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Dr. Owen Chapman, PhD

  • Professor, Communication Studies

Research areas: sound, mobility studies, critical disability studies, technology, research-creation

Contact information



Owen Chapman is a composer, DJ and researcher. 

His work addresses the place of sound in everyday life. He is an Associate Professor in Sound Production and Scholarship in the department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. His writings have appeared in scholarly and critical publications including the Canadian Journal of Communication, Esse, Media-N, Organised Sound and No More Potlucks. His audio work involves app design, live performance and electronic composition and has been featured internationally in video soundtracks, media workshops, site-specific installations as well as solo and group performances. His research-creation projects have been funded by the Canada Council, the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQ-SC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

My Research in 200 words (or so…)

My work addresses the place of sound in everyday life. This includes both mobile and musical contexts as well as the multiple ways that sound can be "transduced" from and into different forms of media. I am a scratch DJ as well as electronic composer and use these skill sets to produce music that integrates samples from different contexts, notably "the soundscape" understood as a general term that refers to situated, everyday acoustic environments. Sampling such geographies can involve sound mapping, more musical or compositional forms of selection, as well as combinations thereof. For example, my Selfie Orchestra project (in collaboration with Dr. Peter Sinclair at the École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence) involves an app for making geo-locative audio field recordings that integrates them into an interactive 3D space ( Similarly, another key current collaboration is my work with Dr. Vivek Venkatesh (Art Educadtion, Concordia). Together we from the musical collective "Landscapes" and have coordinated numerous workshops, performances and events, including participation the Landscape of Hope series in which we have worked with different youth communities to think about issues related to hate speech and the contemporary proliferation of online forms of cyber pressure. We sample media that reflect these discourses and then integrate into situated electronic music and VJ performances and/or installations. 


BA, Contemporary Studies/Philosophy, University of King’s College
MA, Philosophy, Queen’s University
PhD, Communications, Concordia Univerisity


Fall 2019/Winter 2020: COMS 376 - Sound II
Winter 2020: COMS 608 - History of Media (with a focus this year on Sound...)


English and French

Research contributions

Current Research-Creation Projects and Links

Interactive Works

Selfie Orchestra (co-created with Peter Sinclair) - An immersive visual and auditory environment that is constructed, in part, via mobile media contributions from the spectating public. The work began in 2017 as “You are the Score” with two residency periods in Quebec, Canada and Marseille, France. The current version premiered on May 16 2019 as Selfie Orchestra as part of the Festival Les Musiques, presented by the G.M.E.M. - Centre National de Création Musicale, Marseille France. 

Musical Projects 

Landscape of Hate (co-created with Vivek Venkatesh in 2017) - an improvised multimedia project with the objective of promoting and favouring the public voice in framing pluralistic dialogues about how we negotiate various forms of hate in our society. Our events typically consist of a combination of panel discussions, debates, art expositions and performances. See for Landscape of Hate explainer.

Landscape of Hope (co-created with Vivek Venkatesh in 2018) - a digital art initiative designed to empower marginalized groups with critical digital literacy skills and social media tools to create cutting-edge multimedia performances and installations that describe their experiences with hate, discrimination and bullying. Landscape of Hope is inspired by and derived from the work of the multimedia collective Landscape of Hate. See for Landscape of Hope explainer.



N.B. - "R" denotes a peer-reviewed publication

Journal Articles

R• Yoganathan, Nimalan, and Owen Chapman. 2018. “Sounding Riddims: King Tubby’s Dub in the Context of Soundscape Composition.” Organised Sound 23 (1). Cambridge University Press: 91–100.

R• Chapman, Owen. Fall 2015 “‘I Really Don’t Think We Are There Any More’: A Conversation with Peter Sinclair.” NMC/MEDIA-N Journal of the New Media Caucus 11 (3): 32-37.

R• Chapman Owen, Sawchuk K. 2015. "Creation-as-Research: Critical Making in Complex Environments." RACAR: Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 40(1): 49-52. 

R• Chapman Owen. (2015). Owen Chapman: Ecotones, Eco-territories and the Sonic Relationality of Space: An audio investigation of Montreal’s ‘Falaise St. Jacques’. Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 9 (2). 

R• Chapman, Owen, and Alison Reiko Loader. 2013.  "Of Motors, Martians, and Jazz Age Cuties: The Stereoscopic Inventions of Laurens Hammond. " Edited by Janine Marchessault, Dan Adler, and Sandra Obradovic. PUBLIC 47: 3D Cinema and Beyond 24 (47): 110–122 (NB - this issue was also published simultaneously in book form by Intellect (U.K.) and the University of Chicago Press). 

