Sandra Gabriele is wearing a black shirt and a thick silver necklace. She has curly, short brown hair, with brown eyes and is wearing red lipstick.
Dr. Sandra Gabriele, PhD
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Vice-Provost, Innovation in Teaching & Learning
- Professor, Communication Studies
- Board member, Media History Research Centre, Milieux Institute
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Sign in to editResearch areas: news forms (journalism studies); newsgames; media history; feminist media studies; game studies
Contact information
BA, English Language & Literature, Wilfrid Laurier University
MA, Women’s Studies, St. Mary’s/Dalhousie/Mount Saint Vincent Universities
PhD, Communication Studies, Concordia University
Supervision Profile
Research activities
Current Projects
While the idea of leisurely sitting down with a paper over coffee seems almost antiquated now, weekend papers (Saturdays in Canada, Sundays in the U.S.) were key to increasing and expanding readerships and essential in establishing the newspaper as a key participant in modernity and popular culture. In addition to mapping the changes to 26 newspapers in 13 cities across North America, The Sunday Paper explores the intersections between newspapers and other communications technologies. Examining the period between popularization (1890s) into the early part of the 20th century (to the 1920s), newspapers were shameless in their appropriation of other communication technologies, including (among others) magazines, film and radio. The book is forthcoming from the University of Illinois Press.
This interest in how the newspaper changed in response to emergent media technologies has also extended to the contemporary moment in a project that explores how news stories translate into digital games. Designed to provide readers/players with a deeper contextual understanding of the social, political, economic and policy systems that often drive news stories but aren’t adequately explored in conventional news, newsgames provide an immersive experience for readers/players to better understand the systems at work in news stories. The Oldest Game, A Newsgame, explores sex work in Canada. Can games do journalism differently? How can game mechanics add complexity and nuance to journalistic storytelling? What are the relationships between long form journalism and digital games?

Book Cover of The Sunday Paper features the title over an image of a man and woman surrounded by broadsheet newspapers.
Teaching activities
Student Supervision
Doctoral Supervision
Holowoka, Eileen. PhD in Communication Studies. Completed.
Chen, Menghsu. “Digital News and Negotiated Agency: The Practice of Newsmaking in China’s Newspapers.” PhD in Communication Studies. Concordia University. Completed.
St. Pierre, Marilou. “Les journalistes sportives québécoises: regard diachronique sur les parcours professionnels et l’évolution du journalisme sportif dans une perspective genrée.” PhD in Communication Studies. Concordia University. Completed
Masters Supervision
Couture, Sadie. Master of Arts in Media Studies. Department of Communication Studies. Completed.
Hernández, Marisol Montúfar. Master of Arts in Media Studies. Department of Communication Studies. Concordia University. Completed
Hill, Katherine. “Building Bridges Online: Young Indigenous Women Building Community and Representing Culture on Social Media.” Master of Arts in Media Studies. Department of Communication Studies. Concordia University. Entered 2014. Graduated 2016.
Rice, Kristen. “Representations of Space, Identity, and Nation in Canadian Illustrated News: A Discourse Analysis of 19th Century Canadian Nationalism.” Master of Arts in Media Studies. Department of Communication Studies. Concordia University. Graduated 2014.
Zenger, Nancy. “APPropriate Fitness: Governing the Fit Body through Mobile Media.” Master of Arts in Media Studies. Concordia University. Graduated 2013.
Coulombe, Jordan. Co-Supervisor with Matt Soar. “Crooked Print: Queer Counterdiscourses and the Endurance of Print Media.” Master of Arts in Media Studies. Concordia University. Graduated 2013.
2022. PaulMoore and Sandra Gabriele. The SundayPaper: A Media History. University of Illinois Press.
2011. Straw, William, Sandra Gabriele & Ira Wagman, eds. Intersections of Media and Communications:Concepts and Critical Frameworks. Toronto, ON: Emond MontgomeryPublications.
Journal Articles
Under Review. Henle, S., Dinan, S.,Marcoux, M., Barrington, J., Ginsburg, J., & Gabriele, S. “Integrating a 21st century skills development curriculum incapstone internship courses: A SoTL team project.” To be submitted to: CanadianJournal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Anticipatedsubmission: November 2023.
In progress. Gabriele, S., Spoor,J., Donald, J. “Promoting Faculty Well-Being through Mindful Self-Compassion.” (workingtitle). To be submitted to: To Improve the Academy: A Journal of EducationalDevelopment. Anticipated submission: December 2023.
In progress. Gabriele, S., Paré, D.,Smeltzer, S., eds. Special Issue of Canadian Journal of Communication,“Teaching media and communication studies in polarized times.” Double issue. Expectedpublication: 2026. Proposals under consideration.
Book Chapters
McCartney,Andra & Sandra Gabriele. “Soundwalking at Night.” Elena Biserna, ed. GoingOut: Walking, Listening, Soundmaking. Brussels: Umland Editions, 2022.371-377.
Gabriele,Sandra. “A View from Somewhere: Designing TheOldest Game, A Newsgame to Speak Nearby.” Jacqueline Wernimont & LizLosh, eds. Bodies of Information: IntersectionalFeminism and Digital Humanities. University of Minnesota Press Debates inthe Digital Humanities (Gold & Klein, series editors). University ofMinnesota Press. 2018. 447-465.
Gabriele,Sandra & Natalie Z. Walschots. « Une vue de quelque part :Concevoir Le plus vieux jeu du monde» dans Le témoignage personnel et intime,un levier de changement social? Mensah, M.N. (dir.). Montréal: Presses del’Université du Québec. 2017. 161-180.
2022-2023 PI,“La pédagogie contemplative pour favoriser la réflexion et le bien-être” (ContemplativePedagogies for Reflection & Well-being). Entente Canada-Québec, ActionLocale. Total Awarded $149,845.
2019-2021 PI,“FUSION(Future Skills Innovation Network) for Universities.”Future Skills Centre/Centre des compétences futures. Invited partners: SimonFraser, University of Calgary, University of Saskatchewan, Carleton University,Memorial University.” Awarded to Concordia: $2,500,000.
2018-2021 PI,“eAccès: Accroître l’accessibilité à nos environnements numériquesd’apprentissage pour les étudiantes et étudiants postsecondaires” (eAccess:Expanding Accessibility in our Digital Learning Environments for Post-Secondarystudents), Entente Canada-Québec, Action concertée. Invited partners:McGill University, Bishop’s University, Dawson College, Cégep à distance,AdapTech research network. Total Awarded $605,950.