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Dr. Richard F. Schmid, Concordia University - Montréal

  • Professor Emeritus, Education

status: Professor Emeritus

Research areas: Technology integration in post-secondary education; meta-analyses,Assessment,Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning,Concept Mapping,Early Literacy Acquisition,Educational,Technology,Instructional Design,Learning Strategies,Methodology

Contact information


Dr. Schmid is an educational psychologist who conducts research in the following areas:

  • Applications of technologies to improve pedagogy and training in the workplace and schools, especially as applied to computer-supported collaborative learning and performance (funded by an SSHRC Strategics Grant).
  • Conducts systematic reviews on various aspects of how technology supports pedagogy.
  • Analysis of learning strategies and computer-mediated conferencing in in-class and distance education contexts. Learning strategies in educational and training environments, especially those related to complex, ill-defined domains of knowledge. Use of mental modeling techniques and neural nets in the analysis of learner behavior. Research program focuses on the use of concept mapping as a learning, representational, analytic and synthetic tool.
  • Projects requiring the assessment of both product development and implementation of technology-based support systems for NGOs.

Given that educational technology is an applied field, he is also active in internships and theses carried out in local, national and international communities. This work involves supervised projects in analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of learning and performance support environments in all levels of education, the private sector, not-for-profit organizations, NGOs, and government.

He served as Chair of the Department of Education at Concordia for almost 20 years. The Department would be a Faculty of Education in all other universities in Canada

He was the Associate Director of the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) Established in 1988 and based at Concordia University, the (CSLP) is a research centre consisting of over 50 principal members, research collaborators and/or associates, 16 support staff, and over 40 graduate students. The objectives of the CSLP are fourfold: to increase the theoretical and practical understanding of the factors that promote and hinder the learning and performance of complex skills; to provide training and support to educators and administrators; to provide the educational community with material and intellectual resources regarding new ideas in education; and to train students who have an interest in learning and performance and who are enrolled in graduate studies within the departments with which the centre and its members are affiliated.

He is a Certified Psychologist - State of Arizona


BA St. John's University, August 1973
MA Arizona State University, December 1975
PhD Arizona State University, May 1977

Professional experience

2023 - present
Professor Emeritus, Concordia University, Department of Education, Graduate Programs in Educational Technology.

2001 - 2023
Professor, Concordia University, Department of Education, Graduate Programs in Educational Technology. (full-time)

1981- 2001
Associate Professor, Concordia University, Department of Education, Graduate Programs in Educational Technology. (full-time)

Scholar in Residence, Educational Psychology and Educational Technology, Arizona State University.
Visiting Research Faculty, University of Pennsylvania.

Assistant Professor, Concordia University, Department of Education, Graduate Programme in Educational Technology. (full-time)

Faculty Research Associate, Department of Educational Technology, Arizona State University. (half-time)
Instructional Psychologist, Courseware, Inc., San Diego. (half time)

Current and select past projects

Meta-analyses in technology integration in higher education.

Systematic reviews, including a new project examining technology-supported pedagogy in science education (SSHRC Insight Grant).

Learning theory. An in-depth analysis of theories and theorists in the domain of psychology covering classical and modern connectionism, gestalt, humanist, developmental, cognitive science and constructivism.

Research design, statistics, measurement and evaluation. A variety of courses leading the researcher from basic systems analysis, problem identification, hypothesis development to complex statistical techniques. Research design includes the full range of methods and epistemologies (positivist to post-modern), quantitative and qualitative, all major descriptive and inferential statistics, post hoc analyses, measurement theory and development, evaluation of all quantifiable systems.

Human performance technology. Several courses covering the systems approach to human performance technology, instructional design and development, ranging from practical to theoretical considerations.

Courses taught

Learning theory. An in-depth analysis of theories and theorists in the domain of psychology covering classical and modern connectionism, gestalt, humanist, developmental, cognitive science and constructivism.

Research design, statistics, measurement and evaluation. A variety of courses leading the researcher from basic systems analysis, problem identification, hypothesis development to complex statistical techniques. Research design includes the full range of methods and epistemologies (positivist to post-modern), quantitative and qualitative, all major descriptive and inferential statistics, post hoc analyses, measurement theory and development, evaluation of all quantifiable systems.

Human performance technology. Several courses covering the systems approach to human performance technology, instructional design and development, ranging from practical to theoretical considerations.

Professional memberships

American Psychological Association
American Educational Research Association
National Consortium for Instruction and Cognition
International Society for Performance and Instruction - Montreal Chapter

Professional activities

Editorial Board, Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology - 2001-2018
Editorial Board, International Journal of Instructional Media - 2001- 2015
Advisory Board, Adaptech Project, Dawson College, Montréal, Québec, 2000.