R• Chapman, Owen, and Kim Sawchuk. 2012.  "Research-Creation: Intervention, Analysis and ‘Family Resemblances’. " Canadian Journal Of Communication, 37 (1): 5–26.  

R• Chapman, Owen. 2012.  "I Am Walking in a Room: Audio Art and Revealing. " Esse (74 - Reskilling) (January): 62–67.

R• Chapman, Owen. 2011.  "The Elusive Allure of ‘Aura’: Sample-based Music and Benjamin’s Practice of Quotation. " Canadian Journal Of Communication 36 (2): 243–261.
R• Chapman, Owen. 2009.  "The Icebreaker: Soundscape Works as Everyday Sound Art. " Organised Sound 14 (1): 83–88.
R• Chapman, Owen. 2009.  "Radio Activity: Articulating the Theremin, Ondes Martenot and Hammond Organ. " Wi: Journal of Mobile Media Spring.

R• Chapman, O. 2005. "The Affect of Selection in Digital Sound Art." M/C Journal 8 (3).

R• Chapman, Owen. 2001. "Mixing with Records." M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture 4 (2). 

Contributions to Edited Volumes

R • Chapman, Owen. 2017. “Echoscape: Representing / Remixing Auditory Space.” In Digital Interfaces in Situations of Mobility: Cognitive, Artistic, and Game Devices. edited by Guelton, Bernard., 48-58, Champaign, IL: Common Ground.

R• Chapman, Owen, and Kim Sawchuk. 2014.  "A pesquisa-criação explicada: quatro modos interligados. [Unravelling Research-Creation: four inter-related articulations.]" In Teorias Da Comunicação No Brasil e No Canadá. [Theories of Communication in Brazil and Canada], edited by L.C. Martino, G. Ferreira, M. Hohlfeldt, and O. de Morais, 91–109. Salvador: EDUFBa.

Published Interviews (as Interviewer)

• Chapman, Owen. 2012. "‘Qu’entends-tu Par "Performance’? A Conversation with Chantal Dumas." No More Potlucks (24) (November).

• Chapman, Owen. 2012. "‘On N’est Pas Conditionné à Voir Quelqu’un Qui Frotte Ou Gratte Une Boîte de Métal, Tu Sais?’: A Conversation with Magali Babin." No More Potlucks (21) (May).

• Chapman, Owen. 2012. "‘Not All Audio Art Is Good, Obviously…’: A Conversation with Nimalan Yoganathan." No More Potlucks (20) (March).

• Chapman, Owen. 2012. "‘Whether That’s Audio Art or Sound Art, Honestly I Would Say I Couldn’t Care Less.’: A Conversation with Nancy Tobin." No More Potlucks (19) (January).

Contributions written on invitation

• Chapman, Owen. 2012. "The Revolution Will Be Sonic." Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 6 (2).

• Chapman, Concordia. 2007. "Selected Sounds: A Collective Investigation into the Practice of Sample-based Music." In Pivot: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Journal of Visual Culture., edited by Andria Hickey. Montreal: Concordia University.


• Chapman, Owen, Louis-Claude Paquin, Louise Poissant, and Kim Sawchuk. 2015. “Guest Editorial Statement.” NMC/MEDIA-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus 11 (3).

• "Chapman, Owen. 2013. "Sound Moves: Intersections of Popular Music Studies, Mobility Studies and Soundscape Studies." Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 7 (1). Accessed October 8.

• Chapman, Owen. 2009. "Active Radio." Wi: Journal of Mobile Media (Spring).


• 2014 - 2018. Managing Editor for Wi: Journal of Mobile Media (

• 2014/15. Guest editorial committee member (along with Louis-Claude Paquin, Louise Poissant and Kim Sawchuk) for a forthcoming special "What is research-creation" edition of Media-N, scheduled for released in Nov 2015.

• 2013. Guest Editor for Special Edition on "Sound Moves" Wi: Journal of Mobile Media 7 (1).

• 2009. Guest Editor for Special Edition on "Active Radio" Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, Spring Issue.

Selected Conference Presentations (involving a peer reviewed abstract submission process):

• “Selfie Orchestra”, Playback Symposium, Concordia University, Montreal Oct 11 2019

• “Ephemeral Criteria: The Aura of the Art Form”, États généraux de la recherche-création, Université Laval, May 25 2016

• “Ephemeral Criteria: Audio Toy Box”, Re-Create - Media Art Histories Bi-Annual Conference, Montreal Oct 6 2015

• “Audio Toy Box”, Conference of the Canadian Disability Studies Association Ottawa, ON, June 4th 2015

• “Echoscape: Representing / Remixing Auditory Space With Mobile Devices”, IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON, May 29 2015

"AudioMobile: From Soundmapping to Beat-making to Walking Interviews (Workshop)" IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Québec, QC, May 24 2014

• "Ecotones, Eco-territories and the Sonic Relationality of Place" Locus Sonus "Audio-Mobility" Symposium, April 16-18 2014 - Aix-en-Provence.

