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Natalka Patsiurko

  • Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Research areas: ethnic diversity and minorities in Europe, nationalism and identity in Eastern Europe, migration, informal economies and migration policies in Europe

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Research Interests

My research interests include ethnic diversity and minorities in Europe, nationalism and identity in Eastern Europe, as well as labour migration, informal economies and migration policies in Europe. The processes of identity, migration and citizenship in my native Ukraine and in Eastern Europe have always been at the centre of my research.

Education Sociology,  McGill University
MA in Sociology,   Central European University,  Prague,  Czech Republic
BA,  Lviv University,  Ukraine

Research activities

ENRI-EAST project, 2010-2014

Recently I was a member of the EC FP-7 ENRI-East research project at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland), investigating changes in minority identities in Eastern European countries, including Ukraine, after the eastwards expansion of the EU in 2004.


Recent Publications

2016   Patsiurko, Natalka, and Claire Wallace, forthcoming.    “Relational identities on the Europe’s borderlands: the case of Poles in Belarus and Belarusians in Poland”,   Ethnic and Racial Studies. doi10.1080/01419870.2016.1201582


2014   Patsiurko, Natalka, and Claire Wallace,“Identities, Citizenship and Boundary Making among Russian minorities in Latvia and Lithuania”,   Migration Letters, 12(4): 187-205.


2013   Patsiurko, Natalka, John L. Campbell, and John A. Hall, “Nation-State Size, Ethnic Diversity and Economic Performance in the Advanced Capitalist Countries”,   New Political Economy, 18(6): 827-844.


2012   Patsiurko, Natalka, John L. Campbell,and John A. Hall, “Measuring Cultural Diversity: Ethnic, Linguistic and Religious   Fractionalization in the OECD”,   Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(2): 195-217.


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