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Nicola Oddy, PhD RP MTA CCC

  • Professor, Part-time Faculty, Creative Arts Therapies

status: Teaching MTHY 693 - RESEARCH IN MUSIC THERAPY: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Research areas: Nicola's main area of interest is the use of voice in music therapy and the role of place in our perceptions of our selves, the world around us and our community. She is also studying the use of improvisatory singing as a mindfulness practice.

Contact information


Nicola earned her PhD at Carleton University in Cultural Mediations where she studied performance theory, vocality and acoustemology to learn about the cultural implications of engaging in performative free vocal improvisation in public spaces. She has been a music therapy clinician since 1985 and is certified by the Canadian Association for Music Therapists. She is also is a Certified Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario.  She has been on the roster as a part-time professor at Concordia University since 2010 in the Creative Arts Therapies, music therapy program. In addition she teaches in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and in the Department of Industrial Design at Carleton University and provides music centred supervision to interns and professionals.  


Project Manager, Adaptive Use Musical Instrument Research Consortium (2019- present)

Member of Editorial Review Board, Canadian Journal of Music Therapy (2013-present)

Editor, Conference Proceedings. Canadian Association for Music Therapy (2002-2008)

Conference Co-ordinator, Canadian Association for Music Therapy, “A Song for Everyone:  The voice of music therapy”   Ottawa  (2009)  

Co-founder, Ottawa Area Music Therapists  (2009)

Member of founding committee,  Creative Arts Therapies Program, Algonquin College  (2006)                                                                                      

President,  Canadian Association for Music Therapy (2004-2007)

Conference Co-ordinatorCanadian Association for Music Therapy  “Music therapy in the spirit of Community”  Perth ON     (2004)       

Symposium Co-ordinator,  Independent project, “Embracing the Voice: A Symposium for the Empowerment of the use of the voice in Therapy” Perth ON   (2002)    

Grant Reviewer,  Canadian Music Therapy Trust Fund (2002)

Co-founderLanark Area Music Therapists (2004)                                          

President, British Columbia Music Therapy Association                   (1986-1988)

Board Member, Canadian Mental Health Association                       (1986-1988)



Teaching activities

Nicola has taught at Concordia in the Creative Arts Therapies since 2010. She is currently teaching "Introduction to Music Therapy" at Carleton University in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and is teaching the Graduate Seminar in Accessible and Inclusive Design in the department for Industrial Design.


Oddy, N. (In progress). Singing Our Way to Awareness: Trusting the River. Invited by the editor for Canadian Journal of Music Therapy


Oddy, N. (In progress). Research-Creation through the lens of Theatre of Confluence. Invited by the editor for Critical Stages


Oddy, N.& Dvorak, A. AUMI and Music Therapy: Supporting Independent Musicking. Accepted for Improvising across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument. Ed. AUMI Editorial Collective. (Accepted). Music and Social Justice Series, University of Michigan Press).


Oddy, N. & Vaugeois, L. Exploring the potential of Adaptive Use Musical Instruments (AUMI)  in the Thunder Bay Community. An interview between Nicola Oddy and Lise Vaugeois. Accepted for Improvising across Abilities: Pauline Oliveros and the Adaptive Use Musical Instrument. Ed. AUMI Editorial Collective. (Accepted). Music and Social Justice Series, University of Michigan Press).

Oddy, Nicola & Worden, Rebecca (2021). When Singing is Deadly: Improvising a New Reality for Music Therapists. Critical Studies in Improvisation special issue: Improvisation, Musical Communities, and COVID-19. Vol. 14, no. 1

Hoskin, Elizabeth, Aditi Singh, Nicola Oddy, Adrian L Jessup Schneider, Gabrielle Trepanier, Chantal Trudel, and Audrey Girouard (2020). Assessing the Experience of People with Autism at the Canada Science and Technology Museum. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1–7. CHI ’20. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.

Oddy, N. & Brault, A. (2020). How Do You Write Your Music Therapy Goals and Objectives?: Seeking Canadian Perspectives. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, Vol. 26, pp 30-46.

Hoskins, E., Oddy, N., Schneider, A., Singh, A. (2019). “Improving Accessibility for People with Autism at the Canada Science and Technology Museum”. Report prepared for Research, Education, Accessibility, Design Innovation (READi). Unpublished document. Ottawa ON: Carleton University, School of Industrial Design.


Oddy, N. (2011). A Field of Vocal Discovery: The Workshop.  In Baker, F and Uhlig, S (ed.) Voicework in Music Therapy: Research and Practice (pp 83-99) London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Oddy, N. (2005). ‘Convergences: Possibilities for therapeutic intervention in a large scale community performance - a systems perspective’ Voices: A world forum for music therapy, 5(2).


Workshop offerings.

Nicola offers voice centred music therapy sessions and workshops out of her home studio and as an invited guest. She also provides supervision for music therapy interns and professionals. Her preferred approach is music centred. 

For more information see her website or email her at

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