• "Sonic Zoom: Audio Field Recording, Archiving and Remixing with Mobile Devices and Locative Media" Music and Labour: IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Hamilton ON, May 26 2013

• "Audio-Mobile: The Revolution Will be Sonic", Sounding the Nation? Diaspora, Indigeneity, and Multiculturalism: IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Wolfville NS, June 15 2012

• "Audio-Mobile: Eco-territories, cell phones, and locative media", Local and Mobile conference 2012 (3rd joint conference of the Cosmobilities Network and the Pan-American mobilities network and 3rd CRDM Annual Research Symposium), Raleigh, NC, March 17 2012

• "Audio-Mobile: Understanding Eco-territories through Mobile Technologies", Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Biennial Conference, Montreal, Nov 5th 2011

• with Rae Staseson, "Videoscapes, Soundtracking and the Synaesthesia of Collaborative Media Performance", Music and Environment: Place, Context, Conjuncture: IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Montreal, June 16th 2011

• "Audio-Mobile: Fredericton." Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Fredericton, June 1st 2011

• "'Bluetooth Beats' and the Infrastructures of Mobile Music Making." Spaces of Violence, Sites of Resistance: Music, Media and Performance: IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Regina, June 4th 2010

• "Methodologies of Research-Creation: Proposals for different criteria, practices and results." Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Montreal, June 2nd 2010

"Sampling, Remix and Improvisation with Records. " Lex Non Scripta, Ars Non Scripta: Law, Justice & Improvisation Conference, Montreal, June 20th, 2009

• "Radio Activités: à la recherche des ondes musicales." Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Vancouver, June 4th 2008

• "The Ice-xylophone." Housing the Body / Dressing the Environment, Montreal, August 24th, 2007

• "With Love, From Me, For You": The affect of commissions on sound art" In and Out of the Sound Studio, Montreal, July 28th, 2005

• "Sonic Sedition through Aural Audition: Who’s got the conch in sample-based music?" On the Right Track: IASPM-Canada Annual Conference, Ottawa, May 16th, 2004

Selected Invited Scholarly Presentations and Workshops:

• Invited "Mobilities and Art" Round Table Participant (via Skype), UK Art & Mobilities Network Inaugural Symposium, CeMoRe (Centre for Mobilities Research) Lancaster, University UK, July 3 2018

• "Landscape of Hate Soundmapping and Mobile Audio Field Recording Workshop", Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen Norway, May 24-25 2018. This was linked to a performance on May 26th by the Landscape of Hate project, for which I am co-creator and co-curator, as part of the Bergen International Festival (Festspillene).

• "Critical Listening, Field Recording and Sound Processing", Invited guest presentation - part of the Sound Environments Workshop Series organized by Helena Krobath, Milieux Institute for Arts, Technology and Culture, Concordia University, Montreal, April 15th 2017.

• "Les études supérieures en recherche-création à Montréal : contexte et institutions." Invited guest presentation at the École Supérieure d'Art d'Aix-en-Provence, March 21st 2017

• "Traveling Together: Research-Creation, Mobility, and the Polemics of Affect." Keynote presentation - part of the "Regards sur la culture, les midis et la société / Focus on Culture, Media and Society - Colloque du Doctorate Conjoint en Communication / 

Joint PhD in Communication Conference" organized by the students in the Joint Ph.D in Communication Studies Program, Université de Quebec à Montréal (UQAM), Feb 2nd 2017.

• "Current Projects", Invited presenter, OICRM: Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et de recherche en musique "Journée d'étude", Université Laval, Oct 28th 2016

"Echoscape and the Pragmatics of Mobilizing Sonic Cartographies”, presented as part of the Situated Composition Symposium organized by Samuel Thulin in the Centre for Mobilities Research at Lancaster University, May 6 2016. 

• Invited participant, "Policy Dialogues in Childhood Disability”. McGill University's school of Physical and Occupational Therapy, March 11th 2016.

• Invited panelist, "Informing an Understanding of Disability in the Context of Refugee Crises: Links Between Theory and Experiences.” Part of a workshop organized for the 2015-17 Jeanne Sauvé Public Leadership Program Fellows, Feb 19th, 2016

• Invited panelist - "Round Table on Audio Mobility", part of the Mobile Audio Fest - École Supérieure d’Art Aix-en-Provence, France, Nov 20th, 2015.