Editorial Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 1985 - present
Reviewer, Computers and Education
Reviewer, Review of Educational Research
Reviewer, Educational Technology Research and Development

Selected publications

Select publications in peer-reviewed journals

Schmid, R. F., Borokhovski, E.,Bernard. R. M., Pickup, D. I, & Abrami, P. C. (2023). A meta-analysis of online learning,blended learning, the flipped classroom and classroom instruction forpre-service and in-service teachers. Computers and Education Open. 5,100142.

Bekkouche,N. S., Schmid, R. F., & Carliner, S. (2022). “Simmering pressure”: Howsystemic stress impacts graduate student mental health. PerformanceImprovement Quarterly, 34(4), 547-572.

Tamim,R. M., Borokhovski, E., Bernard, R. M., Schmid, R. F., &  Abrami, P. C. (2021). A study of meta-analysisreporting quality in the large and expanding literature of educationaltechnology. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 37(3),100-115.

Bernard,R. M., Borokhovski, E, Mihov, B., & Schmid. R. F. (2021). A meta-analysisof teacher and student-centered practices and processes in undergraduatescience education. Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(10),177-196.

Borokhovski,E.F., Tamim, R.M., Bernard, R.M. & Schmid, R.F. (2020). Promises and Prospectsof Educational Technology, Evidence from Systematic, Reviews and Meta-Analyses.A. Tatnall (ed.), Encyclopedia  of  Education and Information Technologies.

Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Schmid, R. F., Waddington, D. I., & Pickup, D. (2019). Twenty-first century adaptive teaching and individualized learning operationalized as specific blends of student-centered instructional events: A systematic review andmeta-analysis, Campbell Systematic Reviews, 15: e1017.

Tamim, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Bernard, R. M., & Schmid, R. F. (2019). Meta-analysis: methodological quality assessment. In Encyclopedia of Education and Information Systems. New York, NY: Springer Nature. 

Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Schmid, R. F., Waddington, D. I., & Pickup, D. I. (2019). Adaptive teaching and individualization for k-12 students improves academic achievement:A meta-analysis of classroom studies. Oslo, Norway: Campbell Systematic Reviews.

Bernard R. M., Borokhovski E., Schmid, R.F., Tamim R.M. (2018) Gauging the effectiveness of educational technology integration in education: What the best-quality meta-analyses tell us. In M. Spector, B. Lockee, & M. Childress (Eds.) Learning, Design, and Technology. New York: Springer, Cham.

Borokhovski, E., Bernard, R. M., Tamim, R.M., Schmid, R. F., & Sokolovskaya, A. (2016). Technology supported student interaction in higher education: A meta-analysis of designed versus contextual treatments. Computers in Education, 96, 15-28.

Borokhovski, E., Bernard, R. M., Tamim, R. M., & Schmid, R. F. (2016). Technology integration in post-secondary education: A summary of findings of a series of meta-analytical research. Published Proceedings of the 27th Annual ED-MEDIA Conference,  Montreal, QC.

Bernard,R. M., Borokhovski, E., Schmid,R. F., & Tamim, R. M. (2014). An exploration of bias in meta-analysis: The case of of technology integration research in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 26(3),183-209.

Schmid, R. F., Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Tamim, R. M., Abrami, P.C.,Surkes, M. A., Wade, C. A., Woods, J. (2014). The effects of technology use in post-secondary education: A meta-analysis of classroom applications. Computers & Education, 72, 271-291.

Schwartz, N.H. & Schmid, R. F. (2012). Using technology to foster meaningful learning environment. In Michael J. Lawson and John R. Kirby(eds), The quality of learning: Dispositions, instruction, and mentalstructures. Cambridge University Press.

Tamim, R. M., Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Abrami, P. C., & Schmid, R. F. (2011). What forty years of research says about the impact of technology on learning: A second-order meta-analysis and validation study. Review of Educational Research. 81(3), 4-28. doi:10.3102/0034654310393361

Bures, E. M., Abrami, P. C., & Schmid, R. F. (2010). Exploring whether students' use of labelling depends upon the type of activity. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(1), 103-116.

Schmid, R. F., Bernard, R.M., Borokhovski, E. Tamim, R. Abrami, P.C., Wade, C.A.Surkes, M.A. & Lowerison, G. (2009). Technology's effect on achievement in higher education: a Stage I meta-analysis of classroom applications. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 21, 95-109.

Tamim, R.M., Lowerison, G., Schmid, R. F., Bernard, R.M., Abrami, P.C., & Dehler, C. (2008). Assessing computer use and perceived course effectiveness in post-secondary education in an American/Canadian context. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 39(3), 221-234.

Schmid, R. F., Miodrag, N., & Di Francesco, N. (2008). A human-computer partnership: The tutor/child/computer triangle promoting the acquisition of early literacy skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(1).

