, Banking, and Finance (MBF), 14–16 Dec., 2017, Palermo, Italy (to be presented)

o   34thInternational Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), May 31–Jun. 2, 2017, Valence, France

Bitar, M. (2017). Economic development and Islamic banks’capital decisions: Evidence from the law and finance literature.

o   34thInternational Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), May 31–Jun. 2, 2017, Valence, France

Bitar, M., Hassan, M.K., Pukthuanthong, K., Walker, T.(2016). The performance of Islamic vs.conventional banks: A note on the suitability of capital requirements.

o   Eastern FinanceAssociation, April 6-9, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland

o   Islamic Finance,Banking & Business Ethics Global Conference, Mar. 26–27, 2016, Lahore, Pakistan

o   KFUPM Islamic Banking and Finance Research Conference, Mar. 13–15, 2016,Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Bitar, M., Madiès, P., Taramasco, O. (2015). Comparing Islamic and conventional banks’financial strength: A multivariate approach.

o   32thInternational Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), 1–3 Jun.,2015 Paris, France

Bitar, M., Walker, T., Pukthuanthong, K., (2015). Bank capital, risk, efficiency andprofitability: Evidence from OECD countries.

o   32thInternational Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), 1–3 Jun.,2017, Paris, France

o   Third Paris Financial Management Conference (PFMC), 14–15 Dec., 2016,Paris, France

Bitar, M., (2013). Assessing the main characteristics indistinguishing between conventional and Islamic banks: A principal component analysis.

o  First Paris Financial Management Conference, 16–17 Dec., 2016, Paris, France

Bitar, M., (2013). Basel III requirements and stability/riskrelationship of Islamic and conventional banks.

o  The Italian Academy of Management(AIDEA), 19–21 Sept., 2013, Lecce, Italy

Bitar, M., (2013). Basel III requirements and stability/riskrelationship of Islamic and conventional banks (An updated version of thepaper presented later at AIDEA conference).

o  30th International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, 27–28 Jun., 2013, Poitiers, France

Bitar, M. (2013). Basel III requirements for Islamic and conventionalbanks: A global perspective.

o  30th InternationalConference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), 28–31 May, 2013, Lyon,France

Other scholarly activities

-         Referee, European Journal of Operational Research

-         Referee, Journal of Banking & Finance

-         Referee, Journal of Comparative Economic Studies

-         Referee, Review of Financial Economics

-         Referee, International Journal of Banking, Accountingand Finance

-         Referee, Journal of Contemporary Accounting andEconomics

Honors & awards

-         Best Paper Award (SAB trophy forsustainable finance, 3,000 €): 2015–2016

Corporate socialresponsibility and investment efficiency with Mohammed Benlemlih  

-     Rhône-Alpes Explora Doc Mobility Scholarship 2013–2014

-     Lebanese University Excellency Scholarship                                                             
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