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Raye Kass

  • Full-time Faculty, Applied Human Sciences

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Dr. Raye Kass was hired as an Assistant Professor of Applied Human Sciences at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec in 1972, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1976, followed by her promotion to Professor in 2012.  She currently spearheads group theory courses in both the undergraduate and graduate level. Professor Kass is highly involved within the Department’s teaching profile, having taught seventeen different courses, and extensively redesigned many of the counselling and group theory courses that the Department offers today. She was also instrumental in the creation of the Human Systems Intervention graduate level-program, which sees applications from across the globe. A member and past Program Director of the Centre for Human Relations and Community Studies (CHRCS), her consulting and training activities have included over 1000 workshops with various universities, schools, hospitals, penitentiaries, government departments and organizations in Canada, the U.S, Europe and Asia. Dr. Kass is also the author of “Theories of Small Group Development”, as well as the co-author of three other works on group theory. “Theories of Small Group Development” was first published in January 1996, and is currently in its 17th printing and 4th edition. This book, which is a standard text for undergraduate and graduate students, has become a staple in related programs at the University of British Colombia, Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Colombia, McGill University, the Université du Montreal, and the Université de Sherbrooke au Quebec. It has also been used by trainers and facilitators internationally who work with teams and community organizations. Dr. Kass has also published over 80 scholarly works, including refereed chapters in a book, book reviews, refereed journals, non-print publications, unpublished manuscripts, reports and studies, research proposals, and refereed conference presentations. Dr. Kass is currently an advisor to the Mars One Project as part of an interdisciplinary team of advisors providing expertise to this endeavor. She working on processing the applicants who have made it through the first round of selection. This selection was facilitated by the Psychosocial Selection criteria that Dr. Kass helped to develop to ensure that only the most apt candidates were asked to continue to the second round of the selection process.


PhD, Educational Theory (1987), University of Toronto
Master of Social Work (1972), University of Toronto
Baccalaureate of Arts (1970), Sir George Williams University

Teaching philosophy

Dr. Kass believes in continually learning from her students and colleagues; the four decades that she has been teaching have solidified this philosophy. She aims to highlights the diversity of her students, and to have all of them learn regardless of their method of absorption. Balancing concrete information with abstract concepts such as theories and learning models helps Dr. Kass to teach her students how to provide concrete examples of the theory described, develop the theory, and show how the theory can be seen and applied in their own practice. Dr. Kass also continually stresses the search for excellence that informs everything she does, as Excellence is more than a level that is achieved but a journey in which the the most learning and development can occur.

Research interests

Known for her contemporary, cutting edge, and timely research style and results, Dr. Kass has been highlighted frequently by both national and international press agencies for both her space sciences and group theory research. Dr. Kass has also been invited to be involved in numerous space research projects in conjunction with the Canadian Space Agency and NASA, including the Psychological Experiment / Training Programme for the CAPSULS Mission held in Canada, the SFINCCS mission held in Russia, and the NSBRI (National Space Biomedical Research Institute) Ground-based Research Project with the NASA Ames Research Centre in the USA. Other research interests include:

  • Adult Education (Transition and Learning, Kolb’s Learning Style, and experimental learning techniques)   
  • Group Dynamics 9 Small Group Leadership, understanding group behaviour, working with groups in the classroom, conflict and decision-making in groups, sex role differences in groups)
  • Organizational Development (Problem solving and supervision, conflict resolution, performance appraisal, sensitivity training, conflict and power, situational leadership, decision-making, and team building)

Selected publications


Kraft, N., Kass, J., Kass, R. (Eds). (April 2015). Mars One: Humanity’s Next Great Adventure. Inside the First Human Settlement on Mars. BenBella Books: Dallas, TX.

Dimock, H, & Kass R. (2011). Making work groups effective. 6th ed. Toronto: Captus Press

Dimock, H, & Kass R. (2010). Comment observer votre groupe. 4e ed. Toronto: Captus   Press

Dimock, H, & Kass R. (2008). Leading and managing dynamic groups. 4th ed. Toronto: Captus Press

Kass, R. (2008).Theories of small group development. 4th ed. 2008. Montreal: Concordia University Centre for Human Relations and Community Studies.