“Echoscape: Performance and Round Table Discussion” Locus Sonus - Wi: Journal of Mobile Media special issue on “Audio-Mobility” launch event, Aix-en-Provence, France, April 2nd, 2015.

• "Resonating Spaces: tracing history, sharing rhythms, rippling the future." A multi-day mobile audio field recording and sound production workshop co-led with Stéphane Claude and Émilie Monnet. Oboro (Montreal), Jan 31- Feb 1 & Feb 14-15 2015.

• "Echoscape: Representing / Remixing Auditory Space." Interfaces numériques en situation de mobilité: dispositif cognitifs, artistique et ludiques / Digital Intrerfaces in Situations of Mobility: Cognitive, Artistic, Game Devices, Sorbonne Université Paris 1, Paris, Dec 18 2014

• "Performing Research Creation 2", Part of the 'Research Conversation Series: Research-Creation', Grad Pro Skills Workshop, Oct 14th2014, Concordia University.

• round-table panel member for the bilingual (French/English) "Looking Back on the Maple Spring: Improvisation and the Art(s) of Activism", Suoni Per Il Popolo Festival and the Colloquium Improvisation and the Politics of Everyday Sounds: Cornelius Cardew and Beyond, Montreal, June 11th 2014

• invited participant in the "Research-Creation Think Tank", organized by Dr. Natalalie Loveless March 24-25th 2014 at the University of Alberta. I provided a discussion paper on the epistemological considerations linked to research-creation for the event. My 2012 paper on research-creation, co-writing with Dr. Kim Sawchuk, was also distributed before the event as background reading.

•  "Audio-Mobile: Field recording, sound mapping and audio creation with mobile phones 2." Mobile Sound Recording Workshop co-led with Sam Thulin and Stéphane Claude Oboro New Media Centre (Montreal), Jan 11-12, 18-19 2014

•  "Sonic Zoom: Locative Audio Field-Recording and Soundmapping." Centre For Creative Content and Digital Innovation, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Dec 17 2013

•  "Mobile: Media Dédramatisé?", MUTEK_IMAGE, The PHI-Centre (Montreal), Nov 22nd 2013

•"Performing Research-Creation", A conversation between myself and Banting Post Doc Fellow Dr. Doug Van Nort, Part of the 'Research Conversation Series: Research-Creation', Grad Pro Skills Workshop, Nov 8th 2013, Concordia University.

• "Audio Field Recording and Sound Mapping with Mobile Devices", Centre for Oral History and Digital Story Telling, Workshop and Scholarly Presentation, Sept 18th 2013, Concordia University.

• "Audio on the Move." Scholarly presentation with Kim Sawchuk and Sam Thulin at the event 'Encuentro Inter-Universitario Argentina|Canada: Mobile Perspectives Symposium'. May 20-21, 2013. Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Organized by Martha Ladly and Guillermina Buzio, featuring presentations by Canadian and Argentine scholars and artists.

• "Audio-Mobile". Workshop co-led with Sam Thulin. at the event Encuentro Inter-Universitario Argentina|Canada: Mobile Perspectives.  May 16-17, 2013. Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

• with Jen Southern, "Polyrhythmia, Audio-Mobile and Producing Locative Media Art." May 3 2013. Part of the lead up to the Differential Mobilities conference at Concordia University, Montreal, May 8-11 2013.  

• "Audio-Mobile: Locative audio and mobile media." M.A. in Digital Musics Program, Dartmouth College, (Hanover NH) Feb 20th 2013 - This was at the invitation of visiting professor Tara Rodgers. 

• with Sam Thulin (I was P.I.). "Art audio / Écoute, prise de son et localisation mobile." Mobile Sound Recording Workshop. Oboro New Media Centre (Montreal), Dec 1-2, 8-9 2012. 

• "Étude des médias et de la recherche-création: interventions ontologique, épistémologique et méthodologique." Colloque International Les Théories de la Médias au Brésil et au Canada: l'histoire et le présent. Universidade Federal Da Bahia, Faculdade de Communicação, (Salvador Brazil), Oct. 22nd 2012

• with Kim Sawchuk and Sam Thulin (I was P.I.). "Audio-Mobile: App Development, Audio Field Recording and In-Situ Remixing." Mobile Sound Recording Workshop, Mobilities.Lab at Lancaster University (Lancaster UK), Sept 4th 2012

• "Une brève histoire de l'art sonore." Presented to secondary students in Dominique Pissard's "Art et multimédia" class  at Collège Charles Lemoyne, (Longueuil, Québec) March 26th 2012.

