Dr. Sana Jahanshahi Anbuhi, PhD
- Associate Professor and Associate Chair | Concordia University Research Chair Tier II in Stable Bio/Chemo-Sensors, Chemical and Materials Engineering
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Paper-based microfluidic devices, and fabrication of ready-to-use analytical devices for point-of-care diagnostic, bio-sensing, and on-site detection of analytes such as pesticides, heavy metals, microorganisms, etc. Thermal Stabilization of Biologics
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Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science
Concordia University (LOYOLA CAMPUS)
Science Hub, HU- 265C
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Ph.D. (2015) in Chemical Engineering
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran.
Research Areas
Paper-based microfluidic devices, and fabrication of ready-to-use analytical devices for point-of-care (POC) diagnostic, bio-sensing, and on-site detection of analytes such as pesticides, heavy metals, microorganisms, etc.
Teaching activities
Journal Publications
• Zubi Sadiq, Muna Al-Kassawneh, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi Tali, Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. Dextran-gold nanoparticle-based tablets and swabs forcolorimetric detection of urinary H2O2.” Accepted, 2025, ACS Applied Nano Materials (Impact factor: 5.3)
• Zubi Sadiq, Muna Al-Kassawneh, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi Tali, Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. Tailoring plasmonic sensing strategies for the rapid andsensitive detection of hypochlorite in swimming watersamples.”, Published 2024, Microchimica Acta (Impact Factor: 5.4)
• Hasti Hamijri, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi Tali, Muna Al-Kassawneh, Zubi Sadiq, Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Tablet-Based Sensor: A Stable andUser-Friendly Tool for Point-of-Care Detection of Glucose in Urine”, Published 2023, Biosensors5.743) Factor: 5.743)
• Muna Al-Kassawneh, Zubi Sadiq, Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “User-friendly and ultra-stable all-inclusive gold tablets for cysteamine detection, Published 2023, RSC Advances (Impact Factor: 4.036)
• SeyedHamid Safiabadi Tali, Hasti Hajimiri, Zubi Sadiq, Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. Engineered detection zone to enhance color uniformity on paper microfluidics fabricated via Parafilm®-heating-laser cutting.” Published 2023, 133324, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Impact Factor: 9.221)
• ZubiSadiq, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi Tali, Hasti Hajimiri, Muna Al-Kassawneh, and Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Gold Nanoparticles-Based ColorimetricAssays for Environmental Monitoring and Food SafetyEvaluation”, Published 2023, 1-36, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (Impact Factor: 5.686)
• Muna Al-Kassawneh, Zubi Sadiq, Sana Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Pullulan-stabilized gold nanoparticles tablet as a nanozyme sensor for point-of-care applications,” Published 2022, 38, 100526. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research (Impact Factor: 5.3)
• ZubiSadiq, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi Tali, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Gold Tablets: Gold Nanoparticles Encapsulated into Dextran Tablets and TheirpH-Responsive Behavior as an Easy-to-Use Platform forMultipurpose Applications”, Published 2022, ACS Omega (Impact Factor: 4.132)
• S.H. Safiabadi Tali, J. J. LeBlanc, Z. Sadiq, O. D. Oyewunmi, C. Camargo, B. Nikpour, N. Armanfard, S. M. Sagan, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi.“Tools And Methods For The Diagnosis ofSARS-Cov-2/COVID-19”, Published 2021, 34 (3), e00228-20, Clinical Microbiology Review (Impact Factor: 50. 129) This is an invitation-only journal
• AmirR. Rouhani Esfahani, Zubi Sadiq, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi-Tali, Ndifreke Usen, Daria Camilla Boffito, and S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Portable, stable, and sensitive assay to detect phosphate in water with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and Eu3 -dextrantablet,” Published 2021, 46, 3697-3709. Analyst (Impact Factor: 5.227)
• OyejideDamilola Oyewunmi, Seyed Hamid Safiabadi-Tali, and S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. Dual-Modal AssayKit for the Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of the Total Water Hardness Using a Permanent Marker FabricatedMicrofluidic Paper-Based Analytical Device”, Published2020, 8 (97), 1-19, Chemosensors (Impact Factor: 4.229)
• Leung, V.; Mapletoft, J.; Zhang, A.; Lee, A.; Vahedi, F.; Chew, M.; Szewczyk, A.; S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, S.; Ang, J.; Cowbrough, B.; Miller, M.S.; Ashkar, A.; Filipe, C. D. M. Thermal Stabilization of Viral Vaccines in Low-Cost Sugar Films, Published 2019, 9, 7631 Scientific Reports, Nature PublishingGroup. (Impact Factor: 4. 997)