Blasi, L., Fiore, S.M., Hedberg, J., & Schmid, R. F. (2008). The social consequences of design and development teams. In J. M. Spector, W.D.Merrill, J.Van Merrienboer, & M.P. Driscoll (eds.) Handbook of research on educational communications and technology (3rd ed.). New York: Erlbaum.

O'Donnell, A.M., D'Amico, M., Schmid, R. F., Reeve, J., & Smith, J.K.(2008). Educational Psychology: Reflection for Action. Canadian edition. Mississauga, ON: John Wiley and Sons Canada.

Bures, E.M., Abrami, P.C. & Schmid, R. (2007). Supporting Online Dialogue through Structured Features: Does Labelling Help? Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 1-39.

Tovar, M., Gagnon, F. & Schmid, R. F. (1997). Development of a consultation profile of interventions perceived as successful by human performance technology consultants. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 10(3), 67-83.

Daningburg, S. & Schmid, R. F. (1994). The effect of formative evaluation factors on types and magnitude of learning. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 23, 3-18.

Schmid, R. F. & Telaro, G. (1990). Concept mapping as an instructional strategy for high school biology. Journal of Educational Research, 84,78-85.

Schmid, R. F. & Gerlach, V.S. (1990). Instructional design rules for algorithmic subject matter. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 3, 2-15.

Research activities - Recent Grants

Recent Research Grants

Grants/Projects Received


Schmid, R.F. [PI], Bernard, R.M., & Tamim, R. (2024-26). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (SSHRC). A Systematic Review of Online Learning and its Variants as Related to Self-Efficacy, Achievement and Attitudes in Pre- and In-service Teacher Education. $89,874.

Fichten, C., Schmid, R.F., Libman, E. & Legault,A. (2023-24). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Knowledge Synthesis Grant Marginalization, Privilege, and Intersectionality in Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities: AI-Based Assistive Technology, $30,000.

Schmid, R.F. (2022-2024). MITACS Accelerate: Post-doctoral Award. An Activity Theory-Based Project Management Tool For Agile Applications. Jeremie Choquette, post-doc., $140,000.

Bernard, R. M. [PI], Schmid, R. S., Hassan, G. (2023-25). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (SSHRC). Social isolation in remote learning contexts among post-secondary students: Using systematic review to understand and improve institutional strategies for addressing achievement, satisfaction, and mental well-being. $90,879.

Bernard, R. M. [PI], Schmid, R. S., Hassan, G.(2022). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Knowledge Synthesis Grant – Emerging Asocial Society. Social isolation among post-secondary students: A systematic review of online learning and its effect on achievement, satisfaction, and self-reported feelings of well-being. $29,728.

Venkatesh, V., Schmid, R.F., Bernard, R.M.& other CSLP members. (2020-2027). Regroupement Strategique: Centre d’études sur l’apprentissage et la performance (CEAP) (Operating: $1,802,500). Fonds de recherche du Québec -Société et culture (FRQSC). Infrastructure.

Fichten, C., Schmid, R.F., Libman, E. & Legault, A.(2020-2022) How Can Virtual Assistants and AI-Based Smartphone Apps Help Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities Succeed in their Studies? The Montréal Centre for Higher Learning in Artificial Intelligence (PIA) $100,000.

Schmid, R. F. [PI] & Bernard, R. M.(2020-2021). International Development Research Centre (IDRC). “Meta-analysis of Studies in which Classroom Instruction (CI/control) is compared to Online Learning (OL), and all Forms of Blended Learning (BL) for Pre-service and In-Service Teachers Learning to Teach with Technology.” $82,631.

Schmid, R. F. [PI], Bernard,R. M., & Trudel, L. (2017-2020). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant (SSHRC), “A quantitative and qualitative synthesis of the empirical research examining the role of technology in K12 Science Education.” $139,998.

Participation activities

Production, Program Chair

Schmid, R.F. (PI) - OTF’s Special Education Repository for Effective Teaching ofStudents with Special Needs. Our team developed a new website with the Ontario Teacher’s Federation addressing all aspects related to students with special needs. Just released in September 2010, the site has already enjoyed tens of  thousands of hits, and a positive review from an external source. See it at:

Program ChairI was the Program Chair for the CanadianSociety for Studies in Education’s (CSSE) participation in Congress 2010(Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is an initiative of the Federation for the Humanitiesand Social Sciences). This role spanned a period of one year, from May 2009to the conclusion of Congress in June 2010. CSSE is the largest Canadianconference in the field of Education. That year, 1200 CSSE delegates attendedCongress. My work as chair included creating the conference program onconjunction the eleven academic associations under the CSSE banner, assemblingand printing the conference program, recruiting over 100 volunteers, assigningrooms to 23 concurrent sessions, poster sessions, roundtable sessions andpanels, hosting the CSSE reception, and inviting the Honourable Ed Broadbent asa keynote speaker, with almost 800 persons attending the event.

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