• "Audio-Mobile: Soundmapping Ecoterritories" Soundscape and Mobility studies guest lecture. IMP Labs, University of Regina, hosted by Rebecca Caines, March 7th 2012

• "Cell Phones, Field Recording and Mobile Sound Production." Mobile Sound Recording Workshop co-led with Sam Thulin. IMP Labs, University of Regina, hosted by Charity Marsh, March 6th 2012

• with Sam Thulin (I was P.I.). "Audio-Mobile: Field Recording and Remixing with Mobile Technologies." Mobile Sound Recording Workshop. Oboro New Media Centre (Montreal), Feb 17 18th 2012

• "The Evolution of Mash-up Culture." Presented to attendees of the TEDx Concordia event (Montreal) Feb 19th 2011.

• "Sampling-as-quotation: Mash-ups, Sample-based Music and Fair Dealing." Presented to students and faculty in the Department of Law, McGill University, as part of the Rethinking Intellectual Property Policy club lecture series for 2010-2011. Nov 15th, 2010.

• "Mash-Up Culture and Sample-based Music." Presented to potential students and other visitors to the Concordia University Open-House, Oct 23rd 2010. 

• "The Icebreaker: Synthesis, Sampling and Sound Art--Artist Talk with Live Performance." Presented to students and faculty in the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Malaysia, Feb 23rd 2010.


• Interview with Peter Sinclair for Radio Grenouille, Marseilles France - discussion of Selfie Orchestra project. Diffused on May 16th 2019. 

• Short video interview on the utility of musical methods for resolving conflicts, part of the Entretiens Nîmes-Ales and the “Colloque: l’adolescence à l’épreuve de l’interculturalité”, March 26-30th 2019. Nîmes France (in French)  

• Interviewed as part of the "Beyond Disciplines: Season 2, Episode 1 - Come to Your Senses" podcast. Released Nov 28 2016.

Creative Works:

Digital Tools

AudioMobile iOS app. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License Owen Chapman, May 2014. and AudioMobile allows the user to record audio while on the go, attaching a photograph and GPS coordinates to the file before uploading it to an online soundmap.

Media Works Linked to Written Publications

Situated Cycling, 2m49 (audio piece), May 2016. Produced as part of the Situated Composition workshop at Lancaster University, May 6th 2016 - organized by Samuel Thulin through the Centre for Mobilities Research.

I am Walking in a Room - 5m53s, and I am Playing Piano in a Room 14m51s (audio pieces) - . These pieces were published online by Oboro in parallel with the Jan 2012 launch  of Issue 74 of Esse ( The composition of these pieces was an integral part of the research process for writing the Esse essay.

R Frozen Puddle - 2m36s (video), The Ice Xylophone (video) - 3m07s and Improvisation with Ice Xylophone, Ondes Martenot, Laptop and Guitar - 7m35s (audio piece - with S. Binet-Audet, K. Audet and D. Madden). These three pieces were included on a DVD accompanying Organised Sound, Vol. 14, #3 (2009). They are linked to the essay I published in Organised Sound, Vol. 14, #1.

Solo Audio-Cds

Calling the Voice-O-Graph, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License Owen Chapman, 2009. A self-released full-length audio-CD available for free download through .

"Selected Sounds: A collective investigation into the practice of sample-based music" © Chapman, Friz, Gallant, Houde, Morris, Moscos, Williams, 2007. A collaborative full-length audio CD compiling 7 tracks composed from the same 7 samples, but by different artists. The CD is an integral component of my PhD dissertation. NB—100 copies of this CD were commissioned for a limited edition version of Pivot: An interdisciplinary graduate journal of visual culture, Vol. 1, #1 (2007). Available for free download through .

[and he flew toward it], Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License Owen Chapman, Squeezebox Records, 2006. A self-released full-length audio-CD of material commissioned for contemporary dance. Available for free download through .

Participation in Other Media Projects


• Venkatesh, V. & Hall. D. 2016. (co-producers, co-writers and co-cinematographers). Blekkmetal. Grimposium and Uneasy Sleeper: Canada. Co-produced by J. J. Wallin, & O. Chapman, Executive Producers: I. Peersen, J. Wiese-Hansen, K. Rosseland, 

Screenings in New York City (April 2016), Montreal (July 2016, August 2016), Edmonton (December 2016), Bergen Norway (August 2017), 

Selected for screening at Alta Fidelidad film festival in Bogota, Colombia – September 17, 2016 

Selected for screening at Cinedelphia film festival in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – April 19, 2017 

Selected for screening at Fantastic Cinema and Beer festival in Little Rock, Arkansas – May 5, 2017 

Selected for screening at Briefcasefest in Toronto, Ontario – May 19, 2017
Selected for screening at the Biennial conference of the International Metal Music Studies in Victoria, Canada – June 11, 2017
Selected for screening at the Garmonbozia’s 20 years Jubileum in Rennes, France – Oct 27 2018


• Binet-Audet, Suzanne and David Madden. 2013. "Vers L'Or (Extended Mix)", Musicworks, #117. I was one of the producers on this track, along with Caroline Martel and Clovis Gouaillier release. I also played percussion during the original recording session. The piece is used in Martel's 2012 film on the Ondes Martenot entitled "Wavemakers".