• S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, B. Kannan, K. Pennings, M. Monsur Ali, V. Leung, M. Liu, K. Giang, J. Wang, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Automating Multi-Step Paper-Based Assays Using Integrated Layering of Reagents,” (17) 943-950, Published 2017. DOI: 10.1039/C2LC41005B, Lab Chip (Impact Factor: 6.115)
• M. M. Ali, C. L. Brown, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, B. Kannan, Y. Li, C. D. M. Filipe, and J. D. Brennan. “A Printed Multicomponent PaperSensor for Bacterial Detection,” (7) 1-10, Published 2017. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-12549-3, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group (ImpactFactor: 4. 997)
• P. Hsieh, M. M. Ali, Kh. Tram, S. Jahanshahi‐Anbuhi, C. L. Brown, J. D. Brennan, C. D. M. Filipe, and Y. Li, “RNAA protection is effectively achieved by pullulan film formation,” (18) 502-505, Published 2017. DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201600643, ChemBioChem (Impact Factor: 3.468)
• S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, B. Kannan, V. Leung, K. Pennings, M. Liu, C. Carrasquilla, D. White, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Simple and ultrastable all-inclusive pullulan tablets for challenging bioassays,” (7) 2342-2346, Published 2016. DOI:10.1039/C5SC04184H, Chem. Sci. (Impact Factor: 8.668)
• M. Liu, C. Y. Hui, Q. Zhang, J. Gu, B. Kannan, S. Jahanshahi‐Anbuhi, C. D. M. Filipe, J. D. Brennan, and Y. Li. “Target‐induced and equipment‐free DNA amplification with a simple paper device,” (128) 2759-2763, Published 2016. DOI: 10.1002/ange.201509389, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (Impact Factor: 13.734)
• S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K. Pennings, V. Leung, B. Kannan, J. D. Brennan, C. D. M. Filipe, and R. Pelton. “Design rules for fluorocarbon-free omniphobic solvent barriers in paper-based devices,” 25434-25440, Published in 2015. DOI:10.1021/acsami.5b08301, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (Impact Factor: 10.383)
• B. Kannan; S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi; R. Pelton; Y. Li; C. Filipe; J. Brennan. “All-in-One” Printed Paper Sensors for Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase using Pullulan-based Inks to Immobilize Reagents,” (87) 9288-9293, Published 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01923, Anal. Chem. (Impact Factor: 8.008)
• C. Sicard, C. Glen, B. Aubie, D. Wallace, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K. Pennings, G.T. Daigger, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, C. D.M. Filipe,Tools for Water Quality Monitoring and Mapping Using Paper-Based Sensors and Cell Phones“, (70) 360-369, Published in 2015. nDOI:10.1016/j.watres.2014.12.005, WaterResearch (Impact Factor: 13.4)
• S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K. Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C. Carrasquilla, B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Pullulan Encapsulation of Labile Biomolecules to Give Stable Bioassay Tablets,” (24) 6155-6158, Published 2014. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201403222, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (ImpactFactor: 13.734)
• S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, A. Henry, V. Leung, C. Sicard, K. Pennings, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Paper-Based Microfluidics with an Erodible Polymeric Bridge Giving Controlled Release and Timed Flow Shutoff,(14) 229-236, Published d 2014. DOI:10.1039/c3lc50762a, Lab Chip (Impact Factor: 6.115)
• S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, P. Chavan, C. Sicard, V. Leung, S. M. Z. Hossain, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and C. D. M. Filipe. "Creating FastFlow Channels in Paper Fluidic Devices to Control Timing of Sequential Reactions," (12) 5079-5085, Published 2012. DOI: 10.1039/C2LC41005B, Lab Chip (Impact Factor: 6.115)
• Z. Zhang, P. Wigmore, X. Deng, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, V. Leung, R. Pelton, Y. Li, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Bi-Enzymatic Odour-Generating Biosensor with Enhanced Stability: Pullulan-Based Smell-Tell Tablets for On-Site ATP Detection,” Under Review. Analyst (Impact Factor: 4.107)
• Z. Zhang, R. Ng, X. Deng, V. Leung, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, P. Wigmore, J. Zhang, R. Pelton, Y. Li, and Carlos D. M. Filipe. “Detecting and Locating Water Leaks Using Odour and Colour Signals Based on Pullulan Film, Under Review. Analyst (Impact Factor: 4.107)
Disclosures and Provisional Patent Applications
C Filipe, JD Brennan, R Pelton, SJahanshahi-Anbuhi, Y Li. “Method ofstabilizing molecules without refrigeration using water soluble polymers andapplications thereof in performing chemical reactions” US Patent App.17/304,872, 2022.