Dimock, H, & Kass R. (2007). How to observe your group. 4th ed. Toronto: Captus Press


Kraft, N., and Kass, R. (2012). “The Uncharted Territories of Mars: Is Science Enough?” The Huffington Post, 3 July 2012.

Kass, R., Kass, J., Binder H., Kraft, N. (2010). Conflict handling modes of three crews during a 264-day Space Flight Simulation. Journal of Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 81(5), p. 502-506.

Orasanu, J., Kraft, N., McDonnell, L.K., Tada, Y., Fischer, U., Kass, R. (2008). Team training effects on distributed team performance and interpersonal dynamics. Journal of Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 79(3), p. 289-292.

Kass, R., & Kraft, N. (2006). Man in extreme conditions: health, reliability and rehabilitation. 5th International Scientific and Applied Congress Book of Abstracts, p. 68-70. Moscow, Russia.

Orasanu, J., Kraft, N., Kass, R. (2003). Space Simulation Experiment Investigating Mixed Gender and Culture Interactions. NASA Ames Project.
Taylor, M., du Guerre, D., Gavin, J., and Kass, R. (2002). Graduate leadership Education for Dynamic Human Systems. Journal of Management Learning, 33 (3) p. 349-369.

Kass, R., and Kass, J. (2001). Team Training for the SFINCSS Long Duration Isolation. 13th IAA Man in Space Symposium Book of Abstracts, p. 180-182. Santorini, Greece.

Dudley-Rowley M., Kass, J., Gorry, T., Kass, R., and Caldwell, B. (2000). Working Together: A Needs Assessment for Team Optimization. 13th IAA Man in Space Symposium Book of Abstracts, p. 208-209. Santorini, Greece.

Conference presentations

Kass, R. (2014). "Understanding inter and intra team dynamics". European Space Agency (ESA): Holland.

Kass, R. (2008). Leadership on a hot tin roof: Applications for Camp Professionals. 8th International Camping Congress October 4th-7th, 2008. Quebec City, QC.

Orasanu, J., Kraft, N., Mc Donnell, L., Tada, Y., Kass, R., Fischer, U. (2008). Team training effects on distributed team performance and interpersonal dynamics. 79th Aerospace Medical Association Annual Conference, May 4-8th, 2008. Boston, MA.

Kass, R., Kraft, N. (2007). Preliminary Effects of Human Relations and Interpersonal Training using NASA’s Computer based Task. Paper presented at the 55th International Congress of Aviation & Space Medicine, September 16-20th, 2007. Vienna, Austria

Orasanu, J., Kraft, N., Tada, Y., McDonnell, L., Arsintescu, L., Fischer, U., Kass. R., Anderson A., Miller, R. (2007). Enhancing Team Performance for Exploration Missions. Paper presented at the 55th International Congress of Aviation & Space Medicine, September 16-20th, 2007. Vienna, Austria.

Orasanu, J., Kraft, N., Tada, Y., McDonnell, L., Arsintescu, L., Fischer, U., Kass, R., Anderson A., Miller, R. (2007).  Macro-cognitive processes in Distributed Team Decision-Making. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision making, June 4-6th, 2007. Asilomar, CA, USA.

Kass, R., Sneiderman, E., & Farmer T. (2007).  The use of Dynamic Assessment and Coaching as a tool, for helping to reconnect Disenfranchised Learners. Paper presented at the Spirit of Inquiry Conference, May 14-16th, 2007. Montreal, Quebec.

Orasanu, J., Kraft, N., Fischer, U., McDonnell, L., Tada, Y., Parke, B., Kass, R., Anderson A., Miller, R., (2007). Enhancing Team Performance for Long Duration Space Missions. NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Convention Workshop, February 12-14th, 2007. League City, Texas, USA.

Kass, R., & Kraft, N. (2006). Influence of Intergroup Relations on Group Effectiveness under Long Term Isolation Conditions. Paper presented at the 4th International Congress of Aviation, Space, Naval, Extreme and Environmental Medicine, October 16-20th, 2006. Moscow, Russia.

Kass R., Kraft N. (2006). Measuring performance of human relations and interpersonal training using a NASA task. 5th International Scientific and Applied Congress, October 16-20th, 2006. Moscow, Russia.