• Kenway, Claire. 2013. "Undiscovered Secrets". from the album Full Circle Vol 1. Good Night Noon Recordings. I was producer for this track. commissioning the piece from the artist for my Ondes Martenot/Novachord research-creation project.

Soundtracks and Audio Works (since 2008)


• Sound design for Ceci n’est pas embres, a non-linear, data-based driven "Korsakow" video by Matt Soar.


• "Electricity (Jazzfest Remix)" -- Commissioned by Clara Furey for her show at the Festival International de Jazz de Montreal, June 27-28th 2011, in which I also performed live (see "Selected Performances below).


• "Electricity (Quat-Sous Remix)" -- Commissioned by Clara Furey for her show at Theatre Quat-Sous (Montreal), Oct 21-25th, 2010 (see "Selected Performances" below) 

• "Conversation with a Sunflower (version KL)" -- collaboration with video artist Rae Staseson. I performed a live original composition with her video at various locations during 2010, including the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Cyber Jaya, Malaysia (Feb 24th 2010) and the Casa Del Popolo (Montreal - March 28th, 2010).

• "Snow Walk to Hill (Icebreaker Remix)" -- collaboration with video artist Rae Staseson. I performed a live original composition with her video at various locations during 2010, including the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Cyber Jaya, Malaysia (Feb 23rd 2010), the Casa Del Popolo (Montreal - March 28th, 2010) and the Concordia FOFA Gallery (May 31st, 2010).

• "Bluetooth Beats" -- Commissioned by Concordia Vice Provost Ollivier Dyens for the President’s Conference Series event at Concordia entitled Every Breath You Take: Surveillance, Security and the End of Privacy (Nov 4th, 2009). This is an interactive audio composition enabled through Bluetooth file sharing and cell phones.

• "Out My Window" and "Everyday Law" (25 mins) -- Commissioned by Canada Research Chair in Law and Discourse, Desmond Manderson, McGill University, Faculty of Law. These pieces were composed as soundtracks to two image and text-based videos prepared by Desmond Manderson, Helge Dedek, Tina Piper, and Kirsten Anker and entitled "Through the Looking Glass: Art as the Mirror of Law". Presented at the Bravo McGill 2009 Showcase, Feb 10th and 11th, 2009.


• "Sublimation," and "The Ice Field," © Chapman 2008 (15 mins) – Commissioned by choreographer George Stamos for a contemporary dance performance at in Montreal at L'Agora de la dance, Oct 15-18 2008. The title of this work is "Reservoir/Pneumatic" and features these new pieces, along with a selection of pieces commissioned by Stamos since 2006. I am the main composer for this dance work, in collaboration with Jackie Gallant. I also perform the works live during the 60 minute performance, along with additions from Gallant.

• "Steamboat Mickey © Chapman 2008 (5 mins) -- Commissioned by Dr. Matt Soar as an original soundtrack to a 50-person "rotoscoping" project, wherein Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie" cartoon was re-sketched frame by frame, with the new soundtrack in place of the old. Part of the "Open Source Cinema Project". 

Audio Art Exhibitions

Audio-Mobile|Echoscape. With Sam Thulin and Kim Sawchuk. Exhibition of two related projects exploring mobile and networked audio technology, and featuring recordings made by workshop participants. Encuentro Inter-Universitario Argentina|Canada: Mobile Perspectives. May 15-24, 2013. Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Curated by Martha Ladly and Guillermina Buzio.

Audio-Mobile - Montreal. Touch-screen based sound-map installation, featuring audio recordings from downtown Montreal. Installed as part of the Differential Mobilities - 4th annual meeting of the Pan-American Mobilities Research Network conference, May 8-11 2013, in Montreal. Curated by Giuliana Cucinelli and Kim Sawchuk.

• "Out My Window" and "Everyday Law" (11 mins total)--part of the Mobile Media Gallery’s "Discoverable" and "Media Hot and Cold" campaigns, Oct 26 and 27 2009 at various locations at Concordia University (Montreal) and in the Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia from Feb 21-23rd 2010. Curator: Kim Sawchuk. 