S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,V. Leung, M. M Ali, and C. D.M. Filipe. "Method of Long-TermPreservation of Chemical and Biological Species Using Sugar Glasses”, USprovisional patent application, 62/572,928, 2017.
S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,R. Pelton, C. D.M. Filipe, J. D. Brennan, M.M Ali, V. Leung, and K. Pennings."PullulanMixtures for Protection of Chemicals and Biological Materials", USprovisional patent application, 62/168,192, 2015.
B. Kannan,S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,R. Pelton, C. D.M. Filipe, J. D. Brennan. "PrintedPaper Sensors for Serum Lactate Dehydrogenase Using Pullulan-Based Inks toImmobilize Reagents”, US provisional patent application,62/212,185, 2015.
S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,C. D.M. Filipe, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and Y. Li. "Method forStabilizing Various Molecules without Refrigeration Using Water SolublePolymers – Demonstration Using Pullulan", US provisional patentapplication. 61/901,784, 2013.
S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,C. D.M. Filipe, R. Pelton, and J. D.Brennan. "Automatic FlowShut-off System forPaper-Based Microfluidics Formed through DissolvingPolymers", US provisional patent application 61/759,073, 2013.
S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,C. D.M. Filipe, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan, and K. Dalnoki-Veress."Methodsof Controlling Flow in Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices", US provisionalpatent application 61/645,144, 2012.
Selected Presentations
Z, Sadiq, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi.“Encapsulation of gold nanoparticles as a portable tablet sensor forpoint-of-use detection of acid-labile analytes”. Chemical Engineering ResearchDay Conference, Montréal, Canada. March. 2022
S.H. Safiabadi Tali, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi.“Parafilm-heating-laser-cutting fabrication of paper microfluidics enablingmicro-engineered detection zones with enhanced color uniformity”. ChemicalEngineering Research Day Conference, Montréal, Canada. March. 2022
M, Al-Kassawneh, *SH, Safiabadi-Tali, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Colorimetricdetection of glucose based on catalytic behavior of polymer functionalized goldnanoparticles”. Chemical Engineering Research Day Conference, Montréal, Canada.March. 2022.
H, Hajimiri, *SH,Safiabadi-Tali, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Development of Passive Mixers forMicrofluidic Paper-based Analytical Devices”. Canadian Chemical EngineeringConference (CSChE 2021), Montréal, Canada. Oct. 2021
M, Al-Kassawneh, SH, Safiabadi-Tali, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Tablet-based sensor for on-site colorimetric detectionof arsenic”. Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE 2021), Montréal,Canada. Oct. 2021
Z, Sadiq, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi.“AuNPs-Dextran as Next Generation Nanoprobes”. Canadian Chemical EngineeringConference (CSChE 2021), Montréal, Canada. Oct. 2021
Morgan Rowe, Ritu Arora, SanaJahanshahi-Anbuhi, Gilles H. Peslherbe. “MolecularDynamics Simulations of Biomolecules in Carbohydrate Solutions”, CCCE/IUPAC2021 Virtual Conference. 2021.
