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Dr. Reza Mirsalari, PhD

Part Time Teaching, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Dr. Reza Mirsalari, PhD
Availability: By appointment - Please drop me a message at

Teaching activities

Full-Stack Web Development: Java, .NET, and PHP

  • Comprehensive training in building robust web applications using Java, .NET, and PHP.
  • Focus on client-server architecture, database integration, and modern web frameworks.

Mobile App Development: iOS and Android

  • Techniques for designing and developing native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms.
  • Emphasis on UI/UX design, platform-specific considerations, and mobile API integration.

Game Development with Unity

  • Fundamentals and advanced concepts in game creation using the Unity engine.
  • Topics include scripting, animation, AI in gaming, and multiplayer game design.

Software Development in the Cloud using Azure

  • Training on deploying and managing applications in the Microsoft Azure environment.
  • Key topics include cloud services, managing scalable solutions, and Azure DevOps.

Distributed Systems, Web Services, and Microservices

  • Exploration of distributed computing principles, including web services and microservices architectures.
  • Hands-on projects involving RESTful services, SOAP, and microservices orchestration.

Software Design Methodologies

  • Overview of structured approaches to software design including agile, waterfall, and spiral models.
  • Critical analysis of each methodology to determine best practices in various scenarios.

Software Measurement

  • Techniques for measuring and analyzing software quality and performance.
  • Application of metrics and models to improve software reliability and efficiency.

Research activities

Advancements in Software Engineering

  • Exploring emerging trends and technologies shaping software engineering.
  • Investigating the impact of AI and machine learning on software development processes.

Metrics of Software Quality

  • Developing and validating metrics for assessing software quality and performance.
  • Analyzing the correlation between software metrics and project outcomes.

Architectural Design for Large-Scale Applications

  • Designing scalable and robust architectures for enterprise-level applications.
  • Examining patterns and practices in cloud computing and microservices for large systems.

Team Dynamics in Software Engineering

  • Studying the influence of team composition and collaboration on software project success.
  • Implementing agile methodologies to enhance team productivity and communication.

Project Management Techniques in Software Engineering

  • Comparing traditional vs. agile project management methodologies in software projects.
  • Assessing risk management strategies and their effectiveness in software development.

API Development and Integration

Innovating in API design, development, and management to facilitate application integration.
Evaluating the use of RESTful services and SOAP in current software ecosystems.

Philosophies and Methodologies in Software Development

  • Critical analysis of modern vs. traditional software development philosophies.
  • Exploring iterative and incremental development approaches in software engineering.

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