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Professor Nadia Bhuiyan, PhD, Eng.

  • Vice-Provost, Partnerships and Experiential Learning
  • Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering

Research areas: Operational issues dealing with the design, development, production, and distribution of goods & services, with a focus on emerging tools and techniques in product/process design & development, design and manufacturing technologies, information management, and methods for integrating design & manufacturing to improve process performance.

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Research areas

Research focus is on product development processes, dealing with the design, development, production, and distribution of goods and services, with a focus on emerging tools and techniques for integrating design and manufacturing to improve process performance. 


Journal Publications

  1. Cheligeer, C., Yang, J., Bayatour, A., Miklin, A., Dufresne, S., Lin, L., Bhuiyan, N., Zeng, Y., 2022. ROM-based Semantic Networks Construction Framework: A Case Study of the Early Stages of an Aircraft Braking System Design Project, Journal of Mechanical Design. Accepted for publication.

  2. Haghi, M. Doulabi,H., Contreras, I. and Bhuiyan, N. 2022. Integrated consultation and chemotherapy scheduling with stochastic treatment times. Journal of the Operational Research Society. Accepted for publication.

  3. Yu, T., Demirli, K. and Bhuiyan, N. 2021. Lean Transformation Framework for Treatment-oriented Outpatient Departments, International Journal of Production Research. 60(6) pp. 1767-1781. Impact Factor: 4.577.

  4. Soltani M, Ahmadi S, Akgunduz A, Bhuiyan N. 2020. An Eco-Friendly Aircraft Taxiing Approach with Collision and Conflict Avoidance, Transportation Research Part C Emerging Technologies, 121(0), 2020. Impact Factor: 8.089

  5. Roozbeh, A., Awasthi, A., Bhuiyan, N. Industry 4.0 and demand forecasting of the energy supply chain: A Literature Review, Computers & Industrial Engineering, accepted for publication, 2020. Impact Factor: 4.135

  6. Hooshangi-Tabrizi, P., Contreras, I., Bhuiyan, N., Batist, G. 2020. Improving patient-care services at an oncology clinic using a flexible and adaptive scheduling procedure. Accepted in Expert Systems with Applications Journal. Impact Factor: 4.292

  7. Hejazi, A., Bhuiyan, N., and Othman, M. 2020. Performance measurement of a lean product development process, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, accepted for publication. Impact Factor: 0.849.

  8. Jaifer, R., Beauregard, Y. and Bhuiyan, N. 2020. New framework for effort and time drivers in aerospace product development projects. 2020. Engineering Management Journal, pp. 76-95.

  9. Briard, R., Bhuiyan, N., and Sicotte, H. Success Factors in New Product Development Projects in a Weak Matrix Structure: An Aerospace Case Study. 2020. Journal of Modern Project Management. Impact Factor: 0.260, accepted for publication

  10. Ahmed Maged, A., Haridy, S., Kaytbay, S. and Bhuiyan, N. 2019. Continuous improvement of injection moulding using Six Sigma: case study. Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering, 32 (2), pp. 243-266.

  11. Azami, A., Demirli, K. and Bhuiyan, N., Scheduling in aerospace composite manufacturing systems: a two-stage hybrid flow shop problem, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2018) 95, 3259–3274 Impact Factor: 2.601

  12. Zhang, D. and Bhuiyan, N. 2017. An Analysis of Organizational Structure in Process Variation. Organization Science, 29(4) pp.722-738. Impact Factor: 4.34.

  13. Suss, S., Bhuiyan, N., Demirli, K., and Batist, G. (2017). Toward Implementing Patient Flow in a Cancer Treatment Center to Reduce Patient Waiting Time and Improve Efficiency​, Journal of Oncology Practice, 13 (6) Impact Factor: 2.16.

  14. Suss, S., Bhuiyan, N., Demirli, K. 2017. Achieving level patient flow in an outpatient oncology clinic, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 8(1) pp. 47-58.