Z. Sadiq, SanaJahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Colorimetric Sensor for Phosphate Detection”, ChemicalEngineering Research Day Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2021
S. H. Safiabadi Tali, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi."Point-of-care diagnostic tools for detection ofSARS-CoV-2/COVID-19: where we are and what to do next?", ChemicalEngineering Research Day Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2021
S. K. Mirhosseini, S. Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, YaserKhojasteh “Development of a novel CO2 capture andconversion process for ethanol production”, Chemical EngineeringResearch Day Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 2021
Z. Sadiq, and S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, “Real Time Analysis ofHeavy Metal Ions withGold Nanoparticles”, Accepted for the oral presentationat the ChemEngResearch Day Conference, Montréal, Canada,March, 2020
S.H. Safiabadi-Tali, and S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “MicrofluidicPaper-Based Analytical Devices forLead Detection”, Accepted for the oralpresentation at the ChemEngResearch Day Conference, Montréal,Canada, March, 2020
S. H.Safiabadi-Tali, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Paper-basedAnalytical Devices (PADs):the Technology Tree and Future Directions”, BIOFORInternationalConference, Montreal, Canada, Feb. 2020
A. R.Rouhani Esfahani, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Colorimetricsensor for determination ofphosphate ions using gold nanoplates and europiumions”, BIOFORInternational Conference, Montreal, Canada,Feb. 2020
S. H.Safiabadi-Tali, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “MicrofluidicPaper-Based AnalyticalDevices: Fabrication Methods and EmergingApplications”, CQMF-QCAMStudent Symposium, Montreal, Canada,Nov. 2019
A. R.Rouhani Esfahani, E. Usen,D. Boffito, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Colorimetricsensorfor determination of nitrate ions using gold nanoparticles”, CQMF-QCAMStudentSymposium, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2019
A. R.Rouhani Esfahani, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Paperbased bio-sensor with goldnanoparticles for detection of phosphate inwater”, Chemical engineeringresearch day, Montreal, Canada,March 2019
O. D.Oyewunmi, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “Paper-BasedAnalytical Devices: A Toolto Monitor The Hardness Level of Water”, CQMF-QCAMStudent Symposium,Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2019
O. D.Oyewunmi, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “MicrofluidicDevice for Detection ofWater Hardness”, Alembic Study Tour,Montreal, Canada, July 2019
O. D.Oyewunmi, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi. “PaperBased Microfluidic Device forDetection of Water Hardness”, Chemicalengineering research day,Montreal, Canada, March 2019
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C. Carrasquilla,B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan, C. D. M. Filipe. “BioLabin Pills: Pills Based Assay Kit forDetection of Pesticide in DrinkingWater”, Biodefense World Summit,Bethesda, Maryland. June 2015
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C.Carrasquilla, B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan, C. D. M.Filipe. “Pill-Based Assay Kit for Quick Detection ofWaterContamination”, 4th International Conference on Bio-SensingTechnology,Lisbon, Portugal. May 2015
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C.Carrasquilla, B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan, C. D. M.Filipe. “Detection of Organophosphate Pesticide inDrinkingWater”, Industry Connect FIBRE Regional Conference,London,Ontario, Canada. March 2015
