Dr. Sam Eskandarian, PEng (Ontario)
- Faculty Lecturer, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering
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WED 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Faculty Lecturer / Assistant Professor – Dept. Mechanical, Industrial & Aerospace Eng., Concordia University, Montreal (Quebec) (2017-Now)
Teaching graduate courses in CAD/CAM, CNC Machining and Advanced Materials
Teaching undergraduate courses in Mechanical Design, Material Science and selection, Quality Control, Machine Drawing & Design, Instrumentation & Measurements
Course Instructor (P/T) – Dept. Mechanical Eng. (Manufacturing Div.), École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal (Québec) (2017-24)
Teaching undergraduate courses in FEA, Industrialisation & Manufacturing, Design and Assembling
Course Instructor (P/T) – Dept. Mechanical Eng. (Manufacturing Div.), École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal (Québec) (2017-19)
Teaching undergraduate courses in Machine Design and Manufacturing
Reaserch Officer - National Research Council Canada (2005- 17)
§ Carried out advanced research projects in mechanical design, multimaterial joining, manufacturing and mechanical characterization for automotive and aluminium industries
§ Light weighting and Structural Integrity Assessment, instrumentation, and dynamic analyses of automotive structures
§ Multiphysics FEA in various fields of mechanical engineering
§ Carried out engineering calculations (structural and thermal) and perform mechanical tests (quasi-static, fatigue, fracture, and creep) using different test rigs
§ Outstanding knowledge of international standards ASTM, ISO, SAE, EN, CSA and other automotive safety standards
Teaching activities
Undergraduate Courses
Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) / Computer Numerically Controlled Machining (CNC) / Quality Control & Reliability / Product Development & Design / Industrialization of Product / Joining & Assembling / Manufacturing Technologies
Machine Drawing & Design / Machine Element Design / FEA in Solid Mechanics
Instrumentation & Measurements
Properties & Failure of Materials / Material Sciences for Engineers / Materials Engineering for Aerospace
Transform Calculus and PDE / Applied Ordinary Differential Equations
Statics / Dynamics
Numerical Analysis for Engineers / Statistics & Probability for Engineers
Graduate Course
Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
Computer Numerically Controlled Machining (CNC)
Advanced Materials
“Assemblage de l’aluminium par adhésifs structuraux”, Les Presses de l’aluminium (PRAL), ISBN 978-2-923168-19-7, Canada, April 2012.
Refereed / Peer-Review Journals
“A simple surface treatment and characterization of AA 6061 aluminum alloy surface for adhesive bonding applications”, Journal ofApplied Surface Science, in Press.
“A New Test Methodology for Simultaneous Assessment of Monotonic and Fatigue Behaviors of Adhesive Joints”; Journal of Adhesion Science & Technology, 25: 2501–2520, 2011.
“Fracture Behavior of Typical Structural Adhesive Joints Under Quasi-Static and Cyclic Loadings”; International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 3(1): 622-627, 2010.
“Fracture load predictions and measurements for toughened-epoxy adhesive joints”, Journal of Engineering Fracture Mechanics,76 (2009) 2039–2055.