  15. Beauregard, Y., Polotski, V., Bhuiyan, N. and Thomson, V. 2016. Optimum utilization level for lean product development in multitasking context, International Journal of Production Research, 57(3) pp. 795-818. Impact Factor: 1.48.

  16. Salari, M. and Bhuiyan, N. 2016. A new model of sustainable product development process for making trade-offs, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(1-4) pp. 1-11. Impact Factor: 2.601.

  17. Ashtiani, N.A., Bhuiyan, N. and Zanjani, M.K. 2017. Lean Leadership Practices- a Literature Review. Industrial Engineering & Management, 6(3) pp. 1-10. Impact Factor: 2.121.

  18. Amirjabbari, B. and Bhuiyan, N. 2016. An Application of a Cost Minimization Model in Determining Safety Stock Level and Location, submitted to the Global Journal of Researches in Engineering. 15 (3). pp. 43-62.  

  19. Salari, M. and Bhuiyan, N. 2016. A proposed Approach to Improve Current Sustainable Product Development. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering. 33(5) pp. 297-307.

  20. Salam, A., Bhuiyan, N. and Gouw, G. J. 2016. Estimating Design Effort using Parametric Models: A Case Study at PWC, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 24 (2) pp. 129-138. Impact Factor: 0.849.

  21. Zhang, D. and Bhuiyan, N. 2015. A Study of the Evolution of Uncertainty in Product development as a Basis for Overlapping, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 62 (1) pp. 39-50. Impact Factor: 1.454

  22. Yun Liu, K., Hisarciklilar, O, Bhuiyan, N., and Thomson, V. 2015. A Study of Overlapping and Functional Interaction Mechanisms for Concurrent Engineering Processes, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. 23 (2) pp. 83-97. Impact Factor: 0.849.

  23. Beauregard, Y., Bhuiyan, N., and Thomson, V. 2014. Lean Engineering Performance Analysis. International Journal of Product Development 19(5/6) pp. 366-387.

  24. Sharifi, S. Chauhan, S. and Bhuiyan. 2014. A dynamic programming approach to GA-based heuristic for multi-period CF problems, Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 33(3) pp. 366-375. Impact Factor: 1.072.

  25. Amirjabbari, B. and Bhuiyan, N. 2014. Determining supply chain safety stock level and location, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 7(1) pp. 42-71. Impact factor 1.1023.

  26. M. R. Gholizadeh, N. Bhuiyan, M. Salari, 2014. Developing a Mathematical Model for Trade-off Analysis of New Green Products, International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering 8(6) pp. 1827-1834.

  27. Agarwal, A. Bhuiyan, N. 2104. Achieving Success in NPD Projects, International Journal of Social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering 8(6) pp. 476-481.

  28. El Sabbagh, H. and Bhuiyan, N. 2014. A Quality Assurance Model for Airborne Safety-Critical Software, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7(3) pp. 162-176.
  29. Haridy, S., Wu, Z., Lee. K. M., Bhuiyan, N. 2013. What is the Best Average Sample Size of an SPRT Chart for Monitoring Fraction Nonconforming? European Journal of Operational Research, 229(2) pp. 411-421. Impact Factor: 2.524
  30. Salam, A., Bhuiyan, N., and Gouw, J.G. 2013. Parametric Cost Estimating Relationships for Design Effort Estimation, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 7(7) pp. 432-437.
  31. Bhuiyan, N., Gerwin, D., Thomson, V. 2012. A Comparison of Analytic, Statistical and Simulation Models for Organizing the New Product Development Process, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(3), pp. 415-427. Impact Factor: 2.153.
  32. Othman, M., Bhuiyan, N. and Gouw, G. 2012. Integrating workers’ differences into workforce planning, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 63(4) pp 1096–1106. Impact Factor: 2.062

  33. Sharifi, S. Chauhan, S. and Bhuiyan, N. 2011. Part-level sequence-dependent setup time reduction in CMS, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 5(3) pp 142-153. ISI Indexed: Impact Factor: 1.04.
  34. Defersha, F.M., Salam, A., Bhuiyan. 2012. A New Approach for Product Cost Estimation using Data Envelopment Analysis, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 3 (11) pp. 817–828.

