Nayrouz Abu Hatoum
- Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
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Contact information
Thursdays 12:30-14:30.
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Nayrouz Abu Hatoum is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Concordia University. She was the Ibrahim Abu-Lughod postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University for 2018/2019. Her research explores visual politics in Palestine and focuses on alternative imaginations, peoples' place-making and dwelling practices in contexts of settler-colonialism. Currently, she is working on her ethnographic project that examines the politics of visual arts and artists role in expanding Palestinians' imagination. Abu Hatoum is a founding member of Insaniyyat- Society of Palestinian Anthropologists. In addition to English, she is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew.
Research activities
Funding & Grants
2021-2025: “The Art of Visual Politics: Tracing, Making and Imagining Palestine”Publications
2021. “For ‘a No-State yet to Come’: Palestinian Urban Place-Making in Kufr Aqab, Jerusalem.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4 (1): 85–108.
2019. “Unsettling Visual Politics: Militarized Borders in the Work of Palestinian Artist Raeda Saadeh.” American Quarterly 71 (4): 1059–67.
2018. “Reclaiming Jerusalem: Palestinians’ Informalized Place‐Making.” City & Society 30 (November).
2017. “Framing Visual Politics: Photography of the Wall in Palestine.” Visual Anthropology Review 33 (1): 18–27.
Book Chapters
Equal authorship with Hadeel Assali
Equal authorship with Hadeel Assali
Book Reviews
Dwelling in Conflict: Negev Landscapes and the Boundaries of Belonging, by Emily McKee. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Journal of Palestine Studies 45, no. 4 (2016): 83–84.
Arab Spring: Uprisings, Powers, Interventions Ed. by Kjetil Fosshagen. Anthropologica 57, no. 1 (2015): 262–63.
Teaching activities
Popular Culture in the Middle East- ANTH/SOCI 322
Honours Essay Seminar- ANTH495
Decolonizing Anthropology Seminar- ANTH 601
History of Anthropological Thought- ANTH 301
Urban Regions - SOCI/ANTH 355