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Robert S. Nason

  • Associate Professor, Management
  • Concordia University Research Chair in Entrepreneurship and Society

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Robert S. Nason (Ph.D., Syracuse University) is associate professor of Management in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University. He also currently serves as the Academic Director of Concordia’s Certificate in Business Ownership and the KPMG-JMSB Entrepreneurial Indices Initiative.

Robert’s research examines the role of entrepreneurship in society with a focus on social performance and economic inequality. His research has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FRQ-SC) and is published in leading academic outlets such as Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Organization Studies, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. His work has also been featured in popular press including The Wall Street Journal, New York Magazine, the Globe & Mail, and Global News TV.

Robert serves as an Editor at Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice and is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Business Venturing. He was a 2016 recipient of the Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award in the Strategic Research Cluster “The Person and Society.” In his commitment to research with practical relevance, Robert is on the Leadership Committee of the Family Enterprise Exchange and previously served in leadership roles at the Family Firm Institute and the STEP Project for Family Enterprising at Babson College.  


  • BA, Wheaton College, 2006
  • MBA, Babson College, 2010
  • PhD, Syracuse University, 2014

Areas of expertise

Entrepreneurship, behavioral strategy, informal economy, family business, firm growth


Refereed journal articles

Ye, Y., Yu, W., & Nason, R. (Conditional Accept). Performance Feedback Persistence: Comparative Effects of Historical vs. Peer Performance Feedback on Innovative Search. Journal of Management.


Bitektine, A. & Nason, R. (Forthcoming).Towards a multi-level theory of institutional contestation: Exploring category legitimation across domains of institutional action. Research on the Sociology of Organizations. Volume on the “Microfoundations of Institutions,” Edited by Haack, P., Wessel, L., and Sieweke, J. 


Mazzelli, A., Nason, R., & Carney, M. (2019). Breadth and Depth In Family Business Research: A Response to Jaskiewicz, Combs, and Ketchen. Academy of Management Review. (Dialogue), 44(4): 918-922.


Nason, R., Mazzelli, A., & Carney, M. (2019).The Ties that Unbind:Socialization and Business-owning Family Reference Point Shift. Academy of Management Review, 44(4):846-870. 

Yu, W., Minniti, M., & Nason, R. (2019). Underperformance Duration and Innovative Search: Evidence from the High-Tech Manufacturing Industry. Strategic Management Journal. 40(5):836-861.


Mazzelli, A., Nason, R., De Massis, A, & Kotlar, J. (2019). Causality rules: performance feedback on hierarchically-related goals and capital investment

variability. Journal of Management Studies. Special Issue Commemorating the 60th anniversary of March and Simon’s Organizations. 


Bothello, J., Nason, R., & Schnyder, G. (2019). Institutional Voids and Organization Studies: Towards and Epistemological Rupture. Organization Studies

Nason, R., Wiklund, J., McKelvie, A, Hitt, M., & Yu, W. (2019). Orchestrating Boundaries: The Effect of R&D Boundary Permeability on New Venture Growth. Journal of Business Venturing.

Nason, R., Bacq, S., & Gras, D. (2018). A Behavioral Theory of Social Performance: Social Identity and Stakeholder Expectations. Academy of Management Review, 43(2): 259-283.

Carney, M. & Nason, R. (2018). Family Business and the 1%. Business & Society. Special issue on Economic Inequality. 57(6):1191-1215.

Nason, R. & Wiklund, J. (2018). An Assessment of Resource-Based Theorizing on Firm Growth and Suggestions for the Future. Journal of Management, 44(1): 32-60.

Gras, D., Nason, R., Lerman, M. & Stellini, M. (2017). Going offline: broadening crowdfunding research beyond the online context. Venture Capital, 19(3): 217-237.

Nason, R. & Patel, P. (2016). Cash is king? Market Performance and Cash during a Recession. Journal of Business Research, 69(10): 4242–4248.

Gras, D. & Nason, R. (2015). The impact of family human capital configurations on impoverished firm performance: Evidence from Indian slum households. Journal of Business Venturing, 30(4), 546-563.

Nason, R., McKelvie, A., & Lumpkin, G.T. (2015). The Role of Organizational Size in the Heterogeneous Nature of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 45: 279-304.

Zellweger, T., Nason, R , Nordqvist, M., & Brush, C. (2013). Why do Family Firms Strive for Nonfinancial Goals? An Organizational Identity Perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(2): 229-248.

Sciascia, S., Clinton, E., Nason, R., James, A., & Rivera, J. (2013). Family Communication and Innovativeness in Family Firms.  Family Relations. 62(3): 429-442.

Zellweger, T, Nason R., & Nordqvist, M. (2012). From Longevity of Firms to Transgenerational Entrepreneurship of Families: Introducing Family Entrepreneurial Orientation. Family Business Review, 25(2): 136-155.

Sieger, P., Zellweger, T., Nason, R & Clinton, E.  (2011). Portfolio Entrepreneurship in Family Firms: A Resource-based Perspective. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(4): 327–351.

Lumpkin, G.T., McKelvie, A., Gras, D., & Nason, R. (2010). Is Strategy Different for Very Small and New Firms? Journal of Small Business Strategy, 21 (2): 1- 26.  Invited Article.

Zellweger, T. & Nason, R. (2008). A Stakeholder Perspective on Family Firm Performance. Family Business Review, 21(3). 203-216.


The Future of Family Business

The Future of Family Business

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