  35. Defersha, F.M., Salam, A., Bhuiyan. 2012. A Case Study to Estimate Costs using Neural Networks and Regression Based Models. Decision Science Letters. 1 (1) pp. 1-10.
  36. Othman, M., Bhuiyan, N. and Gouw, G. 2012. Workforce Scheduling: A New Model Incorporating Human Factors, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 5(2): 259-284. Impact factor 1.1023

  37. M. Othman, N. Bhuiyan, G. J. Gouw, Effects of Human Factors on Workforce Scheduling, 2012. Engineering and Technology, 6(8) pp. 1612-1623.

  38. Salam, A., Defersha, F.M., Bhuiyan, N. and Chen, M. 2012. A Case Study on Target Cost Estimation using Back-Propagation and Genetic Algorithm Trained Neural Networks, Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics, 5(2) pp 87-97. 
  39. Sharifi, S. Chauhan, S. and Bhuiyan, N. 2012. Reducing Setup Time in Manufacturing Cells, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 488-489 pp. 1134-1137. Impact factor: 0.2334

  40. Bhuiyan, N., Gouw, G. and Bagherzadehyazdi, D. 2011. Scheduling of a computer integrated manufacturing system: a simulation study, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4(4) pp. 577-609. Impact factor 1.1023

  41. Bhuiyan, N. 2011. A Framework for Successful New Product Development, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4(4) pp. 746-770. Impact factor 1.1023

  42. M. Othman, N. Bhuiyan, G. J. Gouw, 2011. A New Approach to Workforce Planning, Engineering and Technology, 5(4) pp. 683-689.

  43. Othman, M., Bhuiyan, N. and Kong, L. 2011. Developing a Dynamic Wheelchair using the Design Structure Matrix Method, Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, 19(3) pp. 235-243. Impact Factor: 0.849

  44. Beauregard, Y., Bhuiyan, N., and Thomson, V. 2011. Post-certification engineering taxonomy and task value optimization in the aerospace industry, Engineering Management Journal, 23(1), pp. 86-100. Impact Factor: 0.25

  45. Amirjabbari, B.  Bhuiyan, N. 2011. An Application of a Cost Minimization Model in Determining Safety Stock Level and Location. Engineering and Technology 5(7) pp. 632-641.

  46. El Sabbagh, H. and Bhuiyan. 2011. N. A Lifecycle Model for Airborne Safety-Critical Software, Software Quality Professional, 13(3).
  47. Khan, S., Girard, P., Bhuiyan, N., Thomson, V. 2010. Improved Mathematical Modeling for the Sheet Reheat Phase in the Thermoforming Process, Polymer Engineering & Science, 52 (3) pp. 625–636. Impact Factor 1.302

  48. Bhuiyan, N., Thomson, V. (2010) A Framework For NPD Processes Under Uncertainty, Engineering Management Journal, 22(2), pp. 27-35. Impact Factor: 0.25

  49. Attar, A., M.A. Boudjakdji, N. Bhuiyan, K. Grine and S. Kenai. (2009) Integrating Numerical Tools in Underground Construction Process, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 16(4) pp. 376-391.

  50. Kong, L., Bhuiyan, N. and Thomson, V. (2009) The Value of Organizational Structures, Concurrent Engineering and Research Applications, 17 (1) pp. 61-72. Impact Factor: 0.849

  51. Kong, L., Bhuiyan, N. and Thomson, V. (2008) Determining the Value of Sequential and Concurrent NPD Processes, Concurrent Engineering, Research and Applications, 16(3) pp. 201-211. Impact Factor: 0.849

  52. Salam, A.M., Bhuiyan, N.F., Gouw, G.J, and Raza, S.A. (2009) Estimating Design Effort for the Compressor Design Department: A Case Study at Pratt & Whitney Canada. Design Studies, 30(3), pp. 303-319. Impact Factor: 1.680

  53. Beauregard, Y., Bhuiyan, N., and Thomson, V. (2008) Lean Engineering in Product Development, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 54(2) pp. 19-30.