Selected Performances (since 2008)


• with Vivek Venkatesh and Annabel Brault as Landscape of Hope, Part of the Theology in the City conference, St. Jax church, Oct 31 2019

• featuring my compositions (I was not present for the performance), Landscape of Hate, opening of Pig Destroyer - Corona Theatre, Montreal, July 26 2019

• with Vivek Venkatesh (together billed as Landscape of Hope) and Ivar Bjørnson (Bardspec) - as part of the Eistnaflug festival, Neskaupstaður, Iceland, July 13 2019 -

• with Peter Sinclair and Allistair Sinclair, Selfie Orchestra, shown as part of the Festival Les Musiques, GMEM, Marseille, France, May 18 2019 -


• with Vivek Venkatesh as Landscape of Hope – Tvibit Youth Center, Tromsø, Norway, Nov 7 2018 

• -with “Landscape of Hate”- Catacombes (Montreal), June 22 2018 NB I am the co-creator and co-curator of this sample-based electronic music project, along with Vivek Venkatesh. Other band members include Leticia Trandafir (SoftcoreSoft), Danji Buck-Moore (anabasine) and Jason Wallin. Visuals by David Hall, Martin Lalonde and Jessie Beier. 

• -with “Landscape of Hate”– Cornerteateret,  Bergen International Festival (Festspillene i Bergen), Bergen Norway, May 26 2018

• -with “Landscape of Hate” – part of the Opening Ceremonies, Bergen International Festival (Festspillene i Bergen), Bergen Norway, May 23 2018 (*NB this is the largest music festival in Scandinavia, in its 66th year, and there were over 5000 people in attendance at the opening ceremony, including Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway).

• with Peter Sinclair, You are the Score - End of residency presentation / Sortie de Residence - GMEM, Marseille France, March 2 2018


• with Peter Sinclair, You are the Score - End of residency presentation / Sortie de Residence - La Chambre Blanche, Quebec City, Canada, Dec 14 2017

• Guest electronic music appearance with Ivar Bjornson as part of his Bardspec project, The Garage, Bergen Norway, August 24th 2017 

• “Landscapes of Hate”, group electronic musical performance with Leticia Trandafir (SoftcoreSoft) and Vivek Venkatesh, Catacombes (Montreal), May 9 2017 - Produced by Venkatesh's as part of his "Grimposium" and "Someone" projects and in association with ACFAS 2017 (Association francophone pour le savoir).


• “Echoscape: Beyond Disciplines” solo DJ/VJ performance with custom locative audio software. Faculty of Art and Science showcase event “Beyond Disciplines”, closing performance, Octobre 20 2016, Concordia University.

• “Echoes and Reflections: Montreal/Morecambe”, solo DJ/VJ performance with custom locative audio software and field recordings. Performed in the Peter Scott gallery, Lancaster University, May 6 2016. 30 mins.

• “Echoscape: Brooklyn”, solo DJ/VJ performance with custom locative audio software. Made in NY Media Center, Brooklyn NYC, April 13 2016. Part of the The Sign of An Open Eye: Grimposium 360 event. 30 mins.


• “Echoscape:  Aix-en-Provence”, solo DJ/VJ performance with custom locative audio software and field recordings. Performed at the École d’Art Superieure Aix-en-Provence Nov 21 2016. 30 mins

• “Echoscape: Bergen”, solo DJ/VJ performance with custom locative audio software. Performed at the Garage, Bergen, Norway, Nov 12 2015. Opened for Ivar Bjornson’s ambient project “Bardspec”. 30 mins

• with choreographer George Stamos as live audo remixer and performer in his contemporary dance production Situations. Shown at L’Agora de la danse, Montreal, Sept30 – Oct 2 2015. 50 mins. 


• "Improv with Claviharp and electronics", Green Fish Concert Series, Dartmouth College, (Hanover NH) Feb 21st 2013 -


• "DJ vs Thereminvox (Working Title)". Audio Art Performance as part of the monthly "24 Gauche" Sound Art Series, at Espace Project, Montreal, May 23rd 2012.


• as DJ Opositive, Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Biennial Conference - 'Cultural Study This!' Cabaret, Salla Rossa, Montreal, Nov 5th 2011.

• with Clara Furey at the Musée D'Art Contemporain (MAC) as part of the Festival International de Jazz de Montréal, June 27-28, 2011. This was a rearranged version of our Oct 2010 performance (see below).
• "The Icebreaker". Audio Art performance using ice, contact microphones, audio signal processing and video projection (25 mins). Shown as part of the "Performance Mix Festival", April 26th 2011, at Dixon Place, NYC. I am the artistic director and main interpreter of this piece, which includes contributions from Yvan Cazabon, Rae Staseson, George Stamos, Anna Friz, Tara Rodgers, Michel Duvernet and Sam Thulin. Research for the Icebreaker was supported by the Canada Council. The "Performance Mix Festival" performance was supported by a Canada Council travel grant.