Kass, R., Kraft, N., Binder, H. (2006).  Evaluating Efficacy of Human Relations and Interpersonal Training using NASA’s Computer Task. Paper presented at the Canadian Psychological Association 67th Annual Convention, June 8-10th, 2006. Calgary, Alberta.

Kass, R., Kass, J., and Kraft, N. (2004). Leadership styles and effectiveness level during 240 days of isolation. 4th International Scientific Congress Association of Aviation Space, Naval, Extreme and Environmental Medicine of Russia, December 2004. Moscow, Russia.

Kass, R., Kass, J., and Kraft, N. (2004). Commanders’ and Crews’ Conflict Handling Styles during Long Duration Isolation. 55th International Astronautical Congress, October 4-8th, 2004. Vancouver, Canada.

Kass, R., Kass, J. (2004). Leadership on a Hot Tin Roof: Applications for Space Crews. International Congress of Aerospace Medical Association, May 2-6th, 2004. Anchorage, USA.

Binder H., Kass, R., Kraft, N. (2003). Attribution Theory and International Conflicts in an Isolated Environment. 51st International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine. October 5-9th, 2003. Madrid, Spain.

Kraft, N. Binder H., Kass, R., Lyons, T. (2003). Types of Relationships Formed by Multi-Cultural Crews While in Isolation for 264 days. 51st International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine. October 5-9th, 2003. Madrid, Spain.

Kraft, N., Binder, H., Lyons, T., Kass, R. (2003). Interpersonal Relationship Types During 264 Days of Confinement in an Isolated Environment. 54th International Astronautical Congress, September 2003. Bremen, Germany.

Kass, R., and Kass, J. (2003). Conflict Handling during Long-Duration Isolation. 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium: Living in Space: Scientific, Medical and Cultural Implications. May 18th, 2003. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Kass, R., and Kass, J. (2003). Psychosocial Research on the ISS: Implications for the Future. 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium. Living in Space: Scientific, Medical and Cultural Implications. May 18th, 2003. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Kraft, N., Orasanu, J. Binder, H., Kass, R., McDonnell, L. (2003). Resident Crew’s Expectations of Their Visitors: Host-Guest Dilemma. 14th IAA Humans in Space Symposium. Living in Space: Scientific, Medical and Cultural Implications. May 18th, 2003. Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Kass, R., and Kass, J. (2001). Team Work during Long Duration Isolation. 52nd International Aeronautical Congress. October 1-5th, 2001. Toulouse, France.

Kass, R., Kass, J. (2001). Psychological Training for Small Groups. Medico-biological and Psychological Studies in the Experiment with Extended Isolation International Conference, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, June 5-8th, 2001. Moscow, Russia.

Kass, J., and Kass, R. (2001). Building successful teams in space: Blueprints for productivity and satisfaction. Aerospace Medical Association, 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting. May 6-10th, 2001. Reno, Nevada.

Kass, R., and Kass, J. (2001). Team-Talk Sessions in Space: an innovative model to enhance inter-group and intra-group relations. Aerospace Medical Association, 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting. May 6-10th, 2001. Reno, Nevada.

Kass, R., and Kass, J. (2001). Team Training for the SFINCSS Long Duration Isolation. 13th IAA Man in Space Symposium. May 20-26th, 2000. Santorini, Greece.

Recent media collaborations

The Aaron Rand show, CJAD 800 
May 29, 2013, interviewed by Aaron Rand

Thousands sign up for Mars Mission (CBC Radio Day Break Montreal)
May 20, 2013, interviewed by Mike Finnerty

Why Thousands of people want a one way trip to Mars (The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti) 
May 17th, 2013, interviewed by Anna Maria Tremonti

The Mars One project: CBC Television (Lang & O’Leary Exchange)
May 15, 2013

1-way Mars trip gets at least 35 Canadian applicants.
May 10, 2013, the Canadian Press

Do you have what it takes to go to Mars?
February 15, 2013, interviewed by Sarah Deshaies

Will Life on Mars Screw People Up?
February 13, 2013, interviewed by Brad Casey

Concordia's Raye Kass and wrestling on the final frontier in World Space Week
October 6, 2013, interviewed by Peggy Curran

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