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Mr. Rajiv Johal, B.Com, BA, MLIS

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Finance & Economics Librarian, Concordia University Library

Research areas: Financial information literacy, Business research using social media

Contact information


weekdays 10am - 5:00pm, or by appointment



I am a business librarian with subject expertise in Finance and Economics.  I am responsible for collection development, providing instructional sessions, assisting patrons with their research needs, and teaching students how to use specialized business databases.  I have extensive knowledge of financial and economic databases including Thomson ONE, Datastream, Bloomberg, Mergent, S&P Capital IQ and using datasets from IMF, CFMRC TSX, CRSP and Compustat via WRDS.

I also teach the Business Information course within the School of Information Studies at McGill. This course serves as an introductory course that surveys the literature used in business. Students examine key publications and databases, and learn to do reference work in the field. 

My areas of research include financial information literacy, as well as the use of social media in libraries and business research.

Teaching activities

Sessional Lecturer

GLIS 638 Business Information (McGill University, Fall 2009-2012, 2014)

Sessional Lecturer

INST 250: Introduction to Library Research Practices (Concordia University, Fall 2007)


Peer reviewed

Johal, R., & Côté, M. (2013, June). Mining legal and business resources on Canadian banking. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 8(1). Retrieved from 

Johal, R. (2009). Factiva: Gateway to business information. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, 15(1), 60-64. Retrieved from

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