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Rick Gurnsey, PhD

  • Professor, Psychology

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PhD (Queen's University)

Selected publications

Gurnsey, R. (2017). Statistics for Research in Psychology: a modern approach using estimation. SAGE: Thousand Oaks.

Gurnsey, R., & Biard, M. (2012). Eccentricity dependence of the curveball illusion. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 66(2), 144.

Roddy, G., & Gurnsey, R. (2011). Mirror Symmetry Is Subject to Crowding. Symmetry, 3(3):457-471. [link]

Gurnsey, R., Roddy, G., & Chanab, W. (2011). Crowding is eccentricity and size dependent. Journal of Vision, 11(7), article 15.[link]

Perreault, A., Gurnsey, R., Dawson, M., Mottron, L., & Bertone, A. (2011). Increased sensitivity to mirror symmetry in autism. PLoS ONE 6(4): e19519. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0019519. [link]

Johnson, A.P., & Gurnsey, R. (2010). Size scaling compensates for sensitivity loss produced by a simulated central scotoma in a shape-from-texture task. Journal of Vision, 10(18) 1-16.[link]

Gurnsey, R., Roddy, G., & Troje, N. F. (2010). Limits of peripheral direction discrimination of point-light walkers. Journal of Vision, 10(2), 15 11-17. [link]

Gurnsey, R., & Troje, N. F. (2010). Peripheral sensitivity to biological motion conveyed by first and second-order signals. Vision Research, 50(2), 127-135. [link]

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