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, R.Pelton, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Paper-BasedBiosensor for Detection ofOrganophosphate Pesticides”, PaperWeekCanada 2015, Montreal,Canada, February 2015.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C.Carrasquilla, B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan, C. D. M.Filipe. “Simple Method for Long-term Preservation ofLabile Enzymes atRoom Temperature”, 64th Canadian Chemical EngineeringConference, NiagaraFalls, Canada, October 2014.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, R.Pelton, and C. D. M. Filipe. “Biosensor-on-pills:Detection of theOrganophosphate Pesticides”, McMaster WaterWeek, Hamilton,Canada, October 2014.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C.Carrasquilla, B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan, C. D. M.Filipe. “Immobilized BioLab in Pills”, FiberConference, Vancouver,Canada, May 2014.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings, V. Leung, M. Liu, C.Carrasquilla, B. Kannan, Y. Li, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan, C. D. M.Filipe. “BioLab in Pills”, MUCEC, Hamilton,Canada,April 2014.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, K.Pennings,V. Leung, C. Sicard, R. Pelton,J. D. Brennan and C. D.M. Filipe. “FullyAutomated BioactivePaper-Based Sensor for Detection of OrganophosphatePesticides”, PaperWeekConference, Montreal, Canada, February 2014.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, A.Henry, V. Leung, C. Sicard, R. Pelton, J.D. Brennan and C. D.M. Filipe. " Paper-basedmicrofluidics witherodible polymeric bridge giving controlled release and timedflowshutoff", 247th ACS National Meeting and Exposition 2014,Dallas,Texas, March 2014.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, A.Henry, V. Leung, C. Sicard, R. Pelton, J.D. Brennan and C. D.M. Filipe. "AutomaticTime-Dependent Flow Cut-OffSystem for Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices UsingErodible PolymericBridge", AIChE Annual Meeting, SanFrancisco, USA,November 2013.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, A. Henry, V. Leung, C. Sicard, R. Pelton, J. D.Brennan and C. D.M.Filipe. "Developmentof an Automatic TimeDependent Flow Cut-Off System Using Rapid DissolvablePolymer", FIBREConference, Cornwall, Canada, May 2013.
S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi, P.Chavan, C. Sicard, V. Leung, S. M. Z.Hossain, R. Pelton, J. D. Brennan and C.D.M. Filipe. "Speeding up theCapillary Flow in Paper-Based FluidicDevices for Rapid Diagnostics and Environmental SensingApplications", The 62nd Canadian Chemica lEngineering,Vancouver, Canada, October 2012.
A. Haghtalab, S.Jahanshahi-Anbuhi,"Sequential Rate-Based Model for CO2 Absorber Column UsingMonoethanolamine Solution", 23rd International Conference onEfficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of EnergySystems ECOS2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2010.
Selected International Broadcast and Interviews
1. Le Devoir: “L’évolutiondes tests diagnostiques de la COVID-19”(2022-02-07) Link
2. Clinical Lab Manager:“Researchers Break Down the COVID-19 Diagnostic Arsenal”( 2021-06-16) Link
3. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering(CSChE): “CSChEBest Master’s Thesis Award 2021” (2021-10-15) Link
4. HamiltonSpectator: “Smartphones get smart about water” (2015-05-14) Link
5. TheGlobeand Mail: “Engineered to Change theWorld: Turning the Water TestingProcess Upside Down”(2014-11-05) Link
6. WebIndia123: “Now,water-testing lab packed into a pill” (2014-04-29) Link
7. TheGlobeand Mail: “Forget the fridge: McMasterresearchers develop newstorage method for vaccines” (2014-09-25)Link
8. CBC|Hamilton: “McMaster scientists workingon new melt in your mouth vaccine-Group receive$100K grant to study how breathstrip-like tablets” (2014-09-24) Link
9. LabCanada: “Project to develop room-temperature storage forfragile biologics”(2014-09-23) Link
10.TakePart:“Drop This Tiny Pill Into a Glass of Water to See IfYou're DrinkingPesticides” (2014-06-07)Link
11.MedicalDaily: “Contaminated Water May Soon Be Unmasked With A TinyPill VerySimilar to Minty-Fresh Breath Strips” (2014-06-06) Link
12.McMasterUniversityNews: “Sentinel Students take top twoprizes at national FIBREconference” (2014-05-22) Link
13.Gizmag:“Water-testingpills draw on breath-freshening tech” (2014-05-01) Link
14.CBC|Radio Canada International: “Safedrinking water? Canadians developa simple test with a pill” (2014-04-30)Link
15.ScienceDaily: “Water test for the world: Simple pill brings lab towater to testfor contamination”(2014-04-28) Link
Available Position
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