• "Carte-Blanche à Clara Furey", at the Theatre Quat-Sous (Montreal) Oct 21-25th, 2010. A 1.5 hour presentation of original works by Clara Furey, Tomas Furey and myself, arranged collaboratively.
• "The Icebreaker - performative lecture", May 31st, 2010 (60 mins). Shown as part of the Concordia University, Faculty of Fine Arts (FOFA) Gallery series "Connected Understanding" during the 2010 Congress of the Humanities. 

• solo performance for keyboard, drum machines and voice at the Casa Del Popolo (Montreal), March 28th, 2010.


• solo performance for keyboard, turntable, drums and voice during the CD release party for Calling the Voice-O-Graph, at the Casa Del Popolo (Montreal), Oct 28th, 2009.

• with Clara Furey, "The Icebreaker", Jan 24th, 2009 (20 mins). Shown as part of Studio 303's Verni 142 "Ground" event (Montreal). 


• with Will Straw, a combined DJ set and lecture on "lost media"--presented at Blizzarts (Montreal) on Dec 1st 2008 as part of the monthly "Mess" event hosted by

• as DJ/Musician/Composer/Performer in "Reservoir/Pneumatic" (sextet, 60 min version), a contemporary dance piece choreographed by George Stamos. Shown at Montreal's L'Agora de La Dance from Oct 15th-18th 2008 and also at the Toronto "Dancemakers" festival, Sept. 25-27 2008. "Reservoir/Pneumatic" was slated for a reprise at L'Agora due to popular demand from Feb. 19th-21st 2009, but was cancelled on opening night due to a sudden illness on the part of another performer.

Works Used by Other Media Artists

Works Used by Other Media Artists

• "Hear the Wind" (from my Calling the Voice-O-Graph CD) was used by Alison Loader as the soundtrack to her piece Squash and Stretch: The Secret Life of Zucchinis (5 mins), involving time-lapse recording and microscopic animation. Can be viewed at and Juried Screenings: Planet in Focus International Environmental Film Festival, Oct 13-17 2010, Toronto (Festival Screening); Visualeyez 2010, Sept 15-21 2010, Latitude 53 gallery, Edmonton (part of installation: Culinary Cultures in the Kinder/Garden)

• "Everyday Law," "Jojomash," "Hipnosis" "Out My Window" and "Big Liquid Tic Tac Chair" (from my Calling the Voice-O-Graph CD) were all used by Choreographer George Stamos for a entitled Dysmorphic Delicious. Performances by Johanna Biennaise: Piscine Theatre (part of L'Agora de la Dance), Montreal,  April 16th 2010;  Cité Danse, Grenoble (France), July 1st 2010; Art Department of the Universidad Fédéral do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre (Brazil) on March 25th 2011. 

• "Trut" and "For Nawaf", two tracks featured on my 2006 release [and he flew toward it] appear in a documentary video entitled "Water Walkers", produced by Liz Miller, edited by Laura Cohen, and submitted to the NFB Citizenshift initiative in Feb 2007 (



• Artist Residency – for Sefie Orchestra project, GMEM Marseille - Centre National de Création Musicale, La Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France – May 12-18 2019. With co-creator Peter Sinclair (ESAAix - École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence)

• Artist Residency – for Villes Sans Voitures project, GMEM Marseille - Centre National de Création Musicale, La Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France – Feb 16-March 5 2018, Sortie de résidence (Closing presentation) March 2 2018. With co-creator Peter Sinclair (ESAAix - École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence)

• Artist Residency  – for Villes Sans Voitures project, La Chambre Blanche, Québec, Nov 24-Dec 15 2017, Sortie de résidence (Closing presentation) Dec 14 2017. With co-creator Peter Sinclair (ESAAix - École supérieure d'art d'Aix-en-Provence)

• CeMoRe (Centre for Mobilities Research) Visiting Fellow, Lancaster, University UK , Title: Echoes and Reflections: A co-located soundmapping venture between Morecambe and Montreal. April-May 2016

• "Writing Audio Art" residency at Oboro Artist Centre (Montreal), July and Aug 2011. This involved listening to audio art projects in the Oboro archives and interviewing local sound artists in the preparation of a short text on Audio-Art published in Issue 74 of ESSE (Jan 2012). 

• L’Agora de la Dance (Montreal), July-Aug 2008.  For the research/creation of contemporary dance piece "Pneumatic", choreographed by George Stamos (see "Performances" section above).

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