  54. Salam, A. M., Bhuiyan, N. F., Gouw, G. J., Raza, S. A. (2008) A Case Study to Estimate Design Effort for Pratt & Whitney Canada, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 4(3), pp. 284-293.

  55. Attar, A. Bhuiyan, N., and Thomson V. (2008) Manufacturing in blow molding: Time reduction and part quality improvement, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 204 (1-3) pp. 284-289. Impact Factor: 2.176

  56. Bhuiyan, N., Thomson, V., Gerwin, D. 2006. Implementing concurrent engineering. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 34(3)

  57. Bhuiyan, N., Gatard, G., Thomson, V. (2006) Engineering Change Request Management in a New Product Development Process, European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(1) pp. 5-19. Impact Factor: 2.277

  58. Bhuiyan, N., Thomson, V., Gerwin, D. (2006) A Systematic Framework for Implementing Concurrent Engineering, Research-Technology Management, 49(1) pp. 38-43. Impact Factor: 0.885

  59. Bhuiyan, N, Baghel, A., Wilson, J. (2006) A sustainable continuous improvement methodology at an aerospace company. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 55(8) pp. 671-687.

  60. Bhuiyan, N., Baghel, A. (2005) History, Evolution and Hybrids of Continuous Improvement Methodologies, reprinted in The Journal of Enterprise Resource Management.

  61. Shuiabi, E., Thomson, V., Bhuiyan, N. (2005) Entropy as a Measure of Operational Flexibility, European Journal of Operational Research, 165(3) pp. 696-707. Impact Factor: 2.524

  62. Bhuiyan, N., Alam, N. (2005) A Case Study of a Quality System Implementation in a Small Manufacturing Firm, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 54(3) pp. 172-186.

  63. Bhuiyan, N., Baghel, A. (2005) History, Evolution and Hybrids of Continuous Improvement Methodologies, Management Decision, 43(5) pp. 761-771. Impact Factor: 1.302

  64. Bhuiyan, N. and Alam, N. (2005) An Investigation Into Issues Related to the Latest Version of ISO 9000, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 16(2) pp. 199-213. Impact Factor: 0.894

  65. Bhuiyan, N., Gerwin, D., Thomson, V. (2004) Simulation of the New Product Development Process for Performance Improvement, Management Science, 50(12) pp. 1690-1703. Impact Factor: 4.654

  66. Bhuiyan, N., Alam, N. (2004) ISO 9001:2000 Implementation: the North American Experience, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 53(1) pp. 10-17.

  67. Bhuiyan, N., Thomson, V. 1999. The Use of Continuous Approval Methods in Defence Acquisition Projects. International Journal of Project Management, 17 (2) pp. 121-130. Impact Factor: 1.686

Books and Book Chapters


1)      Salam, A., Bhuiyan, N., Raza, A., and Gouw. G. (2008) Measuring Design Effort in Product Development, VDM Verlag.

2)      Salam, A., Bhuiyan, N., Defersha, F. M. (2014) Measuring Target Costs using Lean Accounting.  Scholars’ Press: Germany.


Book Chapter/Contribution

3)      Chapter entitled: “Management of Sustainable Supply Chain and Industry 4.0: a literature review” by Roozbeh, A., Bhuiyan, N., and Awasthi, A. in Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies, Issues and Models, Springer UK. Accepted for publication, 2020.

4)      Chapter entitled “Numerical Evaluation of Product Development Processes,” by Bhuiyan. N. in Numerical Modeling, ISBN 979-953-307-542-5, 2012.

5)      Chapter entitled “History, Evolution and Hybrids of Continuous Improvement Methodologies,” by Bhuiyan, N., Baghel, A. in Managing Innovation and Change (3rd edition), edited by David Mayle, 2006.

6)      Contributed to the book Les carrières d'avenir 2010 des Éditions Jobboom (January 2010).

7)      Contributed to Technically Speaking, for Éditions du Renouveau Pédagogique Inc. ERPI, 2007.

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